Instructional Planning Yearly Update Date ______12/10/12___________________ Department __Dance_______________________

Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date ______12/10/12___________________
Department __Dance_______________________
Division ____VAPA_________________
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met?
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress
Goal Met
(identify source
of funding)
Create second dance studio
Office space adjacent to studio
Renovate existing studio
Operational Budgets
Add one Full Time Dance Faculty Position
New Goals and Recommendations
Recover lost TUs from budget crisis
Improve recruitment
Revised September 28, 2012
Students still lack critical rehearsal space to do their
One full time dance faculty member has been accommodated
temporarily in the 4100 building, still far from the only dance
classroom, 1117. The other full time dance faculty is across
Soquel in the basement of the 350 building.
The Dance Department has made improvements to the studio
equipment, but the un-sprung floor, lack of soundproofing and
poor ventilation remain serious concerns.
The budget crisis has led severe reductions in operating
budgets. Production budgets for the Spring and Winter Dance
Concerts were halved, from $2,600 to $1,300 per semester.
Reduced concert revenues will no longer allow back filling
accompanist and supplies budgets from ancillary accounts.
There will no longer be enough money to fully meet
instructional needs.
The Dance Department still depends on Adjunct Instructor to
teach over half of its program.
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Explanation/Evidence of Need
Cabrillo Dance is a total of 36.6% smaller than before the economic
downturn. The Dance Program has lost 75.75 TUs since 2007/2008.
The reduction 2010/2011 to 2011/2012 was 23.85 TU, a 14%
reduction in one year.
Cabrillo Dance has a reputation for excellence that has brought several
of our best students from outside of the Santa Cruz area. We would
like to consolidate this recruitment stream and integrate it with the
local dance community pool.
SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what
assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If you’re not sure where you should be on the Revolving Wheel
contact the SLO Coordinator (x6366). If any task was not completed, explain why.
We are on schedule to complete the second cycle of assessment of SLOs, and will begin assessing the Core Four next Spring Semester.
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
SLO Assessment Results: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach
Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters.
Core Competency, Course
SLO, or CTE Program SLO
Assessed. Example: all course
SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2
All course SLOs for Dance
Date of meeting where
analysis / dialogue took
place. Example: Department
Meeting 8/27/10
Department Meeting 2/3/12
All course SLOs for Dance
Department Meeting 8/23/12
Revised September 28, 2012
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example:
Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share
rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of
Work with Administration to improve safety and efficiency of the primary
dance classroom, room 1117. Facilities improvement have been part of
Program Planning since 1999.
Need to increase instructional supplies budgets to meet equipment
replacement needs.
Repair and improve Watsonville dance studio to meet student learning
requirements – repair floor and sound system. Create lockers for street
shoe/clothes storage.
Create a costume budget for Watsonville based courses.
Provide more time/longer residencies in the theater for
composition/performance students.