NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Gaelic (Learners) Food and Health [HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by LT Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledge this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Gaelic (Learners). © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 Contents Notes for lecturers Overview of units and learning outcomes Section 1: Section 2: Toiseach Tòiseachaidh Vocabulary Sharing of vocabulary 7 7 Cùisean Slàinte Slàinte san Dachaigh Slàinte san Àite-obrach Slàinte san Sgoil Section 3: Ag Ithe a-muigh Itheamaid Good Food Guide Section 4: 5 6 Bochdainn is Slàinte Bochdainn is Slàinte Bho Bhail’ Ailein gu Burkina Faso Leughadh Còmhradh Sgrìobhadh Leughadh Èisteachd Sgrìobhadh Còmhradh 8 9 9 10 13 15 15 Leughadh Sgrìobhadh Còmhradh Èisteachd Sgrìobhadh 16 18 18 20 22 Leughadh Còmhradh Sgrìobhadh Leughadh Sgrìobhadh Còmhradh 23 25 25 26 28 28 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 3 Section 5: Drogaichean, Deoch Làidir, Smocadh Fiosrachadh mu dhrogaichean Oideachadh mu Dhrogaichean Clann Òga agus Drogaichean Deoch Làidir: Rabhaidhean, Fiosrachadh agus Comhairle Smocadh Còmhradh Èisteachd Sgrìobhadh Còmhradh Leughadh Sgrìobhadh 29 30 31 31 32 33 Èisteachd Sgrìobhadh Leughadh Sgrìobhadh 34 35 36 36 Appendix 1: Tapescripts 37 Appendix 2: Marking scheme 43 Appendix 3: Other useful resources 55 4 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 NOTES FOR LECTURERS Notes for lecturers It is recommended that the Listening and Speaking Skills unit and the Reading and Writing Skills unit in Higher Gaelic (Learners) be delivered concurrently. This package will develop students’ linguistic skills in the context of food and health. The completion of this unit will contribute towards preparing students for internal assessments for these units , as well as for course assessments. The existing units for the Listening and Talking focus unit and the Reading and Writing focus unit at Higher and Intermediate 1 and 2, as well as some of the material from the Revised Higher unit on Biadh agus Slàinte will also be very useful in delivering this theme. There is no single teaching style that suits everyone. While some activities within the unit have accompanying vocabulary lists, this is not the case with most of them. However, learning will be more effe ctive if this unit is delivered with direct teaching inputs addressing new vocabulary and grammatical structures. These inputs will include consolidating vocabulary and grammar that permeate from a previous stage. Lecturers should refer to the existing Higher Still Support Materials, Gaelic (Learners), Grammar Grids. Many of the activities within this unit may be accessed by students, with the assistance of a dictionary, independent of the lecturer. These activities will afford lecturers an opportunity to d irect the work of another group of students. A learning situation of this nature will be enhanced by allocating time at the beginning of the course, and sometimes a lesson, to informing students of outcomes, processes and tasks to be undertaken. This will encourage students to be responsible for their own learning. Marks and marking schemes have been provided for many of the activities but not for all of them. Once activities have been completed they should be checked by the lecturer. Feedback about their work, highlighting positive achievements and areas that require to be improved should be provided to the student. This will allow both student and lecturer to monitor progression. Advice on learning and teaching styles may be accessed in the Subject Guid e for Gaelic Learners. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 5 NOTES FOR LECTURERS Overview of units, learning outcomes, performance criteria and assessments Listening and Speaking Skills Outcome 1 Demonstrate understanding of spoken Gaelic of some complexity Outcome 2 Participate in spoken Gaelic of some complexity Evidence requirements P.C. (a) Explain accurately the main points of a spoken conversation (b) Recognise specific points of detail which support the main points of a spoken communication P.C. (a) Sustain discussion even though pro mpting and repetition necessary (b) Converse and communicate with a sympathetic speaker (c) Use variety of vocabulary and sentence structure to permit flexibility of expression One summative assessment. Responses in English to short answer questions on text of around 2½ to 3 minutes long. Controlled conditions. No dictionaries. P.C. (a) Explain accurately the main points of a written communication (b) Recognise specific points of detail to support main points P.C. (a) Produce a piece of writing appropriately structured for purpose and audience (b) Sufficient clarity, fluency and accuracy to be understood by sympathetic reader (c) Variety of vocabulary and sentence structure to permit flexibility of expression One summative assessment. Responses in English to questions in English on text of 300–350 words. Dictionaries allowed. Maximum time allowed 30 minutes. One summative assessment. Produce a piece of writing of some complexity, with structure, syntax and grammar appropriate to level. Controlled conditions, maximum time 30 minutes. Own notes and dictionaries allowed. One summative assessment. Participate in a Gaelic transaction or discussion. Topic should be negotiated prior to assessment. Notes may be used in assessment. Assessment may be a maximum of 5 minutes duration. No dictionaries allowed. Reading and Writing Skills Outcome 1 Demonstrate understanding of written Gaelic of some complexity Outcome 2 Produce written Gaelic of some complexity 6 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 TOISEACH TÒISEACHAIDH Section 1: Toiseach Tòiseachaidh General introduction to theme Faclan agus Abairtean Dèan liosta de dh’fhacail agus de dh’abairtean agus de ghnathasan -cainnt co-cheangailte ri biadh agus slàinte. Use the headings below as well as your own ideas. Ainmean dhiofar bhiadhan Buadhairean a chleachdadh tu mu bhiadh Ainmean sheòrsan bìdh Abairtean co-cheangailte ri biadh Ainmean thinneasan is ghalairean Diofar dhòighean air freagairt “Ciamar a tha thu a’ faireachdainn?” Abairtean co-cheangailte ri slàinte. You may wish to use the Inspiration software on the computer to organise your lists. The existing materials for the Reading and Writing , and Listening and Talking focus units at Higher and the materials for Intermediate 1 and 2 will be very useful here as will some of the materials from the Revised Higher unit on Biadh agus Slàinte. Share the vocabulary and phrases you’ve noted with the rest of the class. Make sure you learn all your own vocabulary plus any you note from other members of the class. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 7 CÙISEAN SLÀINTE Section 2: Cùisean Slàinte (Health matters) Slàinte san Dachaigh Leughadh Leugh an earrann a leanas agus an uair sin freagair na ceistean. Read the passage below and then answer the questions. ’S ann anns an dachaigh a tha cùram slàinte a’ tòiseachadh. Tha e cudromach dachaighean a chumail glan agus sàbhailte gus am bi na tha a’ fuireach annta slàn fallain. Tha e mòran nas fhasa sin a dhèanamh an -diugh na bha e anns na seann làithean. Tha goireasan den h-uile seòrsa againn airson ar cuideachadh, Tha innealan againn airson an làr a ghlanadh, nigheadaireachd a dhèanamh agus soithichean a nighe.Tha reothadairean againn airson biadh a chumail ùr. Tha dealan agus gas againn airson còcaireachd. Tha dòigh -beatha theaghlaichean air atharrachadh gu mòr thar nam bliadhnaichean. Chan eil màthraichean a’ fuireach aig an taigh a’ togail an cloinne agus a’ cumail na dachaigh. Anns a’ mhòrchuid de dhachaighean tha an dithis phàrantan a-muigh an ceann an cosnaidh. Mar sin tha mòran a bharrachd airgid aig daoine na bha aca bho chionn fhada. Ach chan eil uiread de dh’ùine aca airson a bhith ag ullachadh bìdh. Tha sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil iad tric a’ ceannach biadh luath no biadh a tha air a dheasachadh ann am fact araidh, deiseil airson a chur dhan àmhainn. ’S dòcha gu bheil pàrantan agus clann ag ithe aig amannan eadar-dhealaichte. ’S dòcha gu bheil iad buailteach suidhe lem biadh air treidhe air beulaibh an telebhisein an àite a bhith nan suidhe ag ithe mar theaghlach aig a’ bhòrd. Saoil ma tha a bheil slàinte theaghlaichean cho math agus a bha e bho chionn fhada? Chan eil teagamh n ach eil galairean a bha marbhtach bho chionn fhada, mar a’ chaitheamh, a’ ghriùthlach agus an triuthach air an cumail fo smachd ach tha ceist ann mu dheidhinn dè cho fallain ’s a tha dòigh beatha luath an là an-diugh a thaobh cuirp agus inntinn. Chan eil teaghlaichean tric gu leòr a’ suidhe agus a’ còmhradh ’s ag èisteachd ri chèile timcheall a’ bhùird mar a b’ àbhaist aig àm bìdh. Chan eil teaghlaichean cho tric ag ullachadh bìdh bho thùs le feòil no iasg ùr agus glasraich ùr. Tha cus saill, salainn, siùcair agus stuthan ceimigeach buailteach a bhith anns a’ bhiadh dheasaichte a thatar a’ ceannach. 