



Third Edition

• • •


Marilyn E. Phelan

Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Law,

Texas Tech University School of Law

Robert J. Desiderio

Professor of Law, Emeritus

University of New Mexico School of Law

Sanchez, Mowrer & Desiderio, P. C.

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Mat #40880556


A Thomson Reuters business



PRE FACE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------V

TABLE OF CASES------------------------------------------------------------------------------XXV

Chapter 1. Overview of the Nonprofit Sector ----------------------------1

I. Nature of a Nonprofit Organization --------------------------------------1

Note --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

Questions -----------------------------------------------------------------------3

Association for Preservation of Freedom of Choice v. Shapiro --------3

Note -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Slee v. Commissioner --------------------------------------------------------------6

Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Haring v. Blumenthal -------------------------------------------------------------8

Note -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------14

Questions -----------------------------------------------------------------------15

Big Mama Rag v. United States --------------------------------------------15

National Alliance v. United States----------------------------------------20

Questions --------------------------------------------------------------------------24

Nationalist Foundation v. Commissioner ---------------------------------25

Problem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------27

II. Organizational Structure of a Nonprofit Organization ---------------27

A . Trust--------------------------------------------------------------------27

Restatement, Trusts ----------------------------------------------------28

§ 348. Definition of Charitable Trust.----------------------__ ____ 28

Restatement, Trusts----------------------------------_______ --28

§ 364. Indefinite Beneficiaries ----------------------------------28

Restaterp.ent, Trusts --------------------------------------------28

§ 380. Extent of Trustee's Powers-------------------_____________ 28

B. Association-------------------------------------------------------------------29

Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act ---------------29

Problem ----------------------------------------------------------------__ 29


C. Nonprofit Corporation -----------------------------------------------------30

1. Model Nonprofit Corporation Acts ---------------------------______ _ 30

2. Status of a Nonprofit Corporation as a Charitable Trust -----

Uniform Supervision of Trustees for Charitable Purposes


Act ----------------------------------------------------------------------32

California Government Code ----------------------------------------32

§ 12580 -------------------------------------------------------_ __________ 32

§ 12581----------------------------------------------------_ ____________ 32

Younger v. Wisdom Society --------------------------------------------33

People v . George F . Harding Museum --------------------------36 xiii




II. Organizational Structure of a Nonprofit Organization-Continued

Question ---------------------____ __ ___ _____ _ ___ _ _ __ __ 39

Commonwealth of Virginia v. The JOCO Foundation ------40

Questions ----------------------------___ __ -_ _ ___ ___ _ __ _ _ _ 46

Note ------------------------__ --_ _ __ __ __ ___ ______ _ 46

Question ----------------------------------------__ _ __ ___ ___ _____ 46

Dodge v . Trustees of Randolph-Macon Woman ' s College --46

Note ------------------------------------__ _____ __ __ ____ _ _ _ 50

Problem --------------------------------_ __ __ ___ ____ _ _ __ 50

III. Nongovernmental Organization (NGO)--------------------------50

IV . Foreign Nonprofit Organizations and Philanthropy Abroad----51

Notes----- ___ ___ _ __ _____ ___ __ ____ ___ _ __ _ _ _ ____ __ __ _ -------_ __ _ _ _ ____ __ ____ __ __ __ _ _ 52

A. Synopsis of French Law on Non-Profit Organizations ------__ 52

1. Associations -----------------------------------___ 52

2 . Foundations ----------------------------_ __ ____ _ _____ _ ___ 55

3. Public Interest Foundations -----------------------55

4. Corporate Foundations------------------------____ 56

B. Synopsis of Italian Law on Nonprofit Organizations-------57

Note ---------- _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ __ ____ _______ _ _ __ ___ ____ ----------------__ 58

Revenue Ruling 63-252-------------------------58

Revenue Ruling 66-79 -------------------------_ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ 62

Question-__ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _______ ___ __ _ ___ _ ____ __ _ _ __ _ -------------65

Note ----__ __ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ ___ _ __ ________ __ _ -------__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ 65

