UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK BOARD OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES AGENDA There will be a meeting of the Board of Undergraduate Studies at 09:30 a.m. on Friday 21st November 2014 in room CMR 1.0, University House. Ken Sloan Registrar and Chief Operating Officer Note: Questions on agenda items or apologies for this meeting should be directed to the Secretary to the Board, Dr J A Taylor, email or telephone extension 22633. _________________________________________________________________________ Items for Consideration by the Board 1. Terms of Reference TO REPORT: That Senate, at its meeting on 1st July 2014, approved revised Terms of Reference for the Board as follows: (a) To consider academic issues relating to undergraduate provision offered by individual departments and across departmental boundaries, including matters that may be raised by academic departments and/or Directors of Undergraduate Studies, and make recommendations or comment to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee and/or its sub-groups, the Boards of the Faculties or other appropriate bodies within the University; (b) To receive and consider as may be appropriate proposals and reports relating to undergraduate academic provision from the relevant sub-groups of the Academic Quality and Standards Committee; (c) To scrutinise all new undergraduate course proposals and report to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on the Board’s consideration and approval of such proposals; (d) To consider relevant issues relating to undergraduate academic provision noted in the Faculty Summary Reports of the Annual Course Review reports, in Strategic Departmental Reviews or by Student-Staff Liaison Committees and liaise with departments as may be appropriate regarding any issues of interest or concern; (e) To advise the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on matters relating to examinations processes and procedures in undergraduate courses; 1 (f) To advise the Academic Quality and Standards Committee on the role of internal and external examiners for undergraduate courses; (g) To consider external examiners’ reports and departmental responses relating to all undergraduate courses, to discuss particular issues of concern with departments and to report to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee annually on issues raised; (h) To consider and approve submissions from departments and the Undergraduate Studies Committees of the Boards of the Faculties for non-standard examination methods (including seen papers, open-book examinations and reading time); (i) To consider and approve variations requested on personal grounds in the arrangements for undergraduate examinations for individual students; (j) To consider all matters affecting undergraduate admissions practices and policy and make recommendations to the Academic Quality and Standards Committee where appropriate; (k) To consider and approve requests for variations to the University's Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) policy for individual students or groups of students; (l) To monitor the approval process for interdisciplinary undergraduate modules developed and offered by the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning; (m) To advise on matters relating to the policy and strategy underpinning the production of the student Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR). (Senate minute 140 (d) /13-14) 2. Membership 2014/15 TO REPORT: That the Senate, at its meeting on 1st October 2014, resolved that the membership of the Board of Undergraduate Studies for the academic year 2014/15 be as follows: Chair Professor Roger Leng Two full-time members of the academic Staff from each of the Faculties of Arts, Science and Social Sciences appointed by the Senate: Arts Medicine Science Social Sciences Prof Cathia Jenainati Mr Evan Stewart Prof Lesley Roberts Dr Colin Melville Dr Jim Robinson Dr Graham Martin Prof P Corvi Dr A Broome 2 One member of the Board of Graduate Studies appointed by the Senate Dr Jonathan Pearson The Chairs of the Undergraduate Studies Committees of the Boards of the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences and the Chair of the Sub-Faculty of Science: Arts Science Social Sciences Prof Cathia Jenainati Dr David Wood Mr Peter Brown One member of staff appointed by and from the Centre for Lifelong Learning Dr Fergus McKay Two members nominated by the Union of Students Ms Maahwish Mirza TBA 3. Freedom of Information TO REPORT: (a) That the Steering Committee, at its meeting on 29th October 2007, considered a paper outlining how the Freedom of Information Act 2000 applies to the publication of minutes of University bodies together with the University Publication Scheme adopted by the Steering Committee in December 2003 (paper SC 60/07-08), and resolved that a standard item be included on the agenda of the first meeting of each University committee at the start of each academic year to inform new members and to remind continuing members of the University policy on the publication of minutes. (b) That all non-reserved minutes and agendas of the Board are published on the University’s Governance website at: 4. Conflicts of Interest TO REPORT: That, should any members or attendees of the Board have any conflicts of interest relating to agenda items for the meeting, they should be declared in accordance with the CUC Guide for Members of Higher Education Governing Bodies in the UK. 3 5. Minutes TO CONSIDER: The minutes of the meeting held on 4th June 2014 (copy available at 6. Matters Arising on the Minutes: (a) Intermediate-year Undergraduate Progression Conventions (minute 23(d)/13-14 refers) TO CONSIDER: (i) A paper from the Chair of the Board setting out Draft Undergraduate Progression Requirements for Intermediate Years of Study, considered by the Undergraduate Studies Committees of the Boards of the Faculties at their meetings in the Autumn Term 2014 (paper QAWG 19/13-14, copy available at ); (ii) The resolution of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, at its meeting on 15th October, 2014: “That the implications of the increased progression hurdle of 90 credits in the interim year of study be mapped against current University Undergraduate degree classification conventions, namely paragraph 2(b) in Section II (” (UFSS minute 11/14-15) (iii) The recommendations of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science, from its meeting held on 15th October 2014, that: (1) The progression CATS level for intermediate-year progression be set at 80, in line with the first-year requirement, instead of the proposed 90 CATS; (2) That item 3 in the paper be made clearer with regards to required optional core modules; (3) That item 17 should offer more prescriptive guidance about examples where this “exceptionally” clause could be used; (4) That item 5 should clarify what exactly a “deemed” mark means [the Committee noting that a final mark for a number of modules with many small pieces of assessment may use a “deemed” mark for pieces of assessment that have been missed]. (SUGS minute 8/14-15 [unconfirmed]) 4 (iv) The resolutions of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, at its meeting held on 15th October 2014, as follows: (1) That following close scrutiny of the Draft Intermediate-year Undergraduate Progression Conventions, concerns were noted regarding the requirements to introduce resits; (2) That the Secretariat would circulate the draft document with key questions and points raised at the meeting for members to consult with colleagues in their departments on the proposed changes and provide feedback to the Secretariat, [noting] that the deadline to submit feedback on the proposed changes would need to be submitted to the Secretariat by Friday 31st October 2014. (AUSC minute 15/14-15 [unconfirmed]) (v) Further comments from individual academic departments on the Draft Undergraduate Progression Requirements for Intermediate Years of Study, drawn together by the Assistant Registrar (Teaching Quality) /Secretary to the Quality Assurance Working Group of the Academic Quality and Standards Committee (paper BUGS 1/14-15, copy available at ). (vi) A report from the Chair of the Board on (ii) – (v) above (paper BUGS 2/14-15, copy available at ). (b) Postgraduates as Teachers (minute 37(a) /13-14 refers) TO RECEIVE: The final report of the BUGS/BGS Working Group on Guidance on the Employment of Postgraduates as Teachers (paper BUGS 3/14-15, copy available at ). (c) Pass mark for 4th Year Modules on IUMDs (minute 37 (b) /13-14 refers) TO REPORT: That the Senate, at its meeting on 2nd July 2014, approved the recommendation of the Quality Assurance Working Group as set out in paper AQSC 51/13-14 (copy at ) “that the pass mark on level 7 modules taken as part of an Integrated Undergraduate /Master’s degree be raised to 50%, and that other work to implement the changes as set out in the paper be continued”. (Senate minute 135 (b)/13-14) 5 (d) Review of Section 6.1 of the HEAR (minute 42/13-14 refers) TO CONSIDER: The membership of the sub-group of the Board to review the content of section 6.1 of the HEAR. 7. New Teaching and Learning Building TO RECEIVE: A paper on the new Teaching and Learning Building that was tabled at the meeting of the Academic Quality and Standards Committee held on 30th October 2014 (paper AQSC 16/1415, copy at , together with an oral report from the Senior Assistant Registrar (Space Management and Timetabling) and the Senior Project Manager (Estates Office). 8. Chair’s Business 9. New Undergraduate Courses of Study TO CONSIDER: (a) BA in History and Philosophy The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, from its meeting on 15th October 2014, that the proposal from the Departments of History and Philosophy for a new BA (Hons) degree in History and Philosophy, to commence in October 2016, be approved as set out in paper AUSC 11/14-15 (copy at ). (b) FdA and BA in Person-Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy (revised) . The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, from its meeting on 15th October 2014, that the proposals from the Centre for Lifelong Learning to revise the FdA and BA degrees in PersonCentred Counselling and Psychotherapy as set out in papers UFSS 4-7/14-15 (copies at ), be approved. 6 (c) BA in Liberal Arts The recommendation from the Academic Director for the proposed BA in Liberal Arts for the introduction of a BA degree in Liberal Arts to commence in October 2016 (papers BUGS 4a-c/14-15, copies at ), it being noted that: (i) The Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, at its meeting on 15th October 2014, has recommended that the Academic Director for the proposed course consider the implications of the structure of the programme regarding module options, compatibility of assessment methods and the introduction of a part-time variant (UFSS minute 7/14-15); (ii) The Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Science, at its meeting on 15th October 2014, has recommended the following to the Academic Director for the proposed course: (1) That the proposal to include research methods in year 1 is reconsidered as it was felt this was too early in the degree programme to introduce these concepts; (2) That consideration is given to how the quality of the “Big Question” is ensured; (3) That more consideration is given to basing the Warwick degree on a model degree from elsewhere, rather than trying to develop something unique; (4) That more consideration is given to building a degree around existing modules rather than looking for a fundamental and philosophical difference in the way that teaching is currently delivered (SUGS minute 11/14-15 [unconfirmed]); (iii) The Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Arts, at its meeting on 15th October 2014, resolved that “members be invited to provide to the Academic Director details of international institutions either in the USA or Europe that teach in English [and] which may be able to host students for the intercalated year abroad” (AUSC minute 8(a)/14-15 [unconfirmed]). 10. Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports for 2013/14 TO REPORT: That Sub-groups of the Board, at meetings held on 28th and 29th October 2014, considered: 7 (a) The reports of External Examiners for Undergraduate courses for 2013/14 (b) Pro-forma responses to the External Examiners’ reports for 2013/14 received from departments by the time of the meetings of the Board Sub-groups and compiled a report summarising key points in the reports for 2013-14 and matters for further action and enquiry (paper BUGS 5/14-15, copy available at ). TO RECEIVE: A report from the Chair summarizing particular themes and issues arising from the Undergraduate External Examiners’ Reports for 2013/14 (Studies (paper BUGS 6/14-15, copy will be available at ). 11. Amendments to Regulation 8.10 (Regulations for the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) and for the Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMedSci)) TO CONSIDER: The recommendation of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Board of the Faculty of Medicine, from its meeting on 21st October 2014, that amendments to Regulation 8.10 (Regulations for the Degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) and for the Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMedSci)) be approved as set out in paper MUSC.61/13-14 (revised) (copy available at ). 12. Amendment to Regulation 11 (Procedure to be Adopted in the Event of Suspected Cheating in a University Test) TO CONSIDER: The recommendation of the Board of Graduate Studies, from its meeting on 10th October 2014, that an amendment to Regulation 11 (Procedure to be Adopted in the Event of Suspected Cheating in a University Test) be approved as set out in paper BGS 8/14/15 (copy available at ). 13. Amendment to Regulation 8.13 (Regulations for the Part-time Degree of BEng in Applied Engineering) TO REPORT: That the Chair of the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Science, acting on behalf of the Committee, has approved a request from the Warwick Manufacturing Group 8 for Regulation 8.13 (3) (c) and (4) (d) (Regulations for the Part-time Degree of BEng in Applied Engineering) to be amended as set out in paper SUGS.2/14-15 . TO CONSIDER: The proposed amendment to Regulation 8.13 (3) (c) and (4) (d) as set out in paper SUGS.2/14-15 (copy available at ). 14. Faculty of Social Studies First-year Board of Examiners TO REPORT: That, at its meeting on 19th February 2014, the Board of Undergraduate Studies resolved: “That after consideration of paper BUGS 16 (a)/13-14, it was the Board’s view that the current arrangements for students wishing to take their September examinations overseas were satisfactory, there being no sufficient evidence which would justify the inclusion of any additional centres” [BUGS minute 23(f)/13-14]. TO CONSIDER: A paper from the Secretary to the Faculty of Social Studies First-year Board of Examiners concerning (a) delivery of September examination scripts from overseas and (b) overseas centres (paper BUGS 7 14-15, copy available at ). 15. National Student Survey TO RECEIVE: Paper S.5/14-15 (copy at ) on the National Student Survey 2014, considered by the Senate at its meeting on 1st October 2014. 16. Any Other Business. Items to Report and Approve Without Further Discussion The Chair and Secretary consider that the following items are non-controversial and/or can be accepted with a minimum of explanation. Members of the Board may, however, ask for any of the following items to be transferred to the agenda for discussion by contacting the Secretary in advance of the meeting or by raising the item at the commencement of the meeting. Any papers referred to are available online at the Board of Undergraduate Studies filestore at: 9 17. Chair’s Action TO REPORT: That the Chair, acting on behalf of the Board, has approved the following: (a) Variations of module assessment methods on grounds of disability for: (i) (ii) (iii) Three named students in the Centre for Lifelong Learning; One named student in the Department of Philosophy; One named student in the Department of English; (b) Variation of assessment method for module LA366 first sits in September 2014 on grounds of staff illness; (c) An application for Accredited Prior Learning for a named student in the Centre for Lifelong Learning comprising 120 credits of Warwick modules taken between 2002- 05 to count towards a part-time BA degree in English and Cultural Studies; (d) A proposal from the Centre for Lifelong Learning for the introduction of a full-time variant of the Part-time BA in Social Studies (paper UFSS 10/14-15, copy at ); (e) Proposals from the Department of Economics for non-credit-bearing modules relating to (i) an undergraduate Mentor Scheme and (ii) Personal Development, and from the Sports Centre for a Sports Scholarship (Warwick Focus), for the inclusion in Section 6.1 of the HEAR; (f) A proposal from the Warwick Medical School for the introduction of a variant of the undergraduate Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy for non-UK participants from the EU (to distinguish them from participants registered and able to practise in the UK) with the title Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy (EU), noting that in all other respects the content and assessment is the same as the UK variant. 18. Technology Enhanced Learning TO REPORT: (a) That a strategy has been developed by the Technology Enhanced Learning Steering Group which is available for consultation by all members of the University; (b) Members of the Board are encouraged to view the strategy document available at: /telstrategy. 10 19. Date of Directors of Undergraduate Studies Spring Term Lunch 2015 TO REPORT: That the Directors of Undergraduate Studies’ Spring Term 2015 lunch will take place on Friday 13th March 2015 from 12.00 to 14.00 pm in room CMR 1.0, University House. jat 11.11.14 11