8 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 CÙISEAN SLÀINTE Ceistean 1. Why is it important to keep homes clean and safe? 2 2. Name four things which make it easier to do that now than in olden days? 4 In what way has the role of women in the home changed over the years? 3 4. What is true of most homes nowadays? 2 5. (a) (b) How does this affect the family’s shopping? How have families’ eating habits changed? 3 3 6. (a) (b) Which three diseases are mentioned? What are we told about the status of these diseases nowadays? 3 2 7. What are families missing out on if they don’t sit down to meals together? 3 (a) (b) 3 2 3. 8. Why are fat and salt mentioned in the last sentence? Which two other ingredients are mentioned? (30) Còmhradh Dèanaibh còmhradh anns a’ chlas air mar a tha dòigh -beatha theaghlaichean air atharrachadh. Discuss in class how family lifestyles have changed. Sgrìobhadh Sgrìobh artaigil do phaipear naidheachd mu dheidhinn. Write a newspaper article about it. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 9 CÙISEAN SLÀINTE Slàinte san Àite-obrach Leughadh Leugh an earrann a leanas agus an uair sin freagair na ceistean a tha na cois. Read the following passage and then answer the questions which accompany it. Tha rannsachadh air sealltainn gu bheil luchd-obrach air feadh na dùthcha a’ fàs ro reamhar. Tha seo a chionn ’s gu bheil uiread aca nan suidhe aig deasgaichean fad an là. Tha e coltach gu bheilear a’ call ochd muillean deug là-obrach gach bliadhna tro luchd-obrach a bhith dheth le tinneasan co-cheangailte ri cus cuideim. A rèir Oifis Nàiseanta an Sgrùdaidh tha na làithean dheth seo a’ cosg dà bhuillein not do eaconamaidh na Rìoghachd Aonaichte agus còig cheud muilleann not do Sheirbheis Nàiseanta na Slàinte. Tha e furasta don luchd-obrach a’ choire airson an droch shlàinte a chur air an ionad-obrach. Tha e a’ cheart cho furasta don luchd -fastaidh a’ choire a chur air droch dhòigh-beatha an luchd-obraich. Tha fios gu bheil dà thaobh air an argamaid ach tha rudan ann is urrainn don dà thaobh a dhèanamh gus cùisean a leasachadh. An luchd-fastaidh - cuideachadh Ma chlàras ionad-obrach leis a’ phrògram Slàinte san Àite-obrach an Alba gheibh iad cuideachadh gu: measan an asgaidh a thabhann don luchd-obrach làithean sònraichte, mar Làtha Cridhe Fallain a chumail fiosrachadh a thabhann air dè bu chòir don luchd -obrach a bhith ag ithe fiosrachadh a thabhann air eacarsaich biadh fallain a thabhann san rùm bìdh, ma tha sin aca luchd-obrach a bhrosnachadh gu ballrachd a ghabhail ann an ionad lùth chleasan le a bhith a’ cuideachadh le cosgais na ballrachd sin measan, cnothan agus ceapairean a thabhann aig coinneamhan an àite chèicean agus bhriosgaidean. An luchd-obrach - comhairle An càr fhàgail anns a’ phàirc chàraichean as fhaide bhon oifis A thighinn far a’ stad-bus nas tràithe agus coiseachd an còrr den t -slighe Na staidhrichean a chleachdadh an àite an lioft Ma tha feum air cnuasachadh air rud sam bith – cuairt a ghabhail a-mach. Nì an èadhar feum don eanchainn agus gheibh thu eacarsaich. Eacarsaich-sìnidh aithghearr a dhèanamh an-dràsta agus a-rithist tron là nad shuidhe aig an deasg. Bheir seo faochadh bho streas agus bheir e eacarsaich do na fèithean. 10 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 CÙISEAN SLÀINTE Obair-ghnìomhach a dhèanamh còmhla ri caraid aig àm diathad no às dèidh àm-obrach; cha bhi aon seach aon agaibh airson an neach eile a leigeil sìos. Pedometer a chleachdadh. Cuiridh e iongnadh ort an oidhirp a nì thu gus barrachd cheumannan a ghabhail. Bi ag amas air deich mìle ceum san latha. Dùbhlain a thabhainn do roinn eile san ionad -obrach, ’s dòcha mun àireamh cheumannan a nithear san t-seachdain, gu gèam ball-coise no eacarsaich air choreigin. Dòigh mhath tha seo gu togail a thoirt don sgioba obrach agad. Smaoineachadh air adhbharan airson èirigh bhon deasg gu cunbhalach. Mar eisimpleir, airson deoch, airson bruidhinn ri daoine eile san togalach an àite fònadh no post-dealain a chur thuca. Cnothan, measan no ceapairean a thaghadh aig coinneamhan an àite chèicean agus bhriosgaidean. Barrachd uisge agus nas lugha de chofaidh òl Ma leanas a h-uile duine na molaidhean sin tha fios gun tig piseach mhòr air slàinte agus bidh sin na bhuannachd don h-uile duine. Ceistean 1. What reason is given to account for the increased weight of workers? 2. How do illnesses connected to obesity affect : (a) (b) (c) 3. the workplace? the UK economy? the National Health Service? 3 3 3 3 Registration with the Health at Work, Scotland programme qualifies employers for assistance in health-promoting initiatives. (a) (b) (c) (d) What could be offered free by employers to empl oyees as part of this initiative? About which two things relating to health should employers be giving employees information? How could employers encourage employees to join a gym? (i) What should be provided at meetings? (ii) What would these be replacing? FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 1 2 2 3 2 11 CÙISEAN SLÀINTE 4. Employees can also contribute to their own health and fitness. (a) How can they ensure they get more exercise on their way to work if: (i) they travel to work by car? (ii) they take the bus to work? (iii) their place of work is not on the ground floor of a building? (b) 5. What should they do if they have to think through a problem? (ii) How will this benefit them? (iii) How could they relieve stress and exercise muscles throughout the day while sitting at their desks? (iv) What recommendation is made about lunchtime activities? (v) How will this encourage continued participation? 3 3 2 (i) 2 3 3 2 3 How many steps should a person be aiming for on their pedometer each day? 1 For what reasons could a person regularly get up from their desk throughout the day? 2 7. What advice is given regarding drinks? 2 8. How will following these recommendations benefit everyone? 2 6. (50) 12 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 CÙISEAN SLÀINTE Slàinte san Sgoil Health in school Èisteachd Èist ris na h-earrannan agus an uair sin freagair na ceistean. Listen to the passage and then answer the questions. The Scottish Executive, concerned about the health and fitness of children today, have set targets for schools. Ceistean Pàirt a h-aon 1. 2. 3. 4. What kind of schools does the Scottish Executive expect all schools to be by 2007? 2 What does the World Health Organisation say everyone connected with schools should be doing? 2 What other aspects of school besides the curriculum should be addressed? 2 Which two adjectives are used to describe a desirable school? 2 (8) Ceistean Pàirt a dhà 1. What claim is made regarding healthy children in the first sentence? 3 2. In what year did Glasgow University carry out an extensive study of medical and educational research? 1 3. Between which two things were they investigating a connection? 2 4. What did they claim a good diet did for the brain? 2 5. Besides passive smoking, name three things which affect academic performance. 3 6. What is associated with poor mental healt h? 2 7. Name two benefits of breakfast clubs in schools. 2 (15) FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 13 CÙISEAN SLÀINTE Ceistean Pàirt a trì 1. In what way have school meals improved in comparison with a few years ago? 4 2. What is on offer for school dinners? 3 3. For what may Jamie Oliver take some credit? 3 4. What is prevalent in many schools which bothers pupils? 1 5. (a) (b) 2 3 6. What would be the ideal relationships in schools? What sometimes interferes with the learning of some pupils? What effect can this have on some pupils? 3 (19) Ceistean Pàirt a ceithir 1. What proportion of 12-year-olds is overweight? 2 2. What facilities should be provided when schools are built or refurbished? 2 What should be true about children’s access to sports facilities in schools? 3 What, according to the Government, should be the minimum time allocation for sport in the curriculum? 2 5. Where should schools be built? 4 6. Besides good sports facilities, what else do today’s students and staff need for their well-being? 5 7. What happens when staff and students are happy and healthy? 3. 4. 3 (21) 14 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 CÙISEAN SLÀINTE Sgrìobhadh agus Còmhradh Tagh aon de na gnìomhan a leanas. Sgrìobh mu dheidhinn agus thoir foillseachadh Powerpoint don chlas. Choose one of the following tasks. Write about it and give a Powerpoint presentation to the class. 