NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Gaelic (Learners) Gàidhlig (Luchd-ionnsachaidh) Holidays: Trip to Amsterdam Làithean-saora: Turas gu Amsterdam [INTERMEDIATE 1] [MEADHAN ÌRE 1] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by LT Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledge this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Gaelic (Learners). © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 Contents Introduction Notaichean nan tidsear (Notes for lecturers) 5 Turas gu Amsterdam 1. Baile Amsterdam 6 2. Dòighean-siubhail diofraichte 8 3. Port-adhair Amsterdam 11 4. An Oifis thurasachd 13 5. Amannan nan itealan gu Amsterdam 15 6. A’ dèanamh deiseil airson falbh 16 7. Dè nì sinn ann an Amsterdam? 18 8. A’ fònadh gu Dòmhnall 19 9. Post-dealain Dhòmhnaill 20 10. Port-adhair Schiphol 22 11. A’ coinneachadh charaidean aig a’ phort-adhair 23 12. Am peantair ainmeil, Van Gogh 25 13. Faidhle fiosrachaidh Van Gogh 26 14. Bileag fiosrachaidh Thaigh Anna Franc 28 15. Riaghailtean an Taigh-tasgaidh 29 16. An taigh aig Dòmhnall 30 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 3 CONTENTS 17. A’ fònadh dhachaigh 31 18. A’ gabhail baidhsagal air màl 33 19. A’ ceannach anns na bùithtean 34 4 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 INTRODUCTION Introduction Notaichean nan tidsear (Notes for lecturers) Saor-làithean gu Amsterdam In this unit you will learn: Simple words/phrases relating to holidays Personal information How to make simple transactions in a holiday context Modes of transport Names of buildings Directions Use of Faodaidh tu../Feumaidh tu… How to compare things Time/cost The weather HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 5 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Turas gu Amsterdam Leughadh 1. Baile Amsterdam Seumas and his friend Calum live in Partick, Glasgow. One of their classmates, Donald, has recently moved to Amsterdam and they are keen to meet up with him again. They have both worked hard throughout their school summer break in restaurants in Glasgow’s popular West End, in order to fund their proposed four-night break. Neither Seumas nor Calum have travelled to Europe before, and they are enthusiastic about finding out about Amsterdam before they go. Read below some of the information that Seumas has printed off about the city of Amsterdam as he begins his research on the city and its many attractions. Part A ’S e baile mòr a th’ ann an Amsterdam, ach chan eil e ro mhòr. Tha tòrr thaighean-bìdh ann, tha dòighean-siubhail math ann ach, fhathast tha e sàmhach agus bòidheach. Tha aibhnichean brèagha ann agus chan eil tòrr trafaig ann. Tha baile Amsterdam làn eachdraidh agus tha tòrr rudan ann ri dhèanamh. Based on the information you are given, indicate whether the f ollowing statements are true or false. ceart ceàrr Tha Amsterdam nas motha na bailtean mòra eile □ □ Chan eil mòran taighean-bìdh ann □ □ 6 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM ’S e baile eachdraidheil a th’ ann □ □ Tha na dòighean-siubhail slaodach □ □ ’S e baile grànda a th’ ann □ □ Chan eil tòrr trafaig ann □ □ Part B Cha bhi na bùithtean ann an Amsterdam a’ fosgladh gu mu dheich uairean anns a’ mhadainn, ach bidh na cafaidhean agus taighean -seinnse fosgailte gu dà uair anns a’ mhadainn. ceart ceàrr Bidh iad a’ tòiseachadh an obair tràth anns an là □ □ Bidh na bùithtean a’ fosgladh aig naoi uairean □ □ Cha bhi na taighean-seinnse fosgailte fada □ □ Part C Mar as trice ann an Amsterdam, tha e blàth agus grianach anns an t samhradh. Tha an aimsir gu math fuar anns a’ gheamhradh, ach chan eil tòrr sneachd ann. Tha an t-earrach agus am foghar brèagha ach bidh tòrr uisge ann. ceart ceàrr Tha e uabhasach teth anns an t-samhradh □ □ Tha an geamhradh blàth □ □ Tha am foghar tioram □ □ HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 7 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh 2. Dòighean-siubhail diofraichte Calum decides to look at travel within Amsterdam. They would like to get around the city quickly but cheaply! Part A Tha e nas fhasa siubhal ann an Amsterdam air na tramaichean. Tha iad luath agus chan fheum thu feitheamh fada airson tram. Faodaidh tu ticead fhaighinn bhon draibhear, air an tram fhèin, bho bhùth nam pàipearan no bho Oifis a’ Phuist. 