Legislative Update Week of March 14, 2016 This is the final week for all legislative committee’s to meet during the 2016 regular session. Legislative committees in the House and Senate this week will hear multiple bills containing recommendations for efficiencies in state government by reported in the Alvarez and Marsal Study. Last week the Kansas House and passed Senate Bill 193 known as the Prospectus bill. The Kansas Board of Regents made a commitment to work on a concept to provide information for students and their families to make decisions on majors and degree programs and ultimately a job following graduation. Finally, this week House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Ways and Means Committee will hear bills introduced last week to begin to address the Kansas Supreme Court decision on K-12 education cases. If you would like to receive a listing of bills introduced and being considered in the Kansas Legislature impacting Kansas State University, higher education, and state agencies please send an email request to kstategr@ksu.edu.