1. Thoir iomradh air an sgoil agad fhèin, a’ beachdachadh air a bheil i airidh air teisteanas airson sgoil a tha a’ brosnachadh slàinte. Beachdaich air rudan mar: 2. far a bheil i suidhichte an àireamh a tha a’ coiseachd thuice an àireamh a tha tighinn thuice air baidhsagal a bheil club-bracaist innte seòrsa bìdh a tha air a’ chlàr-bìdh na goireasan spòrs a th’ innte cò dhà tha na goireasan sin na clasruman staid an togalaich càirdeas Tha Club Slàinte na sgoile airson tuilleadh sgoilearan agus thidsearan a bhrosnachadh gu ruith no thighinn air baidhsagal don sgoil. Sgrìobh aithisg a chuireadh sibh chun a’ mhaighstir -sgoile ag iarraidh goireasan a chuidicheadh sibh gu seo a dhèanamh. Smaoinich air rudan mar: slighe shàbhailte àite teàrainte airson bhaidhsagalan goireasan stòraidh goireasan frasaidh a’ bhuannachd bhon eacarsaich seo FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 15 AG ITHE A-MUIGH Section 3: Ag Ithe a-muigh (Eating out) Itheamaid Leughadh Leugh an earrann a leanas agus an uair sin, freagair na ceistean a tha na cois. Read the passage and then answer the questions which follow. ‘Itheamaid’ Air oidhche Chiadain ghrod, fhliuch san Dàmhair, thadhail mi fhèin is caraid air an taigh-bìdh ‘Itheamaid’. ’S e a’ chiad rud a bhuail orm gun robh an taigh-bìdh làn - cha robh coltas gun robh bòrd falamh ri fhaighinn. Gu fortanach, bha sinne air bòrd a ghleidheadh bho chionn seachdain. Aig aon àm, b’ e taigh-cluiche a bha anns an togalach seo. An uair sin, b’ e bùth-àirneis a bha ann ach a-nis, tha e air a sgeadachadh na thaigh-bìdh sònraichte. Gu ruige seo, tha e air mòran dhuaisean a bhuannachadh agus air moladh fhaighinn ann an iomadh iris is pàipear ann an saoghal a’ bhìdhe. ’S e Seòras MacIain a tha na cheannard air a’ chidsin. Choisinn e cliù dha fhèin mar chòcaire ann an taighean-bìdh spaideil ann an Lunnainn agus anns an Fhraing. Bha an luchd-frithealaidh gnothachail is proifeiseanta. Thug an neach frithealaidh againne seachad fiosrachadh mhionaideach mu gach rud air a’ chlàr-bìdh. Cha tug seo ro fhada oir, gu h -iongantach, cha robh ann ach trì roghainnean airson gach cùrsa. Gu dearbh, cha robh e furasta taghadh a dhèanamh - bha gach nì cho tarraingeach. Chòrdadh rud sam bith rinn. Thòisich mise le brot pumpkin agus ghabh mo charaid measgachadh de chàise, soilire is uinneanan ann am pastraidh. Airson a’ phrìomh chùrsa, thagh an dithis againn bradan. Chuir sinn crìoch air ar dìnnear le rudeigin milis - reòiteag rùbrab dha mo charaid is cèic seòclaid le sabhs seòclaid dhomhsa. Chòrd a h -uile grèim rinn agus dh’aontaich sinn gur e seo am biadh a b’ fhèarr a dh’ith sinn am -bliadhna. Ma gheibh thu an cothrom, theirig gu ‘Itheamaid’. Chan eil biadh an seo saor ach ’s fhiach e a h-uile sgillinn! 16 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AG ITHE A-MUIGH Ceistean 1. (a) (b) When exactly did the writer visit the restaurant? Describe the weather on that evening 2 2 2. (a) (b) What indication was there that the restaurant was busy? Why was that not of concern to the writer? 2 2 3. For what two purposes had the restaurant building been used in the past? 2 What comments does the writer make about the popularity of the restaurant? 4 5. What information is given about the head chef? 3 6. What does the writer say about the waiter who attended to himself and his friend? 2 7. What surprised the writer about the menu? 2 8. Give details of what the writer and his friend had to eat. 5 9. What was their impression of the meal? 2 10. What final comment does the writer make about the restaurant ‘Itheamaid’? 2 4. (30) FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 17 AG ITHE A-MUIGH Sgrìobhadh Tagh aon de na gniomhan-sgrìobhaidh gu h-ìosal. Choose one of the writing tasks below. 1. Tha thu airson beagan airgid a chosnadh. Tha an taigh -bìdh ‘Itheamaid’ a’ lorg luchd-obrach. Sgrìobh litir ag innse carson a tha thu den bheachd gum biodh tu freagarrach airson obair ann. You want to earn some money. The restaurant ‘Itheamaid’ is looking for staff. Write a letter saying why you think you would be suitable for a job there. 2. Tha taigh-bìdh ùr air fosgladh anns a’ bhaile agad. Sgrìobh bileag-fiosrachaidh mu dheidhinn, ag innse : (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) ainm an taigh-bìdh uairean fosglaidh an seòrsa bìdh a gheibhear ann prìsean fiosrachadh feumail sam bith eile. A new restaurant has opened in your town. Write an information leaflet/brochure about it, including: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) name of restaurant opening times kind of food served prices any other useful information. Còmhradh Fhuair thu fios bho mhanaidsear ‘Itheamaid’ gad iarraidh gu agallamh. Ullaich còmhradh a ghabhadh àite aig an agallamh. You had word from the manager of ‘Itheamaid’ calling you in for an interview. Prepare a conversation which could take place at the interview . 18 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AG ITHE A-MUIGH Cho math ri bhith a’ cur fàilte air a chèile smaoinich air an seòrsa fiosrachaidh a bhios a dhìth. Smaoinich air rudan mar; ainm, aois, seòladh, eòlas, carson a tha thu ag iarraidh na h-obrach, carson a bhiodh tu math airson na h-obrach, teisteanais, ainmean dhaoine a bheireadh dhut teisteanas, cur-seachadan, pàigheadh, uairean obrach msaa. As well as courtesy greetings, think of the kind of information required. Think of things such as name, age, address, experience, why you want the job, why you would be suitable for the job, qualifications, names of referees, hobbies, pay, hours of work, etc. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 19 AG ITHE A-MUIGH Good Food Guide Èisteachd Look over the following vocabulary before listening to the extracts: Faodaidh tu èisteachd ris gach earrann trì uairean mus freagair thu na ceistean. You may listen to each section three times before answering the questions. Taigh-bìdh a’ Chrùin ainmeachadh iongnadh air a chruthachadh maorach dearcan cudromach named surprise created shellfish berries important Ceòl na Mara àbhaisteach bradan adag lèabag leathann muasgain-caola caladh usual salmon haddock halibut prawns harbour Cafaidh Mhàrtainn is fhiach tadhal an seo ceapairean oileanaich goireasach sèithrichean sgeilpichean 20 it is worth visiting here sandwiches students convenient chairs shelves FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AG ITHE A-MUIGH Ceistean Taigh-bìdh a’ Chrùin 1. What award was given to this restaurant? 2. Who gave the award? 3. How often has the restaurant won the award? 4. Who is Tony Fraser? 5. What comment is made about the produce used to make the food in the restaurant? 6. What does Tony Fraser say is important? Ceòl na Mara 7. What advice is given at the beginning of the passage? 8. Why is this advice given? 9. What does the writer say about 10. Give details of the view from the window of the restaurant? (a) (b) the halibut? the prawns? Cafaidh Mhàrtainn 11. Why does the writer suggest you visit this café? 12. (a) (b) What two items from the menu does he mention? What does he say about them? 13. (a) (b) Who often eat at this café? Why do these people choose this café? 14. What can you hear in the café? 15. Where are the comfortable chairs to be found? 16. What does the writer suggest you may do there? FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 21 AG ITHE A-MUIGH Sgrìobhadh Tagh aon de na gnìomhan-sgrìobhaidh gu h-ìosal. Choose one of the following tasks. 1. Fhuair thu cothrom biadh a dhèanamh do chuideigin ainmeil. Sgriobh litir gu caraid ag innse: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) cò an neach a thagh thu carson a thagh thu an neach sin dè am biadh a rinn thu dha/dhi cò air an do bhruidhinn sibh dè do bheachd air/oirre rud sam bith eile air an smaoinich thu You are given the chance to prepare a meal for a famous personality. Write a letter to a friend telling: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) who you chose why you chose that person what food you provided what you talked about what you thought of him/her anything else of interest 2. Sgrìobh lèirmheas ghoirid air taigh-bìdh airson na h-iris ‘The Good Food Guide’. Write a short review of a restaurant for the magazine The Good Food Guide 3. Air do cho-latha breith, chaidh thu fhèin is do theaghlach a -mach gu biadh ann an taigh-bìdh spaideil anns a’ bhaile agad. Sgrìobh litir a’ gearain mun taigh-bìdh no ga mholadh. On your birthday, you and your family went out for a meal to a posh local restaurant. Write a letter complaining about or praising the restaurant. 4. ‘Am biadh as fheàrr a dh’ith mi a-riamh!’ Sgrìobh aiste air an tiotal sin. ‘The best meal I ever had!’ Write an essay on that title. 