1. What are the two advantages of travelling by tram? (1) 2. List the four ways in which you can buy a ticket. (2) Part B Tha e nas luaithe siubhal air baidhsagal ann an Amsterdam. Faodaidh tu baidhsagal fhaighinn air màl aig prìs reusanta. Feumaidh tu a bhith faiceallach nach tuit thu dheth! 3. What is the fastest form of travel around Amsterdam? (1) 4. Is bike hire expensive? (1) 5. Why must you be careful? (1) 8 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Part C Chan eil dràibheadh an seo ro shàbhailte oir tha dràibhearan gòrach ann! Tha e nas sàbhailte trèana a ghabhail. Gheibh thu càr air màl gu furasta bho na companaidhean chàraichean ach, bidh e daor! 6. Why is car hire not advised in Amsterdam? (2) 7. Is car hire cheap or expensive? (1) Part D Chan eil meadhan bhaile Amsterdam ro mhòr, mar sin tha e furasta coiseachd bho àite gu àite. Coisich mun cuairt agus cumaidh e fallain thu, agus chì thu na togalaichean brèagha cuideachd. Feumaidh tu a bhith faiceallach oir tha dràibhearan ann nach stad aig solais dhearg! 8. Why is walking a good idea in Amsterdam? (1) 9. Why must pedestrians take special care? (2) /12 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 9 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh Dòighean-siubhail Based on the information you have been given in the previous exercise on transport in Amsterdam, match up the mode of transport with the correct information. Tramaichean Baidhsagalachd Dràibheadh Coiseachd 10 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 nas fhallaine nas fhasa nas luaithe nas sàbhailte TURAS GU AMSTERDAM 3. Port-adhair Amsterdam Transcript The following passage is an extract from a tourist guide on Amsterdam that Calum has been reading. You will hear information on Amsterdam Airport. Listen to the passage as many times as necessary in order to answer the associated questions. Èisteachd ’S e Schiphol an t-ainm a th’ air port-adhair Amsterdam. Tha e glè fhaisg air meadhan a’ bhaile. Tha e mu chairteal na h -uarach a-mach à meadhan a’ bhaile. Tha trèanaichean a’ dol air ais agus air adhart eadar am port -adhair agus meadhan a’ bhaile a h-uile ochd mionaidean. Cosgaidh trèana gu meadhan a’ bhaile 22€. Chan eil na trèanaichean daor! Cosgaidh tagsaidh 35€ ach bidh e slaodach, oir tha an rathad chun phort-adhair glè thrang le trafaig. Chan eil na tagsaidhean saor idir, idir! ’S e port-adhair fìor mhath a th’ ann oir tha tòrr bhùithtean diof raichte ann. Gheibh thu diofar ghibhtean annta mar teòclaid, càise, deoch agus aodach fasanta. Tha na bùithtean anns a’ phort-adhair gu math daor! HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 11 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Ceistean Èisteachd – Port-adhair Amsterdam 1. What is the name of Amsterdam’s airport? (1) 2. Where are we told the airport is situated? (1) 3. How long does it take to travel from there into the city? (1) 4. What two other modes of transport are mentioned? (2) 5. How frequent are trains to the city centre? (1) 6. How much will a taxi cost? How does this compare with the cost of the train? (2) 7. What is the disadvantage of travelling by taxi? (2) 8. Why is the airport thought to be a worthwhile stop? (2) 9. Name four items that can be bought at the airport. (4) /16 12 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM 4. An Oifis thurasachd Calum and Seumas decide to visit Tourist Information in order to check flights to Amsterdam from Scotland. See if you can unjumble the names of the Scottish cities from which they are told they can get a direct flight to Amsterdam. èinndeadùn ____________________ chulsag ____________________ sinbhinir ____________________ bora dhthaeina ____________________ HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 13 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh/Sgrìobhadh/Labhairt An Oifis thurasachd The boys decide that it would be most convenient to fly from Glasgow to Amsterdam. Seumas enquires as to the availability of flights from Glasgow Airport. Work in pairs or in a group of three, with one person taking the role of the travel agent and the others taking the roles of Seumas and/or Calum. Draft a short role-play* (approx. 