Southwestern Association of Naturalists Feeding Ecology of Three Omnivorous Fishes in Lake Texoma (Oklahoma-Texas) Author(s): Keith B. Gido Source: The Southwestern Naturalist, Vol. 46, No. 1 (Mar., 2001), pp. 23-33 Published by: Southwestern Association of Naturalists Stable URL: Accessed: 16/12/2010 14:00 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Southwestern Association of Naturalists is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Southwestern Naturalist. THE SOUTHWESTERN NATURALIST 46(1) :23-33 THE SOUTHWESTERN NATURALIST 46(1):23-33 MARCH MARCH 2001 2001 FEEDING ECOLOGY OF THREE OMNIVOROUS FISHES IN LAKE TEXOMA (OKLAHOMA-TEXAS) KEITH B. GIDO* Universityof Oklahoma,Biological Station and Departmentof Zoology,Norman, OK 73019 * ABSTRACT-Feeding ecology of 3 omnivorous fishes in a large southern United States reservoir was investigated to develop hypotheses on the potential functional roles of these species in this ecosystem. I examined distribution, abundance, and diet of smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus), river carpsucker (Carpiodes carpio), and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) relative to the availability of potential resources during summer 1997 and 1998. In July and August, abundance of smallmouth buffalo was significantly greater at stations with depths of 10 m than at 1 m or 3 m stations. There was no significant difference in abundance of gizzard shad or river carpsucker by depth or month. Relative proportions of detritus and zooplankton in the diet varied among species. Smallmouth buffalo primarily ate copepods, whereas gizzard shad primarily ate detritus. The diet of river carpsucker was intermediate in relative proportions of zooplankton and detritus to that of smallmouth buffalo and gizzard shad. Of the 3 species examined, only gizzard shad showed a significant decline in dietary crude protein, phosphorus, and organic content over the summer. This corresponded to a decline in condition of gizzard shad. Overall, benthic invertebrates had a heterogeneous distribution within the reservoir, and organic content of sediments was not different across sample stations. Relative importance to ecosystem functioning of these species, all of which are highly abundant in southern reservoirs, likely depends on species-specific feeding ecology and environmental conditions. RESUMEN-La ecologia de tres peces omnivoras en una presa del sur de Estados Unidos fue investigada para desarrollar hip6tesis del papel funcional potencial en este ecosistema. Yo examine la distribuci6n, abundancia, y dieta de Ictiobus bubalus, Carpiodes carpio, y Dorosoma cepedianum, relativo a la abundancia potencial de los recursos durante los veranos de 1997 y 1998. En julio y agosto la abundancia de Ictiobus bubalus fue significativamente mayor en los sitios con profundidades de 10 metros que en los sitios con im o 3 m. de profundidad. No hay diferencias significativas en la abundancia de D. cepedianumo C. carpiopor profundidad o por mes. Las proporciones relativas de detritus o zooplancton en la dieta fue variada entre las especies, Ictiobus bubalus come principalmente copepodes mientras que D. cepedianum come detritus. La dieta de C. carpio fue intermedia en proporciones relativas de zooplancton y detritus a la de I. bubalusy D. cepedianum. De las tres especies examinadas, solo D. cepedianumexhibi6 una reducci6n dietetica significativa de proteina cruda, f6sforo, y contenido organico durante el verano. Esto corresponde a un declive en la condici6n de D. cepedianum.En general, los invertebrados bent6nico tienen una distribuci6n heterog6nea dentro la presa y el contenido organico del sedimento no fue diferente a traves de los sitios de muestreo. La importancia relativa de estas especies en la funcionalidad del ecosistema, todas altamente abundantes en el lado sur del reservorio, probablemente depende de la relaci6n ecol6gica de la alimentacion especie-especies y las condiciones ambiental. Fish assemblages in southern reservoirs typbenthic ically are dominated by large-bodied omnivores (Mensinger, 1971; Robison and Buchanan, 1988). Such fishes can have important effects on ecosystem processes such as of sedinutrient cycling and bioturbation ments (Lamarra, 1975; Brabrand et al., 1990; Stein et al., 1995; Drenner et al., 1996; Flec- ker, 1996). The degree they affect ecosystem processes, however, depends on their abunmodes of