22 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 BOCHDAINN AGUS SLÀINTE Section 4: Bochdainn is Slàinte (Poverty and health) Bochdainn is Slàinte Leughadh Leugh an earrann agus freagair na ceistean a leanas i. Read the passage and answer the questions which follow it Bochdainn – Cò? Càite? Carson? Tha ceangal dlùth eadar bochdainn agus slàinte. Chan urrainn do neach a bhith beò ro fhada gun airgead airson dachaigh a chumail, airson biadh a cheannach, airson aodach a cheannach agus airson chur -seachadan a leantainn. Tha na rudan sin cudromach airson slàinte na bodha ig agus airson slàinte na h-inntinn agus an spioraid. Tha sinn buailteach a bhith a’ smaoineachadh air bochdainn mar thrioblaid ann an rìoghachdan cèine an Treas Saoghal. Ach tha mòran bochdainn air ar starsaich fhèin ann an Alba. Tha àireamh mhòr de chloinn na h-Alba beò ann an dachaighean bochda. Canar gu bheil dachaigh ann am bochdainn ma tha teachd a -steach na dachaigh sin nas lugha na seasgad sa cheud den teachd a -steach àbhaisteach. Tha e coltach gu bheil cairteal de chloinn Alba beò ann an leithid si n de dhachaighean. Tha rannsachadh air dearbhadh gu bheil slàinte nam bochd buailteach a bhith mòran nas miosa nan àbhaist. ’S dòcha gu bheil iad a’ fuireach ann an dachaighean fuaraidh gun ghoireasan iomchaidh. Chan eil airgead gu leòr aca airson biadh a chumas iad slàn fallain a cheannach – tha biadh mì-fhallain tric nas saoire. Dè tha ag adhbhrachadh na bochdainn a tha seo? Seo cuid de na h -adhbharan: cion chothroman thuarastalan ann an sgìre cion sgilean iomchaidh airson na h-obraichean a tha rim faotainn tinneas dachaighean le aon phàrant seann aois fiachan beò-ghlacadh le drogaichean no deoch làidir droch làimhseachadh air airgead aineolas air an taic a tha ri fhaotainn ann an àm èiginn FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 23 BOCHDAINN AGUS SLÀINTE Beagan bhliadhnaichean air ais chuir riaghaltas Bhreatainn romh pa cur às do bhochdainn am measg chloinne ron bhliadhna 2020. A rèir àireamhan a chaidh fhoillseachadh sa Mhàrt 2006 tha Riaghaltas na h -Alba air an t-slighe cheart gu sin a dhèanamh. Tha iad a’ dèanamh nas fheàrr na an còrr den rìoghachd ach tha slighe fhada aca ri dhol fhathast. Cha bu chòir dhuinn a bhith riaraichte gus am bi bochdainn na h-eachdraidh agus gum bi na h-aon chothroman a thaobh slàinte bodhaig is inntinn aig a h -uile pàist agus inbheach san rìoghachd. Ceistean 1. (a) (b) 2. Where are we likely to assume poverty exists? 2 3. What is the definition of child poverty in our country? 4 4. What proportion of Scottish children is said to live in pov erty? 1 5. Explain how poverty might affect health. 5 6. Give four of the reasons mentioned for poverty. 4 7. What does Britain aim to do by 2020? 2 8. What progress is being made towards this goal? 4 9. What should our aim be: (a) (b) For which four things is money essential? Name three things for which these are important. regarding poverty for all children and adults? 4 3 1 5 (35) 24 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 BOCHDAINN AGUS SLÀINTE Còmhradh Dèanaibh còmhradh anns a’ chlas mu bhochdainn agus mar a tha e a’ buntainn ri slàinte. Beachdaichibh air na puingean a bha anns an earrann. A bheil sibh a’ gabhail riutha? Dè na puingean eile a chu ireadh sibh fhèin ris? Discuss in class how poverty affects health. Consider the points made in the passage. Do you agree with them? What other points would you make? Sgrìobhadh Tagh aon de na gnìomhan a leanas. Choose one of the following tasks 1. Sgrìobh artaigil do phàipear-naidheachd air bochdainn ann an Alba agus a’ bhuaidh a tha aige air slàinte. Write a newspaper article about poverty in Scotland and its effect on health. 2. Thoir iomradh air teaghlach (ma ’s fhìor) a tha fulang tro bhochdainn. Innis carson a tha iad bochd, mar a tha a’ bhochdainn a’ buntainn ris an t-slàinte aca agus mar a tha iad a’ dèiligeadh ris. Give an account of a family (imaginary) who suffer from poverty. Tell why they are poor, how their poverty affects their health a nd how they are coping with the situation. 3. Dealbhaich bileag a dh’fhàgadh tu ann an àiteachan mar ionadan -slàinte a’ faighneach cheistean mu bhochdainn is slàinte, a’ tabhann c homhairle agus a’ toirt fiosrachaidh mu thaic a tha ri fhaotainn. Design a leaflet which could be left in places like health centres, posing questions about poverty, offering advice and giving information about support/benefits available. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 25 BOCHDAINN AGUS SLÀINTE Bho Bhail’ Ailein gu Burkina Faso Leughadh Leugh an earrann a leanas agus an uair sin fr eagair na ceistean. Read the following passage and then answer the questions. Bho Bhail’ Ailein gu Burkina Faso Bho bha Catrìona deich bliadhna bha i ag iarraidh a bhith na nurs. Cho luath ’s a dh’fhàg i an sgoil aig seachd bliadhna deug, thòisich i a’ trèanadh ann an Glaschu. Ged a bha an obair cruaidh, bha cùisean a’ còrdadh rithe gu h àraidh wards na cloinne. Mar phàirt den obair aice bhiodh i a’ dol timcheall sgoiltean ag innse mu dheidhinn a’ cheangail a tha eadar biadh fallain, eacarsaich agus slàinte mhath. Bhiodh i a’ misneachadh na cloinne gu bhith ag ithe barrachd mheasan, lusan, pasta agus rus. Bha i a’ toirt comhairle orra cuideachd a bhith a’ seachnadh cus siùcair, cus salainn agus cus saill. Uaireannan eile thigeadh poileas còmhla ri the. Air na tursan sin bhiodh an dithis aca a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn a’ chunnairt a bha co -cheangailte ri drogaichean a bha laghail agus mì -laghail. Bheireadh iad rabhaidhean seachad mu dheidhinn deoch làidir, nicoitin agus drogaichean cronail eile. Nuair cheumnaich Catrìona an ceann ceithir bliadhna fhuair i cothrom fuireach ag obair ann an ospadal Ghlaschu ach cha b’ e sin a bha fa -near dhi. Bha i air ùidh a ghabhail anns a’ chlann bhochd a bha a’ fuireach ann an dùthchannan na Treas Saoghal tro a bhith an sàs a h-uile bliadhna ann am prògram Clann ann an Èis. Leis an sin, bha i ag iarraidh na sgilean aice a chur gu feum a’ cuideachadh clann a bha glaiste ann am bochdainn Afraga. Ràinig i Burkina Faso anns an Dùbhlachd còmhla ri buidheann de luchd-cuideachaidh à Alba. Bha an suidheachadh a bha a’ feitheamh orra do-chreidsinneach. Bha cion uisge agus plàigh de locaist air am bàrr a sgrios agus bha a’ chlann a’ bàsachadh le acras agus gort. Chuir an sgioba Prògram Slàinte Coimhearsnachd air chois anns na bailtean beaga agus bha Catrìona trang a’ teagasg cùram slàinte chloinne do na màthraichean. An dèidh trì bliadhna thill Catriona air ais a Bhail’ Ailein ach ’s ann dìreach airson saor-làithean. Bha i a’ toirt cuireadh do dhaoine a dhol gu Bu rkina Faso airson cuideachadh muinntir an àite oir tha i fhèin den làn bheachd gun dèan cobhair bheag fhèin feum ged a tha na h -uireasbhaidhean cho mòr. 26 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 BOCHDAINN AGUS SLÀINTE 1. When did Catriona start thinking about nursing? 1 2. When did she start her training? Give a detailed answer. 2 3. What aspect of the work did Catriona particularly enjoy? 1 4. As she went round the schools, what information did Catriona give? 4 5. Give two examples of food that the children were encouraged to eat. 2 6. Give one example of something she told the children to avoid. 1 7. When a police person accompanied her to schools, what did they talk about? Give a detailed answer. 3 8. What did they warn against? 3 9. When was Catriona offered a job in Glasgow? 1 10. Which group of poor children had she become interested in? 2 11. How had she become interested in these children? 3 12. Who travelled with her to Burkina Faso? 2 13. What had destroyed the crop? 2 14. What did the team set up in the small villages? 2 15. What did Catriona teach the mothers? 2 16. Why did Catriona invite people to go to Burkina Faso? 1 17. What does Catriona herself fully believe? 3 (35) FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 27 BOCHDAINN AGUS SLÀINTE Sgrìobhadh A local newspaper has e-mailed Catriona to Burkina Faso. They want to know: what she did before going abroad how she became interested in Third World countries what she has been doing since arriving in Burkina Faso how people back home can help. Write the report which you think Catriona would have sent in response to their request. Còmhradh Catriona is being interviewed on radio while she is home on holiday. Partner A is the interviewer. Partner A You should be able to: greet/introduce your interviewee ask when she became interested in nursing ask what some of her Glasgow work entailed ask how she became interested in the children of Third World countries ask about the conditions when the team arrived in Africa ask what was done to help the situation ask what the people at home can do to help. Partner B You should be able to: 28 respond to the interviewer’s greeting/introduction say when you became interested in nursing talk about your work in Glasgow schools say how you became interested in the children of Third World countries talk about the conditions when the team arrived in Africa say what was done to help the situation explain how people at home can help. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 DROGAICHEAN, DEOCH LÀIDIR, SMOCADH Section 5: Drogaichean, Deoch Làidir, Smocadh (Drugs, alcohol, smoking) Fiosrachadh mu dhrogaichean Còmhradh Dèanaibh còmhradh anns a’ chlas mu dhrogaichean, ag ionnsachadh f haclan agus abairtean feumail airson a bhith a’ bruidhinn ’s a’ sgrìobhadh mun deidhinn. Beachdaichibh air rudan mar: Càit a bheil drogaichean nan trioblaid Cò dha a tha iad nan trioblaid Carson a bhios daoine a’ gabhail dhrogaichean Ciamar a gheibhear fiosrachadh mu dhrogaichean Dè an dleastanas a tha aig sgoiltean/pàrantan a thaobh oideachadh mu dhrogaichean agus rudan sam bith eile a shaoileas sibh fhèin iomchaidh FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 29 DROGAICHEAN, DEOCH LÀIDIR, SMOCADH Oideachadh mu Dhrogaichean Èisteachd Èist ris na h-earrannan agus an uair sin freagair na ceistean a leanas. Listen to the passages and then answer the following questions A radio presenter comments on drug addiction. Ceistean Pàirt 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Where in Scotland are we told there is a problem with drugs? 2 Which age group do people wrongly assume are the only ones to suffer from a drugs problem? 1 What is true for the majority of drug addicts? 2 What do these drug addicts wish they had known when they were young? 2 Of what do they accuse schools? 2 What is the speaker’s first question? 2 What question does the speaker ask about schools? 2 How does the speaker aim to get some opinions about the questions? 2 (15) The presenter goes on to give one person’s opinions . Ceistean Pàirt 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How old is Mary? What are her recollections of drugs education in school? Name three of the ways in which she found out about drugs. What contribution did her parents make to her drugs education? What did the knowledge she acquired ensure? How does she describe her family? Which two things did she have plenty of? 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 (15) 30 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 DROGAICHEAN, DEOCH LÀIDIR, SMOCADH Sgrìobhadh Tagh aon de na gnìomhan-sgrìobhaidh a leanas. Choose one of the following writing tasks. (a) Sgrìobh duilleag fiosrachaidh do dheugairean mu dhrogaichean. Write an information leaflet about drugs for teenagers. (b) “’S ann anns an dachaigh bu chòir oideachadh a thoirt mu dhrogaichean” Tha agad ri òraid a dhèanamh air a’ chuspair seo aig deasbad anns an sgoil. Tagh an taobh den deasbad bu toil leat a ghabhail agus sgrìobh, anns a’ Ghàidhlig, an òraid a bheireadh tu. “Drugs education should be the responsibility of the home.” You have to participate in a school debate on this motion. Choose the side you would like to take and write, in Gaelic, the speech you would give. (c) Tha amharas agad gu bheil taigh faisg ort ga chleachdadh airson a bhith a’ reic dhrogaichean. Sgrìobh litir, anns a’ Ghàidhlig, gu na poilis ag innse mun amharas agad. Dèan cinnteach gun innis thu carson a tha thu amharasach. You suspect that drugs are being sold at a house near you. Write a letter, in Gaelic, to the police telling about your suspicions. Make sure you tell them why you are suspicious. (d) Sgrìobh aiste a’ toirt do bheachdan fhèin air drogaichean. Innis ma tha thu a’ smaoineachadh gum bu chòir do ghin aca a bhith laghail ’s mar sin air adhart. Write an essay in Gaelic giving your own views on drugs. Include things such as whether you think any of them should be legalised. Còmhradh Tagh aon de na gnìomhan a leanas. (a) Thoir seachad an òraid agad airson deasbad na sgoile (b, gu h-àrd). Give your speech for the school debate (b, above). (b) Le caraid dèan còmhradh le poilis mu na h -amharasan a th’ agad gu bheil do nàbaidhean an sàs ann an reic dhrogaichean. With a partner enact the conversation between you and a policeman regarding your suspicions about a neighbour being involved in the sale of drugs. (c) Gabh pàirt ann an conaltradh sa chlas mu ur beachdan air drogaichean. Take part in a class discussion about your views on drugs. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 31 DROGAICHEAN, DEOCH LÀIDIR, SMOCADH Clann Òga agus Drogaichean Leughadh Leugh an earrann a leanas agus freagair na ceistean gu h -ìosal. Read the following passage and then answer the questions which follow it. Ghabh a h-uile duine dearg uabhais nuair a chualas gun robh nighean aois aon bliadhna deug air a beò-ghlacadh le heroin. Thàinig seo am follais nuair a thuit an nighean na cadal anns an sgoil. Chan fhaigheadh na tidsearan air a dùsgadh agus chaidh a toirt don ospadal. ’S ann an sin a dh’aidich an nighean gun robh i air a bhith a’ smocadh heroin airson mu dhà mhìos. Bha i a’ c eannachd a cuid heroin aig ionad-bhùithtean ann am Pollok ann an Glaschu airson deich notaichean am poca. Ach air dhòigh ’s dòcha gu bheil an nighean seo fortanach. Gheibh i taic agus cuideachadh gus faighinn seachad air a ’ bheò-ghlacadh an-dràsta agus bithear an dòchas gum faigh i an taic agus an cuideachadh a dh’fheumas i airson cumail air falbh bho dhrogaichean anns na bliadhnaichean a leanas. Ach gu mì-fhortanach chan eil cinnt sam bith mu dheidhinn sin. Tha e uabhasach furasta don h-uile duine anns an riaghaltas, anns a’ phàrlamaid, aig na comhairlean agus na seirbheisean sòisealta a bhith cur a’ choire airson leithid seo de rud tachairt air rud sam bith ach iad fhèin. Ach is i a’ cheist a dh’fheumas a fuasgladh “Dè ghabhas dèanamh airson clann mar seo a dhìon?” Air feadh Alba tha na ceudan de chloinn a’ fàs suas ann an dachaighean far a bheil na pàrantan air am beò-ghlacadh le drogaichean. ’S e sin na cleachdaidhean air a bheil a’ chlann eòlach. ’S ann a tha e na iongnadh nach eil barrachd chloinne aig an aois seo air am beò-glacadh. Ceistean 1. What was the reaction to the news that an 11-year-old girl was a heroin addict? 2 2. How was the girl’s addiction discovered? 2 3. (a) (b) 2 2 4. In what way might this girl be considered fortunate? 3 5. What hope is expressed for this girl? 3 6. What problem must all the concerned agencies address? 3 7. What makes it surprising that more children don’t become addicts? 3 Where did the girl obtain her heroin? How much did it cost her? (20) 32 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 DROGAICHEAN, DEOCH LÀIDIR, SMOCADH Sgrìobhadh Tagh aon de na gnìomhan-sgrìobhaidh a leanas. Choose one of the following writing tasks. 1. Dèan rannsachadh agus faigh a-mach mun trioblaid le drogaichean am measg chloinne ann an Alba. Sgrìobh aithisg anns a’ Ghàidhlig ag innse na fhuair thu a-mach. Do some research on the drug problem which exists amongst children in Scotland. Write an essay in Gaelic on your findings. 2. Dè a’ chomhairle a bheireadh tu do na seirbheisean sòisealta airson dèiligeadh ris an trioblaid a tha ann a thaobh clann òg agus drogaichean. Sgrìobh bileag comhairleachaidh dhaibh sa Ghàidhlig. What advice would you give to Social Services for dealing with the problem that exists with drugs and young children? Write an advice leaflet for them in Gaelic. 3. Dè chomhairle a bheireadh tu do phàrantan, iad fhèin air am beò-ghlacadh le drogaichean, a tha fo iomagain mu dheidhinn buaidh am beò-ghlacaidh air an cuid chloinne. Sgrìobh duilleag comhairleachaidh dhaibh anns a’ Ghàidhlig. What advice would you give to parents, themselves drug addicts, who are worried about the effects of their addiction on their children ? Write an advice sheet for them in Gaelic. 4. “Cha bu chòir “methadone” a bhith air a chleachdadh airson faighinn seachad air beò-ghlacadh le “heroin””. Sgrìobh aiste anns a’ Ghàidhlig a’ toirt dà thaobh na h-argumaid seo agus innis dè an taobh air a bheil thusa agus carson. “Methadone should not be used to get over heroin addiction.” Write an essay in Gaelic giving both sides of the argument and say which side you agree with. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 33 DROGAICHEAN, DEOCH LÀIDIR, SMOCADH Deoch Làidir: Rabhaidhean, Fiosrachadh agus Comhairle Èisteachd Èist ris na h-earrannan a leanas agus freagair na ceistean gu h -ìosal. Listen to the following passages and answer the questions below . The police make a public broadcast on the radio in the lead up to Christmas. Ceistean Pàirt 1 1. Which two groups of road users are mentioned in the second sentence? 2 2. (a) (b) What often takes place at Christmas and New Year time? At what time of day might these take place? 1 1 3. When would one normally expect to come across drunkenness on the streets? 2 4. What is said about the danger presented by drunk drivers? 1 5. Explain how a drunken pedestrian can also be a danger on the road. 2 6. (a) (b) 2 2 7. How do they alarm motorists? How are the groups of partygoers on the streets described? On what is their attention focused? 