2 mins in length) of your conversation with the travel agent. You may use the word bank to help you. You should include the following information in your role play: discuss when you would prefer to leave mention how you will get to the airport discuss what time of day you wish to get to Amsterdam and why the chosen flight is best ask how long the flight is, and select/book a flight ask about in-flight facilities, i.e. food, shop. A’ fàgail leaving A’ ruigsinn arriving Gheibh will get anmoch late Bu toil leam I would like... B’ fheàrr leinn we would prefer… Goireasan facilities tòrr nas fhaide much longer *Use the information on flight times/prices on the next page to assist you in your conversation role-play. 14 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM 5. Amannan nan itealan gu Amsterdam A’ fàgail Port-adhair Ghlaschu Diluain gu Dihaoìne – An Lùnastal A’ fàgail Ghlaschu 615m 0905m 1430f 1620f A’ ruigsinn Lunnainn 0745m Gatwick 1030m Heathrow 1555f Gatwick 1740f Heathrow A’ fàgail Lunnainn 0925m 1300f 1720f 2000f A’ ruigsinn Amsterdam 1140m 1515f 1930f 2215f Ùine a’ siubhal 4 uairean agus 25 mionaid 5 uairean agus 10 mionaidean 4 uairean a thìde 4 uairean agus 55 mionaidean Gheibh thu biadh agus deoch air an itealan. Bidh bùth air bòrd an itealain cuideachd agus gheibh thu gibhtean an sin. HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 15 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Labhairt 6. A’ dèanamh deiseil The boys have now booked their flight. They discuss the items they will need to take with them on their trip. With a partner, act out the conversation between Calum and Seumas as they discuss what they will need for their trip. Calum Bidh an aimsir teth. Feumaidh sinn aodach samhraidh a thoirt leinn. Seumas Feumaidh sinn cuideachd speuclairean-grèine a thoirt leinn. Calum A bheil speuclairean-grèine math agad, a Sheumais? Seumas Tha, ach feumaidh mi feadhainn cheart fhaighinn. Calum Tha speuclairean-grèine daor! Seumas A bheil iad nas saoire aig a’ phort-adhair? Calum Chan eil fhios agam. Seumas A bheil rugsac mòr agad? Tha rugsac mòr agamsa! Calum Tha rugsac mòr aig m’ athair agus gheibh mi e! Bidh rugsac nas fhasa na màileid. Seumas Feumaidh sinn cead-siubhail cuideachd. Calum O feumaidh ach tha sin againn, nach eil? Seumas Tha gu dearbh! Calum Feumaidh sinn gibhtean a thoirt gu teaghlach Dhòmhnaill. Dè bu toil leis? Seumas Mmmh! Is dòcha gum bu toil leis ar caraid-sgoile, a Mhàiri! 16 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Labhairt With a partner, draft a role-play in which Calum and Seumas discuss what else they must pack for their trip and perhaps extra items they might like to take with them. Your role-play should be approximately 2 minutes in length. HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 17 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh 7. Dè nì sinn ann an Amsterdam? Listed below are some places of interest in Amsterdam. Work out which places they are. Once you have done that, use the information to help you make up your conversation in the next exercise. A’ ceannachd anns na bùithtean A’ tadhal air Margaidh nam Flùraichean A’ tadhal air an taigh aig Rembrandt Taigh-tasgaidh na Mara A’ dol chun Taigh-ealain A’ tadhal air an t-seann dachaigh aig Anna Franc A’ tadhal air na muilnean-gaoithe 18 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh/Sgrìobhadh/Labhairt 8. A’ fònadh gu Dòmhnall Calum phones his pal Donald in Amsterdam for a friendly chat and to ask him if he can recommend places of interest that they should visit while staying with him in Amsterdam. Draft the conversation that they have and act it out with a partner. Use the word bank to assist you. Remember to include the following information a greeting ask Donald how he is tell him how you are tell him how you feel at the thought of your visit ask which places might be of interest to you to visit