Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update Date _Dec 7

Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Department __Theatre Arts_______
Division VAPA
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met?
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress
Goal Met
(identify source
of funding)
1. Rebuild and enhance staffing to meet X
program and division needs. X
Meet staffing needs appropriate to the needs of the department:
Theatre Arts continues to be diligent about applying for a
fulltime faculty position to replace Joseph Ribeiro who retired
2 years ago. This replacement is extremely important in order
for the department to adequately guide our students in their
steps toward graduation and transferring, including attending
to their Education Plans and requirements as a Theatre Arts
Currently we rely on the fulltime faculty working overtime and
adjunct faculty working beyond the work for which they are
hired- creating an exploitative situation.
A continuing need to fund the hiring of a Costume Shop
Manager, and Theatre Production Manager. These jobs are
currently hired on a per show basis as independent contractors.
A continued need to reinstate the Assistant Theatre Manager to
a fulltime position.
The hiring climate seems to be in dire condition campus wide.
At every opportunity we provide the decision makers with
evidence of what an excellent and essential program Theatre
Arts is to Cabrillo’s Core 4 Competencies: Communication,
Critical Thinking, Global Awareness, Personal and
Professional Responsibility.
Revised September 28, 2012
Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update
2. Expand and develop a performance program that provides student diversity in drama productions, stronger community marketing and presence, and better utilization of the facility. X
Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
We expanded our faculty during Spring Semester, 2013 by
bringing back retired emeritus Theatre Arts faculty member,
Wilma Chandler to teach Introduction to Directing. The class
was very popular. It was wonderful to have Wilma Chandler
sharing her impressive expertise with these eager students.
Restoring Theatre Arts General Fund production budget to its
full amount is necessary. In 2008 it was cut in half at the same
time as production costs increased. Theatre Arts has had to
rely heavily on ticket sales to fund the productions while at the
same time the college has cut back on marketing the
productions. Ticket sales should not be the primary source of
funding for productions in an educational institution because it
compromises the ability to provide a diverse learning
experience for our students in all types of theatre. Every effort
is made to balance productions in the larger venue of the
Crocker Theatre with more intimate theatre that the Black Box
Theatre provides. But opportunities are in danger of being
eliminated for students to experience, for example, the intimate
in-the-round staging created for The Cabrillo Theatre Festival
in the Spring of 2013 in the Black Box Theater. The crippling
budget cut in 2008 and the lack of any restoration of funding
since then, severely stresses Theatre Arts’ vital production
program for students as a part of their stellar education which
Cabrillo Theatre Arts has traditionally provided.
Perhaps a better phrasing of this Goal #2 is: “Continue to
provide a performance program that provides student diversity
in drama productions, stronger community marketing and
presence, and better utilization of the facility.”
Some of the activities that have been ongoing in the
department which are evidence that this goal continues to be
met, are the following:
Revised September 28, 2012
Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Revised September 28, 2012
Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
-Addressing the growing interest in the Theatre Arts Skills
Certificate in Theatre Technology/Stagecraft, TA34 Costume
Workshop was offered in Fall Semester, 2013. This very
popular course was filled above capacity.
-The Spring Semester, 2013, the Theatre Arts production
(TA29 and TA27) was entitled The Cabrillo Theatre Festival,
2013. It was a festival of plays, improvisation and storytelling
in repertory from the many stellar local theatre companies in
Santa Cruz County with nine different shows, each performing
multiple times. This was a tribute to the thriving local theatre
community. Almost 100 students were enrolled.
-Theatre Arts production (TA29 and TA27) in the Fall
Semester, 2013 was the musical, The 25th Annual Putnam
County Spelling Bee that included continued collaboration
between the Theatre Arts and Music programs. The production
incorporated dance as well as singing. One performance was
specifically discounted and marketed for schools on a Friday
morning with a discussion afterwards with the student
audience and the actors, designers and director. Improvisation
was an important element because audience members were
brought up onto the stage to join in the spelling bee.
