Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Undergraduate Studies held on Thursday 22nd
November 2012.
Professor R Leng (in the Chair), Professor T Bugg, Mr J Enwistle, Dr G
Martin, Dr F McKay, Dr C Melville, Dr R Moseley, Dr J Robinson, Dr T
Sinclair, Dr J Vickery, Dr T White, Dr D Wood, Dr C Wright.
Dr C Hoerl, Dr C Jenainati, Professor N Johnson.
In Attendance: Dr T Bell, Dr J Taylor (throughout);
Mr P Cooke (for item under 5(c)/12-13 only), Professor P Corvi (for item
under 11/12-13 only), Dr D Davies (for item under 8/12-13 only), Ms K Gray
(for item under 9/12-13 only), Mr A Higgins (for item under 20/12-13 only).
Terms of Reference
That Senate, at its meeting on 3rd October 2012, had approved Terms of Reference
of the Board as follows:
(a) To consider and make recommendations to the Academic Quality
Standards Committee on issues relating to the assurance and enhancement
of the quality of learning and teaching across all undergraduate provision.
(b) To make recommendations to the Senate, after consultation with
academic departments and the Boards of the Faculties, on all matters
affecting undergraduate study in the University including strategic
(c) To scrutinise all new undergraduate course proposals and report to the
Academic Quality and Standards Committee on consideration of such
(d) To consider the Faculty Summary Reports of the Annual Course Review
reports, teaching and learning-related sections of Strategic Departmental
Reviews (together with relevant departmental responses) and the
Undergraduate Student-Staff Liaison Committee Annual Report and liaise
with departments regarding any issues of concern.
(e) To advise the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on matters
relating to examinations in undergraduate courses.
(f) To advise the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on the role of
internal and external examiners for undergraduate degrees.
(g) To report to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee annually on
the issues raised in reports by external examiners.
(h) To consider submissions from the Boards of the Faculties for nonstandard examination methods, including seen papers, open-book
examinations and reading times, and to make recommendations to the
Academic Quality and Standards Committee.
(i) To exercise delegated powers on behalf of the Academic Quality and
Standards Committee in approving, on personal grounds, minor variations in
the arrangements for the sitting of undergraduate examinations by individual
(j) To consider all matters affecting admissions practices and policy and make
recommendations to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee where
(k) To consider requests for variations to the University's Accreditation of
Prior Learning (APL) policy for individual students,
Freedom of Information
That the Steering Committee at its meeting on 29 October 2007 had
considered a paper outlining how the Freedom of Information Act
2000 applies to the publication of minutes of University bodies
together with the University Publication Scheme adopted by the
Steering Committee in December 2003, paper SC 60/07-08, and had
resolved that a standard item be included on the agenda of the first
meeting of each University Committee at the start of each academic
year to inform new members and to remind continuing members of the
University policy on the publication of minutes.
That all non-reserved agenda and minutes of the Board were
published on the University’s Governance website at:
That copies of paper SC 60/07-08 were available from the Steering
Committee Secretary on request.
Membership 2012/13
That the Senate, at its meeting on 3rd October 2012, had resolved that the
membership of the Board of Undergraduate Studies for the academic year
2012/13 be as follows:
Professor R Leng
Two full-time members of the academic
Staff from each of the Faculties of Arts,
Science and Social Sciences appointed
by the Senate:
Social Sciences
Dr R Moseley
Dr T White
Dr C Melville
Professor N Johnson
Dr G Martin
Dr T Bugg
Dr T Sinclair
Dr C Hoerl
One member of the Board of
Graduate Studies appointed by
the Senate
Dr J Vickery
The Chairs of the Undergraduate
Studies Committees of the Boards
of the Faculties of Arts and Social
Sciences and the Chair of the
Sub-Faculty of Science
Dr C Jenainati
Dr D Wood
Social Sciences
Dr C Wright
One member of staff appointed by
and from the Centre for Lifelong
Dr F McKay
Two members nominated by the
Union of Students
Mr J Entwhistle
That the minutes of the meeting held on 6th June 2012 be approved.