feeding, and abiotic condidance, tions (e.g., nutrient loading from the watershed and sedimentation rates). To assess poomnivores in restential roles of large-bodied ervoirs, a requisite first step is understanding where and when they forage and how this re- 24 The SouthwesternNaturalist lates to resource availability (e.g., Power, 1997). I examined feeding ecology of 3 omnivorous fish species (gizzard shad, Dorosomacepedianum; smallmouth buffalo, Ictiobus bubalus, and river carpsucker, Carpiodescarpio) in the context of the distribution and abundance of their food resources in Lake Texoma (Oklahoma-Texas). Omnivorous fishes, such as these, will switch to detritus if higher nutritional quality prey declines (Ahlgren, 1990a; Lobon-Cervia and Rincon, 1994; Valladolid and Przybylski, 1996; Yako et al., 1996) and will grow best when detritus is supplemented with invertebrate prey (Mundahl and Wissing, 1987; Ahlgren, 1990b, Bowen et al., 1995). Thus, abundance and condition of these fishes may depend on spatial and temporal variation in benthic invertebrate abundance. In flood control reservoirs, benthic invertebrates may vary with wave exposure (Cooper, 1977), dissolved oxygen (Sublette, 1957; Cooper, 1980; Cooper and Knight, matter and particulate 1985), organic detritus Moreover, quality and (Vaughn, 1982). lentic systems. may vary throughout quantity For example, detritus from wind-exposed shoreline habitats maintains fathead minnows (Pimephalespromelas) better than detritus from profundal habitats (Lemke and Bowen, 1998). The goal of this study was to correlate distribution, abundance, and diet of 3 omnivorous fishes to spatial and temporal variation in quality and quantity of resources in Lake Texoma. This information was then used to develop hypotheses regarding interspecific differences in potential effects of these fishes on material processing in reservoirs. Although studies previously have suggested gizzard shad can play an important functional role in reservoir ecosystems by processing detritus (Stein et al., 1995; Vanni, 1996; Schaus et al., 1997), it is possible that other benthic fishes such as smallmouth buffalo and river carpsucker perform similar roles. AND METHODS-Study Area-Lake TeMATERIALS xoma is a 36,000 ha impoundment of the Washita and Red rivers on the Oklahoma-Texas border. Reservoir releases and resulting fluctuations in water level are primarily for hydropower and flood control. Near my study sites, Secchi depth transparency typically ranges from 100 to 125 cm, but can decrease to 15 cm during turbid inflow episodes (Matthews, 1984). Study sites were located ca. 35 km up- vol. 46, no. 1 lake from Denison Dam, within the Red River arm of Lake Texoma near the University of Oklahoma Biological Station (Fig. 1). Nine sampling stations were established in 3 coves (3 stations per cove) located on the north shore of the reservoir. Within each cove, stations were located at depths of 1 m, 3 m, and 10 m. One and 3 m stations were within a given cove and the 10 m stations were located directly outside the cove in the main body of the reservoir. All sites were located off-shore by a minimum of 20 m. Because depth profile, size, and wind exposure were similar among the 3 coves, each was used as a replicate for statistical analyses. Field Collectionsand DietaryAnalysis-Adult fishes of the target species were collected monthly from June to August 1997 and 1998 at each station using experimental gill nets (46 m by 1.8 m) with mesh sizes ranging from 51 to 101 mm bar-measure mesh. Gill nets were set with the lead line on the bottom during daylight for 2 to 4 h. At each station (n = 9) a maximum of 2 individuals of each species (gizzard shad, river carpsucker, and smallmouth buffalo) was sacrificed for gut content analysis (i.e., maximum of 18 individuals of each species per sample date); remaining fish were counted and released. Intestines from sacrificed fish were immediately removed and transported on ice to a freezer. For analysis of diet, gut contents were taken from the esophagus (gizzard shad) or anterior quarter of the intestine (smallmouth buffalo and river carpsucker) and preserved in 70% ethanol. Esophageal contents of smallmouth buffalo and river carpsucker were not used because food items were rarely found in this region. Moreover, food items in the anterior gut were intact and did not appear to have undergone much digestion. Gut contents