Instructional Planning Yearly Update Date ________12/7/2013_________________ Department ________FT_________________ Division _____HASS____________________ Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met? Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress Goal Met Comments (identify source of funding) X Facilities Improvements for 1500 buildings for space allocation and technology updates Separation/Oversight of In Service program from PS Programs to CEED. X X . Collaborate with CTE to develop internship opportunities within local agencies. Completion of Fire Management Certificate and Degree Programs for students currently employed in the fire service Develop cadre of CSTI instructors for FT 190 courses Revised September 28, 2012 X X New recommendations forwarded but not funded at this point. Concerns also revolve over which division has budgetary responsibility for upgrades in room1522 which is utilized by both CEED and HASS In service program continue to be coordinated by CEED funded at a 100% rate rather than the 100 % classified position and a 50 % student assistant previously funded. Public safety still remains involved in the in service program as program chair is the instructor of record for all in service courses. Additionally the in service staff has been tasked to complete all in service registration. This has only added to the workload and diminishes the personalized service given to our stakeholder agencies. The recommendation of the PS program chair is to have in service returned to Public Safety/HASS to avoid redundancy of effort and to centralize the point of contact and maximize the potential growth of the public safety program. No internship programs were identified within our core agencies. The Santa Cruz County Sheriff is currently developing an internship program. Implementation of the program has been delayed due to staffing/budgeting considerations by the S.O. and no date for implementation has been set. Currently course equivalency is being determined on a case by case basis by the program chair in conjunction with counseling. Counseling is being provided with a post review of courses accepted under the equivalency process. Despite an open requisition during the past year no qualified CSTI certified instructors have been recruited. Recruitment continues although the 190 NBC and 190 HM have not been offered in three semesters due to the lack of qualified instructors. New Goals and Recommendations Goal/Recommendation Authorization to fill the existing contract faculty position in Fire Technology. Review and determine the feasibility of offering a Fire Fighter 1 certificate and a paramedic program. List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department Cost Explanation/Evidence of Need 72, 000 + benefits The retirement of Kris Hurst left the EMT program and overall FT program in a position to provide less the desirable staffing for the EMT course (dual teaching etc.) due to a shortage of qualified instructors. FT was not selected for the addition of a full time contract faculty during the prioritization process in 2013. A determination will need to be made in the near future to continue with two sections of the EMT course. Undetermined at Discussions with stakeholder agencies (FT) have brought forward a this time with a cost change in philosophy and hiring criteria concerning applicants with analysis to be FT – AS degrees. Agencies are requesting/requiring applicants to conducted prior to a possess a Fire Fighter 1 and Paramedic certification/licensure as a formal presentation minimum qualification. SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If you’re not sure where you should be on the Revolving Wheel contact the SLO Coordinator (x6366). If any task was not completed, explain why. The program plan was submitted in Spring 2010. The program is currently in year three of the revolving wheel assessment with all SLO’s having been assessed. SLO assessments are taking place each semester with the result being results being discussed and reviewed during flex week of both the Fall and Spring semesters. Fill out the Assessment Results section below. SLO Assessment Results: List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. Core Competency, Course SLO, or CTE Program SLO Revised September 28, 2012 Date of meeting where analysis / dialogue took Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example: Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share Assessed. Example: all course place. Example: Department SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2 Meeting 8/27/10 All FT SLO’s Completed 8/27/13 Dept. Flex week meeting. All FT SLO’s Revised September 28, 2012 Beginning of each semester rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of class. Additional written projects to further develop basic skills of students. The addition of campus support services in syllabi to better inform students of where assistance can be found for tutoring in a variety of basic skills. Addition of SLO review has been added to the standard flex week activity. Each course taught in the previous semester will be assessed in an on going manner.