100 BOND GAME 100 bond game Each learner starts the game with a theoretical 100 bonds, each worth £1. Over ten rounds, learners are told that they need to ‘invest’ their bonds in an attempt to increase their revenue. Practitioners stipulate the conditions for each particular round, such as ‘bonds will increase or decrease by 10 pence each’ or ‘the value of each bond will double/halve’, before learners decide how many of their bonds they are willing to ‘play’ for this particular round. At the beginning of each round, the new value of each of the 100 bonds is taken as current revenue 100 For each round, the total score from a roll of two dice determines whether the value of the bonds has increased, decreased or remained stable: Total from two dice Effect on the bonds 2, 3, 11 or 12 Decrease 4, 5, 9 or 10 Increase 6, 7 or 8 Stable For example, in the table below the learner has chosen to invest 50 of their 100 bonds in Round 1, where they have the chance to increase their revenue by 20 pence for each bond invested. A total of 5 is rolled on the dice, ensuring an increase in revenue of 20 pence per bond for 50 bonds (ie an increase of £10), thus the learner’s total revenue is now £110. During Round 2, in which they have the chance to double their revenue for each bond invested, they choose to invest 20 bonds. Unfortunately a total of 11 appears on the dice, ensuring a decrease in revenue per bond, and each of these 20 bonds reduces from £1.10 to £0.55, a loss of £11 in total and a new total revenue of £99. During Round 3, a total of 7 appears on the dice and all remains stable, thus the learner’s total revenue remains at £99. MATHEMATICS (NAT 4, MATHEMATICS) © Crown copyright 2012 1 100 BOND GAME Round 1 ‘Each bond invested will increase or decrease by 20p’ 2 ‘Each bond invested will double/halve in value’ 3 ‘Each bond invested will increase or decrease by £1’ 2 Number of bonds invested 100 Value of each bond Increase/decr ease per bond £1 n/a Total increase/decre ase n/a 50 £1 +£0.20 +£10 £110 5 20 £1.10 –£0.55 –£11 £99 11 25 £0.99 Zero Zero £99 7 MATHEMATICS (NAT 4, MATHEMATICS) © Crown copyright 2012 Total revenue Total from dice £100