2 (15) Ceistean Pàirt 2 What is the police advice to drivers who may be going to a work’s party? 2 9. (a) (b) 3 3 10. What hope do the police express for the partygoers? 2 11. What general advice is given to other motorists at this time of year? 3 12. What are their final messages to the listeners? 2 8. What is their advice to partygoers in general? Why is this advice given? (15) 34 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 DROGAICHEAN, DEOCH LÀIDIR, SMOCADH Sgrìobhadh Sgrìobh bileag comhairleachaidh anns a’ Ghàidhlig a bheireadh tu do dhaoine a’ dol a-mach a dh’òl deoch làidir anns na taighean -seinnse agus na clubaichean. Write an advice leaflet in Gaelic that you would give to people planning to go out drinking alcohol in the pubs and clubs. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 35 DROGAICHEAN, DEOCH LÀIDIR, SMOCADH Smocadh Leughadh Leugh an earrann a leanas agus an sin dèan fear de na gnìomhan -sgrìobhaidh. Read the passage below and then do one of the writing tasks. Bha gàirdeachas agus gearain ann an Alba Didòmhnaich, fichead ’s a sia A’ Mhàirt, dà mhìle ’s a sia. Carson a bha seo? Bha a chionn ’s gum b’ e seo an là a thòisich casg smocaidh ann an àitean poblach ann an Alba. Bha gàirdeachas ann bhon àireamh mhòr de shluagh a tha seachd searbh sgìth a’ gabhail ceò bho thoitean dhaoine eile air an anail nuair a bh a iad a- muigh ann an taighean-òsta, taighean-seinnse agus clubaichean. Bha iad sgìth den droch fhàileadh a bhiodh bhon aodach agus bhon fhalt. Bha gearain ann bho chuid de na smocairean nach robh idir toilichte gum feumadh iadsan a-nis a dhol a-mach ma bha iad ag iarraidh toit a lasadh. Bha gearain ann bho na h-òstairean oir bha eagal orra nach cleachdadh uiread de dhaoine na h-aitreabhan aca. Sgrìobhadh 1. Dealbhaich postair no bileag a’ mìneachadh a’ chasg smocaidh agus na buannachdan slàinte a tha na cois. Design a poster explaining the smoking ban and the health benefits which accompany that ban. 2. Sgrìobh litir gu pàipear-naidheachd ag innse do bheachd fhèin air a’ chasg seo. Write a letter to a newpaper giving your own views about this ban. 3. Dealbhaich bileag brosnachaidh do dh’òigridh gus nach tòisich iad a’ smocadh. Cuir an cèill na cunnartan a tha an lùib smocadh. Design a promotional leaflet for young people encouraging them not to start smoking. Highlight the dangers of smoking. 4. Dealbhaich bileag comhairleachaidh do dhaoine a tha ag iarraidh sgur a’ smocadh. Design an advice leaflet for people wishing to give up smoking. 36 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 1: TAPESCRIPTS Appendix 1: Tapescripts Slàinte san Sgoil Pàirt a h-aon Tha riaghaltas na h-Alba ag iarraidh gum bi a h-uile sgoil ann an Alba nan sgoiltean a tha a' brosnachadh slàinte anns a’ bhliadhna 2007. Ach dè tha ann an sgoil a tha a’ brosnachadh slàinte? Thuirt Comann Slàinte na Cruinne (no an WHO) ann an 1995 gur e seo sgoil far an robh a h -uile duine anns an sgoil, luchd-obrach de gach seòrsa agus sgoilearan, ag obair còmhla airson math a h-uile duine. Bha seo a thaobh a’ churaicealaim foirmeil agus neo-fhoirmeil cho math ri staid an togalaich agus na h -àrainneachd mu chuairt air. Gu dearbha bu chòir do theaghlaichean agus don choimhearsnachd air fad a bhith an sàs ann an iomairt gu sgoiltean a dhèanamh nan àitean taitneach, sàbhailte. Pàirt a dhà Tha rannsachadh air sealltainn gu bheil clann fallain nas dualtaiche dèanamh nas fheàrr san sgoil na clann nach eil cho fallain. Rinn Oilthigh Ghlaschu rannsachadh farsaing air a’ chùis ann an 2001. Choimhead iad air aithisgean meadaigeach agus foghlaimeach a bha sgrùdadh cheanglaichean eadar slàinte agus sgilean sgoilearachd bho mhòran dhùthchannan. Seo na co -dhùnaidhean aca: Brosnaichidh biadh math leasachadh na h-eanchainn ann an iomadh dòigh a bheir piseach air sgilean sgoilearachd Bheir smocadh; ceò dhaoine eile air anail; ìre àrd luaidhe san fhuil; dìth iarainn san fhuil agus ìre agus inbhe solas nàdarrach buaidh air sgilean sgoilearachd Tha ceangal eadar slàinte inntinn thruagh agus sgilean sgoile thruagh Bheir clubaichean bracaist ann an sgoiltean piseach air cho math agus a nì clann aig àm measaidh agus air cho bitheanta ’s a thig iad don sgoil FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 37 APPENDIX 1: TAPESCRIPTS Pàirt a trì Tha adhartas mòr air tighinn air a’ bhiadh a thathar a’ tabhann sna sgoiltean an-diugh an taca ri mar a bha e bho chionn beagan bhliadhnaichean. Chan eil slisneagan agus burgairean air an tabhann a h -uile latha agus chan eil deochan milis mar còc agus irn bru rim faotainn. Tha barrachd saileadan agus biadh fallain eile air clàran-bìdh nan sgoiltean. Tha uisge gu leòr ri fhaotainn airson òl. Tha mi creidsinn gu bheil Jamie Oliver air cuideachadh gu ìomhaigh nas fheàrr a thoirt do bhiadh na sgoile. Ac h chan e am biadh an taon rud a bheir buaidh air slàinte nan sgoilearan. Tha rudan eile ann a bhios a’ dèanamh dragh do sgoilearan. Ann am mòran sgoiltean tha buraidheachd na thrioblaid. Cuideachd tha mì -mhodh agus droch ghiùlain dhà no trì a’ cur maill air ionnsachadh a’ mhòrchuid. Cuiridh seo uallach air cuid de sgoilearan agus chan eil iad cho cofhurtail agus bu chòir dhaibh a bhith san sgoil. Tha sinn ag iarraidh sgoiltean far a bheil spèis aig a h-uile duine dha chèile agus dha feumalachdan a chèile. Pàirt a ceithir Tha e coltach gu bheil aon a-mach às gach còig pàist dusan bliadhna a dh’aois ro reamhar. Chan eil clann a’ dèanamh gu leòr eacarsaich. Nuair a tha sgoiltean ùra gan togail agus nuair a thatar a’ leasachadh seann sgoiltean feumar dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil goireasan spòrs gu leòr annta. Feumaidh na goireasan spòrs sin a bhith iomchaidh agus fosgailte don h -uile pàist eadar gu bheil iad bho theaghlaichean beairteach no nach eil. Tha an Riaghaltas a’ cur cuideam mòr air spòrs anns na sgoiltean. Tha iad ag ràdh gum bu chòir, aig a’ char as lugha, dà uair a thìde de spòrs a bhith air a’ churaicealam gach seachdain do gach pàist. Bhiodh e feumail cuideachd nam biodh sgoiltean air an togail far a bheil e furasta agus sàbhailte don chloinn agus don luchdobrach coiseachd, no ruith don sgoil no tighinn innte air baidhsagal. Tha feum aig sgoilearan agus tidsearan an là an-diugh air togalach glan, taitneach, le pailteas de sholas an là agus èadhar fhionnar anns na rumannan aca. Nuair a tha sgoilearan agus tidsearan slàn fallain agus toilichte nan obair bidh an teagasg agus an t-ionnsachadh nas fheàrr. 38 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 1: TAPESCRIPTS Tapescript for Good Food Guide Taigh-bìdh a’ Chrùin Am-bliadhna, chaidh an taigh-bìdh seo ainmeachadh leis a’ Bhòrd Turasachd mar an taigh-bìdh Albannach as fheàrr. Seo an treas turas a bhuannaich an t àrd-chòcaire, Tònaidh Friseal an duais. Chan e iongnadh sam bith a tha sin don fheadhainn a bhitheas a’ tadhal san taigh-bìdh. Gheibh thu biadh fìor bhlasta air a chruthachadh bhon mhaorach, an fheòil, na dearcan is na glasraichean as fheàrr agus as ùire a gheibhear an Alba. Tha Tònaidh den bheachd gu bheil e cudromach gum faigh luchd -turais blasad sònraichte air biadh na dùthcha. Thuirt e, “ Tha am biadh mar phàirt de na saor-làithean dìreach mar a bhiodh turas air Loch Nis no turas gu gailearaidh ann an Dùn Èideann.” Ceòl na Mara Na tèid gu an taigh-bìdh seo mas toil leat feòil. Chan eil ri fhaighinn ann an ‘Ceòl na Mara’ ach iasg is maorach. Chithear an t -iasg àbhaisteach mar bradan is adag air a’ chlàr-bìdh ach cuideachd tha cothrom agad blasad air iasg nas annasaiche. Chòrd an lèabag leathann gu h -àraidh rium agus bha na muasgain-caola cho mòr ri gin a chunnaic mi riamh. Ma shuidheas tu aig bòrd aig an uinneig, chì thu an caladh is b àtaichean a’ seòladh a-mach is a-steach ann - sealladh àlainn aig àm sam bith dhen bhliadhna. Cafaidh Mhàrtainn Is fhiach tadhal an seo ma tha thu ag iarraidh biadh ann an cabhaig a tha blasta ach nach eil ro dhaor. Gheibh thu taghadh de cheapairean f allain agus brot no dhà a tha annasach ach fallain. ’S e oileanaich as motha a bhios ag ithe an seo – tha an cafaidh goireasach dhaibh oir tha e faisg air an oilthigh. Cluinnidh tu iomadh cànan ga bruidhinn anns a’ chafaidh. Shuas an staidhre tha sèithrichean mòra, cofhurtail. Faodaidh tu suidhe greis an sin a’ leughadh aon dhe na leabhraichean bho na sgeilpichean a tha mun cuairt balla an t-seòmair. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 39 APPENDIX 1: TAPESCRIPTS Drogaichean, Deoch Làidir, Smocadh Oideachadh mu Dhrogaichean Pàirt a h-aon Tha trioblaid mhòr anns gach ceàrnaidh de dh’Alba le drogaichean. Tha sinn buailteach a bhith a’ smaoineachadh gur e trioblaid òigridh a -mhàin a tha seo ach chan eil sin fìor. Tha mòran a tha suas ann am bliadhnaichean cuideachd ann an trioblaid le drogaichean. Rud a tha f ìor, co-dhiù ’s e gun do thòisich a’ mhòrchuid a tha air an glacadh le drogaichean nuair a bha iad òg. Nuair a thòisich iad orra bha iad den bheachd nach biodh iadsan a chaoidh an crochadh orra. Bha iad a’ smaoineachadh gum faodadh iad an leigeil seachad aig àm sam bith. Canaidh iad gum b’ fheàrr leotha gun robh am fiosrachadh a tha aca a-nis aca mus do dh’fheuch iad drogaichean idir. Bidh iad a’ cur às leth nan sgoiltean nach do dh’innis iad mu na cunnartan a tha an lùib a bhith a’ gabhail dhrogaichean. Saoil a bheil seo ceart? A bheil sgoiltean a’ toirt am fiosrachadh a tha a dhìth orra don òigridh? Gu dearbha an ann anns an sgoil bu chòir dhaibh am fiosrachadh seo fhaighinn? Bhruidhinn mi ri grunnan dhaoine mun chùis airson am beachdan fhaighinn. Pàirt a dhà Seo beachdan aon bhoireannach òg ris an do bhruidhinn mi. Tha Màiri còrr is trithead bliadhna agus chan eil cuimhne aice mòran oideacha idh mu dhrogaichean fhaighinn san sgoil. “Fhuair sinn leasan no dhà bhon tidsear stiùiridh againn ach ’s ann bho charaidean, irisean, phàipearan-naidheachd agus dìreach a bhith a’ fàs suas anns na h-ochdadan ’s na naochadan a dh’ionnsaich mise mu dhrogaichean. Gu cinnteach, fhuair mi rabhaidhean agus comhairle bhom phàrantan mun deidhinn cuideachd. Air dhòigh air choreigin fhuair mi fiosrachadh a rinn cinnteach nach do dh’fheuch mi na drogaichean mì-laghail a-riamh. Bha cus eagail orm – bha eagal orm gum marbhadh iad mi no gum bithinn air mo bheò -ghlacadh leotha. Co-dhiù, cha robh mi a-riamh a’ faireachdainn gun robh feum agam orra – bha teaghlach taiceal, gràdhach agam, bha caraidean gu leòr agam agus bha cur -seachadan gu leòr agam. 40 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 1: TAPESCRIPTS Fiosrachadh agus Comhairle mu Dheoch Làidir Pàirt a h-aon Tha poilis air feadh Alba a’ toirt rabhaidhean mun chunnart a tha an lùib a bhith fo bhuaidh na dibhe air an rathad mhòr. Chan ann a -mhàin do dhraibhearan a tha an rabhadh ach do luchd-coiseachd cuideachd. Tha an cunnart seo ann fad na bliadhna ach tha e nas miosa buileach aig àm na Nollaige agus na Bliadhn’ Ùir. Aig an àm seo den bhliadhna tha pàrtaidhean oifis is obraichean a’ dol aig uair sam bith den là. Mar sin faodaidh sluagh air mhisg nochdadh air na sràidean aig uair sam bith agus chan ann dìreach anmoch nuair a tha clubaichean is taighean-seinnse a’ dùnadh. Dè seòrsa chunnartan a tha ann? Tha e follaiseach gu leòr an cunnart a tha ann bho dhraibhearan a tha fo bhuaidh na dibhe. Tha iad nan cunnart dhaibh fhèin agus do chàch. Ach tha luchd coiseachd nan cunnart dhaibh fhèin agus do chàch cuideachd. Chan eil iad a’ coiseachd dìreach no còmhnard agus bidh iad a’ tuiteam bhon chabhsair a-mach air an t-sràid air beulaibh chàraichean. Bidh iad tric ann am buidhnean fuaimneach, aighearach làn deagh -ghean agus spòrs an dèidh a bhith aig pàrtaidh na Nollaige. Chan eil air an inntin n ach spòrs agus dibhearsain. Gu h-obann agus gun rabhadh sam bith nì iad an slighe tarsainn na sràide gun aire sam bith a thoirt don trafaig a tha air an rathad. Tha seo na adhbhar eagail do dhraibhearan agus na chunnart dhaibh fhèin. Pàirt a dhà Seo a’ chomhairle a tha na poilis a’ toirt do luchd -obrach a’ dol gu pàrtaidh. An toiseach do dhràibhearan -fàgaibh an càr aig an taigh ma tha sibh gu bhith ag òl deoch làidir sam bith, eadhon aon ghl ainne fìon. Gabhaibh tagsaidh no bus no trèana dhachaigh. Agus comhairle don h-uile neach a tha dol gu pàrtaidh - feuchaibh gun cus deoch làidir òl. Gabhaibh glainne uisge no sùgh mheasan an-dràsta ’s a-rithist gus nach bi sibh ro ghòrach a’ cleachdadh an rathaid nuair a thig sibh a -mach às na taighean-òsta agus na taighean-seinnse aig àm dol dhachaigh. Na coisichibh dhachaigh nur n-aonar air mhisg. Chan eil sinn idir ag iarraidh casg a chur air ur spòrs. Tha sinn an dòchas gun còrd ur pàrtaidhean ribh agus gun cùm sibh sàbhailte. Do dhraibhearan eile anns na bailtean -feumaidh sibh sùil gheur a chumail air gach taobh agus a bhith deiseil gu stad ann am priobadh na sùla. Tha e air leth cudromach gum bi sibh a’ siubhal aig astar iomchaidh gus an tèid agaibh air stad gu h-obann. Thoiribh an aire agus Nollaig Chridheil dhuibh uile. FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 41 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES Appendix 2: Marking schemes Slàinte san Dachaigh 1. Why is important to keep homes clean and safe? (to keep those who live there healthy) 2. Name four things which make it easier to do that now than in olden days? (Any four of floor cleaners(accept vacuum cleaners or hoovers), washing machines, dishwashers, fridges or freezers, electric or gas cookers) 3. In what way has the role of women in the home changed over the years? (don’t stay at home to raise family/keep house) 2 4 3 4. What is true of most homes nowadays? (both parents out working/earning) 5. (a) (b) ((a) (b) How does this affect the family’s shopping? How have families’ eating habits changed? often buy fast food/factory prepared meals eat at different times/eat off trays in front of TV rather than as family at table) 3 3 6. (a) Name three diseases mentioned. (TB, measles, whooping cough) What are we told about the status of these diseases nowadays? (now controlled) 3 (b) 7. 8. What are families missing out on if they don’t sit down to meals together? (talk/listen to each other) (a) (b) 2 2 3 Why are fat and salt mentioned in the last sentence? 3 Which two other ingredients are mentioned? 2 (too much in prepared/processed food that is bought ready to eat) (30) 42 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES Slàinte san Àite-obrach 1. What reason is given to account for the increased weight of workers? (so many sitting at desks all day) 2. How do illnesses connected to obesity affect (a) (b) (c) ((a) (b) (c) 3. 3 3 3 Registration with the Health at Work, Scotland programme qualifies employers for assistance in health-promoting initiatives. (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. the workplace? the UK economy? the National Health Service? lose 18 million working days a year costs UK economy £2 billion costs NHS £500 million) 3 What could be offered free by employers to e mployees as part of this initiative? (fruit) About which two things relating to health should employers be giving employees information? (what they eat, exercise) How could employers encourage employees to join a gym? (help with cost, membership) (i) What should be provided at meetings? (fruit,nuts,sandwiches) (ii) What would these be replacing? (cakes,biscuits) 1 2 2 3 2 Employees can also contribute to their own health and fitness. (a) How can they ensure they get more exercise on their way to work if: (i) they travel to work by car? 3 (leave car further away, walk to office) (ii) they take the bus to work? 3 (get off bus a stop early and walk rest of way) (iii) their place of work is not on the ground floor of a building? 2 (use stairs not lift) (b) (i) What should they do if they have to think through a problem? (take a walk outside) FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 2 43 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES (ii) How will this benefit them? (air will help brain to work) (iii) How could they relieve stress and exercise muscles throughout the day while sitting at their desks? (do stretching exercises now and again while sitting at desk) (iv) What recommendation is made about lunchtime activities? (do them with a friend) (v) How will this encourage continued participation? (neither will wish to let other down) 5. 6. 3 3 2 3 How many steps should a person be aiming for on their pedometer each day? (10,000) 1 For which reasons could a person regularly get up from their desk throughout the day? (get a drink, speak to someone) 2 7. What advice is given regarding drinks? (more water, less coffee) 2 8 How will following these recommendations benefit everyone? (health will improve) 2 (50) 44 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES Slàinte san Sgoil Pàirt a h-aon 1. What kind of schools does the Scottish Executive expect all schools to be by 2007? 2 (health promoting) 2. What does the World Health Organisation say everyone connected with schools should be doing? (working together for the good of all) 2 What other aspects of school besides the curriculum should be addressed? (building, environment) 2 3. 