This framework came into effect ... consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE...

This framework came into effect on 27 May 2009 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions.
HMIE Policy and Strategy Framework
Introduction and purpose
The Scottish Ministers are responsible for setting the policy and resources
framework within which we as an Agency operate. The purpose of this paper is to:
set out our approach to the policy and strategy development process within that
framework; and
provide a consistent and transparent method of formulating policy and strategy
papers relating to the work that we do.
In simple terms:
Policies – the what
Strategies – the how
Action Plans– the how in detail and practice
and vision
A short and simple but inspiring and motivating high-level
statement of our long-term desired future state. HMIE’s purpose
is to improve Scottish education.
Written statements that set out what we must do to achieve our
vision and achieve our strategic priorities.
Description of how we will achieve each policy objective.
Action Plans
Detailed statements setting out timescales and indicating who is
responsible for achieving each action point.
May 2009
This framework came into effect on 27 May 2009 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions.
Scottish Government and HMIE policy
As an Agency, we work within the overall policy framework of the Scottish
Government. In some instances we will adopt Scottish Government policy as our
own while for other aspects we will develop and adopt policies more appropriate to
our work. We will then develop our own strategies to implement these policies.
The work of HMIE
Our work supports the delivery of national outcomes, particularly in relation to:
people in Scotland being better educated, skilled and successful,
young people becoming successful learners, confident individuals, effective
contributors and responsible citizens;
children having better opportunities to succeed in life; and
Scotland having successful local communities and high quality continually
improving public services which are efficient and responsive to local people’s
Policy and Strategy development stages
When developing a new policy, the following stages should be followed:
identify requirement for a policy;
after consultation with colleagues, external partners and stakeholders, prepare
draft policy and, if appropriate, strategy for initial period of validity of policy;
consult with Senior Management Team;
consult by email to SMG on draft policy and strategy, review comments and
update draft as appropriate;
obtain/secure final sign off by Senior Management Group;
obtain/secure endorsement by Management Board;
implement policy and strategy by creating Action Plans;
publish policy on HMIE intranet and other appropriate media (usually including
HMIE website); and
review, monitor and update policy, strategy and action plan at quality group (or
Policy and Strategy endorsement
Once a policy and strategy has been endorsed by the Board, it will be annotated as
This policy/ strategy came into effect on (insert date) by HM Inspectorate of
Education after adoption by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by
HMIE Management Board. It supersedes all previous versions.
Policy format, content and layout
May 2009
This framework came into effect on 27 May 2009 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions.
All policy documents must meet the following criteria.
Layout: Policy papers should be developed using the standard layout and defined
structure set out in Annex A.
Length: Documents should be concise (1-2 pages) while still being an accurate
portrayal of the policy and containing all essential information. References can
be included to indicate where further information can be found, e.g. in the form of
an e-link to supporting briefing material.
Clarity: Documents should be clear. Sentences should be in line with Plain
English requirements. Ambiguous terms or unnecessary technical words should
not be used.
Relevance: The purpose of the policy should be stated at the beginning.
Documents are more likely to be read if the reader can easily identify that the
main points are likely to be of relevance to them.
All policies must include reference to completing an Equalities Impact
Assessment (see Annex B).
HMIE logo: Documents should display the HMIE logo at the top right hand corner
of the cover page.
Contact information: Documents should contain contact information to enable
feedback and an invitation to provide it.
Version: The date and version of the policy document should be clearly shown.
Communication: detail of how policy will be communicated.
The role of strategy and guidance
Policy is a statement of intent. Strategy and guidance are informed by policy and
effectively form a tool box of measures which help achieve policy goals. In
developing strategy and guidance the aim should be to develop parameters to
ensure policy is realised. Strategy should:
be developed to deliver clearly defined outcomes in line with policy;
look ahead and contribute to long-term policy goals;
take account of influencing factors;
work across all areas of the Inspectorate;
be fair and take account of the interests of everyone;
include criteria for success;
be designed to stand the test of time and work practically from the start; and
be regularly monitored and reviewed.
May 2009
This framework came into effect on 27 May 2009 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions.
Contact arrangements to enable feedback
Any comments or queries on this policy should be addressed to:
Business Management and Communications Team,
HM Inspectorate of Education,
2nd Floor, Denholm House,
Almondvale Business Park,
Almondvale Way, Livingston EH54 6GA.
Telephone 01506 600265
Email: PS/
May 2009
This framework came into effect on 27 May 2009 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions.
Annex A
HMIE policy paper layout
Policy documents should be developed using the following structure:
Introduction and purpose of policy
Conditions and policy principles – context for HMIE’s operating environment
Roles and responsibilities
Other relevant or related policies or strategies
Policy implementation procedures including Equality Impact Assessment (see
Annex B)
Requirement for strategy to include criteria for success
Maintenance and quality assurance arrangements
Review arrangements for policy, including date of next formal review
Contact arrangements to enable feedback.
May 2009
This framework came into effect on 27 May 2009 by HM Inspectorate of Education after
consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management
Board. It supersedes all previous versions.
Annex B
Link to HMIE website page which provides link to : Equality
Impacts Assessments: A guide for HMIE staff
May 2009