17 May 2016 Dear Parent/Carer Farmhouse Nursery West Linton In April 2015, HM Inspectors published a letter on your child’s setting. Recently, as you may know, we visited the setting again. During our visit, I talked to children and worked closely with the manager and staff. I heard from the manager and other staff how the setting has continued to improve. I looked at particular areas that had been identified in February 2015 and at aspects of the setting’s work, as proposed by the manager. As a result, I was able to find out how well children are now learning and achieving and how the setting is continuing to support them to do their best. This letter sets out what I found. How well do children learn and achieve? There have been important improvements to the way in which children learn and achieve. Recent developments to the way in which the playrooms are organised have supported this very well and children have adapted to their new rooms with ease. Babies, toddlers and children aged three to five years continue to be happy, enjoy their experiences and show an increased confidence in their play. Babies continue to benefit from caring and respectful interactions with staff and respond well to staff. Toddlers continue to display confidence and independence both indoors and outdoors. There are now more, and relevant, opportunities for all children to play with natural materials. Children also benefit from more opportunities to participate in mixed-aged activities. Older children are now much more involved in their own learning and make freer, and better-informed, choices about their play. They talk to staff regularly about their play and, as a result of this, are taking greater responsibility for, and display more confidence in, their learning. Staff are using floor books well to discuss, develop and record children’s learning. They have improved the ways they observe children’s learning and how they use the information gained. Through all of this, and the emerging use of e-journals, children are developing a much better awareness of themselves as young learners. Information about children’s learning is now shared more effectively with parents. I have asked staff to continue with these developments and give a sharper focus to how they help children know what they need to do next to improve. Children continue to enjoy the regular opportunities to play outdoors. These opportunities have continued to develop since the original inspection and have the potential to develop even further. Children enjoy exploring the outdoors through, for example, growing flowers, observing changes in the seasons, identifying birds and experimenting with the flow of water from the hose. The setting continues to engage well with its local community. Education Scotland Denholm House Almondvale Business Park Almondvale Way Livingston EH54 6GA T F E 0131 244 4877 0131 244 6221 eyfp@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk www.educationscotland.gov.uk Transforming lives through learning How well does the setting support children to develop and learn? The staff team continue to support children and families well. An increased flow of information between the setting and parents has helped promote this even further. The improvement planning display at the entrance, and regular newsletters, are helping parents understand what the setting is aiming to achieve. Staff interact well with children and use questioning purposefully to support and challenge them. Across children’s learning, the pace of sessions has been improved and this, together with an increased choice for children, is now offering more challenge for children in their play. Staff are now making a much greater use of children’s interests when planning their learning and this is now evident in many aspects of the setting’s work. In order to support children when they have shared placements with other settings and as they move on to school, staff have initiated, and are developing, purposeful links with relevant partner settings. Staff now show more confidence in planning learning for children of all ages. They use national guidance well and children’s learning experiences are now much more appropriate to each child’s stage of development and interests. For children three years and over, staff are now making more appropriate use of Curriculum for Excellence guidance to develop the curriculum they provide for children. They now have a clearer understanding of what is necessary for children to make effective progress across all areas of their learning. Whilst important improvements have clearly been made to the curriculum, staff realise that further ongoing work is still necessary. I have discussed this with the setting and I am confident that the owner and staff have an understanding of what still needs to be achieved in order to develop the curriculum fully and how this can be realised. How well does the setting improve the quality of its work? Since the report of April 2015, there have been significant improvements to how staff evaluate the work of the setting. They are now much more reflective in their practice with self-evaluation for improvement now being at the heart of the work of the setting. Staff have implemented a wide range of successful strategies to secure improvement which involve all stakeholders. These include a calendar outlining monitoring activities, increased observations of the setting by the owner and giving parents more helpful feedback on what is working well. Staff are now much clearer about their own roles and responsibilities. In order to achieve this, all staff have worked hard as a cohesive team and shown a strong commitment to making improvements to the setting. The owner and depute manager have supported this process very well and are aware that their task now is to ensure that these developments become sustained and embedded over time. I am confident that, with the continued support of staff from Scottish Borders Council, Farmhouse Nursery is in a strong position to be able to continue to improve the quality of its work. 2 What happens next? Important improvements have been made to address all the recommendations from the inspection of February 2015. I am confident that the setting has the capacity to continue to improve and will make no further visits in relation to this inspection. Alan Urquhart HM Inspector http://www.educationscotland.gov.uk/inspectionandreview/reports/school/eyc/Farmh ouseNurseryWestLinton.asp. If you would like to receive this letter in a different format, for example, in a translation please contact the administration team on the above telephone number. If you want to give us feedback or make a complaint about our work, please contact us by telephone on 0131 244 4330, or email: complaints@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk or write to us addressing your letter to the Complaints Manager, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Livingston EH54 6GA. 3