TEACHER’S GUIDE Migration and Empire: A teacher’s guide to the resources The resources for the Migration and Empire topic have been organised as follows: 1. Overarching materials/support materials/student guides 2. Introduction Focusing on the development of the Scottish e conomy through industrialisation, urbanisation and imperialism. 3. Migration of Scots Push/pull factors Opportunity Coercion 4. Experiences of immigrants in Scotland Catholic Irish, Protestant Irish, Jews, Lithuanians, Italians Reactions of Scots to immigrants Issues of identity and assimilation 5. Impact on Empire of Scottish emigrants Growth and development of the Empire Reference to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, focusing on economy, enterprise, culture, religion, native societies 6. Effects of migration and empire on Scotland 7. Revision/self-assessment materials Accompanying notes can be found with individual tasks. In order to deepen the knowledge of the students there is a series of presentations which give the essential details for each of the topic areas. Presentations include: introduction, which examines migration and Scottish society, and migration within Scotland emigration and Scottish society, including leaving the Highlands, destinations, the Lowlands MIGRATION AND EMPIRE (H, HISTORY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 1 TEACHER’S GUIDE immigration and Scottish society, including Irish emigration to Scotland, occupations, Catholic and Protestant divisions and tensions, the Irish and their communities the experience of other immigrant and migrant groups , including English, Jewish and Lithuanian immigrants overall conclusion. In addition to these presentations there are numerous primary sources which help to give a flavour of personalisation by looking at accounts of the experiences of migrants, emigrants and immigrants. These sources of information form the basis of examination-type questions. There is a variety of skills-based questions as well as exemplars that will help standardisation for students. There are materials for self-evaluation for the students to use throughout the course as well as at the end. This will allow for focused study for prelims and the final examination. The source contains audio and visual clips which enhance the learning experiences of the students. These are to be used in conjunction with source materials, images and presentations. A quick guide to the list of resources: PowerPoint presentations information sheets audio files, including readings of key documents, personal testimonies and poetry visual clips, including interviews with historians, immigrants and art historians primary sources exemplars of source questions source question templates suggested reading list useful websites/links 2 MIGRATION AND EMPIRE (H, HISTORY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009