Chapter 2. The Nonprofit Corporation -----------------------_ _ _ 66

1. Nature of a Nonprofit Corporation ----------------------66

In re Mt. Sinai HospitaL---------------------____ _ _ __ 66

II. Creation of a Nonprofit Corporation ----------------------69

A. Articles of Incorporation ---------------------70

B. Bylaws -----_ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ______ ____ _ ____ _ ___ __ __ __ ---------------71

C. Authorization to Conduct Affairs in Another State --------_ 71

D. Obtaining Tax-Exempt Status __ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ _____ _ ____ _ _ _ ____ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ 71

III. Directors ------- _ _ _ __ ____ __ ____ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ __ __ ___ _ _____ -----__ ___ _ _ _ _______ 71

A. Management of a Nonprofit Corporation ---------------------71

Bailey v. American Soc . for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals -72

Solomon v. Hall-Brooke Foundation, Inc . -------------74

B . Meetings of Directors--------------------------------76

C. Removal of Directors _ _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ __ _ ________ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ____ _ __ _ _ 77

Grace v . Grace Institute ----------------------------------__ _ 77

Collins v. Bein e cke _ _ __ __ ___ __ __ _ ___ ___ _ _ __ __ _ ___ ______ _ ____ __ ___ ___ ___ __ ----__ 80

IV. Members --------__ _ ___ ___ ____ _ _ __ __ ___ ___ ___ _ ______ __ _____ ------------___ 81

Moore v. Christ's Christian Fellowship Church, Inc. ------_ _ _____ __ 82

Note -------__ _______ ___ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ ___ _ ___ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ ____ _ __ ____ ___ _ _ ___ _ ____ _ ___ ____ _ 84

A. Rights of Members _____ ___ __ _ ___ _ __ __ ___ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ __ _ ___ _ _ __ __ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ 84

In Re Mt . Sinai Hospital __ __ ___ _ _ _ ____ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ ____ ___ _ _ __ ___ ___ ____ _ 84

Harris v. Board of Directors of Community HospitaL ---___ __ __ __ 86

B. Meetings___ _ ___ ____ __ _____ __ ____ ___ _ __ _ _ __ __ ___ __ _ -------_ _ ____ _ _______ _ 89

C. Removal of Members __ __ ___ _ _ ___ _ ____ _ __ _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _ ___ __ ______ __ _ ____ _ __ __ _ __ 89

Raulston v . Ev e rett -----_ ___ __ ___ ___ ____ _ ____ ___ ___ _ ____ _ _ _ __ __ ____ __ _ _ ____ 90

Question -------------- _ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___ __ _ ______ _ __ _ __ -_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ 93

Bartley v. Augusta Country Club , Inc. ---------------------93



IV. Members-Continued

Rowland v. Union Hills Country Club ----------------------------------94

D. Members' Derivative Actions -------------------------------------------__ _ _ 97

Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------97

Chapter 3. Governance of a Nonprofit Organization --------------98

1. State Standards of ConducL------------------------------------_ ______ --___ _ 98

A. Fiduciary Obligations ------------------------------------------------___ _ 99

Litwin v . Allen------------------------------------------- ----------_____ __ 99

Questions--------------------------------------------------_ ________ 101

Stern v. Lucy Webb Hayes Nat'l Training School-Deaconesses,

Missionaries ------------------------------------------------------------------101

Louisiana World Exposition v. Federal Insurance Co. ------_ _____ 108

Note----------------------------------------------------------___ ___ 112

Questions------------------------------------------------------------_________ 113

Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act _____ __ 114

Model Nonprofit Corporation Act of 1987 ---------------------------115

Section 8.30. General Standards for Directors -----------------115

Section 8.32. Director Conflict ofInterest.

----___ ___ _ __ __ ________ 115

Questions-----------------------------------------------------_ _ ______ 116

Northeast Harbor Golf Club v. Harris ----------------------------------116

B. Indemnification of Directors -------------------------------------_____ _ 122

John v. John -----------------------------------------------------_ ________ 123

Note----------------------------------------------------------------____________ 126

C. Disposition of Assets upon Dissolution ------------------------------- 127

Holden Hospital Corp. v. Southern Illinois Hosp. Corp. --_ _____ 127


Sharpless v. Religious Society of Friends --------------------------130

Question----------------------------------------------------------------- ___ 133