in Amsterdam thank him for his advice bid him farewell. air bhioran excited glè thoilichte very pleased gu math fine inntinneach interesting spòrsail good fun bu chòir dhuibh a dhol you ought to go... HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 19 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh 9. Post-dealain Dhòmhnaill Having spoken to his friends Calum and Seumas, Donald decides to e mail them recommending certain places of interest they could visit on their trip. Read the following excerpts from his e-mail and answer the questions which follow. ’S e àite uabhasach inntinneach a th’ ann an Taigh Anna Franc. Chuir i fhèin agus an teaghlach seachad dà bhliadhna a’ fuireach an seo aig àm an dàrna cogaidh. Chì thu an leabhar-là aig Anna, seann dealbhan agus fiolmaichean goirid mun àm seo ann an eachdraidh. Leugh sinn an leabhar-là aig Anna ann am Bun-sgoil Ghlaschu! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the first place of interest Donald recommends? (1) How long did Anne and her family live there? (1) When in history did they live there? (2) Name at least two things one can view there. (2) Why should the diary of Anne Frank be familiar to Calum and Seumas? (2) Tha Ceàrnag Dam ann am meadhan a’ bhaile. ’S e àite uabhasach trang a tha seo fad na bliadhna. Lorgaidh tu tòrr bhùithean, taighean-bìdh agus taighean-seinnse ann. Tric bidh fèisean an seo cuideachd. Chì sibh an lùchairt rìoghail an seo cuideachd. Dh’fhuirich teaghlach rìoghail an Òlaind an seo aig aon àm. Faodaidh sinn biadh a ghabhail an seo aon là ! 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What What What What What is the next place Donald tells them about? places of interest to tourists are found here? important building is situated here? events are frequently held in this location? does Donald suggest they do here? 20 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 (1) (3) (1) (1) (1) TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Dè mu dheidhinn margaidh nam flùraichean oir tha an Òlaind ainmeil airson flùraichean? Chan eil ùidh mhòr agam fhèin ann am flùraichean ach is fhiach am faicinn! Tha am margaidh cho dathach agus brèagha. Faodaidh tu flùraichean a cheannach airson do mhàthair! 11. 10. 11. 12. What is the final place Donald mentions they ma y like to visit? (1) Why ought they to visit this place whilst in Holland? (1) Why does he think it is worthwhile to visit? (2) What reason does he give for making a purchase? (1) /20 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 21 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh/Sgrìobhadh 10. Port-adhair Schiphol Calum and Seumas have arrived at Amsterdam Airport. Using the verbs in the box below, complete the sentences by filling in the blanks. You may have to use some verbs more than once. 1. ____________sinn Port-adhair Ghlaschu aig còig mionaidean às dèidh naoi anns a’ mhadainn. 2. ____________ sinn Lunnainn aig leth uair às dèidh deich anns a’ mhadainn. 3. ____________ar turas uair a thìde agus còig air fhichead mionaid eadar Glaschu agus Lunnainn. 4. ___________ sinn biadh meadhan-là ann am Port-adhair Heathrow agus __________sinn cofaidh. 5. ___________sinn Port-adhair Heathrow a-rithist aig uair feasgar agus ann an dà uair a thìde agus cairteal ___________sinn Amsterdam. 22 dh’ith thug ràinig dh’fhàg dh’òl ghabh HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM 11. A’ coinneachadh charaidean aig a’ phortadhair Èisteachd – Transcript On arrival in Amsterdam, Calum and Seumas are met by Donald and his mother. Listen to the following text and answer the questions which follow. A. Halò a Sheumais! Halò a Chaluim! Tha mi cho toilichte ur faicinn. Ciamar a bha an turas agaibh? B. Tha sinn glè thoilichte d’ fhaicinn a Dhòmhnaill! Cha robh an turas ro dhona! C. Dh’èirich sinn an-diugh mu sheachd uairean anns a’ mhadainn. Fhuair sinn tagsaidh chun phort-adhair. Tha sinn a’ faireachdainn glè sgìth! D. Cha robh an t-itealan mòr agus bha e trang! Cha robh tòrr rùm againn agus bha sinn mì-chofhurtail! Tha ar casan goirt! E. Bha am biadh air bòrd an itealain grod cuideachd! Fhuair sinn ceapaire sailead