Matters Arising on the Minutes
(a) Amendments to University Regulations
That the Senate, at its meeting on 4 July 2012, had approved the Board’s
recommendations for amendments to University regulations under the
following Board minutes:
28/11-12 Amendments to Regulation 12: Absence for Medical Reasons from
a University Examination for First Degrees
29/11-12 Amendments to Regulation 11: Regulation Governing Procedure to
be Adopted in the Event of Suspected Cheating in a University Test
30/11-12 Amendment to Regulation 8.1: Regulation for First Degrees
42/11-12 Reinstatement to Honours for BSc degrees: Regulation 8.1
(b) Feedback to students (minute 24/11-12 refers)
That the Academic Quality and Standards Committee, at its meeting on 20
June 2012, had considered guidance for departments on timing of feedback
on assessment (paper AQSC.98/11-12) and had resolved:
That a working group be established to review the Good Practice Guide on
Providing Feedback to Students on Assessment.
That, in the context of this work, the group would also consider guidance and
policy development on feedback on examinations and maximum timescales
for provision of feedback on assessed course work, taking into consideration
local practice.
That the principle that all departments be required to communicate clearly to
students the timescales for provision of marks and feedback on course work
in advance be approved.
That the principle that all departments be required to take into consideration
the timing of the provision of feedback when setting deadlines for submission
of assignments be approved.
(AQSC 117(a)/11-12)
REPORTED (by the Chair):
That a policy obliging academic departments to provide feedback within four
weeks of the submission of work is included in the Warwick Student
Community Statement;
That the above mentioned policy will be monitored by the University;
That, in appropriate circumstances, exemptions from the above mentioned
policy may be sought by departments from either the Chair of the Board of
Graduate Studies or the Chair of the Board of Undergraduate Studies (as
(c) Changes to Withdrawal Policies for Undergraduate Students from 2012/13
(minute 27/11-12 refers)
That the Academic Quality and Standards Committee, at its meeting on 20
June 2012, considered the proposed changes to withdrawal policies for
undergraduate students from 2012/13, and resolved that further guidance be
requested on the circumstances in which fees might be waived if a student
temporarily withdraws, and how the costs of the fee waiver might be met,
noting the concerns of the Committee regarding the potential implications for
vulnerable students (AQSC 135/11-12).
An oral report from the Student Finance Manager on the revised Changes to
Withdrawal Policies for Undergraduate Students.
That the following general principles should apply in the operation of the
withdrawal policies:
(i) that departments should retain discretion to determine the dates of
(ii) that a student who temporarily withdraws should not normally be expected to
pay more in total than three years’ fees if they are on a three-year degree
programme, or four years’ fees if they are on a four-year programme.
(d) Regulation 11: Cheating in University Tests (minute 32/11-12 refers)
Revised summary data from departments regarding cases of cheating in
University tests dealt with by Heads of Department under Regulation 11 (B)
(2) (b) in the academic year 2010/11 as set out in paper BUGS 28/11-12
(e) Good Practice Guide on information available to students (minute 37/11-12
An updated Good Practice Guide on Information for Students Paper (paper
AQSC 107/11-12), noting that the Guide was approved by the Senate at its
meeting on 4 July 2012.
(f) Institutional Review (minute 34/11-12 refers)
That the Senate, at its meeting on 4 July 2012, had approved the final
recommendations of the Institutional Review Steering Group for the onward
referral of the recommendations in the Faculty Engagements to appropriate
bodies for further consideration, set out in paper TLR101 11-12 (revised 3).
(g) Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports for 2010/11 (minute 38/11-12
(A) An oral report from the Chair concerning the reports for 2010/11 of External
Examiners for undergraduate courses, and pro-forma responses from
departments to External Examiners’ reports for 2010/11, received since the
meeting of the Board on 22 February 2012 (these reports and responses were
circulated for the meeting of 6 June 2012 as papers BUGS 32/11-12 and
BUGS 33/11-12);
(B) Pro-forma responses to External Examiners’ reports for 2010-11 received
from departments since the last meeting of the Board (paper BUGS 1/12-13).
(h) Multi-speed undergraduate courses (minute 31/11-12 refers)
REPORTED (by the Chair):
That a further meeting on this issue had taken place, but currently there was
no further progress to report.
