Student Services Program Planning Annual Update

Student Services Program Planning Annual Update
Department ____Office of the Dean of Student Services______
Date ____12.15.2015__________
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five goals and recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan
Source of
Develop a system to collect adequate data to
determine reporting trends for use in future
evaluations for SSCT and DNSS Office.
progress (in
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
In progress
In Progress
Revised October 22, 2012
Comments (include any modifications to goals due to
feedback, discussion and/or evaluation – refer to data
when possible)
According to the 5/2014 Annual Update, SSCT and the
DNSS have wanted a software program to aid in data
tracking and report follow-up activity. This program was
purchased and implemented Summer 2015. DNSS is
piloting this software with positive results.
All programs and services delivered under the Office of
the Dean of Student Services will develop and deliver
SLO assessments in February 2016. SLOs are being
rewritten and survey methods are being determined at
this writing. SLO assessment and data analysis will be
completed by May 1, 2016.
Increase college-wide participation in Cabrillo
Graduation to include Classified staff. This will require a
re-work of graduation planning as well as additional
costs to allow for the rental of regalia for those classified
who wish to participate. Need an additional $5,000 for
New Goals and Recommendations Since Last Program Plan
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Goal/Recommendation (include timeline)
Explanation/Evidence of Need
(indicate how this need was
SSSP and one-time carry over funds
from DNSS non-general fund
Enhance policies, procedures and the
operation of SSCT and Disciplinary Hearing
members with training, campus public
awareness, and with an additional
classified staff member who serves as the
case coordinator
New Student Convocation (Annual)
SSSP and DNSS funding
Student Support Services Showcase
DNSS/VPSS Funding (carryover)
Revised October 22, 2012
Status (Comment on progress of
new goals/recommendations
listed in last annual update)
1) Need a dedicated classified
case coordinator for low level
follow-up with faculty to
provide direct communication
and referrals for faculty and
2) Send more SSCT and Hearing
members to professional
development opportunities to
enhance our threat
assessment and student
support process.
3) Assess SSCT and campus
community regarding their use
of the reporting system.
4) Enhance the utilization of
Retention Alert software for
student follow-up.
Welcome all new students to
Cabrillo every August to ensure
they have information to navigate
their Cabrillo Start. Includes
planning team, event logistics,
prizes for new students, etc. This
will be a large campus-wide
planning process.
In the spirit of “onboarding” all
new students with New Student
Convocation as well as welcoming
Welcome Center
General Fund
back returning students, it is
important for student success that
Cabrillo students are exposed to
all of the resources at Cabrillo that
they can use for help and support.
Each fall and spring semesters, we
will host a showcase of the
resources in the quad and in the
cafeteria. Eventually with
enhanced funds, we want to offer
a smaller version of this event at
the Watsonville campus. Over 400
students attended the first one on
Fall 2015.
Plan and implement the
restructure of Student Services
with the advent of the Welcome
Center in SAC East.
SSLO/AUO Assessment Progress
In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be with ongoing assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last
year) and what was actually done. If any task was not completed, explain why.
Student Services programs and services will undergo their assessment processes in February 2016. Many are re-writing their respective SLO
and determining their survey methodology. Assessment results and discussion documents will be forwarded to PRO in May 2016.
Revised October 22, 2012
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
SSLO/AUO Assessment Results
List SSLO/AUO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below.
Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters.
Core Competency, Program
SSLO/AUO Assessed
Revised October 22, 2012
Date of meeting where
analysis / dialogue took
place. Example: Department
Meeting on 00/00/2012
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment.