ANNUAL Department/Program Assessment Plan – CLS Department/Program: Enter Department Name Chair/Program Director: Enter Chair/Director Name Undergraduate Program Graduate Program Identify and list the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) associated with your department/ program. Place an asterisk on the outcomes that will be assessed this coming year. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Add additional SLOs if needed PART 1: Due October XX, 2014 1. Student Learning Outcome(s) 2. Direct/Indirect Assessment Measures Add additional row(s) if needed- one row per SLO 3. Who Will Administer the Measure(s) and Analyze Results? PART 2 -- Due June XX, 2015 4. When Will Results Be Reviewed by Department/ Program? 5. Major Results 6. Recommendations 7. How will assessment data be used to make programmatic improvements in the coming year?