-Collaboration across programs was initiated in the Fall
Semester, 2013 with a poster contest created by Digital Media
for the poster for the Theatre Arts Spring Production
(TA29/27). This was a very successful collaboration. DM
students got credit for their efforts designing their submissions
and the theatre production had a beautiful poster/postcard
image. This collaboration is continuing for future productions.
-In the Fall Semester, 2013 we worked with Cabrillo's
Engineering Club students to design and build remote clock
components to be installed in the set of Cabrillo Stage's
Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
production of Lunch. This collaboration was well carried out
and successful for the maiden voyage. We are looking forward
to working together again.
Revised September 28, 2012
-Collaboration with Cabrillo Stage in Fall Semesters 2012 and
2013 has been quite successful by means of incorporating the
TA27 class into projects with the build of the Christmas and
January shows. Students have benefited greatly from the
experience of working with professionals in the shop.
-In May of 2013, the Theatre Arts Department again
contributed to the 4th Graders Visit to Cabrillo. Multiple times
throughout the visit, Theatre Arts students and faculty in
collaboration with the Dance Department performed on the
Crocker stage for 4th grade students and their teachers. Each of
the performances had over 400 attendees!
-STAGE DOOR a day of theatre workshops for high school
students had a highly successful 6th year in the Fall Semester,
2013. Workshops in ten different areas: Lighting, Set Design,
Comedy, Performance for Musical Theatre, Acting for the
Camera, Improvisation, Auditioning, Unarmed Combat,
Costume Design and Rigging. Cabrillo students often mention
that they were at Stage Door in high school. It is an excellent
feeder program.
-Due to cutbacks in staffing in the Marketing Dept. Theatre
Arts continues to be unable to adequately notify the public of
several of events. For example before and after STAGE
DOOR, there were no notices in any of the Santa Cruz
newspapers even though the high school students have
enthusiastically expressed its value.
-Theatre Arts perseveres by sending a mailing on our own of
over 3000 notices for each event along with emailing’s.
Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Revised September 28, 2012
Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
-In the Spring Semester, 2013, ShadowLight Productions of
San Francisco performed Balinese shadow puppetry, Wayang
Kulit for the Theatre Arts Department’s 6thannual EVENING
OF WORLD THEATRE. It was an educational, dynamic and
beautiful event. The audience was invited to come and go in
the theatre in the tradition of the Balinese performance style
where audience can sit in front and behind the performers.
-In the Fall Semester, 2013, Theatre Arts was given a grant
totaling $1000 from the Faculty Grants for Student Success
Endowment and ASCC Student Senate faculty grant program
for the 7th Annual Evening of World Theatre’s guest artist’s
-In the Fall Semester, 2013, Theatre Arts was given a grant
totaling $3,418.92 from the Faculty Grants for Student Success
Endowment and ASCC Student Senate faculty grant program
for the to purchase a lighting truss for the Crocker Theater.
This structurally rated lighting truss will provide a muchneeded position for lighting design as well as safety that was
left out by the architects.
-In the Fall Semester, 2013, Theatre Arts was given a grant
totaling $1500 of $2064 from the ASCC Student Senate
faculty grant program for funding the purchase of an LED (Light Emitting Diode) theatrical lighting instrument package for the Design Studio Classroom of the Crocker Theater. These instruments will be used to provide students with hands-­‐on learning of lighting design and production that will meet the current and leading edge industry standards. We will purchase a workable portion of the instruments requested. X
- In the Fall Semester, 2013, Theatre Arts was given a grant
totaling $1500 of $3036 from the ASCC Student Senate
Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
faculty grant program for funding the purchase of a CNC router for precisely cutting, carving, drilling or machining all kinds of things from all kinds of materials. Our students require these new skills to compete in this expanding job market. We will fund separately the remaining portion of the project. X
-The Theatre Arts Department had a table at the All College
Night in the Fall Semester, 2013.
