, David King, Brian Legakis, Janus L. Blume, Francine Van Meter,... Diego Navarro, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Paul Harvell, Rory O’Brien, Dorothy... Cabrillo College Faculty Senate

Cabrillo College Faculty Senate
September 25, 2007
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Sesnon House
In Attendance: Steve Hodges, Renee Kilmer, David Balogh, John Govsky, Sylvia
Winder, Jennifer Cass, Dave Reynolds, Jonathan Saad, Dan Rothwell, Topsy N. Smalley,
David King, Brian Legakis, Janus L. Blume, Francine Van Meter, Marcy Alancraig,
Diego Navarro, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Paul Harvell, Rory O’Brien, Dorothy Nunn, Arturo
Cantu, Winnie Baer.
Guests: Wanda Garner, Rachel Mayo, James Weckler, Nancy Brown, Margery
Regalado, Dan Martinez, Rock Photenhauer.
Note Taker: Amber Parker.
1.0 Call To Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:05 p.m.
2.0 Minutes
Reviewed Minutes of September 11, 2007 meeting. After a correction to item 5.1,
(regarding the specification of the 200 building for 1-Stop and Student Services use),
it was moved and seconded to approve the Minutes. Motion carried.
3.0 Reports
3.1 President—Rory O’Brien
3.1.1 Rory welcomed the Deans to the meeting, who were present for
discussion of the Master Plan.
3.1.2 Renee Kilmer added a few words regarding the Academic
Calendar: the CCFT approves of it, and she submitted it now for
Senate review and approval. Key points: Veteran’s Day falls on a
Tuesday for the 2008 calendar, and there will be ten days for Flex
week instead of nine.
3.1.3 There was some discussion over which days Spring Break fell
on—is Spring Break coordinated with that of other schools? Renee
said it was hard to coordinate with everyone in all districts. Also,
many districts decide late when their break is going to be, and
don’t always get back to Cabrillo on what they have chosen. At the
end of the discussion it was decided that Renee and Paul would
talk to the various districts and report their findings to the Senate at
the next meeting. At that point Senate members could decide on
Spring Break dates by voting on them.
3.2 Vice President—Steve Hodges
3.2.1 Steve handed out Welcome to the Faculty Senate packets to those
who were new to the Senate. He also presented a revised Faculty
Senate Membership Application with a new suggested rate. He
passed out the applications, and Rory advised all members to
please fill them out and return them to Steve.
3.3 Secretary—Sylvia Winder (for Georg Romero)
3.3.1 The roster online has now been updated.
3.4 Treasurer—Paul Harvell
3.4.1 Paul announced the website cabrillowiki.wetpaint.com, which was
started by Francine Van Meter, and tested by Steve Hodges. The website is
there for the purpose of keeping track of committees and committee details on
campus. Francine added that it is like a chalkboard, items can be erased and
rewritten. It was asked how people will know the site is available, and Paul
said it was evolving.
3.5 CCEU—Janus Blume
3.5.1 We are just getting started in earnest with negotiations. Classified
Hiring Prioritization Process: we are working on creating a matrix
that is more like what the faculty does, a weighted matrix that
allows us to have a more objective outcome.
3.5.2 Dave Balogh commended the Classified Staff for all of their hard
3.6 Francine Van Meter
3.6.1 Staff development: there is a 40% increase in duplicated
enrollment in distance education. We are currently looking to
create an orientation process for new distance education faculty.
Students report that the online material is highly interesting, and
they get a lot of one-on-one instruction.
3.6.2 Spring stipend: $50,000 for special speakers or events.
3.6.3 The third week in October the Flex proposals for spring will come
3.6.4 Due to a misinterpretation of when it is appropriate to submit a
substantive change proposal to the governing body, a proposal was
not submitted for online degrees, and this is likely to come up in
the accreditation process. Francine advised all faculty members to
be aware that they will be looking into our distance education
3.7 Watsonville—Diego Navarro
3.7.1 Saturday, October 6 is the Pacific Rim Festival, posters should be
out soon.
3.8 Student Senate—Jonathan Saad
3.8.1 Textbook rental: please see the proposal stated in Agenda Item 4.0.
3.8.2 There are other options for students who choose to not purchase
textbooks. The Student Senate gives $15,000 every year to the
library for the purpose of buying textbooks to keep on reserve.
Also, the bookstore will provide a loan of $150 (not accessible to
new students or part-time students). The Student Senate is working
on making the loan available to 9-unit or even 6-unit students.
3.8.3 Welcome Week went well with a couple of exceptions: a band that
showed up late and wanted to play their full set, and another band
that faced their speakers to the classrooms instead of the street.
