Cabrillo College Faculty Senate Tuesday, September 23, 2008 – 5:00 PM 3:00 PM

Cabrillo College Faculty Senate
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Sesnon House
In Attendance: Eva Acosta, Winnie Baer, Dave Balogh, Janus Blume,
Virginia Coe, Becka Fortune, Jean Gallagher-Heil, John Govsky, Paul
Harvell, Steve Hodges, Renee Kilmer, Brian Legakis, Diego Navarro, Rory
O’Brien, Francisco Ponce, Beth Regardz, Dave Reynolds, Dan Rothwell,
Pam Sanborn, Letitia Scott-Curtis, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Alex Taurke, Sylvia
Winder, Francine VanMeter
Note Taker: Jamie Malone
1.0 Call to Order
1.1 – The meeting was called to order at 3:06 PM.
2.0 Minutes
2.1 – Reviewed both the 8/26/08 and 9/9/08 minutes.
2.1.1 – 8/26/08 changes: put Pam on the attendance, some adjuncts may
teach more than one class per year (3.5.3), removed “normally” is 75%
(5.1.3), teams consist of areas A – E (5.2.1). Minutes approved with none
2.1.2 – 9/9/08 changes: students may borrow not rent textbooks from the
library for 2 hours (3.4.3), changed $10 to $14 million (3.9.3), digital
bridge is in transition to BELA but hasn’t moved yet (6.1). Minutes
approved with none opposed.
3.0 Reports
3.1 – President (Steve Hodges)
3.1.1 – Constitution day was a fabulous success! Steve thanked several
people for all their hard work to make it happen. About 50 people came.
3.1.2 – Primary Session taking place November 4 – 6. Volunteers Karen
Groppy, Dorthy Nun, Patrick Meyer.
3.1.3 – The Student Services Advisory Committee is still looking for
someone and need a Watsonville rep. Implementation teams are still
recruiting members.
3.1.4 – The Academic Counsel requested more representatives (2 BELA, 1
VAPA, 1 HASS, 1 HWPEA, and 2 students). Meets Mondays at 3 PM a
few times throughout the semester.
3.1.5 – There will be a budget presentation given to the Faculty Senate in
3.2 – Vice President (Rory O’Brien)
3.2.1 – Rory echoed the success of Constitution Day. Said they will let
you know about it earlier next year.
3.2.2 – CPC is meeting tomorrow and we actually have a budget! We will
be hearing more at our next meeting from CPC.
3.2.3 – The state pegged us at 2% for growth (will backfill some losses we
had from property taxes last year). Enrollment increased which is what we
have been wanting and working for the last few years.
3.2.4 – Mentioned the staff development committee (goes over proposals
from flex week activities and all college day). Call for proposals in the
next few weeks. Encouraged members to get involved. We have some
money to spend.
3.3 – Secretary (Sylvia Winder representing Georg Romero)
3.3.1 – Nothing to report.
3.4 – Treasurer (Paul Harvell)
3.4.1 – We have money.
3.5 – CCFT (John Govsky)
3.5.1 – Endorsed Susan True. There will be an event at Michael Mangen’s
on Thursday.
3.6 – CCEU (Janus Blume)
3.6.1 – Draft proposal to get input from the bottom up on how to save
money. Increase communication.
3.6.2 – Board of trustees election money to put towards endorsing John
Laird and Susan True (contributions to candidates).
3.7 – Student Senate (Becka Fortune)
3.7.1 – We approved a budget.
3.7.2 – Also submitted formal feedback form for space allocation
3.7.3 – We are still deciding if we will endorse a candidate.
3.8 – VP Instruction (Renee Kilmer)
3.8.1 – Gate B has 11 volunteers (9 are faculty). And we welcome more.
3.8.2 – Enrollments are up! Could be over 1,000 over cap, and 2% growth
puts us at about 12,000. Need to figure out what percentage of students are
costing us. Start forming small tasks groups.
4.0 Action Items
4.1 – Mapping Request
4.1.1 – Mapping ENG23A and JOURN23A. Was put on hold for 10 years
(only missing senate approval). Moved to approve. None opposed.
5.0 Information Items
5.1 – Natalie Devlin, membership director for Faculty Association of California
Community Colleges (FACCC) presented a Legislative and Budget update and
provided information.
5.1.1 – Enrollment growth funded at 2%, and student fees weren’t
5.1.2 – The chancellor’s office was cut $536,000.
5.1.3 – AV 806 is a career technical program that links junior high and
high school students to college programs.
5.1.4 – We don’t represent anyone but community college faculty. Annual
policy conference in March. Includes dental/medical discounted insurance
plans for members.
5.2 – Faculty Hiring
5.2.1 – This won’t go to board until December. Added a few steps to the
process. We got 8 retirements (estimated 11). Final obligation from the
state of 207. Dates on the left are correct (others are old).
5.3 – May Chen discussed transfer related activities and presented a status report
for the Transfer Center.
5.3.1 – Cabrillo is ranked top 10 for transfers. Working with UCSC to
have pre-transfer activities in Watsonville for high school students
(prepare freshmen for transferring). Students need to plan early!
5.3.2 – See handouts for additional information.
5.4 – Space Allocation
5.4.1 – Pushed back to February.
5.4.2 – David said that the before/after drawings are different (some rooms
are missing).
5.4.3 – Apparently the original feedback was never put in (realized that the
second round of feedback was put in). Should not have a big unveiling,
but little unveilings to find solutions. No one receives e-mail back that
their comments have been received. Need communication both directions.
It is impossible for everyone’s concerns will be met, because it is about
what works for the whole college. Deadline for feedback was September
19th. Make sure that they understand our concerns.
5.4.4 – Francine (being from a construction family) said that you do a
walkthrough at different stages of construction.
5.4.5 – Another concern is that they are paid on an hourly rate. Discussed
paying someone to respond with personal e-mails (paraphrasing the
comments so we know we have been heard and are on the same page).
5.4.6 – Rory said it is great to attend CPC meetings to get in on more of
the complexity and infrastructure of this huge project.
6.0 Open Forum and Agenda Building
6.1 – Renee gave everyone an early notice about the senate party on Thursday
December 11th from 3:00 – 7:00 PM.
7.0 Adjourn
7.1 – The meeting was adjourned at 4:49 PM.