Safety Committee Meeting Minutes of January 10, 2014 Present: Spring Andrews, Diane Avalar, Dan Borges, Michelle Chao, Joe Clarke, Byron Cornwell, Katie Dowling, Sesario Escoto, Oscar Guillen, Vikkee Hiddleson, Rachel Mayo, Sue Torres Absent: Jason Camara, Michelle Chao, Kristin Fabos, Laura Hunerberg, Stanton Stubbs, Devin Monahan, Owen Miller, Joe Nugent, Tasha Sturm Agenda Modifications There were no agenda modifications. Minutes from 12/6/13 The minutes and agenda from December 6, 2013 were approved. Current Issues Smoking on Campus All constituents have weighed in now on the smoking issue. Sesario emailed and shared an article from the Sentinal regarding UCSC experience with the smoking ban. Discussed enforcement again – and suggested with repeated defiance, a hearing, then possible suspension. Discussed kids that are caught or seen smoking pot, and Sesario stated that when Joe Clarke identifies them they should be referred to the Dean of Student Services. Rachel Mayo suggested Health Services lead up the task force and that it be seated in an education aspect . Dan Borges recommended Victoria bring the Safety Committee recommendation to Cabinet and Laurel may assign the Task Force. Action Items o Task force needs to be put together after presenting recommendation to CPC AED for 600 Building Joe is working on getting approval to use bond funds for the AED for 600. Tasha priced the units at $1822.50. Action Items o Joe Nugent to check with Victoria regarding using bond money for this. Safety & Emergency Preparedness website updates Oscar and Dan gave an update. Holly Miller is still the contact for site maintenance. The Emergency page is now stand-alone. There is a big red button for Incident Commander (Their job is to disseminate, collect data, make decisions) . The website was an IT/FPPO collaboration and is put together now very efficiently. The Blue Button is for the rest of incident command team. Third button - Building steward button can hit from home or away, see task list, etc. It is a tool to think rather than react. They are linked to Google Docs, spreadsheets, PDF’s. Dan shared that IT made videos instructing how to send out “All” phone alerts, Alert U, website updates, etc. Diane Avelar requested a link from the Safety Page and Student Services page regarding crisis students like SSCT. IT piece – multiple links to Instructors . People don’t really know how to find the report form , what early identification is and how to report. Spring Andrews suggested under the Safety Tab placing a drop/down or bullet for Faculty/Staff. Rachel Mayo suggested simplifying the reports. Action Items o No action items Video surveillance camera project Dan Borges presented the plan for the campus wide camera project. It was discussed that where cameras are being used now (Student Activities Center) the picture is not always clear so it can sometimes be difficult to determine the name of the student but Joe Clarke and Spring Andrews said that it is definitely a useful tool for the Deputies to be able to pursue with photo ID. 1/3 of the cameras are up now with 10 more coming by end of the week of the 12th of January including the parking structures. Rachel Mayo stated that they work pretty well in Watsonville because it’s a smaller community and easier to get an identification on offenders because usually there will be someone who recognizes the person. It was discussed sending out the photos in an All Cabrillo video, and/or posting online at the Sheriff’s office. Rachel cautioned that sometimes there are cases of false identity. Joe Clarke said that when 41 laptops were stolen from the library photo ID would have been very useful. Sesario stated that the Student Senate might be able to help fund where cameras are in areas that they do activities like at the Watsonville Center. Once locations are determined a proposal should be presented with the cost and Student Senate can decide if they will help with funding. Oscar suggested putting on C-Map and identifying dead zones. Less expensive cameras vs. NVR (network video recorder) were discussed. The advantages to the NVR is that data can be looked at 2 weeks out or more. One camera can collect data for a year based on megapixel of camera. The infrastructure cost was $40-50k, the possibility of running out of NVR space on current project and now IT is able to program the servers themselves. Discussed other logistics, cost, and technical factors. One of the advantages of being late in the game of installing cameras is that Cabrillo now has more current technology requiring way less infrastructure (pulling wire). From the standpoint of the Sheriff’s Office – Joe Clarke would like to cameras in as many locations as possible. An example was brought up about the Astronomy break-in. Action Items o Oscar making a recommendation to Joe Nugent after consulting with IT/Sheriff’s office about where the best places are to locate the cameras o Dan Borges talking to Victoria about posting the videos online Update from Subcommittee Chairs Regulatory and Hazmat Environmental Compliance Subcommittee Nothing new was reported. Safety, Health and Injury Safety: Discussed not having a Safety budget in place or funding for some needed safety issues/items. Emergency Disaster Preparedness Oscar stated that Laurel may be bringing in a consultant for the Shooter on Campus training. Joe Nugent /Oscar Guillen are planning to organize this for flex week. Joe Clarke and Oscar working on the presentation. They will be doing in Watsonville and Scotts Valley also. Action Items o Oscar and Joe Clarke working on flex week training Industrial Injuries/Illnesses Injury: • • There were two trip and fall incidents – one was badly injured – fell on stairs and rolled down. Oscar checked location immediately and there was no hazard on stairs. The other was walking on pavement and fell. Illness: None Next Meeting February 7 , 2014 at 8 Room 2008