D. Enforcement of Fiduciary Obligations ----------------------------___ 133

In re Estate of Stern-------------------------------------- --------133


In Re Milton Hershey SChooL ---------------------_ ___ _ ___ _____ ________ 136

Question -----------------------------------------------_ _ _ 140

Herzog Foundation, Inc. v. University of Bridgeport ------__ ____ _ __ 140

Russell v. Yale University ------------------------------------------------147

Howard v. Administrators of Tulane Educational Fund------- ___ 149

E. Volunteer Immunity from Liability-------------- __ _____ __ _____________ __ 154

II. Federal Standards of Conduct ---------------------------------------155

A. Self-Dealing ----------------------------------------------------------155

Estate of Reis-------------------------------------------- ----------------156

B. Excess Benefits Transactions------------------------------_ _______ ---161

Caracci v. Commissioner --------------------------------------------___ _ 161

Note----------------------------------------------------------------_____ ___ 176

Questions---------------------------------------------------------------- 176

Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------__ 177

Question-----------------------------------------------------------------___ 179

Spitzer v. Grasso -----------------------------------------------------__ ____ 179

Problem----------------------------------------------------------__ _______ ____ 182

Chapter 4. Charitable Organizations ---------------------------------------_ __ 183

1. Background -----------------------------------------------------------------------_____ 183

Questions -----------------------------------------------------------------___ ____ 184




II. Section 50 l(

III. Organizational and Operational Tests ---------------------------------------- 185

Better Business Bureau v. United States -------------------------------------186

Questions --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --- 189

IV. The Charitable Purpose Test----------------------------------------------------- 190

Monterey Public Parking Corp. v. United States --------------------------190

Note --------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------- 194

Columbia Park and Recreation Ass'n v. Commissioner -----------------194

Questions ----------------------------------------------------------- ----- -------------- - 207

Notes ----------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---- ---- 207

V. Social Welfare Organizations----------------------------------------------------- 208

Regan v. Taxation With Representation--------------------------------------- 209

Questions ----------------------- --- ---- ----------------------------------- -------------- 213

Vision Service Plan v. United States ------------------------------------------213

Notes -------------------------- ------------------------------ ------- ----------- ----------- 220

Chapter 5. Obtaining and Maintaining Tax Exempt Status -------- 221

I. Obtaining Tax Exempt Status --------------------------------------------------- 222

II. Maintaining Tax Exempt Status ------------------------------------------------ 222

A. Commercial Activity ----------------------------------------------------------- 223

Note ---------------------------- ---- ------------- ------------- --- ----- ---- ----------- 223

Note ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 224

Living Faith, Inc. v. Commissioner --------------------------------------225

Questions- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------------------- --- 234

Note ------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------- ---------- 235

B. Private Benefit -- --------------------------------------------------- ------------- 235

American Campaign Academy v. Commissioner ---------------------235

Question ----- ----------- --------------------------------- -------- --- --------------- 252

Plumstead Theatre Society v. Commissioner --------------------------253

Note ---------------------- --------------------------------- ------- --- ---------- ------ 254

C. Private Inurement --------------- -------------------- -- ---- ----- --------- ------ 254

Church of Scientology of California v. Commissioner --------------254

Note -- ------------------------------ --- ------------- ------- ------- --- ---------------- 263

United Cancer Council, Inc. v. Commissioner ------------------------263

Note --------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------- --------- 270

D. Excess Benefit Transaction-------------------------------------------------- 271

E. Action Organization -------------------- ------------- ------- ------------- ---- -- 273

1. Lobbying Activity ----- ----------------- ------ ---- -- ------ -- ---------------- 273

Christian Echoes National Ministry, Inc. v. United States---- 274

Notes ---------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- ---- ----------- 280

Notes --------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------- --- 284

Problem ----------- -------------------------- ------------------------------ ---- 286

Note ------- -------- -------------------------------------- -------- ---- ----------- 286

Problem -- --------------- ---------------- --------------- ------ --- -------------- 287

2. Political Campaigns --- --- ------------- ------------------ ------------ --- --- 287

Notes --------------------------------- ---- --------- ---------- ----- ---- ---------- 288