Chair’s Action
a) Course proposals for Hispanic Studies
In order for degree courses in the new Department of Hispanic Studies to be
publicised on the UCAS website in time for the 2013/14 UCAS recruitment
round, the Chair, acting on behalf of the Board (and following circulation of
documentation by email to Board members inviting comments), had taken
action to approve proposals from the Department of Hispanic Studies for new
degree courses as set out below:
Hispanic Studies Single Honours;
Hispanic Studies and French Studies;
Hispanic Studies and German Studies;
Hispanic Studies and Italian Studies;
Hispanic Studies with French;
Hispanic Studies with German;
Hispanic Studies with Italian.
French with Spanish
German with Spanish
Italian with Spanish
b) Approval of special examination arrangements for named students
That the Chair, acting on behalf of the Board, had approved:
(i) a request from the School of Life Sciences that, on the grounds of severe
disability, a named student be permitted to sit her examinations in 2013 away
from the University, on condition that she is subject to appropriate invigilation
(ii) a request from the School of Law that, on medical grounds, a named
student be permitted to be assessed by 48 hour take-home examinations
(instead of unseen exams) in two 15 credit modules.
(iii) a request from the Department of Sociology that, on the grounds of
severe ill health, a named student be permitted to take all final-year modules
by assessed essay work.
c) Revisions to course proposal form (CA1)
That the Chair, acting on behalf of the Board, had approved minor changes to
the course proposal form (CA1).
d) Text on extenuating circumstances for departmental handbooks
That the Chair, acting on behalf of the Board, had approved text drawn up by
the Board of Graduate Studies providing guidance to students on extenuating
circumstances, for inclusion in departmental handbooks.
That the Chair be asked to circulate to members the text drawn up by the
Board of Graduate Studies.
Chair’s Business
Lunch meetings with Directors of Undergraduate Studies
(a)That the Chair had announced that in the 2012/13 academic year he would
be holding termly lunch meetings with Directors of Undergraduate Studies.
(b) That the forthcoming lunch on 3rd December, 2012, would include
presentations regarding the QAA audit in the Spring Term 2013 and also the
harmonisation of First Year Boards of Examiners’ conventions.
That the Academic Office would be asked to confirm that the Autumn Term
Undergraduate Newsletter which included notification of the lunch meetings
had been circulated to all Directors of Undergraduate Studies.
New Courses of Study
A proposal from the Warwick Medical School for a new course, BSc (Hons) in
International Clinical Obstetrics and Leadership (paper BUGS 2/12-13).
That the course proposal for the BSc (Hons) in International Clinical
Obstetrics and Leadership be approved, as set out in paper BUGS 2/12-13.
Review of the Course Approval Process
A paper from the Assistant Registrar (Teaching Quality) and Senior Assistant
Registrar (Teaching Quality) on the on-going review of course approval
processes (paper AQSC.24/12-13), together with an oral report from the
Senior Assistant Registrar (Teaching Quality).
That the Course Approval process and schedule be approved as set out in
paper AQSC.24/12-13.
Draft Self-Evaluation Document (SED)
The draft Self-Evaluation Document (SED) for the forthcoming QAA Review,
which had been previously circulated to members of this Board with a request
that their comments be sent directly to the Senior Assistant Registrar
(Teaching Quality) (paper AQSC.13/12-13).
Blanket Accreditation of Prior Learning Exemption for BSc in Accounting &
A paper from the Warwick Business School proposing blanket accreditation of
prior learning exemption for the BSc in Accounting & Finance (paper
UFSS43/12/13(revised), together with an oral report from Professor Peter
Corvi of the Warwick Business School.
That, while the Board would welcome the proposal in principle, the WBS be
asked to provide greater clarity and detail about the following aspects of the
proposal, which were of concern to Board members (and that the Teaching
Quality Office also be asked its comment on these matters as may be relevant
to its remit):
(a) the mechanisms for ensuring the suitability of candidates admitted to the
Warwick BSc in Accounting & Finance;
(b) the appropriateness of the 180 CATS exemption from the module credit
normally required for the Warwick BSc, given that 120 CATS has to date
normally been the maximum exemption under APL and that exemption
would not normally apply to final-year Honours-level modules;
(c) the appropriateness under the national Frameworks for Higher Education
Qualifications and Credit of candidates counting the same credit towards
two qualifications (ACA and BSc) to the extent envisaged in the proposal;
(d) that the proposed concentrated delivery of Warwick teaching to
programme participants would not adversely affect the learning process
normally expected of a Warwick undergraduate degree;
(e) that the potential administrative implications of the programme should be
subject to consultation with the Academic Office before final commitments
are entered into.
