Document 12991304

A.S.C.C. Senate Minutes
3:00 PM, Room 1804
Sesnon House
Aptos Campus
9 of March 2006
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Call to Order/Roll call @ 3:07
Voting members:
Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1):
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3):
Approval of the Minutes
Motion to table the approval of the minutes until after they are seen by James second by John
Motion Carries
Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve the current agenda James second by John
Motion Carries
5 Minutes (each)
Abraham Zuniga - President of OLA at Cabrillo College
Latino graduation needs funding this year. It is an event to honor and recognize Latino students at Cabrillo College. One of the
cofounders of the United Farm Workers will be speaking this year and we are expecting a large draw from her presence not only from
students but from other members of the community.
Cris Vasiler - Senator reading from the Suggestion Box
"give us big TV"
"free hat"
"leflora is hot - she should be a model"
10 Minutes
There are a lot of absences this meeting . Lysette, Nicole and Leflora have all resigned. We now have Trustee and President positions
available. We’ll be going over chain of command in the executive meeting.
None this week
1. budget changes Daniel
Would move 3,000 from Conferences Account into programs
Would leave 2,000 in Conferences Account and 3,700 in programs
Mil: why?
Daniel: there is currently 700 in programs and we have 2,000 requested today and we'd like to have money for the rest of the semester
Tom: is that enough in conferences?
James: there are some vital things that we do every year that won't happen if we don't put more in conferences
Tom: are we expecting any expenditures in conferences at the end of this semester?
David: we don't currently foresee anything from conferences but there are from programs.
Tom motions to upgrade to action item second James
1 opposed
motion carries
Motion to approve budget changes tom second Chante
Tom : what will be the balance?
Daniel: 1200 approximately.
Cris: do we need to approve this today can't we wait a week?
Daniel : no it can't
James: this is a special situation and we're concerned about the brown act but i think we should act on what is necessary and
immediate but to act on anything else today we have to do this first.
motion carries unanimously
2. model un David
model un registration fees are due next week or we pay extra fees for late registration. The senate will be fronting the money but will
get it all back. This is time sensitive.
chante: do you have a cost breakdown
David: 70 per person times 12
Chante: have you done fundraising?
david : two events all funds received will be paid back
James: the club exists to support a class that we've sent to this for 6 years - it teaches very complicated parliamentary procedure
david: it is one of the few upper division humanities courses that the school offers
david motion to upgrade to action item second Allison
1 abstention
tom motion to approve no more than 850 from student rep to pay rag fees for model un conference second Allison
Cris motions to amend motion to a loan to be paid back in no longer than 3 months second mil
1 abstention
motion fails
John motion to amend to no more than 850 dollars as a loan second Chante
1 opposed
1 abstention
motion carries
1opposed 1 abstention
motion carries
3. OLA graduation James
OLA is the second oldest on campus after AGS
They put on many events for students
Upcoming events are budgeted for 4,500 but they are only asking for 2,000
James: it's especially to honor Latino students but everybody is invited to come and the food is probably going to be awesome
John: is it possible to take this money out of student rep since she's (Dolores Huerta] is very political
Sesario: I don't think that's the intention of the account
Daniel: as treasurer i recommend that we reduce the amount even though it is traditional that we give what we ask
James: is it imperative that we act on this this week?
Abraham: no
motion to table item until next week
2 opposed
motion carries
4. Transfer Lunch James
The transfer lunch is an event to recognize students who don't go to graduation or don't get a diploma but transfer to another
institution. “so we like to recognize students who have been here for 2, 3 ,4, 12 years” and then leave without formal recognition.
Daniel: i think we should table it to next week
James: I’m concerned a little bit but this event does come at the end of the semester i think it's appropriate to wait until next week.
Sesario: I'm a member of the committee so ask me if you have questions - it's not time sensitive but your president forgot to put it on
the agenda. we can bring the cost breakdown next week. we need another student representative for this meeting.
all in favor: 1
all opposed:
abstentions: 0
motion fails
motion as action item next week
5. auto student voter registration james
This is an initiative put together by community college students which uses the information submitted when students register for
classes to register you to vote. It has been very successful where it's been implemented at other schools. It is being presented this to the
board of trustees and the computing resources center who appear to be very enthusiastic. To show the ASCC support for this action
James has proposed a resolution for the Senate to sign.
James motions to extend time to read resolution second Daniel
7 in favor
5 against
motion carries
James motions to approve resolution in favor of automatic student registration second Daniel
James amends amendment to say adopt
David calls for a roll call vote
James aye
mil aye
chante aye
Shannon aye
John aye
ryan aye
Laura aye
tom aye
tom aye
allison aye
cris aye
daniel aye
motion carries unanimously
6. David bylaws
The amended bylaws will allow a senator to petition for service until the ninth week of semester \
James: i would like to see printed copies next week - also i would say latecomers should be either people with experience in student
representation or some other experience that would be very useful to the body.
Daniel move to upgrade second David
1 against
motion carries
James: there's no immediate urgency and we don't have copies
David: it's been posted since Monday
Shannon: I thought we asked you to bring copies to this meeting?
Chante: if we table it can you bring copies next week?
