Instructional Planning Yearly Update 12/07/2012 Computer and Information Systems

Instructional Planning Yearly Update
Date 12/07/2012
Department Computer and Information Systems
Division NAS
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met?
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress
Goal Met
(identify source
of funding)
Lab Equipment: Fund the purchase of hardware
and software to expand remote authentication
network access (ANA) to students. $25,000 onetime funds then $10,000 annually.
Staffing: Fund a Laboratory Instructional Assistant
(LIA) position for the Networking and Systems
Technology Lab. Fifty percent, 10 months, Step 3,
$19,000 annually.
Lab Equipment: Replace classroom lab
computers that have exceeded their warrantees.
$54,000 every 5 years to replace classroom
computers or $10,800 annually.
Lab Equipment: Continue to fund the Networking
and Systems Technology Lab maintenance
contracts. $5,000 annually for NetLab.
Tutoring: $8,160 per year (20 hrs/week; $12/hr) Lab Student Assistant 4; 34 weeks annually.
1. Jim
Donation: Virtual Server
2. Faculty
Grants for
3. ASC
Support Grants
$1200.00 Hardware for Cisco Security Program
$1300.00 (5) Server Hard Disks
With the retirement of James Griffin CIS is now down to 2 FT
faculty and 2 adjunct faculty. We have an even greater need
for this position now, particularly with our move to the STEM
center in fall 2013. We were not successful in our bid for a FT
CIS faculty replacement.
This will be part of our move to the STEM center (bldg 800
remodel) Fall 2013
$ 3150.00 for 1 lab student assistant
New Goals and Recommendations
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Explanation/Evidence of Need
Staffing: Fund CIS retirement replacement
$42, 000.00
CIS had 4 FT faculty; it now has 2 FT faculty while supporting
virtualization and storage area networks technologies and the
Networking and Systems Administration Lab
Curriculum: Offer one additional online
$4,400.00 annually The Networking and System Administration Lab provides 24/7 access
course per year.
to course materials and labs. Online courses and programs that are
high quality are attractive to students.
O:\Instruction Office\Program Planning\Annual Updates\Annual Plans Rcvd Fall 12\NAS\CIS\CIS Annual Update Fall 2012.docx
SLO Assessment: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach Departmental
Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. (See Revolving Wheel of Assessment for recommended schedule).
Core Competency, Course
SLO, or CTE Program SLO
Assessed. Example: all course
SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2
Fall 11: Course SLO’s for
CIS 83,
Date of meeting where
analysis / dialogue took
place. Example: Department
Meeting 8/27/10
Department Meeting,
Spring 12: Course SLO’s for
CIS 81(#4),
Department Meeting,
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example:
Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share
rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of
Networking (83): 30/31 students successful on assessment of three SLOs.
No recommended changes at this time.
Hardware and Software (170, 172):
170: 78%-100% of students successfully completed assessments on all
three SLOs. Hardware needs to be accessible to students outside of class lab
time. A location needs to be found on campus where hardware is accessible
to students for practice.
172: 73%-82% of students successfully completed assessments on all three
SLO’s. There was an increase in successful performance as the semester
continued. No recommended changes at this time.
Networking (81, 82):
81: SLO #4: 27/31- 87% (20 with no errors; 7 with 1-3 errors) students
were able to successfully complete the assessment. Improvements to the
o Revise content of assignment/activities
o Increase student collaboration and/or peer review
o Increase guidance for students on assignments
o Use methods of questions that encourage competency
o State criteria for grading more explicitly
82: SLO #3: 100% students were able to decode scenario and discover
cause. Half of those students provided correct solutions. Improvement
suggested: revise lead-up activities and increase team collaboration.
Help Desk (103): 68% of students were able to successfully complete the
assessment for the two SLOs. Both involved the research and development
of documentation. Suggested improvements to the assignments: Revise
activities leading up to assignment and increase guidance for students on
Programming (132, 165PH):
132: 80.45% mean, 80% median on assessment. Improvement: revise
content of assignment for next semester.
165PH: 94% mean score on assessment. Improvement: Add self-review
O:\Instruction Office\Program Planning\Annual Updates\Annual Plans Rcvd Fall 12\NAS\CIS\CIS Annual Update Fall 2012.docx
Spring 12: CTE Program SLOs Department Meeting,
for A.S. Computer Support
Specialist (1-3),
Cert of Achievement
Computer Support Specialist
questions to the lecture notes
The discussion regarding the Computer Support Specialist (CSS) degree
and certificate of achievement focused on the courses that comprise the
degree and certificate. These courses are appropriate, effective, and follow
industry guidelines. As the SLOs are met for the courses, the SLOs are met
for the degree and certificate. However, increased lab access needs to be
provided for students. Along with lab access student need more guidance in
order to complete weekly lab assignments. The network and systems
administration lab and equipment (maintained and operated by the CIS
faculty) comprise the tools students need to complete the courses within the
degree/certificate. The CIS department needs to develop a strategy that will
lead to the hiring of a permanent LIA for the network and systems
administration lab.
Suggestions for improvement:
A.S. Computer Support Specialist:
o Increase guidance for students on assignments
Collect more data
o Hire an LIA for lab
Certificate of Achievement Computer Support Specialist:
o Increase guidance for students on assignments
Collect more data
o Hire an LIA for the lab
O:\Instruction Office\Program Planning\Annual Updates\Annual Plans Rcvd Fall 12\NAS\CIS\CIS Annual Update Fall 2012.docx