3.8.4 Instructional Grants: Please keep them as concise as possible, and
get them in as soon as you can.
3.9 CCFT—John Govsky
There are changes to Healthnet—the contract is online, and there
are hard copies in the mailroom.
Vice President of Instruction—Renee Kilmer
3.10.1 Sustainability Committee: there are two chairs. Nicole Crane has
agreed to do it.
3.10.2 Prioritization Process: Rory spoke up and said that it looks like we
will be doing it in one meeting with no breaks.
3.10.3 Accreditation Site Team Visit: it will be on Tuesday, from 8:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with an open (to the public) forum from 3:004:00 p.m. and 6:00-7:00 p.m. She said that they have a tight
schedule and want a lot of time to work on their report. On
Thursday from 1:00-2:00 p.m. is the Exit Report. Rory asked if we
can formally invite them to the Senate Meeting, and Renee said
yes. She added that only minor things have come up with them so
far, no red flags.
4.0 Textbook Rental—Ryan Kaplan
4.1 There are not many good examples of a textbook rental program that we can
base a similar program on here at Cabrillo, but we are researching it and really
need faculty buy-in on the idea. We are meeting with the Chair of the Cabrillo
Foundation tomorrow to get approval on the proposal.
4.2 Ryan provided a handout of the proposal, and invited the Faculty Senate to
consider the points described. He asked them to provide feedback to the
Student Senate. He added that grants are not lined up yet for the program.
4.3 Paul said that he would take the handout to the Textbook Committee. Sylvia
commented that the reserve system is very popular. Ryan said that the reserve
system would continue.
4.4 Rory advised everyone that this handout is an early description of a project
that is getting ready to launch. Paul said that there were some real faculty
impediments to the program, and that Ryan is right to ask for faculty buy-in.
He will need cooperation from the faculty.
4.5 The general feeling was that the Textbook Rental proposal was a top priority.
5.0 Discussion on Educational Master Plan
5.1 After welcoming the Deans again, Rory handed out the Instruction Projects
and Initiatives packet.
5.2 Paul asked what we should expect to accomplish today. Rory said that the
master planning process sets broad goals and ground objectives. He invited all
to brainstorm together, and collectively come up with a list of action items
that can be prioritized.
5.3 Paul asked about governance issues and SLO assessment instructional
planning. For example, the dirty bathrooms. How efficient is the process for
solving an issue like that? Renee said that was a logistical issue, not
curriculum related. But it is governance, Paul insisted. Marcy said that there
were issues that do impact instruction, ones that seem petty but have an effect.
She thought there might be a communication disconnect.
5.4 Francine made a comment about the “smart classrooms,” and wondered where
the plan was for maintaining them. When you expand, you must have support
services for that expansion.
5.5 Janus added that increased communication can only be good for all of us.
5.6 Marcy stressed that she wanted to concentrate on other things to supplement
her class, not whether it is too cold in there, whether she has all the technical
equipment she needs to teach, or whether her classroom is dirty or not.
5.7 Rory said that we can’t keep going to the division deans with these issues.
5.8 Nancy Brown agreed that we need to think about a healthy, functional
environment. She thought that some serious maintenance money needed to be
set aside. She reported the example of the squishy bathroom floor.
5.9 Topsy spoke up and shared her experience with oiling the squeaky chairs as
an instance where we can take personal initiative.
5.10 Paul said it wasn’t just about these little things; it’s the whole decisionmaking process.
5.11 Francine was amazed at how many committees the Deans were on.
5.12 Rory asked how we can connect what needs to be done with who can fix
the issues.
5.13 Dave Balogh said we need to have some verbiage about getting old and
new facilities remodeled in the three-year plan.
5.14 Diego wondered how we can get the 18-25 unemployed age group
enrolled full-time at Cabrillo. He spoke about “creating pathways to
prosperity,” and having them present in our master plan.
5.15 Marcy asked about making efforts toward training instructors how to
teach, and keeping them excited about instruction.
5.16 Dave said that they could take a class in instruction that earned them a
grade. He added that the carrot does not exist to improve instruction.
5.17 Dan Martinez spoke up and said he thought that there were plenty of
things that we do to keep instructors excited. He also thought that the threeyear plan was good and accurate.
5.18 Dan added that they do talk about these “fires,” and put them out.
5.19 Diego thought that training social service providers would be a great step.
He also thought that if we put all this time into envisioning these
improvements, we should have some sort of report card indicating our
5.20 Paul said he thought that was what SLO is.
5.21 Dan felt that we come up with ideas without any plan for implementation.
6.0 Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 5: 06 p.m.