Instructional Planning Yearly Update Date __________December 2013_______________
Department ____Public Safety __Criminal Justice__________________ Division _________HASS________________
Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan
List the top five Goals and Recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met?
Goals / Recommendations from six-year plan In progress
Goal Met
(identify source of funding)
Upgrade to 1606 Smart classroom
Expand course offerings through the ROP program
Improve basic skills by incorporating contextualized learning in our courses
The classroom upgrade was approved in Fall of 12 with installation beginning at the end of Spring 13. The unit was operational in Fall of 13, but with continuing functionality problems with the HDMI, BlueRay DVD and sound connections. Until the problems are resolved this goal will remain in progress.
Several meeting were held during the year with the ROP coordination including PC attendance at ROP Public Safety
Staff meetings. Due to state funding issues the ROP program has not expanded and is in the midst of a re-organization.
Communications with the ROP director are one going and plans to expand the program if possible continue.
The majority of CJ instructors have completed the blackboard academy in preparation for the CJ program offering a completely online degree program in Fall 14. Additional training in the area of problem based learning are being sought to further enhance faculty performance
Develop additional adjunct faculty pool
Develop an online 2 yr proposed schedule for students and faculty
X One CJ instructor was hired in Fall 13 and begins teaching
Criminal Behavior in Spring 13. A second set of CJ instructor interviews is being conducted at the close of the Fall 13 semester for a start date in Fall 14
The two year semester schedule was completed in summer of
13. It has not been published as the TLC has requested a schedule for a online degree program in Fall 14. Both schedules are currently being revised.
New Goals and Recommendations
List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department
Cost Explanation/Evidence of Need
Revised September 28, 2012
Determine the feasibility of developing and offering the new state AS-T degree program in Homeland Security and Emergency
A new AS-T degree program has been approved by the chancellor’s office for Administration of Justice programs. The ability of Cabrillo to absorb a new degree program within current proposed cap reductions and the availability of FTES to offer the program need to be reviewed before the development of curriculum.
CJ has been identified as one of two programs that are being developed to offer a fully online degree program beginning in Fall 14.
Develop online degree schedule for TLC and
CJ degree program.
SLO Assessment Progress: In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be on the Revolving Wheel of Assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If you’re not sure where you should be on the Revolving Wheel contact the SLO Coordinator (x6366). If any task was not completed, explain why.
All CJ course SLO’s were assessed during the Fall 12, Spring 13 and Fall 13 semesters.. Department meeting occurred during the flex week of both semesters to discuss and evaluate the findings. SLO changes were submitted in a number of courses with approval on all but once course
(CJ 1 currently being updated due to a state CID change in the course requirements. CJ1 will be ready for submittal to the March 15 2014 session of the curriculum committee review.
The department is in the third year of the wheel, with current SLO reviews being ahead of schedule.
Fill out the Assessment Results section below.
SLO Assessment Results : List SLO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach
Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters .
Core Competency, Course
SLO, or CTE Program SLO
Assessed. Example: all course
SLOs for English 1A, 1B and 2
SLO’s for all CJ and FT courses assessed
CTE Program. Stakeholder
Date of meeting where analysis / dialogue took place. Example: Department
Meeting 8/27/10
8/27/13 Flex week
Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Example:
Develop strategies for teaching research and documentation skills; share rubrics for research papers; provide more instructional support outside of class.
SLO’s reviewed and condensed prior to accreditation review. Submitted to
CurricuNet for review. SLO assessments submitted to SLO coordinator and instruction.
Spring/Fall 13 via training Meeting with stakeholders in both Fire and Criminal Justice by program
Revised September 28, 2012
meetings. managers meeting. chair. . In addition to the stake holder meetings, Cabrillo CJ students participated with numerous law enforcement agencies in an active shooter training exercise presented by the Aptos CHP office.
Revised September 28, 2012