Ramadan from 2015
A paper from the Secretary concerning Ramadan and the Summer Term
examinations period from 2015 (paper BUGS 3/12-13).
That the recommendations set out in paper BUGS 3/12-13, be approved.
OIA Annual Letter
The Annual Letter to the University (relating to 2011) from the Office of the
Independent Adjudicator (paper BUGS 4/12-13).
Regulation 8.12: scope of preliminary review panels
A proposed amendment to Regulation 8.12, in the light of the interpretation of
paragraph (3) of the Regulation made by the Office of the Independent
Adjudicator (paper BUGS 10/12-13).
That the proposed amendment to Regulation 8.12 as set out in paper BUGS
10/12-13 be approved.
Regulation 8: 4-year Integrated Undergraduate Masters’ Degrees
An oral report from the Chair on issues concerning changes in registration
status and the award of bachelor degrees to students in the fourth and final
year of bachelors’ integrated undergraduate masters’ degrees.
That the Chair be asked to continue discussions with the Deputy Academic
Registrar and representatives of affected departs with a view to drafting a set
of guiding principles for academic departments with regard to students
changing between the three and four year variants of integrated
undergraduate masters’ degrees, and to consider whether similar issues
affect other four year undergraduate programmes.
Pre-sessional Course for Undergraduate Students
A paper from the Centre for Applied Linguistics regarding an undergraduate
pre-sessional planned for Summer 2013 (paper BUGS14 /12-13).
That the undergraduate pre-sessional course planned for Summer 2013 be
That the Centre for Applied Linguistics be asked to consult those
departments likely to have students attending this course, with a view to
reviewing its content of English language training for academic purposes.
Consultation on Postgraduate Students as Teachers
REPORTED (by the Chair):
That, following the results of their recent departmental survey on this matter,
the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies would
shortly be compiling a paper on issues arising, which would form the basis for
further consideration by a working group.
First-year Boards of Examiners’ Conventions
That a working group has been formed to consider the harmonisation of First
Year Board of Examiners Degree Conventions.
Student Assignment Management: Electronic Plagiarism Declaration
A proposed Electronic Plagiarism Declaration for student assignment
management (paper BUGS 12/12-13).
That Dr Graham Martin and Dr Jonathan Vickery be nominated to assist the
Chair in finalising the proposed Declaration.
Revised Undergraduate Admissions Statement /Complaints Procedure
A paper from the Director of the Student Admissions and Recruitment Office
setting out a revised Undergraduate Admissions Statement and
undergraduate admissions complaints procedure (paper BUGS 13/12-13),
together with an oral report from the Director.
That the revised Undergraduate Admissions Statement and undergraduate
admissions complaints procedure as set out in paper BUGS 13/12-13 be
Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports for 2011/12
The procedure for the consideration of External Examiner reports by the
Board of Undergraduate Studies (paper BUGS 5/12-13)
(a) The reports of External Examiners for Undergraduate courses for 2011/12
(paper BUGS 6/12-13).
(b) Pro-forma responses to the External Examiners’ reports for 2011/12 received
from departments by the time of the meetings of the Board Sub-group held on
7th and 9th November 2012 (paper BUGS 7/12-13),
(c) A report from the Board Sub-group established to consider the reports of the
External Examiners summarising key points in the reports for 2011-12 and
making recommendations to the Board for further action (paper BUGS 8/1213)
(d) Pro-forma responses to the External Examiners’ reports for 2011/12 received
from departments since the meetings of the Board Sub-group (paper BUGS
That the report of the Board Sub-group be approved and, following receipt of
relevant outstanding pro-forma departmental responses to the External
Examiners’ reports, the Chair be asked to take forward issues as necessary
as identified in the Sub-Group’s report.
Departmental Gratuities to Students
An oral report from the Chair noting the practice in some departments of
offering gratuities being offered to students following the recent increase in
tuition fees and further noting that this may raises issues about fairness and
parity of treatment as between students in different departments.
That the Board should keep the matter under review.