M2M standardization in ITU-T and its perspective

ITU Workshop on
“Standardization on IMT, M2M, IoT,
Cloud Computing and SDN”
(Algiers, Algeria, 8 September 2013)
M2M standardization in ITU-T
and its perspective
Hyoung Jun Kim,
Chair of WP3 in ITU-T SG13
Vice-chair of FG on M2M in ITU-T SG11
Algiers, Algeria, 8 September 2013
M2M/IoT Definitions
A global network infrastructure, linking
physical and virtual objects through
the exploitation of data capture and
communication capabilities
A form of data communication which
involves one or more entities that do
not necessarily need human interaction
A global infrastructure for the information
society, enabling advanced services by
interconnecting (physical and virtual) things
based on, existing and evolving, interoperable
information and communication technologies
[ITU-T Y.2060]
M2M (service layer)
Considered as a key enabler for IoT
Communication between two or
more entities that do not
necessarily need any direct human
Information exchange between a
Subscriber station and a Server in the core
network (through a base station) or
between Subscriber station, which may be
carried out without any human interaction
[IEEE 802.16p]
a world-wide network of interconnected
objects uniquely addressable, based on
standard communication protocols
M2M/IoT-related entities in ITU-T
Joint Coordination Activity on Internet of Things (2011.3 ~)
IoT Standards Roadmap
• 30 participating entities: All ITU-T SGs, ITU-R WP1A, WP1B,
WP5A, ISO TC 122, 204, ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 6, 31, WG 7,
• Working deliverable: IoT Standards Roadmap
• On-going and published work
on IoT in other SDOs and ITU
• Open to public (free download)
IoT work plan
• On-going and planed work on
IoT within ITU-T
Internet of Things Global Standards
Initiative (2011.5 ~)
• Core Questions: Q1/3, Q12/11, Q3/13,
Q4/13, Q5/13, Q7/13, Q12/13, Q16/13,
Q25/13, Q21/16, Q22/16, Q25/16, Q6/17
• Additional Questions: 16 Qs
Focus Group on M2M service layer
(2012.1 ~ 2013.12)
Focus Group on M2M Service Layer
Many industries have been addressing M2M solutions and
applications frequently requiring custom
hardware/software, typically resulting in long time-tomarket, high development costs and high operational
expenses (work duplication, industry fragmentation)
FG M2M was established in 2012 with the key goal of study
on requirements and specifications for a common M2M
Service Layer:
Cost-efficient platform
Across IoT vertical markets [M2M technologies as a key enabler of the
Multi-vendor environment
Focus Group on M2M Service Layer
FG M2M initial focus: e-health
FG M2M aims at including vertical market stakeholders not
part of traditional ITU-T membership, such as World Health
Organization (WHO) and e-health professionals, and at
collaborating with M2M and e-health communities
(research, academies, SDOs, fora, consortia)
Liaisons have been activated with M2M and e-health
standardization efforts
FG M2M meeting plan
Last meeting
16-19 July 2013, Bordeaux, France (hosted by e-Device)
Planned meetings
3, 4 and 5 September 2013, e-meeting
8-11 October 2013, Jeju, Korea
3-6 December 2013, London, UK
FG M2M work program and structure
Cross-working groups
E-health basic concepts , definitions, terminology, taxonomies
M2M enabled E-health ecosystem aspects and business models
M2M enabled E-health standardization activities and gap analysis
WG1: Use cases and service models
Use cases and Service Models
WG2: Requirements and architectural framework of the
M2M Service Layer
Preliminary understanding of M2M reference model and M2M Service
Service and functional requirements of the M2M Service Layer
common to support of different application domains as well as based
on and specific to e-health use cases
M2M Service Layer architectural framework (capabilities, functional
components, reference points)
FG M2M work program and structure
WG3: API and protocols – activated on Jan 2013
Framework of APIs and protocols for M2M
APIs and protocols for specific M2M interfaces (focus on e-health)
Assumption: high reusability of existing specifications based on the
analysis of existing APIs and protocols in order to support the
identified requirements
FG M2M ongoing deliverables
WG1: Use cases and service models
(D1.1) M2M use cases: e-health
WG2: Requirements and architectural framework of the
M2M Service Layer
(D2.1) M2M service layer: requirements and architectural framework
WG3: API and protocols (activated on Jan. 2013)
(D3.1) M2M service layer: M2M APIs and protocols guidelines
Cross WGs deliverables
(D0.1) M2M standardization activities and gap analysis: e-health
(D0.2) M2M enabled ecosystems: e-health
Remote patient monitoring / assisted
Remote patient monitoring / assisted living is the service
category currently identified by FG M2M as work focus
(other categories still under discussion)
The figure provides an overview of the key technical components of
the e-health ecosystem involved in “Remote patient
monitoring/assisted living”
IoT vs. M2M service layer in FG
FG M2M liaisons with responsible
M2M centric: ETSI TC M2M, oneM2M
E-health centric: WHO, mHealth Alliance, GSMA, HL7,
DICOM, Continua Health Alliance, ISO/TC 215, CEN TC 251,
IHE, GS1 Healthcare, epSOS
Further information
Convener: Mr. Hyoung Jun KIM (khj@etri.re.kr)
TSR Coordinator: Mr. Heyuan Xu (xuheyuan@catr.cn)
Chairman: Mr. Heyuan Xu (xuheyuan@catr.cn)
Thank you for your attention.
Hyoung Jun KIM
Standards Research Center
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
E-mail: khj@etri.re.kr
Tel: +82 42 860 6576, Fax: +82 42 861 5404