September 22, 2011, Room 1096, Teaching & Learning Center
ATTENDEES: Isabel O’Connor, Sylvia Winder, Sue Slater, John Govsky, Francine Van Meter
Welcome and Staff Development Overview
Francine welcomed members and gave an overview of what Staff Development represents at Cabrillo.
She reviewed the legislation and guidelines that give us direction in planning the flex calendar each
semester and the committee discussed the Board Session presentation from last spring.
Fall Flex Week Review
The Committee reviewed the flex activities evaluation report and had an opportunity to discuss events
attended. Overall the evaluations were predictably favorable. There was some discussion about the
“years of service” plaques and when those are presented. Francine stated last year it was done in
Division meetings so recipients’ close colleagues would be able to honor them. Isabel will check with
Renée on the procedure for presenting the service awards.
At All College Day, a program created by Marketing and Communications was given to each
attendee. Committee members stated they heard comments reflecting dismay that the college funded a
glossy program, or why it was even necessary to do one. The program is essentially the same every year.
Francine stated this was proposed in spring and would be paid for by the President’s Office. Also,
evaluation forms specifically designed for workshops were also given to people. The number of
evaluations returned was very small. Also, the sign in sheets were on a small table which made it
difficult for folks to “sign in” after the program. Francine will contact Kristin and share the feedback.
John asked about coffee being left out at the break. Francine stated the food/beverage order was the
same as last year, but this time everything was consumed by the time the program started. Staff
Development can only fund the breakfast reception.
Staff Development Planning
The outline for Staff Development Planning, based on results of two campus-wide surveys last year, will
be revised and presented at the next meeting for approval. It will include the mission, vision, and
outcomes for Staff Development. The committee will then begin to write descriptions and develop a
plan to meeting the professional development needs of college employees.
Spring Flex Week Planning
Cheryl Barkey suggested the following theme, “Teach Locally, Think Globally.”
The Committee unanimously agreed this would be a good theme for spring 2012 flex week. It ties
directly into one of our core four missions. The format will be the same as last spring. Div/dept day will
be on Friday.
Staff Development Resources > select Committee Minutes and Agenda
Staff Development Committee Fall 2011 Meeting Dates
Thursday, September 22, 3:30–5pm
Thursday, October 20, 3:30–5pm
Thursday, November 17, 3:30–5pm
All meetings in room 1096, Teaching and Learning Center
SD Minutes 9-22-11.doc
Staff Development Planning
May 19, 2011
Mission Statement [REVISE - Marcy]
Refreshing our educational mission through professional development and building partnerships with
faculty, staff, and administration. There was some hesitation about using the word “refreshing”
Vision [REVISE - Marcy]
The vision of Staff Development at Cabrillo College is to strengthen and support a dynamic learning and
working environment enriched by diversity that promotes personal, professional and organizational
development for all staff. The program seeks to promote and support lifelong learning, leadership,
innovative and effective teaching methodology, learning technology and an understanding of the needs
of the student population in the college, and how to respond.
Outcomes [REVISE - Marcy] committee would like to see outcomes reorganized from general to
Train all staff in the use of existing and emerging technologies in a manner that is
meaningful, comprehensive and systematic.
Increase the knowledge, skills and abilities of staff through flex workshops, retreats, in house
training, and encourage conference attendance.
Provide support, coordinate and facilitate through flex workshops and the Teaching and
Learning Center a focus on student success and institutional educational excellence.
Encourage the understanding and appreciation of cultural differences diversity by supporting
and integrating programs. relating to the understanding of diversity in the workplace and
Provide a comprehensive and systematic program that supports the mission of the college
and promotes a collegial and collaborative campus climate and culture through trainings,
workshops and retreats.
Train all staff in environmental, health and safety in a systematic manner that supports the
integrity of the college and to promotes a safe, physical environment for all staff.
Areas of Emphasis
Student success
Teaching & learning this should be the first in the list
Learning communities
Health & wellness
Inter-departmental collaboration
Future Directions
Mid-term All College Day
Define a positive organizational culture
Who will we be?
Building morale
Nurturing leadership
Clearinghouse (online) for all professional development/events on campus
Re-sizing the mission statement (what did this refer to?)
Evaluation processes, peer mentoring
Top 3 based on the 2 surveys
Technology training
• Phones, messaging
• Practical application of software
• Computer training
Interpersonal communications
• Team dialog
• Role definitions
• Problem-solving
• Customer service
• Confrontation and conflict management
• Information sharing and dialog
• Social support, connectedness, community-building
Emergency preparedness
Types of Professional Development
Leadership training
Basic skills/learning communities training
Technology training
All college convocation
Division/department meetings
Sabbatical program
New faculty training
Classified appreciation day
Faculty Senate
Student Services
Staff Development Needs Assessment
Flex participant evaluation forms
Flex contract completion data
Staff development survey
CCEU survey