agus cha robh e idir blasta! Ghabh mi sùgh orains agus bha e blàth! Tha an t-acras mòr oirnn! HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 23 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM A’ coinneachadh charaidean aig a’ phort-adhair Èisteachd On arrival in Amsterdam, Calum and Seumas are met by their friend Donald and his mother. Listen to the following text and answer the questions which follow. A. B. C. D. E. How does Donald greet his friends? (1) What does he ask them on their arrival? (1) How do Calum and Seumas feel on meeting Donald? (1) What comment do they make about their journey? (1) What time did they have to get up in the morning in order to get to the airport on time? (1) How did they get to the airport? (1) How did they say they were feeling on arrival at Amsterdam airport? (1) What two comments do they make about the plane? (2) What complaint did they have about the plane journey and how did this affect them? (3) What comments do they make about in-flight food? (2) How do they feel as a result? (1) /15 24 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh/Sgrìobhadh 12. Am peantair ainmeil, Van Gogh Read the personal information given on Van Gogh and then complete his personal profile. ’S e Vincent Van Gogh an t-ainm a th’ orm. ’S ann às an Òlaind a tha mi agus rugadh mi ann am baile Groot Zundert, air an tricheadamh là den Mhàirt, anns a’ bhliadhna 1853. ’S e an t-ainm a th’ air m’ athair, Theodorus agus ’s e ministear a bh’ ann. ’S e Anna an t-ainm a th’ air mo mhàthair. Tha sia peathraichean agus dithis bhràithrean agam. Bha mi ag obair ann am bùth leabhraichean agus bha mi nam mhinistear airson greis, ach cha do chòrd na h-obraichean sin rium idir! Chaidh mi gu Baile Mòr Paris agus dh’fhuirich mi còmhla ri mo bhràthair Theo. Thòisich mi a’ peantadh anns a’ bhliadhna 1878, ach ann an 1888 ghluais mi gu Provence agus thòisich mi a’ cleachdadh dathan soilleir. HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 25 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM 13. Faidhle fiosrachaidh Van Gogh Ainm Co-là-breith Càite an do rugadh e? Fiosrachadh mun teaghlach aige Obraichean 26 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh Calum and Seumas have both studied art in school. They are particularly interested in visiting the Van Gogh Museum. Below is an information leaflet giving them information on the museum. Taigh-tasgaidh Van Gogh Sràid Paulus Potterstraat 7 Fosgailte Diluain gu Diardaoin deich uairean sa mhadainn gu sia uairean feasgar Dihaoine deich uairean sa mhadainn gu deich uairean feasgar Cosgais 10€ Underline any of the following statements that are true: The Van Gogh Museum is open five days a week. The Van Gogh Museum opens at 9am daily. The opening hours are the same Monday to Thursday. On Friday the museum is open longer. The cost of entry is 10 euros. HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 27 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh/Sgrìobhadh 14. Bileag fiosrachaidh Taigh Anna Franc Using the information below, design your own information leaflet on the Anne Frank House. You could design the poster on a computer and use clipart to decorate it. An taigh aig Anna Franc Seòladh – Prinsengracht 263 Uairean fosglaidh – 0900–1900, Diluain gu Didòmhnaich Cosgais – €7.50 28 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh/Labhairt 15. Riaghailtean an Taigh-tasgaidh Here are some of the rules on display in the museum in Amsterdam. With a partner try and work out what they mean. Riaghailtean an Taigh-tasgaidh Chan fhaod thu a dhol a-steach gun ticead Chan fhaod thu ithe no òl anns an taigh-tasgaidh seo Chan fhaod thu dealbh a thogail anns an taigh-tasgaidh seo Chan fhaod thu do làmh a chur air rud sam bith Chan fhaod thu smocadh anns an taigh-tasgaidh Feumaidh tu bhith sàmhach Feumaidh clann bheag fuireach còmhla ri pàrant HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 29 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh 16. An taigh aig Dòmhnall Donald’s mum shows the boys to their room and gives them a tour of the ground floor of the house. In order to make them feel more at home. See if you can draw a plan of the ground floor based on the information she gives. Seo sinn anns a’ chidsin! Ma thèid thu gu do làimh chlì lorgaidh tu an taigh-beag agus am fras. Ma chumas tu ort a-mach às a’ chidsin, thig thu chun t-seòmar-suidhe. Ma thèid thu tron t-seòmar-suidhe, tha seòmar-ithe ann. Ma thig thu a-mach às an t-seòmar-suidhe, tha an seòmar-cadail agaibh air do làimh dheis. 