from each fish were stirred to create a homogeneous mixture of food items; then a 1 ml subsample was taken from this mixture for dietary analysis. A preliminary investigation showed that replicate samples of this homogenate were not necessary because of little difference in percent volume of major food items (+5%) among replicates. The subsample was placed in a Sedgwick-Rafter counting slide and analyzed at 40X magnification. Relative volumes of food items for each sample were estimated by approximating the area occupied by individual items in 20 fields of view. Invertebrates were identified into major taxonomic groups as follows: phylum Rotifera; orders Copepoda and Ostracoda; family Chironomidae; and genera Daphnia and Bosmina. Because all species had a relatively fine-grained diet, determination of the nature of vegetative food items was difficult. Therefore, I classified as detritus vegetative debris, algae, and amorphous organic matter. Contents of the anterior one-fourth of the intestine (for all species) also were examined for crude protein, total phosphorus, and percent organic mat- Gido-Feeding ecology of fishes in Lake Texoma March 2001 25 Washita River Enlargementof study area \ I ' I N I'f I I N Lake Texoma 10 km FIG. 1-Location of the 9 sample stations in the Red River arm of Lake Texoma. Samples were taken at depths of 1, 3, and 10 m in each of 3 coves. ter to assess nutritional value of the diet. A maximum of five individuals of each species was examined each month; only fish with intestines more than 75% full were considered in these analyses. Intestinal contents were oven-dried at 60?C for 24 h and cooled in a desiccator. They were then ground with a mortar and pestle to homogenize the contents. Total Kjedahl nitrogen and total phosphorus were determined from a 0.25 g subsample of the ground contents that was digested in concentrated sulfuric acid at 440?C for 5 min. Total nitrogen was determined by the Nessler method and total phosphorus by the ascorbic acid method (American Public Health Association [APHA], 1985). Total nitrogen was converted to crude protein by a standard conversion factor (total nitrogen X 6.25). Organic content was estimated in the remainder of the sample by ash-free dry weight (AFDW) based on the difference in weight of dried samples from those combusted in a muffle furnace at 550?C for 1 h. Although crude protein and percent organic matter may poorly reflect detritus nutritional quality because of the importance of non-protein amino acids (e.g., Bowen, 1980), these measures should show dif- ferences in diet due to relative proportions of invertebrate prey. Benthic Invertebrates and Detritus-Abundance of benthic invertebrates and the organic fraction in benthic sediments were estimated from core samples. Core samples were taken with a combination of an acrylic tube (8 cm diameter) and an Eckman dredge (15 by 15 cm). First, a sample of the benthic substratum was brought to the surface with the dredge and a subsample was then taken from within the dredge with the corer before opening the bottom of the dredge. This allowed retrieval of core samples from deep stations with only minimal disturbance of organisms and organic matter at the surface-water interface. Only the top 1 cm of each core sample was retained for analysis. Two samples were taken at each station for each sample date (n = 18) and stored at 4?C. In the laboratory, a 5 g (wet-weight) subsample from each core was dried at 60?C for 24 h, and organic content was determined by combustion as previously described. The remaining sample was passed through a 210 Jm sieve to retain organic debris and macroinvertebrates. Macroinvertebrates were identified and 26 The SouthwesternNaturalist enumerated under a stereoscope at 20X magnification and placed into major taxonomic categories as previously described; with the exception of cladocerans, that were combined into one group. Herein, all invertebrates, including those associated with the sediment-water interface (i.e., Copepoda and Ostracoda) are considered benthic invertebrates. SedimentationRates-Because sedimentation of organic and inorganic materials can influence benthic resources (e.g., invertebrate abundance and deposition of phytoplankton and detritus), cylindrical sediment traps were placed on the bottom at each station concurrent with the gill net sampling in 1997 to estimate settling rates and organic fraction