Warwick Accommodation – Unplanned Property Repairs and Maintenance form

Warwick Accommodation – Unplanned Property Repairs and Maintenance
The “Property Repairs and Maintenance Form” should be used for all repairs, maintenance
and associated parts for Warwick University (on/off site) accommodation
The form can
be found in the
Campus and
showcase on
the Home/Shop
To launch the
form select the
Repairs &
Maint. Form”
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The form will launch in a new browser window
This is where you begin to create your cart (please note the
information at the top of the form)
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Step 1: Enter Supplier name
Begin typing the supplier/contractors company name in the
“Enter Supplier” field. If your nominated supplier is currently on
OPeRA their name will appear in the search results box below it.
Select the name and the supplier details will pull through to your
cart. N.B. If the search results give a nil return you will need to
enter their information manually (see below)
2. If the search results give a nil return you will need to enter
their information manually
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Select the “Enter Manually” option
Complete the “Supplier Name” and ensure
that the “Manual” Box (under the
Distribution section) is ticked
You do not need to complete the DUNS
No, Supplier Phone, Supplier Fax, or Web
Address (supplier email is optional)
The Procurement Team will be responsible
for checking the supplier details and
establishing if the goods can be sourced via
an existing contract. Where a contract
does not exist the team will then verify the
supplier details in accordance with Financial
Regulations and take necessary action to
approve your order
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Cat. Number/Reference
number should be the first
line of the property address
Description of Work: should
brief i.e. Gas Safety Check
Property Access – Additional Information field should be used for any information/instructions
the supplier may need to gain access to the property e.g. “Pick up keys from Senate House
Rate - this is defaulted to 0.01 and should be used if the cost of the work is to be confirmed,
however where a Call Out fee is known that amount should be entered. Unit should remain at “EA”
and the Quantity “1”
The Cost allocation section is for
information purposes. Please complete as far
as is possible at the time of raising the form
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When you have completed the
form ensure that the “Add
and go to Cart “option is
selected in the Available
Actions and select “Go”
The items have now been added to your draft cart, so “Proceed to Checkout”
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If your default is set to “Express Checkout”, you will be
directed to this page, from here you can see a general overview
of your order, to expand a particular field select “+”
The green tick indicates that the field has been successfully
Errors will be highlighted with
: !
and can be amended by expanding the
relevant field and selecting “Change”
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Useful information: The “Property Codes” used in PLU are classed as “Internal Orders”
in OPeRA/SAP therefore when updating the Account Codes ensure that you have
“Internal Order” as your Cost Collector and when entering the that any letters are
Special instructions can be added to the order via the Notes” field
Internal Information - should be used for information/instructions to
University staff (i.e. Procurement Team)
External Information – is printed on the Purchase order and will be sent
to the supplier therefore use this option for Quotation references,
special delivery instructions etc.
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As a Budget Holder – you now have two choices,
“Assign Cart” this option can be used if you need
another user to review the details before the order
is generated and sent to the supplier)
“Submit Requisition” –
Submitting the requisition will automatically create
the purchase order. The physical order will be sent
via email to the supplier, and the financial
information will upload to SAP. N.B. if you have
entered the supplier information manually or your
order value exceeds £1,000 the requisition will be
require additional approval and will be sent once this
has been completed.
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Should you need to send paperwork with your order (i.e. quotation, delivery
schedules etc.) or have paperwork required by the Procurement Team (APP
forms, Tender Documents, additional quotations from alternative suppliers
etc.) you will need to access the “Advanced checkout” before you
assign/submit your cart
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Select “add attachment”
Remember External notes and attachments will be sent to the supplier, quotations from
alternative suppliers, tender documentation etc. should be attached as an Internal
Files can be located using the “Browse”
function (all files formats will be supported)
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As with the express checkout Shoppers will have
only one option “Assign Cart”
Budget Holders – have two choices, “Assign Cart”
and “Submit Requisition”
The unique requisition number is
allocated once the cart has been
submitted in to workflow.
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