7 Cabrillo College Governing Board Meeting Minutes Monday, March 4, 2013 Cabrillo College Sesnon House 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, California 95003 OPEN SESSION (McPherson Room) REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Cabrillo College Sesnon House, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, California on Monday, March 5, 2013. Chair Rachael Spencer opened the meeting in Open Session at 5:00 pm. Closed Session items were announced. Chair Spencer asked for public comments on Closed Session items. There were no public comments. TIME 5:00 The Governing Board received an iPad training from 5:00-5:30pm. The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 5:30 p.m. Closed Session was adjourned at 6:00 pm. Roll was taken. Present were Chair Spencer, Trustees Ed Banks, Margarita Cortez, Gary Reece, Alan Smith, Susan True, and Donna Ziel and Student Trustee Cedar Green. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION There was no report out of closed session. A. Consent Items PAGES It was moved and seconded (Reece/Banks) to approve the consent agenda 5-37 items, including the minutes from the February 11, 2013 board meeting. TIME 6:05 Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Green AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Smith, Spencer, True, Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff: None. Oral Communications: Members of the audience may speak to nonagenda items (three minute time limit per speaker) Marilyn Garret requested that the wireless cell towers be removed and commented on the hazards of wireless technology. B. Special Presentation 2011-12 Professional Development Leave (Sabbatical) Reports– Presentation by two faculty members on sabbatical in 2011-12. C. Oral Reports 1. Board Members’ Reports a. Trustee Smith reported on the status of the presidential search committee. i. The brochure is complete. Thanks to Paul, Michael, Alta, the HR Department and Kristin who have polished it. March 4, 2013 Minutes 6:10 6:25 Page 1 of 5 8 ii. 2. 3. 4. 5. Paul and subcommittee are working on interview questions for the 3/14/13 search committee meeting. iii. The applicant deadline is early May. b. Trustee Banks reported that he and President Hendrickson visited the Stroke Center today noting what a great asset it is to the community. The CAP ceremony is tomorrow night, and High Achievers Scholarship ceremony will be held at the end of the month. c. Trustee Cortez attended the Watsonville Film Festival where one of the directors credited an improve class at Cabrillo. Our students are contributing members to our community. Thank you to all who support our students on a daily basis. d. Trustee Spencer noted the Student Success workshop will be a joint meeting with CPC on 5/6/13. They are to conduct a salary survey for the presidential search committee on typical CEP salaries in this area. Gary will chair; Donna and Ed to report to the board. Student Trustee’s Report: Student Trustee Green reported that the Student Senate went to Sacramento today for the annual March in March. Superintendent’s Report: President Hendrickson met with staff, union leaderships, local leaders, such as the County Business Council in the last month. College Achievement Program (CAP) awards tomorrow will demonstrate the forward thinking in this community to have elementary students seeing themselves as Cabrillo bound. He noted the Martin Luther King scholarship ceremony was moving with outstanding speakers and awardees. CCFT: President Harvell thanked John for offering Cabrillo facilities for the memorial services for the two officers. It appears it will be held at the HP pavilion. noted the good work on the presidential search brochure. The long list of qualifications is indicative of Cabrillo. was dreading the potential layoff of faculty at the March board meeting which is not happening today; only the normal notices are being given at this meeting. The uncertainty of the budget this year due to proposed legislative changes make the range of what could happen makes budget planning even harder. CCFT is sunshining their initial proposal this month and is asking for pay raises. Issues around growth and restoration involve cost, but faculty hope to pass on the COLA. Cabrillo faculty have not seen pay increase for 7 years; salaries rank 58 out of 71. CCEU: President Alta Northcutt thanked several staff who are providing assistance in the president’s office. It’s a testament to the quality of community at Cabrillo. noted that the Staff Development Day last year was very much needed and was a morale boost; people are looking forward to doing it again. short term goals are to sunshine initial proposal in April/Action March 4, 2013 Minutes Page 2 of 5 9 item in May. would like to schedule regular meetings with HR to be proactive with issues before they become concerns. Looks forward to building the relationships, wants to be more available, consistent, and see what else can we do to make things better. 6. Faculty Senate: Faculty Senate President Michael Mangin thanked Megan and Geneffa for their sabbatical reports. There will be no reports next year. Geneffa’s memoir is incredible. is looking forward to the Student Success Workshop on 5/6/13. thanked all on the Presidential Search Committee. Great brochure! We hope to get a great candidate. D. Action Items 1. Notice of Reemployment/Non-Reemployment of Designated Academic Employees It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the Superintendent/President’s recommendations as provided. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Vice President Kathie Welch explained that faculty are evaluated by a team in the first, second and third semesters, then once in the third and fourth years. If all is satisfactory, faculty may move to a tenured position. If not, there could be a division or administrative reevaluation or nonreemployment. Resolution 015-13: Reduction or Discontinuance of Classified Service It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 015-13 as presented. A motion was made (Ziel/Banks) to adopt Resolution 015-13. The motion carried. Educational Master Plan It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Educational Master Plan as presented. A motion was made (True/Cortez) to approve the Educational Master Plan as presented. The motion carried. Facilities Master Plan (FMP) Semi-Annual Update, Revision and Project Status It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Facilities Master Plan as presented. A motion was made (Ziel/Banks) to approve the Facilities Master Plan as presented. The motion carried. Student Services Component Job Description: Fast Track to Work Director It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the revised description for the Fast Track to Work Program Director as provided. A motion was made (Ziel/Cortez) to approve the job description. The motion carried. Spring 2013 Curriculum Committee Actions It is recommended that the proposed changes be approved for a fall 2013 effective date. A motion was made (Banks/True) to approve the proposed changes. The motion carried. March 4, 2013 Minutes 6:45 39 41 43 44 49 52 Page 3 of 5 10 E. Information Items: The following items are provided for Governing Board information. 1. 2012-13 through 2016-17 Budget Planning Update Vice President Victoria Lewis noted that the numbers are still rough, but the projected 2013-14 deficit is $2.5M. There is some risk associated with RDA. The first update from the Chancellor’s office identified a deficit factor of 6.57% which translated to a $3.4M shortfall for the college. Staff is planning for the worst case scenario, hoping for best. It appears reserves are adequate for 2013-14. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Trustee True asked about the deferrals. There were some buy downs of deferrals. The RDA shortfall is expected at the end of the fiscal year. There are different planning parameters for cash flow and for budget. Cabrillo does plan to borrow through the TRANs program this year. Sunshine District 2013-16 Initial Proposal: CCFT/District The District 2013-16 Initial Proposal for negotiations with CCFT is presented for information; it will return for action at the next Governing board meeting. Sunshine CCFT 2013-16 Initial Proposal: CCFT/District The CCFT 2013-16 Initial Proposal for negotiations with CCFT is presented for information; it will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. Board Policy 5035: Withholding of Student Records Student Services, First Reading Board policies are presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. March 2013 Accreditation Update Trustee Spencer reviewed and distributed Quick facts about the accreditation process. She noted that recent recommendations have been about Governing Boards; the ACCJC takes that very seriously. The college is currently reviewing drafts online. There will be an all college Forum on 3/24/13 from 2:30-4:30 in the Sesnon House. The evaluation and action plans will be on display. The full self-evaluation will be presented to the board in May for information and action in June. The handout included a table of the Cabrillo’s recommendations and lead responsible party. The board will receive more complete information at a later date. Trustee Smith asked about updating the board policies online. Five more policies will be reviewed in Instruction. Accreditation standards require that some board policies are in place. For example, the process for hiring a president and self-evaluation must be a board policy. Trustee Spencer noted the hard work of all involved. Board Travel Trustee Spencer noted Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 1080; the Governing Board is in compliance and noted the requirement that a trustee should be prepared to speak about the meeting that they attended at the next board meeting. There is a finite budget for board travel. Please apprise the board chair and get approval in advance of travel. March 4, 2013 Minutes 6:55 62 72 74 76 78 86 Page 4 of 5 11 The following items were provided for Governing Board information. No staff report was presented. 7. 2011-12 Professional Development Leave Reports 89 8. Grant Applications Recently Submitted by Career Education and Economic Development (CEED) 92 9. Quarterly Investment Report (Dec 12) 93 10. Spring 2013 Flex Week Activities Report 99 11. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar 100 12. Financial Reports 102 13. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings ADJOURN 7:08 Respectfully submitted, Secretary March 4, 2013 Minutes Page 5 of 5