of sediments. Traps were retrieved ca. 48 h after deployment. Each trap had a diameter of 9.9 cm and depth of 30.5 cm (height:diameter ratio > 3:1; Blomqvist and Kofoed, 1981) and was placed so the opening was 40 cm above the substratum. Before removal, each trap was capped in place (using SCUBA) and then brought to the surface. Sediment samples were allowed to settle for 1 h and then excess water was decanted. Dry weight of each sample was determined after drying at 60?C for 24 h, and percent organic content was determined by combustion (as described previously). Data Analysis-Differences in abundance among depths, months, and years for each species of fish, major benthic invertebrate taxa, percent organic content in core samples, and sedimentation rates were tested using a repeated measures ANOVA with month as the repeated factor. Mean values from paired samples were used for benthic invertebrates and percent organic content from core samples. Thus, for all variables there were 3 replicates (1 per cove) at each depth. Due to this low replication, statistical power for comparisons was low and subtle differences among treatment effects were probably not detected. Log (x + 1) transformations of fish and benthic invertebrate abundances were performed to maximize homogeneity of variances. Multiple comparisons among depths and months were analyzed with Tukey HSD tests (SPSS, 1996). Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to characterize differences in diet among species and across sample dates (Crow, 1978). Prior to analysis, percent volume of major resource categories for each species was arcsine square root transformed to reduce deviation from normal distributions. Eigenvalues and loadings were calculated using PC-ORD (McCune and Mefford, 1995) based on a correlation matrix of variables. A one-way ANOVA was used to detect differences among species in crude protein, total phosphorus, N:P ratio, and organic content of the diet. In addition, a general factorial ANOVA was used to test for differences in these variables between years and among months for each species. A Fulton-type condition index (weight/length3; vol. 46, no. I 4 Gizzard shad Im - 3 _ T 3m 10m 21Ce 0 iU 0 U *. , II v .- II'I Smallmouth buffalo 4- cc 3- -cr 0 2 - .0 E z River carpsucker 2- , 0 June 11n ~ July 1997 Aug June July Aug 1998 FIG. 2-Mean abundance (individuals per hour gill netting) of fish species taken from 3 coves in Lake Texoma by station depth, month, and year. Vertical bars represent 1 SE. Anderson and Gutreuter, 1983) was used to assess condition of the three species throughout the summer. To increase sample size, lengths and weights of fish taken from a separate gill net survey in the same area of the reservoir (Gido, 1999) were used to calculate mean condition from June to August in 1996 and 1997. No analyses were performed in summer 1998 because of low sample sizes. Differences in condition among months were determined using a oneway ANOVA. Similarly, differences in sedimentation rates and percent organic contents of sediments among depths and months were examined using a general factorial ANOVA. All post hoc comparisons among depths and months were made by Tukey HSD tests (SPSS, 1996). All ANOVAs were performed using SPSS (1996). RESULTS-Fish Abundance and Diet-Differences in fish abundance were found across depths and years, but not among months (Fig. of gizzard shad was sig2). Mean abundance in 1997 than in 1998 (F1,9 = nificantly higher 7.22, P = 0.025), but abundance did not vary with station depth. There was a significant difference in mean abundance among depths for smallmouth buffalo (F2,9 = 7.07, P = 0.014), but not between years. Although there was no difference in overall abundance among months for smallmouth buffalo, they were more evenly dispersed across depths in June March 2001 Gido-Feeding n l c.E. . , r . 3 * All species -e C DO n ,2 22 1 - a 1 -A G s , sJRr, - June July August River carpsucker J- co -3 O Q- -2 1 0 . 3 2- 1 2 3 . Gizzard shad a\ -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 3 2 / Smallmouth buffalo \ .