Student Services Department SSLO Assessment Analysis Form

Student Services Department SSLO Assessment Analysis Form
Use the form below to summarize the results of the department meeting in which you discussed the results of your SSLO
Meeting Date
Office of Matriculation
Counseling & Educational Support Services Division
September 25, 2012
Number of Staff participating
% of department
2 (100%)
SSLOs measured
Students will understand how to present a requisite challenge through the Office
of Matriculation
Assessment Tool
(Briefly describe assessment tool)
Fall 2012- Telephone survey of 12 students that filed summer and fall 2012,
Requisite Challenge petitions. We asked 5 questions. Our focus was on what they
knew prior to using the service and what they knew afterwards. The questions
(1) Is this the first time you have utilized the process to challenge a pre-requisite?
(2) Do you know the steps to challenge the prerequisite?
(3) How or where did you learn about them?
(4) After working with the staff in the Office of Matriculation, are you clearer
about the process than before you initiated the challenge?
(5) Would you be able to initiate and complete the challenge process on your
own in the future?
Based upon their experiences with the Office of Matriculation and their utilization
of the prescribed process, does the service need to be refined and improved and
if so, in what ways?
Assessment Analysis
(Summarize the assessment
results; discuss what student
needs and issues were revealed)
We interviewed 12/14 of the students that utilized the Challenge Process through
our office. The responses were
(1) Is this the first time you have utilized the process to challenge a pre-requisite?
12/12 Yes, (100%)
(2) After working with the staff in the Office of Matriculation, are you clearer
about the process than before you initiated the challenge? 11/12 Yes (92%);
Somewhat 1/12 (8%); No 0/12 = 0%
(3) Would you be able to initiate and complete the challenge process on your
own in the future? 9/12 Yes (75%); 2/12 Somewhat (17%); No 0/12 (0%).
Two questions (#s 2 and 3) Do you know the steps to challenge the prerequisite
and How or where did you learn about them? Provided us with different more
qualitative data.
The results indicate 3 primary issues:
1) Once the students have located the office the process is clear and supportive.
2) Cabrillo staff is unfamiliar with the location of the office and misdirect
students. “Lots of run around.”
3) Online resources need to be easier to find and
4) A Q&A would be helpful (although only one stated this) explaining What was
needed; what should be written as part of the Challenge process.
Next Steps
(How will you address the needs
and issues revealed by the
The responses to these questions will direct us to do the following:
(1) prepare a Q&A or Factsheet for students that will increase a student’s
knowledge about the content needed in the Challenge Process, the needed
documentation, and for what the departments reviewing the Challenge are
looking (Oct-Nov. 2012)
2) Educate the other services in the 100 building (where the Office of
Matriculation is located) about the process, the form, the common questions
they may be asked and the location of the office that handles the Challenge
Process (Nov 2012)
3) Improve and expand the communication about the service and the location
(with a map) of where to submit the Challenge forms (ongoing)
For Program planning for Matriculation (Sp 2013) : Review current and possibly
revised regulations from SSTF on requisite challenges and review our current
process (our office vs. division offices for location of challenge. Does it need to be
Timeline for Implementation
(Make a timeline for how you will
implement the next steps outlined
above )
Late Fall 20120--Prior to when the Requisite Challenges begin to come in for the
spring 2013 semester.
Student Services Department SSLO/AUO Assessment Analysis Form
Use the form below to summarize the results of the department meeting in which you discussed the results of your
SSLO/AUO assessment.
Office of Matriculation
Counseling & Educational Support Services (C&ESS)
Meeting Date
March 19, 2013
Number of Staff
% of department
Faculty Senate: 21 members in attendance; 11 guests
Revised Q&A sent to all deans to distribute to their faculty (#?).
SSLO measured
SSLO Measured: Students will understand how to present a requisite challenge through the
Office of Matriculation.
Assessment Tool
(Briefly describe
assessment tool)
Students that had initiated prerequisite challenges during Fall 2012, through the Office of
Matriculation were given a pre and post test on their knowledge of the process. This was to
determine what might need to be improved within the Office of Matriculation to better
support students.
Based upon the students’ feedback, an unexpected item arose that needed addressing.
Faculty with whom they spoke when beginning to initiate the challenge process
misinformed the students on where, how and with whom to work. This unexpected
issue/problem required the Matriculation Coordinator (Dean of C&ESS) to inform and reeducate faculty on the Challenge Process and clarify their appropriate roles in the process.
Assessment Analysis
(Summarize the
assessment results;
discuss what staff needs
and issues were
This was accomplished through the 1) updating of the Q&A For Faculty (developed in
2010), 2) adding faculty’s role in the revised BR 3180 and AP 3180 on Requisites as part of
the College’s updating of BPs and APs, and, 3) sharing this information with faculty at the
Faculty Senate, March 19, 2013
Next Steps
The Office of Matriculation will continue to update the faculty about the process, add this
issue to the revised faculty orientation, and identify any additional ways that may increase
the faculty’s understanding and adherence to the challenge process.
(How will you address
the needs and issues
revealed by the
Timeline for
(Make a timeline for
how you will implement
the next steps outlined
above )