F. Public Policy ------------ ------------------- ----- --------------------------------- 289

Bob Jones University v. United States ----------------------------------289

Questions- --------------------- ---------------------- -------------- ----- --- -------- 292

G. Annual Reporting Requirements ------------------------------------------ 293



Chapter 6. Public Charities -----------------------------------------------------295

I. Requirements for Public Charity Status---------------------------------_____ 295

II. Section 509(a) Organizations-------------------------------------------296

A. Section 509(a)(1) Organizations ------------------------------------------297

1. Churches---------------------------------------------------------------------297

2. Educational Organizations ---------------------------------------297

3. Hospitals and Medical Research Organizations -----------------298

4. Organizations for the Benefit of Colleges and Universities--- 298

5. Governmental Units -------------------------------------------299

6. Publicly Supported Organizations ------------------------------- 299

One-Third Support Test -----------------------------------------299

Facts and Circumstances Test ---------------------------301

Unusual Grants ------------------------------------------------------------ 302

Problem ---------------------------------------------------------------302

B. Section 509(a)(2) Organizations ------------------------------------------302

1. One-Third Support Test..


Questions --------------------------------------------------------------------304

2. One-Third Investment Income Test ---------------------------304

Note ________________________ ___ _____ _ __________ _ _________ ----------------304

Problem ____________ _______ ______ _ _ __ _____________ _ ____ ______ _ ---------305

C. Section 509(a)(3) Organizations -----------------------------------------305

1. Organizational Test -------------------------------------------- 305

2. Operational Test -----------------------------------------------306

Lapham Foundation, Inc . v. Commissioner--------------------307


D . Section 509(a)(4) Organizations ---------------------------------------- 315

E . Filing Requirements ------------------------------------------------------ 316

Chapter 7. Private Fomidations -----------------------------------------------317

I. Private Operating Foundation-------------------------------------------318

II. Excise Tax -------------------------------------------------------319

Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------320

Problem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 320

Note ______ ______________ _ _________________________________ --------------------------- 321

III. Self-Dealing _ _ ___________________ _ ________________________________ --------------___ 321


Estate of Reis v. Commissioner ------------------------------------------322

Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------325

Problems------------------------------------------------------------------------ 325

IV. Failure to Distribute Income ----------------------------------------------------326

Question ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 326

Note ______________________ _________ ________ _ __ _____ ______ -------------------------------326

Problem __________________ ____ ________ _________________ ____ ___ --------------------- 327

Note _____ __ ____________ _____ __ __ _____ __ __ ____ _____________ -------------------------------327

In re Estate of John A. Hermann-------------------------------------------- 327

Question -------------------------------------------------------------------------------332

V . Excess Business Holdings -----------------------------------------------------332

Notes --------------------------------------------------------------------------332

VI. Jeopardizing Investments --------------------------------------------------------333

Notes------------------------------------------------------------------------- 333

VII. Taxable Expenditures ----------------------------------------------------333

Mannheimer Charitable Trust v. Commissioner ------------------------334




VII. Taxable Expenditures-Continued

Question ------__________ ____ _____________ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _____ _______ _ _ _ _________ 345

Chief Counsel Advisory _____ _ _____ _____ __ __ _ __ ___ _ ___ ___________ _ ______________ _ 345

VIII. Termination of Private Foundation Status ______________________________ __ __ 352

Gladney v. Commissioner____ ___ _ _ _ _ ____________ _____ ________ __ ___ _ ______ _ _ __ ______ 353

Note ------------________________________________ _ ___________________ _ ___ ___ __ _____________ 359

Problem -------__________________________________________________________________________ 359

Chapter 8. Fundraising __________________ _ ____ __ ______________________________________ 360

I. The Importance of Fundraising _ _____ _ ___ __ _____________ _ ___ _ _ _ ____ _ ____ _ ___ ____ 360

II. Regulation of Charitable Solicitations------------------------------- 361 ·

Riley v. National Federation of Blind of North Carolina----------361

Question ----_______ __ _________ _____ _______ _ ___ _ ____ _ _____ _ ______ _ __ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ _ 370

Madigan v. Telemarketing Associates, Inc. __ ________ ___ ______ ______ _ _ __ _____ 371

