SDN standardization Landscape from ITU-T Study Group 13 Takashi Egawa Rapporteur, Question 14, Study Group 13 Copyright (C) 2013 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved. To make everything virtual is a long-time dream ▐ A textbook written in ‘80s discussed ‘software definable network’ ▐ If we could make a pool of network resources and realize everything as its instances… (servers, firewalls, all appliances are specialized computers. If you can ignore performance, non-specialized computers can become anything) Abundant computers, enormous processing power, ubiquitous links, switches, abundant storages, … are shared among purposes/customers… Purpose Temporary, local ICT system Global ICT infrastructure Highly secure, closed network ▐ Then we are free from hardware restrictions! all difficulties will go to complicated system|software architecture, and its management Page 2 Copyright (C) 2013 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved. Now is time to move one step forward ▐ Many ICT resources are becoming REALLY abundant CPU performance is still increasing, end-users don’t care it anymore The amount of memory and storage are still increasing Access links are fast enough to be shared among multiple purposes Gbps access is too much for email and simple web! No problem. Greedy human beings are now shouting ‘I need my dedicated system’. Let them get it ▐ Computing resources are already virtualized. Network’s turn ▐ The myth of ‘distributed system is good’ is waning, finally Telco industry said so for years, and Internet industry now agrees centralized system is good in some areas Good time to re-visit fundamental telecom network architecture OK, let’s check how far we can go at 2013, 16, 20! And discuss what we should do now Page 3 Copyright (C) 2013 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved. Various activities are discussing specific part OSS Each cloud service SDO User Terminal Open Stack Cloud stack OpenDaylight Network Services ETSI SG11, 13 IETF BBF ONF NFV Access Core transport transport Q.12/15 OIF management Applications TMF ▐ Collaboration with already ongoing SDOs/open source activities is the key to the success of SDN standardization ▐ Nobody discuss the overall architecture of vast telecom industry Page 4 Copyright (C) 2013 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved. An important question nobody is trying to answer At international cloud interconnection with SDN… Country A Cloud provider Country B Telco carrier Country B End-user Cloud service SDN controller transport SDN controller applet transport ▐ Country A cloud service provider requests change to Country B carrier network through east-west IF of SDN. Or through end-user’s applets. ▐ Security, privacy policy coordinated with cloud’s policy? How about billing? ▐ Is overall architecture OK? Page 5 Copyright (C) 2013 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved. ITU’s role, SG13’s view ▐ Important issues remain in public networks’ SDN, in particular in its international interconnection Easily manageable, secure, privacy-friendly architecture coordinated with cloud computing is the key to the success of SDN for internationally interconnected public networks International standards are indispensable for this goal ▐ Collaboration and coordinate with non-ITU activities indispensable Various SDOs and Open Source Software (OSS) community has started developing SDN building blocks in specific areas In NGN, we referred many standards outside of ITU. Let’s do it again SG13 therefore proposes to establish Joint Coordination Activity on SDN (JCA-SDN) for collaboration and coordination ▐ To start with, we need industry-wide consensus about SDN Once we establish a base, we can discuss SDN for particular area (NGN, cloud, security, etc.) on each specific group (Q.) Page 6 Copyright (C) 2013 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved. SDN related activity in SG13 and other SGs ▐ In SG13, SDN and network virtualization had been discussed as a part of Future Network activity Service awareness as one of the four objective of Future Networks: services will increase and diverse even more in the future, and networks have to be designed to manage this SDN and network virtualization are important mitigation technology Finished: Y.3001 (Future networks: Objectives and design goals), Y.3011 (Framework of network virtualization for future networks Ongoing: Y.FNvirtreq (Requirement of network virtualization for Future Networks) ▐ The discussion on SDN itself has started Y.FNsdn (Framework of Telecom SDN) Y.FNsdn-fm (Requirements of formal specification and verification methods for software-defined networking) Y.S-NICE-reqts (Requirements and capability framework for NICE implementation making usage of software-defined networking technologies) ▐ SG11 started reqs. and architecture discussion for SDN signaling ▐ SG15, 17 is interested in SDN Page 7 Copyright (C) 2013 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved. SG13’s proposed roadmap Open stack, Cloud stack ETSI NFV ONF OIF TMF IETF BBF Collaboration and coordination Q14/13 Figure from TD-18 (TSAG) Gaps Common SDN Common SDN 2013 ITU-T SDN 2014 2015 ~ 2016 Y.SDN -FR Functional requirements and architectures Q14/13 of common SDN Q14/13 New1/13 Qs/13 New2/13 Use Cases Q11/13 Q 6,8,9/13 Q2, 3/13 Functional requirements of ITU -T SDN Functional architectures and mechanisms of ITU-T SDN Analysis of Regulatory implications of SDN and future networks SDN Interworking requirements and functions Common capabilitiesQoS, ( Security, Mobility) and mechanismsto support SDN Use of SDN into existing networks such as NGN -e ▐ Minimum consensus on ‘what’s SDN in ICT industry’ as ‘common SDN’ A topic at Q.14/13 as well as JCA-SDN ▐ ITU-T and SG13 then develops ITU-T specific SDN in various groups (Qs) Page 8 Copyright (C) 2013 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved. Conclusion ▐ SDN has historical basis Good starting point to make consensus of what is SDN ▐ Important issues remain in public networks’ SDN, in particular in its international interconnection ▐ Collaboration necessary with other SDOs and OSS communities SG13 proposes to establish JCA-SDN ▐ To start with, we need industry-wide consensus about SDN ▐ SG13 and other SGs has already started SDN activity in this direction, which originated in Future Networks activity Many Qs in SG13 are and will be involved in this SDN activity Page 9 Copyright (C) 2013 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved.