Enterprising Sciences and Technologies 3–15: Connections across learning Self-Reflection Activity Teachers’ Guide Introduction The self-reflection resource is an interactive, creative and flexible activity that you can adapt to suit the needs of each Enterprising Sciences and Technologies (EST) topic. The process is the same as that contained within the resource An Enterprising Approach to SelfEvaluation1 (HM Inspectorate of Education 2009). It will help you to reflect on the topic and the delivery of learner experiences, and to plan improvements. You can use it in a personal capacity, or with learners and colleagues if appropriate. Who should use the resource? The resource can be used by teachers for topics from early years, right through primary to secondary stages. Learners will be able to contribute to and share in its application to review the quality of their experiences. Using the resource for self-reflection The EST resource supports innovation and improvement (see the separate Teachers’ Guide for the main resource). The self-reflective activity relates to the principles, purposes and outcomes for sciences and technologies within Curriculum for Excellence (CfE). It highlights the achievements of learners and helps you identify areas for improvement which will enhance experiences and outcomes for all learners. Delivering any of the topics in the EST project will help staff in schools contribute to learners’ outcomes and experiences for CfE. Whilst there will be occasions when the topic will allow relevant experiences or outcomes to be explored in some depth, there will be other times when coverage of an experience or outcome will be only partial. The resource meets your needs by providing a flexible framework to examine practice, helping you to: experiment with the ways you undertake self-reflection recognise skills and good practice adapt and innovate teaching and learning take account of evidence gathered from a range of sources, wider than your own experience interrogate your own knowledge and practice, and that of others be more enterprising in the way topics are developed evaluate the impact of the learning experiences. 1 http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/resources/a/selfevaluation/selfevaluation.asp 1 Self-reflection – application overview Note: to use the interactive function you need to have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer. This feature of the EST resource enables you to reflect on the work you have done on each topic. The structure used for accessing the topic is also used for the self-reflection element to enable easy access. There are interactive self-reflection activities for sciences, technologies and connections across learning for each topic. These can be accessed by clicking on the relevant level and opening the appropriate file. Every topic will develop in a unique way, so each self-reflection activity has a core set of statements which may be added to or edited, depending on how your topic evolves. Each set of statements is also provided on a recording sheet, enabling you to note supporting evidence and next steps. The language and content used for the statements will be familiar to staff, and may also be appropriate to use with older learners. To use the activity with younger learners it may be necessary either to explain the meaning of the statements or to adapt them to help understanding. 2 The activity The self-reflection activity uses PowerPoint. There are two slides: an introduction, and a ‘board’ and stack of cards containing statements for self-evaluation. The board is divided into six columns, matching the six point scale of How good is our school?, from 'excellent' to 'unsatisfactory'. You are presented with each statement in turn, and have to decide where to place the card, reflecting on how well the topic has delivered planned experiences and outcomes for learners. There is a space on the board for any cards which are not relevant to your circumstances. Instructions Enter the name of your centre. Following the instructions on the screen, click and drag each card onto the relevant part of the board. If you change your mind, you can move the cards to a new position at any time whilst you are on this slide. If a statement is not relevant, drag the card to the box at the bottom right of the screen. Once you are happy with the position of the cards, you can print a copy of the screen. At a later stage you can return to the slide to make further changes if you wish. It is recommended that you now print a copy of your decisions. Recording strengths, areas for improvement, evidence and next steps Via a hyperlink on slide 2, you can access self-reflection tables in which, for each statement, you can record any evidence to support your decisions about level of performance. You can also note ideas for next steps to improve delivery of the topic. If you added or altered statements on the cards on slide 2, you will need to make the same changes to the statements as they appear in column 1 in the table. 3 Additional rows can be added by using the ‘insert’ option from the menu. Additional tables can be added by ‘copying’ and ‘pasting’ the appropriate table into a new page. Where a number of topics are delivered in school across stages, sectors or subject areas, the record can be used to share experiences. This will enable schools and clusters to begin to generate a holistic picture of interdisciplinary topic development and subsequently to review progression, differentiation and coverage of learner knowledge, skills and experiences. 4