-The Performing Arts Collective (PAC), the Theatre Arts
student club has been flourishing. They have performed at
least two shows each semester in 2013. In the Fall Semester
2013, they presented a fully produced play in the Black Box
Theatre. Their work is achieved completely through their own
initiative. They meet twice a week every semester. The shows
have included Music and Dance Department students- an
exciting example of cross program collaboration. They also
have a wing that meets to do improvisation once a week.
-In the Spring Semester, 2013, Theatre Arts faculty met with
Director of Counseling Barbara Schultz-Perez and planned
some key activities we can do to help theatre students have a
clearer sense of their academic and artistic goals.
-In the Fall Semester, 2013, Theatre Arts faculty met with
Cheryl Chaffen, Director of the Writing Center to discuss how
we can help students with their writing skills and with
accessing the resources of the Writing Center.
-On going meetings with Theatre Arts majors and potential
majors to inform them of new requirements for Cabrillo
students and to facilitate addressing these requirements.
Revised September 28, 2012
-In the Summer of 2013, the Theatre Arts in collaboration with
Cabrillo Stage and Stagebridge Senior Theatre offered a wide
Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update
spectrum of professionally taught classes through Cabrillo
Extension entitled Cabrillo Performing Arts Summer
Workshops -Performance Training For Life-Long Learners
THE MUSE INSIDE” Again, TA Adjunct, Kathryn Adkins
put many unpaid hours into organizing this very important
3. Examine and adjust our A.A. and Transfer model program, curriculum, and offerings to respond to new state TMC guidelines and recommendations. X
Regarding curriculum changes in general, co-chairs, Skip
Epperson and Sarah Albertson have been meeting a high
number of deadlines regarding curriculum changes. Among
these are the following:
Revised September 28, 2012
Theatre Arts AA-T degree was approved by the Cabrillo
Curriculum Committee in Spring Semester, 2013.
-The highly successful TA85T Theatre Art’s Touring Show
was converted into a regular course, TA122 Theatrical Touring
Ensemble. (written in Spring Semester, 2013 with first offering
in Spring Semester, 2014).
-Adjunct faculty member, Kathryn Adkins put hours of unpaid
time into revising and writing new curriculum for the Skills
Certificate in Musical Theatre in Spring Semester, 2013.
TA 72 Characterization for the Musical Stage
TA 73 Voice and the Musical Stage
TA 74 Acting for Musical Theatre
TA 12A Movement for Actors
TA 12B Intermediate Movement for Actors
-Non-credit courses have been written in Fall Semester 2013 to
be concurrent with production courses in order to responsibly
serve the older adults, which are a critical and enriching part of
our student population. These are:
TA527 Theatre Production Workshop for Older Adults
Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update
TA 529Rehearsal and Performance for Older Adults
TA 575Musical Theatre Production for Older Adults
TA 576CA Musical Theatre Workshop for Older Adults-Cast
TA 576CR Musical Theatre Workshop for Older Adults-Crew
TA 522 Theatrical Touring Ensemble for Older Adults
4. Meet the needs of working and distance students for access to Associate X
Degree and Transfer instruction by offering 2 additional web-­‐‑based distance-­‐‑
learning courses by spring of 2014 serving a minimum of 80 students. This increase in enrollment capacity and increase in larger load classes should help to create higher FTES and to increase program efficiency. 5. Develop Theatre Arts Certificate Program for working students to be ready for the Fall 2014 Schedule of Classes. Development of this program is in response to the occupation trends in the area industry and to increase the X
skilled artistic workforce. We added an additional Cyber session class of TA29
Appreciation of Theatre for the Summer ’13 semester. It was
not well enrolled. It seems that we may be maxed out with the
classes of this kind. This is not surprising since most
performance classes and technical theatre/design classes
require hands-on work. The face-to-face live classroom is
where excellence in achieved.
