Student Services Program Planning Yearly Update

Student Services Program Planning Yearly Update
Department: Student Health Services
Date: June 2013
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five goals and recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan
progress (in
Reinstate management level director position
when economically feasible.
Funding for
This position was eliminated for budgetary
position will
reasons in June of 2012. A faculty director
evaluated in
was appointed from existing faculty.
Reinstating the managing director position
will increase student access to direct services, for potential
and give SHS a dedicated voice at the
management table.
Goal Met
(identify source
of funding)
Comments (include any modifications to goals due to
feedback, discussion and/or evaluation – refer to data when
The Student Health Services budget is tied to enrollment
headcount. The total headcount fell from 16,467 in fall 2009
to 14,842 in fall 2011. The headcount numbers are now
stabilizing and predicted by the Planning and Research Office
to stay above 14,000.
Policy for an automatic increase of student health fee to
maximum allowed by chancellor’s office was approved by the
SHS Advisory Committee and the Student Services Council,
and submitted to the board in June 2013. Cabrillo currently
charges the maximum allowed fee of $19 per semester. The
new policy will streamline fee adjustments and minimize
delays that could jeopardize mandated service
SHS became a Family PACT provider in Fall 2012. In addition
to increasing student access to reproductive health services,
this program has become a new revenue source for SHS. SHS
received $9,625 from Family PACT during the first year pilot of
the program, and expects to generate $40,000 per year
moving forward.
Revised October 22, 2012
Address SHS space needs.
The current SHS space is of inadequate size
and configuration for providing medical and
counseling services. The lobby and front
counter space is small, and not conducive to
preserving privacy. The counseling offices are
adjacent to, but do not communicate with,
the clinic space. There is only one true exam
room, and no proper lab for processing
specimens. It is difficult for clients with
disabilities to navigate the health center.
A larger and more accessible space in the
1000 building has been identified for SHS.
SHS has one time funds available to match
facilities funding for a remodel of this new
Cabrillo students are supportive of SHS moving to a larger
space. The students on the SHS Ad Hoc Advisory Committee
recommended against an alternative plan to stay in the
current space and expand into the Fireside Lounge, and found
the space in the 1000 building more appropriate for SHS.
SHS needs
to move to
larger space
as soon as
possible. A
plan to start
process will
be made
of the 800
project in
Fall 2013.
The Student Senate awarded a $1,300 grant to SHS in fall
2012 to support a space repurposing project. Exam tables,
portable sinks, and other exam room equipment was
purchased and placed in two former offices. The resulting
hybrid exam/office/meeting spaces are cramped and
awkward, but allow SHS to serve more students while we wait
for more appropriate space. The equipment purchased for the
space repurposing project will be used in the future space.
One additional room for counseling was identified on the
bottom floor of the 900 building. It was furnished and put into
use fall 2012.
SHS’s need for more space is documented in Facilities Master
Participate in CCC SMHP suicide prevention
The Chancellor’s office was awarded $6.9
million by the California Mental Health
Service Authority in October 2011. This
funding serves to support the Student Mental
Health Program (SMHP) for California
Community colleges focusing on prevention
and early intervention as well as suicide
Revised October 22, 2012
Early and enthusiastic participation in all training and
technical assistance offered to CCCs via SMHP including:
- Kognito – online training for students, faculty, and
staff to identify and help students in psychological
stress. Linked on SHS web page, promoted in Flex
activities with Dean of Student Services. Cabrillo has
highest completion rate among CCCs as of SP 13.
- Mental Health First Aid – SHS NP and PC trained as
MHFA instructors 1/13. MHFA offered at Cabrillo twice
SP13, will be offered Fall Flex week (and ongoing).
Supports early identification mental health issues on
Administer NCHA survey to Cabrillo students.
The National College Health Assessment is a
nationally recognized research survey that
collects precise data about college students’
health habits, behaviors, and
perceptions. Having current, relevant data
about Cabrillo students’ health helps steer
SHS efforts to enhance campuswide health
promotion and prevention services. This
survey was administered to Cabrillo students
in 2007.
Expand SHS social media outreach.
Revised October 22, 2012
campus and teaches referral skills and stigma
Campus Threat Assessment - Regional training hosted
by Cabrillo SP 13. Rich discussion of Behavioral
Intervention Teams, resources supporting Cabrillo’s
new Student Success Conference Team identified. SHS
director and counselor attend weekly SSCT meetings.
Peer Counseling – regional training hosted at Cabrillo
SP 13. Cabrillo Peer Counseling planning team
identified. Meetings to plan implementation
scheduled SU 13.
Welcome Home: Veteran’s on Campus regional
training scheduled at Cabrillo Fall 13 Flex Week. In
reach to key campus players.
Funds to be identified and survey administered before next
program review.
Faculty Director and Administrative Assistant trained in basic
web site maintenance skills.
Student input on advertising and outreach actively sought via
monthly SHS Advisory Committee Ad Hoc meetings.
SHS is considering purchasing Student Health 101, a web
based monthly wellness magazine for college students. Funds
have yet to be identified.
New Goals and Recommendations since Last Program Plan
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Goal/Recommendation (include timeline)
Use Medical Assistants (MA) in SHS.
Explanation/Evidence of Need
(indicate how this need was
Status (Comment on progress of
new goals/recommendations listed
in last annual update)
Need identified via attendance of
Health Improvement Partnership
(HIP) of Santa Cruz board meeting
and continuing education
workshops summer and fall 2012.
Santa Cruz County expects an
enormous increase in demand for
health services as 40,000 county
residents become newly eligible for
healthcare coverage in Jan 14 via
the Affordable Care Act. Medi-Cal
will cover more residents, and a
health care insurance exchange will
be available for uninsured
Californian’s to purchase health
insurance as required by the ACA.
First MA extern student in SHS
spring 2013 to pilot integration of
MA role in SHS. Many skills usually
performed by nurses and nurse
practitioners were successfully
performed by the MA extern,
freeing the nurse and nurse
practitioners up to attend to more
complex duties.
No matching surge of new primary
care providers has been identified
to meet this new demand for
healthcare. The solution to this
provider shortage supported by HIP
(and many communities
Revised October 22, 2012
New Family PACT revenue will
cover the cost of a new MA
position to be filled fall 2013.
SHS has registered to become a
certified enrollment assistance
location for the California health
insurance exchange. Training will
take place summer and early fall
2013. Outreach to students will
begin in fall 2013. This will be
another new revenue source, as
the state will reimburse SHS $58
nationwide) is the “share the care”
model, in which support staff is
trained to work at the top of their
scope of practice freeing clinicians
to provide more complex care and
increasing overall access to care.
for each individual we assist with
the application process. It is not
yet clear how complex and time
consuming each application will
be, so SHS capacity and potential
revenue has yet to be determined.
SHS will need to support students
through the transition from
uninsured to Medi-Cruz, or
purchasing insurance on the open
market. SHS will also need to
continue to be active participants in
the healthcare of Cabrillo students
as there will not be enough primary
care providers available in the
community to care for newly
covered healthcare seekers.
Revise Front Office Manual
Revised October 22, 2012
No direct cost.
SHS specific institutional knowledge Director and Admin Assistant time
was lost when our Admin Assistant
identified in summer 2013.
of 8 years retired in the fall of 2012.
There was minimal overlap with the
new Admin Assistant and therefore
insufficient training time. The
existing Front Office Manual is
thorough and full of great
information, but in need of updating
and reorganizing in a way that
makes the information more
accessible to new staff.
SSLO Assessment Progress
In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be with ongoing assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last
year) and what was actually done. If any task was not completed, explain why.
SHS SSLOs are assessed annually via the Student Satisfaction Survey and the Wellness Fair Evaluation tool. The results are discussed at staff meetings,
and used to plan outreach and education efforts.
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
SSLO Assessment Results
List SSLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below.
Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters.
Core Competency, Program
Date of meeting where
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment.
SSLO Assessed
analysis / dialogue took
place. Example: Department
Meeting on 00/00/2012
Students will be able to identify
the location of SHS.
Students attending the Fall
Wellness Fair will demonstrate
knowledge about self-care and
health resources available to
them on campus and in the
Revised October 22, 2012
Assessed via SHS Student
Satisfaction Survey annually in
May, discussed in department
meeting in annually in August.
May 2011: 76% of students answering the student satisfaction survey reported
knowing where SHS is located. Outreach events, curriculum infusion and regular
on-campus tabling were used in an attempt to increase student awareness of SHS
services and location.
May 2011, August 2011
May 2012, August 2012
May 2013
May 2012: 79% of students completing the survey reported knowing the location
of SHS. An ad hock student advisory committee was formed in September 2012 in
an effort to get student input on program marketing, among other things.
Assessed annually in
September via Wellness Fair
event evaluation tool.
Results are discussed in
November staff meetings
and used on an ongoing
basis to plan the following
year’s event.
May 2013: Survey administered. Data to be analyzed summer 13, discussed with
SHS team, and considered in 13/14 outreach plan.
Fall 2012: 91% of the students who completed the evaluation successfully
demonstrated self-care and health resource knowledge after attending the
Wellness Fair.
Revised October 22, 2012