30 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Èisteachd 17. A’ fònadh dhachaigh Seumas chats to his sister about his trip and the things he has been doing since he arrived. Listen carefully to the excerpts from Seumas’s phone call home on the second day of his holiday and answer the questions which follow. A. Halò Ealasaid! Is e do bhràthair Seumas a th’ ann! Tha mi gu math. Tha mo thuras a’ còrdadh rium math dha-rìreabh oir tha tòrr spòrs air a bhith againn! B. Tha an t-sìde brèagha. Tha i grianach agus teth. Chan eil gaoth ann idir. C. Chaidh sinn air turas bhaidhsagal an-dè. Chòrd e rium uabhasach math! Chaidh sinn tro meadhan a’ bhaile agus sìos ri taobh Abhainn Amstel. D. An-diugh chaidh sinn chun taigh aig Anna Franc. Bha latha inntinneach againn. Chunnaic sinn an leabhar-là aig Anna agus choimhead sinn air fiolm mu deidhinn fhèin agus an teaghlach aice. E. Tha sinn a’ dol a-mach gu biadh agus chun taigh-dheilbh. Bu toil leam fuireach ann an Amsterdam! HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 31 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Èisteachd A’ fònadh dhachaigh What is the name of Seumas’s sister? (1) What has Seumas got to say about his break so far? (2) B. What does Seumas say about the weather? (3) C. When did they go on a bike tour? (1) What route did they take? (2) What place of interest does he say they visited? (1) What two things does he mention they saw while there? (2) What are their plans for the evening? (2) What is the final comment he makes? (1) A. D. E. /15 32 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Sgrìobhadh/Labhairt 18. A’ gabhail baidhsagal air màl Working with a partner, work out the conversation you would have with the bike hire assistant when arranging your bicycle hire for the day. You will want to include the following information: the length of time you wish to hire the bike for the cost of hire what type of bicycle you want to hire whether or not you need to wear a helmet what time the bicycle must be back/what time the shop shuts . Use the word bank to assist you in your role-play. Daor expensive saor cheap uairean a thìde hours air màl for hire clogaid helmet a’ dùnadh closing Feumaidh tu... you must... faodaidh tu... you may... baidhsagal nam beann mountain bike HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 33 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM Leughadh 19. A’ ceannach anns na bùithtean Calum puts an entry in his diary for day three of his trip. Read the entry and answer the questions on the following page. An-diugh chaidh sinn gu ionad bhùithtean ainmeil ann an Amsterdam. ’S e am Magna Plaza an t-ainm a bh’ air. Dh’fhosgail an t-ionad seo anns a’ bhliadhna 1992. ’S e togalach mòr agus spaideil a bh’ ann. ’S e oifis-puist a bh’ ann bho chionn bhliadhnaichean. Chan eil na bùithtean ann an Glaschu coltach ris idir! Tha na bùithtean air trì ìrean agus tha staidhre-ghluasadach ann eatarra. Bha a h-uile seòrsa bùth ann agus chosg sinn tòrr airgid! 34 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU AMSTERDAM A’ ceannach anns na bùithtean Ceistean 1. How did the boys occupy themselves on day three of their trip? (2) 2. What was the name of the place? (1) 3. When did it open? (1) 4. How does Calum describe the building? (2) 5. What type of building was it originally? (1) 6. What comment does he make about the shops in Glasgow? (1) 7. How many levels are there in the building? (1) 8. What goes between those levels? (1) 9. What did Calum have to say about the variety of shops? (1) 10. Did he spend much during his time there? (1) /12 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO AMSTERDAM (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 35