Student Services Program Planning Annual Update Department: Fast Track To Work 2013-2014 Date: 5-27-14 Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan List the top five goals and recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress (in clude projected timeline) Complete In Process Goal Met Comments (include any modifications to goals due to feedback, discussion and/or evaluation – refer to data when possible) 8/1/13 Re-class of Program Specialist II to Program Coordinator (employee requested) Hire FTTW Student Services Advisor Complete N/A Hire Office Specialist On hold Job Developer - .50 FTE In Process New Director started 8-1-13 Office Specialist is working out-of-class as a Program Specialist II through June 30. Will work to re-class this position permanently in the 14-15 year. Decisions are pending the new projects which will cause us to reevaluate what positions we will need in the future. Re-class was initially denied, but up for review. Incumbent has resigned her position effective June 30, 2014. 6/19/13 Due to recent budget reduction from both CalWORKs and WIA money, this is still a dream that we will keep in mind as new money is available. 5/22/14 There are several new projects on the horizon for 1415 which will cause to reevaluate what positions we will need in the future. 6/19/13 Due to recent budget reduction from both CalWORKs and WIA money, this is still a dream that we will keep in mind as new money is available. 5/22/14 There are several new projects on the horizon for 1415 which will cause to reevaluate what positions we will need in the future. County of Santa Cruz HSD/EBSD will be providing expanded funds for subsidized employment through work study for 1415, including $37,000 earmarked for a Job Placement Re-implement FTTW Director position Re-class Office Specialist to Program Specialist Revised March 2014 On hold (identify source of funding) Accounting Specialist/Division Accounting Specialist - .50 In Process Specialist/Job Developer. As we are potentially adding more programs for the FY 14-15, it may be necessary to hire an accounting specialist. With the addition of more work study, WFSN and potentially more programs under the umbrella of FTTW the accounting will become more complicated. New Goals and Recommendations Since Last Program Plan List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department New Goals / Recommendations In Goal Met progress (include (identify source of funding) projected timeline) Create an Approved Majors List for the Complete 5-13-14 CalWORKs program in, must be approved by both FTTW and EBSD Establish a working relationship with Shoreline/Goodwill and possible America’s Job Center on campus (formerly One Stop) Increased Funding from the County CalWORKs Program to establish a matching source for Work Study Dollars (money that can be the matching money for Chancellor office work study dollars) In Process Establish a more robust relationship with the WIB, and increased funding. (The funding is contingent on increased funding at the federal level) In Process Revised March 2014 In Process Comments (include any modifications to goals due to feedback, discussion and/or evaluation – refer to data when possible). The purpose of the Approved Majors List is to simplify the referral process. Both ETS County staff and FTTW staff have access to a pre-approved list of majors that prospective students can enroll in pending county assessments. Developing a relationship that will hopefully culminate in FTTW hosting a satellite America’s Job Center on campus with some staffing provided by Shoreline. Chancellor office work study funds require a 25% match. We can often use Federal Work Study dollars or employer matches, however, some students do not qualify for FWS. Having a matching source will allow us to place students who do not have FWS or want to work with an employer who cannot provide a 25% match. We were notified by the county on 5/20 that we may anticipate an increase in funding earmarked for this goal of approximately $100,000 (which can help defray salary for a job developer and increased work study dollars for the match). The 2013-2014 saw a dramatic decrease in the amount of funding and number of students we were earmarked to serve. We went over cap for WIA. As a result, we hope to establish a stronger relationship, serving more students, with increased funding for 2014-2015. We were notified by the WIB on 5/21/14 that we may anticipate a $21,000 increase over 13-14 for 2014-2015 SLO/AUO Assessment Progress In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be with ongoing assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If any task was not completed, explain why. Assessed our SLO in 2012 as part of our program plan. Plan on reassessing the SLO in Spring of 2014. SLO/AUOs are difficult to assess as they do not include measurable outcomes. During the Summer of 2014 goals will be re-written to measurable outcomes specific to each program. Fill out the Assessment Results section below. SLO/AUO Assessment Results List SLO/AUO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. Core Competency, Program SLO/AUO Assessed Establish a career goal, develop an educational plan that includes the coursework and sequence of coursed required for the chosen career path, and enroll in the courses needed each semester to complete the plan. Date of meeting where analysis / dialogue took place. Example: Department Meeting on 00/00/2012 None since completion of Program Plan. We are scheduled to assess the SLO in spring 2014. Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. See 2012 Program Plan recommendations. SLO/AUOs are difficult to assess as they do not include measurable outcomes. During the Summer of 2014 goals will be re-written to include: • • • • Understand and fulfill Welfare-To-Work “Work Activity” requirements (CalWORKs students only) Revised March 2014 None since completion of Program Plan. We are scheduled to assess the SLO in spring 2014. Determine goals specific to each identified program within FTTW (CalWORKs and WIA) Write goals that are measurable to determine success in achieving stated goals Additional goals will be created if new programs materialize (e.g. WFSN) Follow-up for next year will be data driven to verify successful outcomes See 2012 Program Plan recommendations. See Above Revised March 2014