Note ----------_________________________ _ _____________________________________ __ ___________ 377

Questions -----__ __ __________ _____ _ _ ___ _____ ______ ___ _ _ ________ _ ______ _ __ __ ____________ 377

United Cancer Council Inc . v. Commissioner _______________________________ 377

Question ------__________________________________________________________________________ 382

III. Charitable Contribution Deductions ____ _ _ _____ _ ____ _ _ ________ _ _ _ _ _____________ 382

A. Quid Pro Quo ____________________________________________________________________ 383

United States v. American Bar Endowment------------------ 384

Revenue Ruling 67-246---------------------------------_______ 387

Revenue Procedure 90-12 __________________________________ __ _______________ 395

Notes --____________ __ _______________ _ _ ____ ____ _ _____________________ _ _________ _ _____ 399

B. Services __________________________ ___ _______________________________________________ 399

C. Timing _ ____ __ _ _____________________________________________________________________ 400

D. Unconditional Gift ________________ __ ____________ ___ ________ _ ___ _ ____ _ __________ 400

E. Amount of Deduction ----------------------____________________ ___ ___________ 401

1. Amount of Contribution _______________ _ ___ _ _____ ___ _____ _______ _ ________ 401

2. Long-Term Capital Gain Property _______ _ _____________ _ ______ _ _ __ ___ 401

Note __ _ ____________ __ ___________ _ ____ _ ____ ___ _____________________________ __ _ _ _ _ 402 ·

3. Ordinary Income Producing Property _____ _ _ ___ ___ _______ ___________ 403

4. Percentage Limitations ________ _ __ _ ______________________ _ _______________ 403

5. Carryforward of Charitable Contribution Deduction -__ _ _______ 405

F. Appraisals of Donated Property----------------------------405

Revenue Procedure 66-49 ____________________________ _ ___ ___ ___________ _ ____ 406

Note-___________ __ ________ _ ___ __ _ _ __ _ _ ___ _ ___ ___ _ _____________ _ _________ _ _ ____ ___ ____ 409

G. Substantiation __________________________________________________ _ ________________ 409

Note___________ _ ____ _ __ _ _____ _ ____________ ___ _ ___ _______ _ __________ _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ ____ __ _ 410

H. Donor Advised Funds _ _ _________ __ _____ _ __________________ _ ____ ____ ______ _ _ -- 410

Notes ______________________ _ _ _ _ _______ ______ _ _ ____________ ___ _ __ __ __________________ 412

I. Deferred Giving __ _ ________ _ _____ ____ _______ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ________ _____ _ _ ____________ 412

1. Charitable Remainder Trusts ______________ _ ___________________________ 414

Revenue Procedure 2005-52-------------------------------- 415

Revenue Procedure 2005-53--------------------------------420

Note -____ __ ________________ _ _ _ ______ __ _____________ _ ____ _ ______________ _ __ ___ __ 423

2. Charitable Gift Annuity------------------------------------------ 423

IV. Cy Pres Doctrine __________________________________________________________________ __ _ 425

United States v . Cerio- _ _ _____________ _ ___ _ _______ _____ ___ ___ ____ _ _____ _ _ _______ _ _ __ _ 425

Notes -_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Questions ----___ _ ______________ ___ ______ ____ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _____________________ 438

Note -------______ _ _ _______ __ _____ _ _______ _______ ___ ________ _ ____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 438



IV. Cy Pres Doctrine-Continued

Niemann v. Vaughn Community Church ------------------------------------439

Note ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 445

Chapter 9. Unrelated Business Taxable Income--------____________ _ __ 446


I. History of the Unrelated Business Income Tax ---------------------___ 447

A. Pre-Revenue Act of 1950 ------------------------------------------- 447

B. The Revenue Act of 1950------------------------------------------------- 448

C . The Regulations----------------------------------------------------- 449

Questions---------------------------------· ------------------------------__ 450

II. Organizations to Which 'UBIT' Applies ------------------------------450

III. Elements of the Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT)-------- _______ 450

A. Unrelated Trade or Business ----------------------------------______ 451

Professional Insurance Agents v. Commissioner---___ _ _____________ 451

United States v. American Bar EndowmenL --__ ___________________ ___ 459

Question-------------------------------------------------------_ __ 463

Note --------------- -------- ---- ------- ---- ------- 463

B. Regularly Carried On------------------------------------------ 463

National Collegiate Athletic Ass'n v. Commissioner ----------------464

Question --------------------------------- 471

C . Substantially Related--------------------------------------------471

United States v. American College of Physicians ------------------472

Notes -----------------------------------------------------------______ _ 480

Problems ------------------------------------------------------------------------__ 481

