Legislative Update Week of February 8, 2016

Legislative Update
Week of February 8, 2016
Last week the House Appropriations Committee held hearings and reviewed budget
changes for Fiscal Year 2016 to make the adjustments the Governor proposed for the
current year’s budget. The Committee also held hearings and reviewed the Governor’s
recommendations for Fiscal Year 2017. The Committee passed both the Fiscal Year
2016 and 2017 bills out of committee onto the full House of Representatives.
The House bills make no changes in the Governor’s recommendations for higher
education or Kansas State, K-State Research and Extension and K-State Veterinary
Medicine. The House Appropriations Committee did add a proviso to restrict the
expenditure of special revenue funds at the Governor’s recommendation levels if a
university uses an out of state entity to issue bonds for capital projects.
Dr. Ron Trewyn, National Bio and Agro Defense Liaison, testified before the House
Committee on Commerce, Labor, and Economic Development on Thursday, February
4, 2016. The testimony focused on the economic development potential of the
National Bio and Agro Defense Facility.
Finally, on Friday the House took final action on SB 133. This legislation, which was
introduced last year, is the 911 Lifelines Bill. The legislation was proposed by 2014-15
Kansas State University Student Body President Reagan Kays. The intent of the
proposed legislation is to grant limited immunity from a state's Minor in Possession
(MIP) or Minor in Consumption (MIC) of alcohol charge in certain circumstances where
they make contact with officials during a medical emergency of a minor. The legislation
which has passed both Houses gives young people the confidence to pick up the phone
and call 911 to look out for the safety of their friends, colleagues and acquaintances. A
simple phone call could save students from alcohol related tragedies. Great work on
the part of students over the past two legislative sessions.
In action this week, most activity will be focused on Fiscal Year 2016 and 2017
budgets. The Senate Ways and Means Committee will review and pass out the two
budget bills on Monday. The House of Representatives will debate their appropriations
bills mid-week.
Also, this week the House Vision 2020 will hear a bill to raise the state wide mill levy
for the Educational Building Fund. This fund provides much need resources for
maintenance on university campuses.
Weekly updates will be posted in K-State Today on Tuesday. If you would like to
receive a listing of bills introduced in the Kansas Legislature impacting Kansas State
University, higher education, and state agencies please send an email request to