Cabrillo College EMT Fall 2012 Schedule

Cabrillo College EMT Fall 2012 Schedule
Section 76936 Monday/Wednesday classes will be from 1-4:30PM in Room 1520
Section 76937 Monday/Wednesday classes will be from 6-9:30PM in Room 1520
The two sections of Skills Labs are Fridays from 10:00-1:00 and 1:30-4:30PM.
Skills Labs meet in Room 1520.
Text: Emergency Care 12th Edition, 2011 by Limmer, ISBN 978-013-2543804
#1 M 8/27
Chp 1 (p. 4-5, 10-11)
Orientation, Syllabus, Skills lab, Scope of
Practice, Certification requirements,
FAQ, MOU, EMS History, Roles/Traits
# 2 W 8/29 (turn in MOU)
Chp 1, 2, 3, 4
Intro to EMS, Local EMS, Standard
Precautions, Glove Sizing, Lifting and
Moving Pts, Legal Pt 1
Lab #1 Fri 8/31
($162 lab fee payment due)
No class M 9/3
Labor Day, School holiday
# 3 W 9/5 Quiz #1 scantron
Chp 4, Ref 1151-1169
Chp 5
Legal Part 2, Surface Anatomy, Medical
Terminology, Bones, Body Systems,
Heart Diagram
Lab #2 Fri 9/7
***(Last day for $162 lab fee payment)
#4 M 9/10 Quiz #2 bones fill-in
Chp 6, 7, 8, 9
Pathophysiology, Airway Management,
Respiration, Artificial Ventilation
# 5 W 9/12 Quiz #3 scantron
Chp 10,11,12
Patient Assessment Algorithm,
Scene Size-up and Primary Assessment,
(memorize skill sheet for Lab #3 Test)
Vital Signs
Lab #3 Fri 9/14
Primary Assessment Testing***
#6 M 9/17 Quiz #4 (primary assess.)
Chp 13
Trauma Assessment: Focused Exam
(significant MOI versus no significant
MOI), SAMPLE History, Detailed
Physical Exam, Applying a C-Collar,
Trauma Protocols
#7 W 9/19 Quiz #5 scantron
Chp 14, 15, 16
Assessing the Medical Patient, OPQRST
Trending, Decision Making, Scenarios
Lab #4 Fri 9/21
#8 M 9/24
Chp 17, 18
Communication, Documentation,
Call-ins, Hand off reports, Pharmacology
#9 W 9/26
Chp 19, 1137-1139
Respiratory Emergencies, FBAO
Conscious, scenarios
Lab #5 Fri 9/28
#10 M 10/1 Quiz #6 (scantron)
Ch 20, 1124, 1136
Cardiac Emergencies, CPR, DNR
***All CPR cards must be in, scenarios
#11 W 10/3
Ch 21
ALOC, Diabetes, Stroke, AEIOUTIPS
Lab #6 Fri 10/5
#12 M 10/8 Quiz #7
Midterm Review, Practice Midterm
#13 10/10
Bring Scantron, #2 Pencil
Midterm-70% to obtain EMT certificate
Lab # 7 Fri 10/12
#14 M 10/15
Chp 22, 23, 25
Ride Along Orientation & sign-ups,
Allergic Rx, Poisoning, Behavioral
#15 W 10/17
Chp 24, 26
Abdominal Emergencies, Hematologic
Renal Emergencies, Scenarios
Lab #8 Fri 10/19
Midterm Skills Exam
1000-1500-AM and PM-test
together-NO MAKE-UPS***
1 Person BVM, NPA, OPA, Suctioning,
Oxygen Administration, Vital Signs,
Detailed PE, Spinal Immobilization
# 16 M 10/22 Quiz #8
Chp 27, 28
Bleeding and Shock, Soft Tissue Trauma
#17 W 10/24 No Quiz 
Chp 29, 30
Chest and Abdominal Trauma,
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Lab #9 Fri 10/26
#18 M 10/29 Quiz #9
Chp 31, 32
Head, Neck and Spinal Trauma
#19 W 10/31
Chp 33
Environmental Emergencies
Lab #10 Fri 11/2
#20 M 11/5
Chp 34
Pregnancy and Emergency Childbirth
Newborn Assessment/OB Emergencies
Part 1
#21 W 11/7 Quiz #10 (scantron)
Chp 35, 37
OB Part 2, Pediatrics, SIDS
Patients with Special Challenges
Lab #11 Fri 11/9
***No school M 11/12
Veteran’s Day***
#22 W 11/14
Chp 39
ICS, Haz Mat, MCI, Triage
Trauma Packet Assigned
Lab #12 Fri 11/16
MCI Drill
#23 M 11/19 Quiz #11 (scantron)
Chp 40
Highway Safety, Extrication
EMS Response to Terrorism
#24 W 11/21 Quiz # 12
Chp 36, 38
Geriatric Emergencies, EMS Ops
Ambulance DL
No Lab Thanksgiving Break
#25 M 11/26 Quiz #13 (All medical)
Working with ALS, Paramedic Programs
National Registry Exam, EMT Cert, Jobs
& Employment
#26 W 11/28 Quiz #14(All Trauma)
Trauma packet due 50 pts, Written and
Skills Medical and Trauma Scenarios
Lab #13 Fri 11/30
#27 M 12/3
Course Review, Practice Final
#28 W 12/5
Bring Scantron & #2 pencil
Written Final Exam-70% for certification
1-3:30PM & 6-8:30PM
Lab #14 12/7
1000-1500 AM and PM-test
together-NO MAKE-UPS***
Final Skills Exam
Spinal Immobilization, Bleeding Control,
Hare Traction, Sling & Swathe, Emerg.
Childbirth, Pt Assessment/Medical-CP
Course Completion Certificates Awarded 
***The midterm AND final written exam requires a 70% in order for a student to
receive a course completion and become certified as an EMT. If you receive less that a
70% score you may continue on in the course but will NOT be eligible to take the
National Registry Certifying Exam. The final written exam is cumulative. It is the
student’s responsibility to drop the course with the Registrar.***
Midterm skills include:
1 person BVM, OPA, NPA, Suctioning, O2 Administration, Vital Signs, Primary
Assessment, Patient Assessment/Management Trauma, Infant 1 and 2 person CPR,
Adult 1 and 2 Rescuer CPR& AED.
The final skills exam includes: Spinal Immobilization of a Supine, Patient Bleeding
Control & Shock Management, Hare Traction Splint, Sling and Swathe, Emergency
Childbirth and Patient Assessment/Management Medical. Passing of all skills is
required to pass the EMT course. You may retest one time on one skill only for the
skills midterm and final exam. You must pass all portions of this course in order to
take the National Registry EMT Certifying Examination and receive an EMT Course