D. Exceptions to "UBIT" --------------------------------------_______ 481

Problems -----------------------------------------------------------------------482

E. Modifications-----------------------------------------------483

1. Rents ------------------------------------------------------------____ 483

Note -----------------------------------------------------------___ 484

2. Royalties ---------------------------------------------------__ _ ____ 484

Sierra Club, Inc. v. Commissioner -----------------------------__ _ 485

Note ---------------------------------------------------------- 490

3. Unrelated Debt-Financed Income -----------------------------------491

University Hill Foundation v. Commissioner -------------------491

Note -------------------------------------------------------------------------503

Problem ----------------------------------------,-----------------------504

Question ---------------------------------------------------------504

Mose and Garrison Siskin Memorial Foundation v. United

States ---------------------------------------------------------- 504

Note ---------------------------------------------------------------------------508

Question ------------------------------------------------------___ 508

Bartels Trust for Benefit of the University of New haven v.

United States -------------------------------------------__ _ 508

Chapter 10. Churches and Other Religious Organizations __________ 518

I. Definition of a "Church" --------------------------------------------518

Foundation of Human Understanding v. Commissioner -------------- 518

Note -----------------------------------------------------------------______ _ 525

Question ------------------------------------------------------------------__________ 525

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota v. United States ------------- 526

Question --------------------------------------------------------------______ 532




I. Definition of a "Church"-Continued

Strayhorn v. Ethical Society of Austin------------------------------ __ __ 532

Question ----------- ______________ _ ______________ _ ___________ ----______________ ___ ____ 541

II . Membership ______ ______ ____________ ___ __________ _______ -------___ _____ _ ________ ____ 541

Serbian Eastern Orthodox Diocese v . Milivojevich---------------___ __ 541

Note -----------------------___________ __ ________ __ ___ _ __ -------------___ _______________ 549

III. Association Status -----------------------------------------------__________ _ _ 549

A. Liability of Members of a Religious Organization------------ ___ 549

Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------549

Smith v. Calvary Christian Church ---------------------------____ __ 549

Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------______ 554

B . Property Ownership _____________________ __ ______________________ __ _______ _ __ __ 556

Presbyterian Church in United States v . Hull Presbyterian

Church ------------------------------------------------------------556

Holiman v. Dovers-----____ __ ______________ ___ ___ __ __ _ _ _ ________ -------------561

Note-------____ __ _ _ __ _ ______ _________ ____ ___ __ __ __ -------------__________________ 564

Mills v . Baldwin -------------------------------------------------------564

New v. Kroeger ---------------------------------------------------_____ _ 567

Note --------- _________ ____ ____ __ ___ __ ____ ______ _____ ------------------------ 577

Wood v. B enedictine Society of Alabama ------------------------578

IV. Incorporation of Religious Associations-------------:-------------------580

Murphy v. Traylor ---------------------------------------------------------------581

Notes --________ _ ________ __ ___________________________ -__ ______ _ _____________ __ ___________ 585

V. Specialized Tax Issues Relating to Religious Organizations----------587

A. Involvement in Politi ca l Activities ------------------____ _______ _______ _ 587

Branch Ministries v. Rossotti ---_ _________________________ __ ____ _ __________ 587

Note-------___________ _ _______________________ _______ ---------__ ___________________ 594

Revenue Ruling 2007--41------------------------------------------___ _ 594

Notes ------------------_ _______ __ ________ _ ____________ -------______ __ ____ ______ 598

B. Tax Audits of Churches----------------------------------------------599

C. Other Tax Issues----------------------------------------------------600

Problem------____ ______ __ ___________ __ _________ ___ __ ----__ ______ __ _ ___ ______ ____ 601

Chapter 11. Schools ----______ ___ _________ ____ ___ _______ ______ _ __ ______ _ -----------602

I. Role of Private Schools -____________________________________________________ ------602

Pierce v. Society of the Sisters of Holy Names of Jesus and Mary --602

Questions --------- _____ ____ _________ ____ ______ _____ _ __ ______ _ --_________ ___ _________ _ 605

New Life Baptist Church Academy v. East Longmeadow -----------605

Question -------------________ __ _____ ________ _______ __ _ _ ___ ----______ _ _ __ _____ _ __ _ 615

Zelman v . Simmons-Harris ____________ ___ ____ __ __ ____ _____ ___ _______________ __ __ 616

Notes --_________________ ___ __ ______________________ ____ _ _______________________ __ ____ ____ 624

II . Tax Exempt Status of Private Schools -------------------------------_____ 625

Bob Jones University v . United States ______________ ____ _ ____ ___ _______________ 625

Question ---------__ __ ____ _ ______________________ ____ ____________ _ ___________ ___ ________ _ 636

Notes ----___ ______ ___ _ _ _ _ ___ ______________________ __ __ ___ _ ______________ _ __________ __ ____ 636

Questions ----------------- _______________ _ ____ ____ __ __ ____ __ ----_ __ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ 637

Doe v. Kamehameha Schools / Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate --------638

Questions --------______ ___ _ _ _________ _ _ ____ ________ _____ __ ____ __ ____ ___ __________ __ _____ 648

III. Rights of Students ___________ __ _________ __ ________________________________ _ _____ __ _ _ _ 648

A. Suspension of Students _______ ___ _ ____ __ ___ ___ __ ____ _ _____________ _ __ ___ _____ 648

Harris v. Trustees of Columbia University -----------------------648

Note --__ _ ______________ ___________________ __ ____ __ ___ ______ ______ _ ___________________ 654



III. Rights of Students-Continued

B. Privacy Rights ---------------------------------------------------------654


C. Right of Expression ---------------------------------------------655

Question ----------------------------------------------------------------------655

Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights, Inc . 655

Note -------------------------------------------------------------661

Chapter 12. Hospitals ------------------------------------------------662

I. Organizational Structure -------------------------------------------------662

Questions ------------------------------------------------------------------------662

American Hospital Association v. Hansbarg e r ---------------------__ 663

Notes ------- --- -------- -- -------- ----- ----------670

II . Reorganizations of Nonprofit Hospitals ---------------------------------_ 670

Question --------------------------------------------------------------------671

Revenue Ruling 97-21 ------------------------------------------------672

Question ----------------------------------------------------------------------679

Revenue Ruling 98 15 -------------------------------------------------------679

Redlands Surgical Services v. Commission er -----------------------686

Note ----------------------------------------------------------------------696

Questions -------------------------------------------------------------------697

Revenue Ruling 83-157 -------------------------------------------------------697

Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------699

III. Exemption From Property Taxes -------------------------------------700

Question -----------------------------------------------------------------700

Lamb County Appraisal District v. South Plains Hospital-Clinic ---700

Utah County v. Intermountain Health Care ------------------------------705


IV. Abandonment of Nonprofit Hospital Status -----------__________ ____ ________ 719

Queen of Angels Hospital v. Younger -------------------------------------720

V . Conversion to For-Profit Status ---------------------------------------- 722

State of Florida v. Anclote Manor Hospital ----------------------------722

Questions ----------------------------------------------------------------725

Notes-------------------------------------------------------------------------___ 725

Chapter 13. Social Clubs ----------------------------------------------______ 727

I. Nature of Social Clubs --------------------------------------------727

Revenue Ruling 58-501 ---------------------------------------------727

Note --------------------------------------------------------------------------730

II. Right of Association -----------------------------------------------------730

NAACP v. Alabama ----------------------------------------------------___ 730

NAACP v. Button ------------------------------------------------------------733

Note ------------------------------------------------------------------------------736

Board of Dir ecto rs , Rotary International v. Rotary Club of Duarte --737

Question -------------------------------------------------------------------742

New York Stat e Club Association, Inc. v . City of N ew York ----------_ 742

Questions -----------------------------------------------------------______ 750

Boy Scouts of America v . Dale -------------------------------------------750

Note --------------------------------------------------------------------------759