Skills Certificates were approved in Theatre
Technology/Stagecraft, and Musical Theatre.
As mentioned above: TA34 Costume Workshop was offered in
Fall Semester, 2013. This very popular course was filled above
Co-chairs, Sarah Albertson and Skip Epperson have been so
busy with the various curriculum changes and approval
deadlines that building the Theatre Arts Certificate Program
has had to be tabled.
New Goals and Recommendations
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Explanation/Evidence of Need
In order to achieve student success Theatre
Loss of opportunity Concern that without an ability to repeat classes, students will not
Arts will continue to maintain a quality
for student success have access to learning changing content of subject and will not be
Revised September 28, 2012
Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update
program even though it has been undermined
by recent state mandated curriculum changes
which include crippling repeatability
mandates and threats to non-credit courses.
On-going goals in Staffing and Budget
Receive a portion of Carry-Over funds to pay
for musical accompanist in Voice for the
Musical Stage
Reinstate budget for Student Part-time/hourly
and Professional Part-time/hourly
able to achieve the level of expertise for transfer and for career
choices in the theatre arts field.
Loss of opportunity
for student success
Loss of opportunity
for student success
Loss of opportunity
for student success
Please see these items in #1 and #2
Theatre Arts’ Certificate program in Musical Theatre is thriving. But
the program has a cost which until this year was funded by the Music
Department. Specifically, this is the cost of an accompanist in Voice
for the Musical Stage
In 2008, all funding for Student Part-time/hourly
and Professional Part-time/hourly employment were cut to zero. These
positions are needed to maintain a quality education for our students.
SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what
assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If you’re not sure where you should be on the Revolving Wheel
contact the SLO Coordinator (x6366). If any task was not completed, explain why.
Theatre Arts is up to date with SLO Assessment. All courses taught in 2013 have been assessed.
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
SLO Assessment Results: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach
Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters.
Core Competency, Course
SLO, or CTE Program SLO
Assessed. Example: all course
SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2
Spring Semester, 2013:
Date of meeting where
analysis / dialogue took
place. Example: Department
Meeting 8/27/10
May 9th, 2013
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example:
Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share
rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of
Primarily, find ways to help student attend to written component.
TA8 World Theatre History (3
SLOs) assessed by Sarah
Revised September 28, 2012
Theatre Arts Program Chair Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date _Dec 7th, 2013 with REVISE May, 2014
TA 10B Intermediate Acting
(1 SLO) assessed by Kathryn
TA21 Acting for the Camera
(2 SLOs) assessed by Sarah
TA27 Theatre Production
Workshop (1 SLO) assessed
by Donald Leo Grube
Develop strategies for stronger team teaching and working with large class
size and skill levels.
TA28 Backstage Theatre (2
SLOs) assessed by
Skip Epperson
Provide current and state of the art equipment to meet the ever growing
technical needs of the students to compete in the current job market.
TA33 Makeup and Masks (1
SLO) assessed by
Skip Epperson
Fall Semester, 2013:
TA 11 Voice and Diction
Instructor: -Sarah Albertson
TA 15 Styles of
Instructor: -Sarah Albertson
November 14th, 2013
Provide current and state of the art studio materials and equipment to meet
the ever growing technical needs of the students to compete in the current
job market.
Continued scrutiny of ways to release
1.creativity, skills and
3.develop self-confidence.
TA17 Intro to Directing
Instructor: -Wilma Chandler
The particular needs of a writing assignment for performance classes
(Character and Script Analysis) are unfamiliar to tutors in the
The Writing Center. Faculty will communicate with Center to try to correct
TA34 Costume Workshop
Instructors: –Skip Epperson
Increase faculty and staff members to better serve students in the area of
costume design and crafts to meet student need.
TA10C Advanced Acting
Instructor: -Robin Aronson
Revised September 28, 2012