Cabrillo College Faculty Senate Tuesday, October 21, 2008 – 5:00 PM 3:00 PM

Cabrillo College Faculty Senate
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Sesnon House
In Attendance: Eva Acosta, Winnie Baer, David Balogh, Janus Blume,
Virginia Coe, Becka Fortune, John Govsky, Bernadette Guimberteau, Paul
Harvell, Steve Hodges, Brian Legakis, Rory O’Brien, Beth Regardz, Dave
Reynolds, Georg Romero, Dan Rothwell, Pam Sanborn, Letitia Scott-Curtis,
Mary Ellen Sullivan, Alex Taurke, Francine Van Meter
Guests: Brian King, Sheila Anderson (for Jean Gallagher-Heil)
Note Taker: Jamie Malone
1.0 Call to Order
1.1 – The meeting was called to order at 3:11 PM.
2.0 Minutes
2.1 – Reviewed the minutes from October 7, 2008.
Corrections: Guest name (Mary Planning), CIP is looking to fill a new position
(3.1.6), an event to discuss the presidential debates (3.2.1), GAITS (3.9.1),
change “divisions” to “counseling positions (5.3.1).
2.2 – Minutes approved.
3.0 Reports
3.1 – President (Steve Hodges)
3.1.1 – The minutes from the flex week meeting were already approved
but they had mistakes. Steve asked permission to alter them and the
members agreed.
3.2 – Vice President (Rory O’Brien)
3.2.1 – Reminded everyone that the meeting two weeks from today is on
Election Day at the Sesnon House.
3.2.2 – Rory suspended his report to cut time short for the budget
3.3 – Secretary (Georg Romero)
3.3.1 – Nothing to report.
3.4 – Treasurer (Paul Harvell)
3.4.1 – We have money.
3.5 – CCFT (John Govsky)
3.5.1 – We are about to start another round of salary re-opener.
3.5.2 – Yesterdays counsel discussed counseling division reorganization
and OK’d that.
3.5.3 – There is a lot of discussion at state CCFT (went to a meeting last
weekend). Can we sue WASC?
3.6 – CCEU (Janus Blume)
3.6.1 – CCEU is considering bargaining with the district in response to the
budget crisis.
3.7 – Watsonville (no rep)
3.7.1 – No report.
3.8 – ASCC (Becka Fortune)
3.8.1 – At the last debate we had 75 attendees (3rd event in the series).
3.8.2 – We are planning a Halloween celebration at the Aptos campus.
Discussing having separate celebrations for Halloween and Day of the
3.8.3 – Mentioned the possibility of funding shuttles to transport students
on Election Day to vote between classes. Still discussing it. The company
agreed to do it at cost. We are figuring it all out and will update on details.
3.8.4 – Half of the student senate went to San Diego for a leadership
3.8.5 – We are sending 3-4 senators to an assembly in San Jose.
3.9 – VPI (Renee Kilmer)
3.9.1 – Renee was out of town.
4.0 Action Items
4.1 – No action items are scheduled for this meeting.
5.0 Information Items
5.1 – Budget Presentation
5.1.1 – Lots of dialog going on right now. The big thing that people
expressed is that this feels pretty long term and we need to react
differently than we have the in past.
5.1.2 – Generated lots of FTES! John Laird spoke to the board last month.
There is a serious potential for mid-year budget cuts.
5.1.3 – Prop. 98 is 50% of the overall state budget (big picture).
Community colleges are about 10% of prop 98 (Cabrillo budget is about
1% of the statewide community college budget). We could face a 2
million dollar cut. Take it to higher level to see how we should proceed.
5.1.4 – Our property taxes were short $900,000 in 2007-2008 (Victoria
booked it as a shortfall). We did receive a COLA.
5.1.5 – Just starting to list things we can do. Instruction is looking where
they can cut classes in spring ’09. Rene is trying to minimize the impact
on students. Salary savings (not filling open positions, replacements and
get different salary). Estimated $95,000 in savings. This information
hasn’t been shared with many people, because we are just brainstorming.
5.1.6 – Discussed retirement health benefits. Do we know how much we
are losing by going over cap? Our fill rate is extraordinarily high (consider
they are adjunct), but we are dodging that for now. Meeting with CPC
5.1.7 – Next year we may have a 1.5 billion shortfall (if the lottery plan is
rejected it will be even less). Growth will be a high priority. Discussing
enrollment fee increases. Each dollar up we lose 1% attendance. We are
14% above last fall in FTES.
5.1.8 – What should the target for FTES be for next year (and the next
few). We need to plan the 2009 and 2010 schedule around the possibility
that we get funding (we may not). Needs to be very planned and reviewed.
How can we best serve our students and the community.
5.1.9 – Competing priorities are the new buildings. It is hard to manage
this now. The system office is recommending to BOG to adopt the
position that we are required to maintain the same FON level as fall 2008.
5.1.10 – The 50% law (district is required to expend 51% of general funds
on faculty salaries and benefits). We are at 51.3%. Our obligation for fall
2008 is 208.6 (we are above that). We have 8 current retirees (214).
5.1.11 – Georg said that this is not a new issue for Cabrillo. As they
digitize Cabrillo articles in the library, there are front-page headlines about
budget crisis and exactly what we are dealing with now. It will get better.
The Governor is calling legislature in on November 30th instead of
December 1st.
5.1.12 – Send suggestions to Brian or CPC (this takes working together).
Growth rate is at 6.5% (constrained everyone’s growth rate to stretch
money from state, they funded 2%).
5.1.13 – Brain King said that none of us like any of the options. How do
we balance and make the best of really bad options? And Dave said that
the students pay tuition but maybe should pay more for certain classes
(they would be self-sustained). Offer more credit for transfer? Try to delay
the spring schedule from printing (OL longer).
5.2 – Matriculation Budget Report
5.2.1 – Every October the chancellor’s office requires a budget report.
Quick summary of reticulation. There is an advisory committee that meets
once a semester. Trying to make the application as accessible as possible.
Train high school counselors so they are ready for Cabrillo. They gave
senate members a handout.
5.2.2 – We are working with DBA (self-efficacy exam). It identifies highrisk behaviors. Helps students feel welcome.
5.2.3 – Working on state-of-the-art orientation. Revised it based on
student and counseling feedback.
5.2.4 – Forty-fifty counselors meet from all over.
5.2.5 – Progress issues (basic skills and BA). Reaching out to students and
helping them stay in school. Doing lots of research with pro and running
start. We have 1,009 enrollments (mostly by phone and online).
5.2.6 – 10% of discretionary funds that they always give to counseling and
A and R ($73,000). Their office is in the new SAC west building.
5.3 – Space Allocation
5.3.1 – Nothing new on campus. Will keep on the agenda for future
6.0 Open Forum and Agenda Building
6.1 – Paul mentioned a 403B retirement issue (e-mail him with concerns).
On Halloween there will be 2 meetings where they will explain.
6.2 – One member asked what are we allowed to personally promote for the
elections. A student made a big deal about it. We have the legal right to wear
buttons, tee shirts, or whatever we want, but are not allowed to tell students who
to vote for.
6.3 – Took a new faculty senate photo at the end of the meeting to update on the
7.0 Adjourn
7.1 – The meeting was adjourned at 4:36 PM.