Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Development through ICT
08-10 June 2016, Manila, Philippines
Provisional Agenda
(June 8, 2016) DAY 1
8:00 am - 9:00 am
9:00 am - 9:10 am
Invocation & National Anthem
9:10 am - 9:20 am
Welcome Remarks
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
9:20 am - 9:30 am
Opening Address
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
9:30 am - 09:45 am
Keynote Address
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
9:45 am - 10:30 am
Group Photo/ Networking Break & Opening of Exhibition
Setting the Context: Plenary Session
10:30am – 11:30am
On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit
officially came into force. The SDGs aim to end poverty, fight inequality, tackle climate change, and
improve social and economic development, among others. ICT innovation proves to play a crucial role
in tackling these issues on a more universal scale while ensuring sustainability in finding and
implementing local solutions. This plenary will highlight the perspective of various stakeholders and
how they see ICT innovation as an enabler in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The 17
goals and 169 targets are set to be achieved in the next 15 years, how will ICT innovation contribute to
Panelists: TBC
Moderator: TBC
11:30 am - 12:00nn
Book launch of Internet Society of the Philippines
12:00nn - 12:30pm
Special Keynote / Showcase
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Plenary 1: Bridging the Gap: Designing Education Models that can lead to Employment and/or
1:30 pm - 3:00pm
The global economic crisis and high rates of unemployment have exacerbated the challenges already
prevalent in developing countries. This plenary shall discuss the potentials of ICT in reshaping key
aspects of the education system, and shall provide a global discussion on various educational model
benchmarks which leads to employment creation and entrepreneurial mindsets. It aims to accelerate
the implementation of a new vision in education and call for a collaborative process to re-orient
educational policies, programs and practices in order for education leading to gainful employment
Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Development through ICT
08-10 June 2016, Manila, Philippines
Provisional Agenda
and/or creating entrepreneurs who in turn will provide jobs.
Panelists: TBC
Moderator: TBC
3:00pm – 3:30pm
Coffee Break
Breakout 1A: ICT Enabled Education and Skills Development
This session will deliberate on how innovative ICT solutions can be successfully brought to scale in
order to bridge the knowledge divide and to build multiple lifelong learning pathways that span formal
and informal systems and support the job-related skill development.
Speakers: TBC
Breakout 1B: Getting into and Growing in the World of Work
3:30 pm – 4:45 pm
Providing a stable and productive employment system that will provide and retain job opportunities is a
concern shared by governments around the world. This session shall discuss various model
benchmarks to accelerate not only work opportunities but work retention.
Speakers: TBC
Breakout 1C: The Great Alternative: How ICT can open the possibilities of Entrepreneurship
While research on the intersection of entrepreneurship and innovation, particularly in developing
countries, is in the early stages, there is nonetheless a consensus that entrepreneurship encourages
high levels of innovation. This session shall explore the context of ICT related strategies as an enabler
to provide entrepreneurial mindsets and scale opportunities.
Speakers: TBC
(June 9, 2016) DAY 2
08:30 am - 09:00 am
09:00 am - 09:20 am
Special Keynote / Showcase
9:20 am -10:30am
Plenary 2: How ICT can drive Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Economic Development
Agriculture has undergone a change in the last couple of decades when the information age began to
shape agricultural production and the way farming is done today. This process presents an enormous
Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Development through ICT
08-10 June 2016, Manila, Philippines
Provisional Agenda
challenge for the stakeholders in agriculture, especially for smallholder farmers and family farms that
play a crucial role in the sustainable use of rural resources. This panel shall examine ICT as a tool
and various innovation strategies in order to strengthen the capacity of the rural poor and their
organizations, improve equitable access to productive natural resources and technology, increase
access to financial and insurance services and markets and foster Sustainable Agriculture.
Panelists: TBC
Moderator: TBC
10:30am – 10:45am
Coffee Break
Breakout 2A: Access to Finance
The telecommunications and microfinance industries have grown rapidly in recent years and are
overcoming the traditional challenges of reaching rural and formerly underserved areas. This session
shall introduce and examine specifically the business models and enabling factors that are making
new sources of financing and income accessible in rural areas.
Speakers: TBC
Breakout 2B: Access to Market
3:30 pm – 4:45 pm
The new ICT tools and services are both an opportunity and a risk: the adaption of these innovations
is a must in order to act in a globalized context and to manage even a small farm. This track shall
discuss and showcase effective model benchmarks with the use of ICT innovations in order to better
access the markets.
Speakers: TBC
Breakout 2C: Innovative Partnerships to Improve Productivity and Profits
Focuses on the role of partnerships between various sectors in promoting sustainable agricultural
development, while also taking into account the importance of ICT. This track shall discuss in more
detail how ICT innovations and public-private partnerships increase productivity and profits
Speakers: TBC
12:00 pm - 1:15 pm
1:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Special Keynote / Showcase
Plenary 3: ICT as an enabler to provide Universal Healthcare
1:45 pm – 3:15 pm
Information and communication technology (ICT) is continuously being used to enhance healthcare
services and information. However, when countries do not fully harness the benefits of ICT,
inefficiencies proliferate and some of the most basic building blocks of healthcare become extremely
difficult to put in place, at both the individual and population level. This plenary shall highlight the
effective adaption of ICT in the healthcare system, and how it can contribute to sustainable
development. Taking into account the general conceptions of ICT in healthcare and its aspects of
implementation such as its challenges and key factors and thoroughly discuss the role of international
Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Development through ICT
08-10 June 2016, Manila, Philippines
Provisional Agenda
organizations in promoting UHC
Panelists: TBC
Moderator: TBC
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm
Coffee Break
Breakout 3A: Financing Models including Health Insurance
The health system is haunted by challenges of accessibility and affordability. Despite impressive
gains in many health indicators, recent evidence has raised concerns regarding the utilization, quality
and equity of healthcare. This session shall give a detailed background and discuss steps in gaining
access to various insurance services and financing models in the health sector.
Speakers: TBC
Breakout 3B: ICT Innovations in Healthcare
3:30pm – 5:00pm
The wider use of ICT in healthcare is a basic condition for the development, implementation and
further generation of innovative health care technologies. Therefore social capacity, knowledge and
acceptance to utilize eHealth technologies among citizens and medical professionals need to be
recognized. This session shall specifically address the contribution of science, technology and
innovation to universal healthcare.
Speakers: TBC
Breakout 3B: Innovative Partnerships to reach last mile beneficiaries
The ways in which partnerships play a role in and their importance to the development of different
aspects of healthcare are discussed. It will highlight how digital technologies can best be utilized to
improve communication gaps regarding healthcare not only between providers and receivers, but also
among different sectors.
Speakers: TBC
(June 10, 2016) DAY 3
08:30 am - 09:00 am
9:00am - 9:20 am
Special Keynote/Showcase
Plenary 4: Smart Technologies and Smarter Societies: Using Technology for Smart Cities,
Towns and Villages
9:20am - 10:30 am
Decision-makers are facing the need to rethink and redefine the way in which infrastructure is built,
services are offered, citizens are engaged, the local economy is developed and systems linked, with
the aim of transforming cities into more sustainable and robust living environments. The panel shall
explore best practices and lessons learned across a broad range of smart technology projects in
transport, water & energy, security, and citizen services to showcase effective solutions and possible
Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Development through ICT
08-10 June 2016, Manila, Philippines
Provisional Agenda
adoptions within for the local sector. The plenary shall also divulge on how effective partnership can
play a role in enabling effective city-business dialogues, and sustainable urban infrastructure.
Panelists: TBC
Moderator: TBC
10:30 am - 10:45 am
10:45 am - 12:00nn
Coffee Break
Plenary 5: Connectivity
Connectivity and open Internet is and will continue to be an essential tool in facilitating the
implementation of all SDG goals, as well as a key means to leverage the ingenuity, collaboration and
partnerships needed to make them a reality. This panel shall examine the types, quality, and extent of
connectivity in being the underpinning platform for the growth of ICTs and for an emerging digital
economy by exploring its two main components: accessibility and affordability.
Panelists: TBC
Moderator: TBC
12:00 nn - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 1:20 pm
Special Keynote / Showcase
Closing Session: Connecting the Dots
This session is designed to ignite the connections established between sectors wherein technology can
be used to foster Sustainable development.
1:20 pm - 2:40 pm
It also hopes to understand whether these technological innovations can be a cross-cutting solution to
the problems being faced in the fields of Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship, Sustainable
Agriculture, Universal Healthcare, Smart Cities, DRRM and Climate change, and Connectivity.
Panelists: TBC
Moderator: TBC
2:40 pm - 3:00 pm
Official Closing