III. Expulsion of Members -------------------------------------------------___ ___ 759

Pollock v. Crestview Country Club Association -----------------------760

IV. Taxation of Social Clubs ------------------------------------------------_ 764

Portland Golf Club v. Commissioner------------------------------_____ 765

Notes ----------------------------------771




V. Business Use of a Social Club ---------------------------------------------------- 772

Revenue Procedure 71-17 ---------------------------------------------------------- 772

Note ---------------------- ------------------ -------- ------------------------ ----- --------- 775

VI. Fraternities and Sororities -------------------------------------------------------- 775

Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity v. Commissioner ---------------------------------775

Problem ----------------------------- --- --- --------------- ---------------------- --------- 783

Chapter 14. Trade and Professional Organizations -------------------- 784

I. Trade Association Status ---------------------------------------------------------- 784

National Muffler Dealers Association, Inc. v. United States -----------784

Guide International Corporation v. United States ------------------------790

II. Trade Shows -------- ---- --- --- ------- ----------------------- --------------- ------------ 792

III. Political Activities- ---------------- ---------- ---------- --- --------------- ------------- 792

American Society Of Association Executives v. United States ---------793

Questions ----------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -------- ----- ---- ----- 798

Note ---------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------- -- 798

Association of the Bar of New York v. Commissioner --------------------799

IV. Antitrust Regulations- -------------------- --- --------------------- ------- ---------- - 803

Goldfarb v. Virginia State Bar --------------------------------------------------803

National Collegiate Athletic Assoc. v. University of Oklahoma -------810

V. Membership in Trade Associations --------------------------------------------- 819

Austin v. American Association of Neurological Surgeons -------------819

Chapter 15. Political Organizations and Political Advocacy ------- 824

I. Taxation of Political Organizations -------------------------------------------- 824

II. Separate Fund for Political Expenditures of Nonprofit Organizations --- ----------------------------------- ---------- --------------------- ---- ---------- 825

Note -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 826

III. Political Activities of § 501(c)(3) Organizations --------------------------- 827

Note ------------- --------- ---- ------- ---------- --- --- --- ---- ------------------------------ 827

IV. Regulation of Political Organizations------------------------------------------ 828

Notes ---- ----------- --------------- -------------------------------- ----- ---------------- -- 828

Question --------------------------- ---------------- ---- --- ------ ---------------------- -- 829

Federal Election Commission v. Beaumont ---------------------------------829

Note ------------------------------------------ ---------------- --- --- ----- ---- ---- --------- 836

Note ----------------------- ------------------- --- ------------------------ -------- ----- ---- 837

Note ------ ----------------- ------------------------------------------ ---- ------------- ---- 841

Questions -----------_____________________ -_ ---- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----- ----- 842

Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life ---------------842

Note ------- ----------______________________ -___ ---- ------------ --- ---- ------------- ----- -- 847

Note ---- ---------_________________________________________ ------ -------- ---------------- -- 848

Question ------- --- -__________________________ ---------- ------------- ------------------ -- 849

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission --------------------------849

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission --------------------------853

V. Registration Requirements for Tax Exempt Political Organizations 854

Note ------------- ------ _______________________________ --__ ---- ------------------------ ---- 856

Chapter 16. Homeowners' Associations -------------------------------------- 857

I. Nature of Homeowners' Associations------------------------------------------ 857

Note ------ ----------------- -----__________________ ------------------ ------------- --------- 858



II. Rights and Liabilities of Members---------------------------------____________ 858

Goglio v. Star Valley Ranch Association------------------------------- _______ 859

Question --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- 860

Inwood North Homeowners' Association, Inc. v. Harris ----------------861

Question ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- 864

Brooks v. Northglen Association------------------------------------------- -----864

Question --------- ------------- --------------- ------------------------------------------- 868

Trustees of the Prince Condominium Trust v. Prosser ------------------868

Question --- ---- ------- --- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------- 870

Ashcreek Homeowner's Association, Inc. v. Smith ------------------------870

Question --- ------------------- ------------ ---------- -------------------- --------- ------- 874

INDEX - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