4. Which two adjectives are used to describe a desirable school? (pleasant or attractive/safe) 2 Pàirt a dhà 1. What claim is made regarding healthy children in the first sentence? (more likely to do better in school than unhealthy children) 2. In what year did Glasgow university carry out an extensive study of Medical and Educational research? (2001) 3 1 3. Between which two things were they investigating a connection? (health and attainment or academic skills) 2 4. What did they claim a good diet did for the brain? (encouraged or enhanced development) 2 5. Besides passive smoking name three things whic h affect academic performance? (High lead levels in blood, lack of iron (anaemia), levels and quality of light) 3 6. What is associated with poor mental health? (poor achievement in school) 2 7. Name two benefits of breakfast clubs in schools. (improved results, better attendance) 2 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 45 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES Pàirt a trì 1. In what way have school meals improved in comparison with a few years ago? (chips, burgers and fizzy drinks are not on menu everyday) 4 2. What is on offer for school dinners? (more salads and other healthy options, plenty of water) 3 3. For what may Jamie Oliver take some credit? (improving the image of school meals) 3 4. What is prevalent in many schools which bothers pupils? (bullying) 1 5. (a) (b) ((a) (b) 2 3 6. What would be the ideal relationships in schools? (respect for each other and other’s needs) What sometimes interferes with the learning of some pupils? What effect can this have on some pupils? misbehaviour of two or three worries some not as comfortable as they should be) 3 Pàirt a ceithir 1. What proportion of 12-year-olds is overweight? (One in five) 2. What facilities should be provided when schools are built or refurbished? (plenty of sports facilities) 2 What should be true about children’s access to sports facilities in schools? (open to everyone regardless of wealth) 3 What, according to the Government, should be the minimum time allocation for sport in the curriculum? (2 hours per week) 2 3. 4. 5. Where should schools be built? (where it is easy and safe to walk/cycle to them) 46 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 2 4 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES 6. 7. Besides good sports facilities, what else do today’s students and staff need for their well-being? (clean, attractive buildings, plenty of daylight, fresh air) What happens when staff and students are happy and healthy? (better teaching and learning) FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 5 3 47 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES Bochdainn is Slàinte Ceistean 1. (a) (b) For which four things is money essential? (home, food, clothes, leisure) Name three things for which these are important. (health of body, mind, spirit) 4 3 2. Where are we likely to assume poverty exists? (foreign countries, Third World) 2 3. What is the definition of child poverty in our country? (home income less than 60% of the national average) 4 4. What proportion of Scottish children is said to live in poverty? (quarter) 1 5. In what way can poverty affect health? (likely to be worse than normal) 3 6. Give four of the reasons mentioned for poverty. 4 (lack of job opportunities, not having appropriate skills, illness, oneparent families, old age, debt, drug or alcohol addiction, poor money mangement, ignorance of benefits available) 7. What does Britain aim to do by 2020? (eradicate child poverty) 2 8. What progress is being made towards this goal? (Scotland on target, UK not so good) 4 9. What should our aim be (a) (b) ((a) (b) regarding poverty for all children and adults? make it history equal opportunities, mental/physical health) 1 5 (40) 48 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES Bho Bhail’ Ailein gu Burkina Faso 1. 10 (1) 2. When she left school (1) at 17 (1) 3. Children’s (1) work 4. Link between (1) healthy food (1), exercise (1) and good health (1) 5. Fruit (1), vegetables (1), pasta (1), rice (1); any two 6. Too much sugar (1), too much salt (1), too much fat (1); any one 7. Danger (1), legal/illegal (1) drugs (1) 8. Alcohol (1), nicotine (1), other harmful (1) drugs 9. When she graduated (1) 10. Third (1) World (1) 11. Involved (1) every year (1) in Children in Need (1) 12. Helpers (1) from Scotland (1) 13. Drought (1), locusts (1) 14. Community (1) Health (1) Programme 15. Child/health (1) care (1) 16. Help (1) 17. Little help (1) will be of use/benefit (1) although the needs are so great (1) FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 49 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES Oideachadh mu Dhrogaichean Pàirt 1 1. Where in Scotland are we told there is a problem with drugs? (every corner – 1 mark each) 2 2. Which age group do people wrongly assume are the only ones to suffer from a drugs problem? 1 (young people – 1 mark) 3. What is true for the majority of drug addicts? (started taking drugs when young – 1 mark each) 4. What do these drug addicts wish they had known when they were young? (what they know now – 1 mark each) 2 2 5. Of what do they accuse schools? (didn’t tell them about the dangers of taking drugs) 2 6. The speaker poses three questions. What are these questions? (do you think this is true? – 1 mark) (are schools giving students the information they need? – 2 mark)s (are schools the places that should give this information? – 2 marks) 5 7. How does the speaker aim to get some opinions about the questions? (by speaking to a number of people – 1 mark each) 2 Pàirt Dhà 1. How old is Mary? (over 30) 1 2. What are her recollections of drugs education in school? (not a lot, 1 or 2 lessons from Guidance teacher) 3 3. Name three of the ways in which she found out about drugs. (friends, magazines, newspapers, television, growing up in the 1980s and 1990s) 3 4. What contribution did her parents make to her drugs education? (gave warnings, advice) 2 50 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES 5. What did the knowledge she acquired ensure? (never tried illegal drugs) 2 6. How does she describe her family? (supportive, loving) 2 7. Which two things did she have plenty of? (friends, hobbies) 2 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 51 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES Clann Òga agus Drogaichean 1. What was the reaction to the news that an 11 -year-old girl was a heroin addict? 2 (absolutely horrified) 2. How was the girl’s addiction discovered? (fell asleep in school) 2 3. (a) (b) ((a) (b) 2 2 4. In what way might this girl be considered fortunate? (got help and support to give up drugs) 3 5. What hope is expressed for this girl? (gets help and support to keep off drugs in future) 3 6. What problem must all the concerned agencies address? (what can be done to protect such children?) 3 7. What makes it surprising that more children don’t become addicts? (so many parents are drug addicts, what children grow up with) 3 52 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) Where did the girl obtain her heroin? How much did it cost her? shopping centre in Pollok £10 a bag)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES Deoch Làidir: Rabhaidhean, Fiosrachadh agus Comhairle Pàirt 1 1. Which two groups of road users are mentioned in the second sentence? (drivers/pedestrians) 2. What happens at any time of day at Christmas and New Year time? (office/work parties) 3. When would one normally expect to come across drunkenness on the streets? (late at night from clubs, pubs at closing time) 2 2 2 4. What is said about the danger presented by drunk drivers? (obvious) 1 5. Explain how a drunken pedestrian can also be a danger on the road. (not walking straight, fall off pavement in front of traffic) 3 6. (a) 7. Give two ways in which groups of partygoers on the streets are described? (b) On what is their attention focused? ((a) any two of noisy, happy, good humoured, high spirited, etc.) (b) entertainment, diversion, fun) How do they alarm motorists? (cross street with no attention to traffic) 2 2 2 Pàirt 2 8. What is the police advice to drivers who may be going to a work’s party? (leave the car at home) 2 9. (a) What is their advice to partygoers in general? (b) Why is this advice given? ((a) try not to drink too much alcohol, have an occasional glass of water or fruit juice (b) don’t be stupid when leaving clubs and pubs to go home) 3 3 10. What hope do the police express for the partygoers? (enjoy their parties and keep safe) 2 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 53 APPENDIX 2: MARKING SCHEMES 11. What general advice is given to other motorists at this time of year? (Be alert and ready to stop quickly, drive at an appropriate speed) 3 12. What is their final message to the listeners? (Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year) 2 (30) 54 FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 3: OTHER USEFUL RESOURCES Appendix 3: Other useful resources Support notes and units from previous courses Cùisean course books Information for parents booklets such as “A’ dèanamh an eadar -dhealachadh Roghainnean fallain BHF Information booklets Newspapers Magazines Internet FOOD AND HEALTH (H, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 55