-2 -1 r- C - -21 ' -3 -3 -3 -2 Copepoda Daphnia -1 0 1 < 2 3 -3 -2 PC 1(21.3%) -1 0 1 > 2 3 Detritus FIG. 3-Differences in diet of 3 omnivorous fish species in Lake Texoma as revealed by the first 2 axes of a principal component analysis. Top left graph represents differences in diet among species: S = smallmouth buffalo, G = gizzard shad, R = river carpsucker. Other graphs represent monthly changes in diet for each of the 3 species. but primarily occurred at 10 m depths 27 of fishes in Lake Texoma ecology in July and August. Because only 2 river carpsuckers were taken in 1997, comparisons of mean abundance among depths and months were made only for 1998 and were not significant (P > 0.10). Principal components analysis revealed differences in diet among the three species, though there was much overlap (Fig. 3). The first 3 axes accounted for 48% of the variation in diet among species (Table 1). Based on variable loadings, the first axis represented a contrast between individuals that consumed large volumes of cyclopoid copepods (hereafter referred to as copepods) and Daphnia with those that consumed detritus. This axis identified both interspecific and seasonal differences in diet of these species. The second axis represented the relative proportions of ostracods, Bosmina, and terrestrial insects and primarily identified intraspecific variation in the diet of gizzard shad. Axis 3 (not shown) represented a contrast between individuals that consumed Daphnia and those that consumed zooplankton ephippia and Bosmina and also showed weak interspecific differences between smallmouth buffalo and the other 2 species. Averaged across months, copepods accounted for the greatest percent volume in the diet of smallmouth buffalo (x = 50.0%), whereas gizzard shad consumed primarily detritus (x = 80.2%, Table 2). The diet of river carpsucker was intermediate between these species in percent volume of copepods (x = 32.3%) and detritus (x = 55.7%). In addition, all species tended to have a greater relative volume of copepods in the diet in June (x = 40.5%) than in July or August (x = 26.2%). A one-way ANOVA revealed significant differences among species in dietary crude pro- TABLE 1-Eigenvalues and variable loadings for the first 3 principal component axes derived from an analysis of relative volume of food items in the diet of 3 omnivorous fishes in Lake Texoma, 1997-1998. Asterisk indicates items considered important for that axis. Axis Eigenvalue Percent variance explained Food item Copepoda Daphnia Chironomidae Ostracoda Bosmina Unknown zooplankton Detritus Rotifer Ephippia Terrestrial insect PC1 PC2 PC3 2.132 22.2 1.382 13.7 1.214 12.1 -0.882* -0.517* -0.319 0.105 -0.206 0.161 0.916* -0.297 -0.131 -0.222 0.153 0.065 0.004 -0.673* -0.617* -0.275 0.112 0.096 0.313 -0.565* -0.165 0.454* 0.328 0.082 -0.466* -0.315 0.216 0.211 -0.591* 0.326 G 28 vol. 46, no. I The SouthwesternNaturalist 06 c C~Co M 11 ct cli 0.3 C ~c o 10 ao z a. "5 11 Ct3 Cd o dI 6 Co 0C 00 _ .. 0.6 Q(1) 0.2- I-0 0 C_ C' C 0C ?r06 C ., d 0.3 d o3j cc 2 15 0. 12- z Ic-i 9 00 0 0 O rd 56 cc 6 t> I ' N N O o (0 ors ccr 0 P.^ CO t Os cc m 6 E 60* 40- "' ?"-, C,. m'o-e- h0 06 cli .- 20 O Cd (X 0 o 6 c,. o O "6 /- . .^ tr c. Gld ltt Jun 00 C CC CS -- rCl 101 0s CO 10 Clr o00 0 : 6 6 11 c^ _ co" co^ c\r in" "6 12 II Cd N i;C d; r-< 0 ^ C-( Cf d; d Cr1 C10 o- o ^ r- r-( d 0 ^o~~~~o d d= d ^ t o o^ u 0C*(s ._ OI _r -0 Wl C s o OGl n 11 d d d' ? dj ? ? 73 o C!UO~~~d., o Cz of Aug Jun June Aug 1998 Gur < f- C,I 0_r - 1997 FIG. 4-Differences in crude protein, total phosphorus, N:P ratio, and percent organic matter in the diet of 3 omnivorous fish species in Lake Texoma. Vertical bars represent 1 SE. O 0 - 11 02 o June q C* ^ _^r^SO s_ . ^_/ ? II .s -S 0.0 18 0 in C3 - . o CO 0.4 5a Q. . 12 C "S Smallmouth buffalo Gizzard shad River carpsucker 0o 0 d; C +1 .A QI o (U 02 z 20 cnj Co 10 o * * 30 - U3 . Q,H 5 tein, total phosphorus, N:P ratio, and percent organic matter (P < 0.001; Fig. 4). Mean values for all variables were greatest in the diet of smallmouth buffalo, and least in gizzard shad. Excluding 1997 data because of low sample size, gut contents of river carpsucker had intermediate levels of all variables except N:P ratio. Low values of crude protein, phosphorus, and percent organic matter in the diet of gizzard shad were likely due to large volumes of sand rather than low protein content of detritus. No significant differences between years or among months for crude protein, total phosphorus, or percent organic matter were observed in the diet of smallmouth buffalo. However, there was a significant year by month interaction for N:P ratio (F2,14 = 5.406, P = 0.018). This interaction occurred because of a decline in N:P into summer 1997 and an increase in N:P into summer 1998. Because of the low abundance of river carpsucker in 1997, only differences among months for 1998 were tested. No significant differences were found March 2001 Gido-Feeding ecology of fishes in Lake Texoma 1.00 29 4000 0.95 - 1m 3m Ostracoda Gizzard shad (n = 288) 3000 ' I 2000 a 1000 ? E 0.90 - u, Chironomidae 10 .5cp 6000 ur 0.85 - 0 0 x ^- 0.80 m 0.200 Lm I 4000 i 2000' li 6.0 Smallmouth buffalo (n = 142) E z Copepoda 8000 6000 a 0.18 - | 4000 ? 2000 ?| 0 ^ o_&L l July Aug June m 1997 u 0.1 - , 0.12 - c "0 o 0.36 - z . . . 7 . . . . . . . I River carpsucker (n = 36) July Aug 1998 FIG.6-Differences in abundance of 3 major taxa of benthic invertebrates in core samples taken from 3 coves in Lake Texoma by station depth, month, and year. Vertical bars represent 1 SE. a 0.32 - 0.28-- - _ June a a T 0.24 -V// 0.20 June July August FIG.5-Mean condition of 3 omnivorous fish species in Lake Texoma across summer months for 1996 and 1997. Vertical bars represent 1 SE. Different letters above error bars represents significant difference between means. for any of the variables. Dietary nutrient content of gizzard shad showed a significant effect of month for all measures of diet quality (P < 0.025). These differences were attributed to a general decline in all variables from June to August. Mean condition of gizzard shad in 1996 and 1997 was significantly lower during July and August than in June (P < 0.05); however, no significant differences were observed for smallmouth buffalo or river carpsucker (Fig. 5). Benthic Invertebrates and Detritus-Chironomidae (41.2%), Copepoda (29.8%), and Ostracoda (22.9%) accounted numerically for 94% of the total individuals from core samples. All taxa showed heterogeneous distributions across station depths, months, or years (Fig. 6). Mean abundance of ostracods was not different (P > 0.05) among months, but varied significantly among depths (F2,10 = 7.509, P = 0.010) and years (F1,10= 8.408, P = 0.016). Ostracods were typically more abundant at 1 m and 3 m stations, and overall were more abundant in 1997 than in 1998. Mean chironomid abundance varied differently across months and years as shown by the significant interaction between these variables (F2,20= 20.254, P < 0.001). Their abundance was greater inJune than in July or August and greater overall in 1997. Mean chironomid abundance in June was also higher at 1 m than at the 3 m or 10 m stations. Mean copepod abundance also varied significantly across months and depths (month by depth interaction, F4,20= 9.030, P = 0.002). Copepods were most abundant at the 10 m stations, although this difference was only significant for July and August. Organic Matter in CoreSamples and Sedimentation Rates-No significant differences in organic content of core samples were detected among months, depths, or years (P > 0.05). In general, mean percent organic matter in core samples was low (3.87%) and varied considerably among paired samples (CV = 115%). Ad- The SouthwesternNaturalist 30 700 vol. 46, no. 1 parently, this species either compensates for the low nutritional quality of its food by increasing consumption rates or assimilation efE 500; ficiency (Grimm, 1988), or by supplementing its diet with small amounts of invertebrates I 400- when available (Yako et al., 1996). 300i I T Food items consumed by these species were similar to those reported previously (Walburg E 200and Nelson, 1966; Tafanelli et al., 1971; Sum(I Q)U) :: 100'': . ' merfelt et al., 1972; Pierce et al., 1981). However, the percent volume of detritus in their 0 June diets was typically less. Other investigators have July Aug reported mean volumes of detritus of 68% in FIG.7-Sedimentation rates taken from 3 coves on river carpsucker (Summerfelt et al., 1972) and Lake Texoma across 3 depths in 1997. Vertical bars than 65% in smallmouth buffalo (Tagreater 1 SE. represent fanelli et al., 1971) in Oklahoma reservoirs. Corresponding values for the present study were 57% and 36%, respectively. Because the ditionally, there were no differences (P < 0.05) in percent organic matter in sediment samples other studies were carried out over the entire among months or depths, suggesting a relative- year, it is possible that these differences are ly homogeneous distribution of organic matter due to the greater proportion of zooplankton in sediments. Sedimentation rates did vary sig- in the diet during summer. In any case, previnificantly among depths (F2,13= 8.389, P = ous studies agree with the findings of this one that both species are facultative detritivores 0.005) and months in 1997 (F2,13 = 7.837, P = 0.006; Fig. 7). Mean sedimentation rate was and consume detritus when availability of ingreatest in July, and, in all months, was signif- vertebrates is low (i.e., July and August). Differences in feeding strategies among fish icantly greater at the 3 m and 10 m stations than at 1 m stations. Thus, even though organ- species may influence their relative imporic fraction of sediments appears homogeneous tance in reservoir ecosystems. In this study, gizacross habitats, the rates of deposition dif- zard shad ingested large amounts of detritus fered. and inorganic sediments, whereas smallmouth in buffalo and river carpsucker filtered inverteDIscussION-Interspecific Differences Feeding Ecology-In Lake Texoma, diets of gizzard shad, brates and detritus without ingesting much inriver carpsucker, and smallmouth buffalo dif- organic matter. Thus, gizzard shad would prefered in invertebrate species composition, nu- sumably process more materials and have a trients, and organic content. These differences greater effect on fragmentation and decomwere partially due to the different feeding position of detritus, microorganisms, and algae in sediments in Lake Texoma. The effect of strategies of these fishes. Based on morphology and diet, gizzard shad can be classified as a foraging by river carpsucker and smallmouth scooper (Gerking, 1994), that scoops mud buffalo on fragmentation and decomposition from the bottom and roughly sorts and dis- of detritus is more likely through initial procards unwanted matter through the gill rakers. cessing of detritus and sediments rather than Smallmouth buffalo and river carpsucker are direct consumption and passage of materials suction feeders and more selectively filter de- through their alimentary canal. tritus and invertebrates through their gill rakSpatial and TemporalVariationin Diet and Food ers. Percent organic matter in gut contents of Resources-Reservoir ecosystems can present a all fishes was higher than in core samples, in- spatially and temporally heterogenous environdicating selective consumption of food items ment for fishes. External inputs from the wafrom the substrate. However, in comparison to tershed, wave action, and fluctuation in water the two catostomids, the percent organic con- level can influence deposition and oxidation of tent in the diet of gizzard shad was low sediments and detritus. In addition, mid-sum(<20%), owing to consumption of large quan- mer succession of zooplankton (Threlkeld, tities of inorganic sand along with detritus. Ap- 1986) and benthic invertebrate (Sublette, - 600 - r 3m March 2001 Gido-Feeding ecology of fishes in Lake Texoma 1957) assemblages creates seasonally available food resources for many reservoir fishes. In this study, I found that declines in invertebrate abundance, particularly copepods, at the 1 m and 3 m stations from June to August corresponded to declines in relative volume of invertebrates in the diet of the 3 fish species. For gizzard shad, organic content and crude protein declined from June to August and was followed by a decline in condition. Thus, at least for gizzard shad, food quality and quantity declines into the summer, and they shift to a diet with lower nutritional value (i.e., detritus). Numerous studies have shown that omnivorous fishes will switch to a lower quality diet when invertebrate abundance declines (Brabrand, 1985; Mundahl and Wissing, 1988; Ahlgren, 1990a; Lobon-Cervia and Rincon, 1994; Ahlgren, 1996). Mundahl and Wissing (1987) found a similar pattern in an Ohio reservoir, where gizzard shad switched from a mixed zooplankton and detritus to a primarily detritus diet, resulting in lower growth and condition during summer. Ahlgren (1990b) also reported that juvenile white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) fed only detritus lost weight, whereas those fed invertebrates gained weight. Bowen et al. (1995) suggested that, because of limited availability of invertebrates, many fish consume detritus to supplement their diet; however, nutritional quality of this resource is not adequate to sustain growth and reproduction. Whereas the nutrient and organic contents of the diet, along with condition of gizzard shad, declined from June to August, there was no significant decline in these parameters for smallmouth buffalo or river carpsucker. Even though the relative volume of invertebrates in the diet of these species appears to decrease into the summer, they still may be able to maintain condition by supplementing their diet with detritus (Bowen et al., 1995). Moreover, smallmouth buffalo likely selected deeper habitats during July and August because of the greater abundance of copepods in these habitats. Differences in nutritional quality of detritus in sediments among habitats may also influence distribution and abundance of detritivorous fishes. Lemke and Bowen (1998) showed that nutritional quality of detritus in sediments was greater in areas that were exposed to turbulence from waves than in profundal zones 31 sheltered from waves. Bowen (1984) also showed that the condition of male tilapia (Sarotherodon)was lowest in habitats with low quality foods. Although I did not rigorously examine nutritional quality of detritus in sediments (e.g., examine amino acids), I did show percent organic matter in core samples and freshly deposited sediments did not vary across depths. This homogeneous distribution of organic matter in upper layers of sediments appears to be due to deposition of sediments of similar organic composition. Thus, even though spatial differences in benthic invertebrates occurred, organic matter in sediments was relatively constant across habitats. Homogeneous distribution of organic matter in sediments may correspond to broad spatial distribution of gizzard shad, and perhaps river carpsucker, that have higher proportions of detritus in their diet. More detailed examination of detritus quality (e.g., amino acids and hydrolysis-resistant organic matter) would be necessary to determine if detritus quality affected distribution of these species. Because benthic fishes must process sediments to attain nutritionally important food material (Minckley et al., 1970; Mundahl, 1991), rate of sediment deposition presumably can influence their effect on benthic communities. For example, Mundahl (1991) showed that gizzard shad processed <4% of the sediments deposited in an Ohio reservoir. He concluded that, because of high rates of deposition of sediments, foraging by gizzard shad should have little effect on benthic communities. Typical of many reservoirs (Neel, 1966), sedimentation rates in Lake Texoma were high. At the scale of the whole reservoir, Lake Texoma has lost >11% of its initial storage capacity due to sediment deposition between 1942 and 1985, with the greatest areas of deposition in the riverine portions of the reservoir (H. Hartwell, United States Army Corps of Engineers, pers. comm.). Sediment trap data from this study further suggests sediment deposition also increases with depth at the scale of individual coves. Therefore, these spatial differences in sedimentation will likely influence the impact these species have on benthic invertebrate assemblages. Conclusion-The success of omnivorous species such as gizzard shad, smallmouth buffalo, and river carpsucker in many southern reser- 32 The SouthwesternNaturalist voirs is likely due to their ability to switch to lower quality food items when invertebrate prey are in low abundance (e.g., Cherry and Guthrie, 1975) and the ability of adults to evade predation because of their large body size (Stein et al., 1995). Interspecific differences in distribution, abundance, and foraging behavior of these species along with variable abiotic conditions their relative likely influence importance in reservoir ecosystems. This study suggests gizzard shad should have the largest per capita effect on ecosystem processes given: 1) low organic content in their diet and presumably high rates of sediment processing; and and processing of detritus that 2) consumption would otherwise be locked in sediments. Assistance in the field and laboratory was provided by R. Durtche, S. Gido, W. Luttershmitt, W. Matthews, J. Schaefer, and W. Wolfinbarger. I also thank R. Durtche, E. Marsh-Matthews, B. Narin, and R. Smiley for thoughtful discussions. Earlier versions of this manuscript greatly benefitted from comments by L. Canter, M. Kaspari,J. Schaefer, W. Shelton, W. Matthews, and C. Vaughn. Partial funding for this project was provided from the Graduate Student Senate of the University of Oklahoma. 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