David moves to adopt amended bylaws that specified all interested students to submit ASCC application by ninth week of semester
second Chante
8 in favor
4 against
motion carries
motion to include info item 7 second
12 in favor
Motion carries
7. AIDE Ryan
Statewide Action April 26th
AIDE wants to roll back fee increases and budget cuts and uphold prop 98 and tax top 1 percent. There is a meeting Monday march
13th in San Jose state university at six pm
shannon : theatre arts group is performing next Wednesday
postponed event from date scheduled to one week later
3 Minutes
David: earth summit
conference on environmental issues
Friday 10th 8:30a -2:30p
college 9/10 multipurpose room UCSC
Friday 10th 2-4 in san jose city college CalSACC conference
You can go to conference or call in
committee vacant
3 Minutes
Budget Daniel
I will be voting against giving any money which was discussed in the committee meeting
we're in much better financial shape than we were previously
Leg James
glad resolution passed
proposed statewide student senate model info item next week
information about march in march soon
Club Week Chante
we had a bake sale
the money was going to go to our article in the voice
and one of the writers of the voice made some smart alike remarks
and i think we should have our own newsletter
Constitution and Bylaws
thank you for approving changes
anything you want to have change let me know
we had a club day on Tuesday
hopefully we can have more events
if anyone wants to be on my committee talk to me please
club week went pretty well
no new members at watsonville
people got to know each other
club day went pretty well
rugby club has 15 new members
i would like to resign as ICC chair
and i will submit my letter of resignation next week
tech support is up
not a lot of people know about it
flyers are going to go up pretty soon
the election date is may 1st -4th
all candidates have to declare by the 4th of april
we did adopt this as our number one goal
let everyone know
thank you Laura for helping to make posters
i'm in contact with the company that will be doing our online elections but we should also make sure that we maximize our on campus
External Committees
went to a committee that approved Chicano studies
it was pretty cool
I'm getting comments from learning center
It's pretty cool
3 Minutes(Each)
i'm upset in some senators who left because of the manner you left in
and their choices affect not just them but also the students
i'm really shocked and sad to hear that mil is leaving ICC chair after she did such an excellent job on club week
and i hope she reconsiders but if not i appreciate that she left in the proper way
our president is gone but hardly any students will notice that our president is changed
we're in a really good position right now and a lot of us have a lot of good energy
and i encourage everyone to step up and if you don't know the details it's ok because we'll help you
i want to resign because the resignations that have recently occurred
Leflora said she would walk me through the process
I’ve felt somewhat lost
i'm disappointed in our senate dwindling
if anyone is Mac friendly i need help with my laptop
i feel a lot of disappointment
especially in our president
i think there are a lot of broken promises
the older senators will definitely help the newer ones
i'm happy that our executive board are stepping up
i think we'll get through it and that we're all capable
i appreciate all your hard work
especially for the newbies
we're still functioning
the shit hasn't hit the fan in full force
i went to an inter-org meeting recently and it was really inspiring
it's an interesting experiment in participatory democracy
in the course of the event i reconnected with some really cool people
students come up with lists of factories with decent working conditions
i don't really have anything to say
i apologize for being late
i'm willing to make more posters for anyone who needs to make them
i'm feeling lost and overwhelmed also
if you guys could put your meetings on the group site so people can go to them
good job james for putting together the emergency meeting
lets get in gear - I’m ready
tom squared
I’m disappointed in the resignations
a lot of people are leaving and changes are happening
i haven’t' been here that long but I’ll help any way i can
if i've learned anything it's that change is bad and the world is horrible
just kidding
there's a board in the office where people are supposed to put their meeting times
if anyone needs help with anything I’m willing to help
even with a mac, chante
there's two muffins in an oven - cooking
one says to the other "my god it's hot in here"
the other one says, "oh my god a talking muffin!"
it sucks that people are leaving
5 in the past two weeks
i'm here i'll stay
history study group! we're gonna do it
viva la revolucion
it's very unfortunate about these resignations
but i would like to apologize to any of the senators who feel uncertain about their duties
i'm here to help
i'm confident about the end of the year and the events we're putting on
mil, if there's anything we can do to get you to change your mind
let us know
3 Minutes (Each)
the club days were really good i measure that success not only by number of new members
as for membership on student senate you are talented and you are smart and we have to press forward
if anyone has any questions about anything please don't hesitate to ask your advisors
most campuses have one but we have two
you have to be a student first
you must have six units and you have to maintain a 2.0 or more
this meeting room was broken into two weeks ago after the meeting and we are allowed to use it as a senate because you're a respected
part of the college but they've asked us not to have food in here
i need representatives for running start next meeting march 23rd and a representation committee for standards
and a rep for transfer luncheon
when you leave the office close and lock the door
it's getting messy - clean it up
i'm sorry to hear that you want to resign and i hope you reconsider
because the members of ICC like you and if you feel like you don't know what you're doing everyone else seems to think you do
you guys can pull it off - don't give up
sesario: he attended a conference to vote on behalf of Cabrillo advisors
James latino graduation and transfer lunch action items
ryan AIDE call action
cris laptop for wireless technician info
mil info running start
chante newsletter info
Gabe graduation plaques and awards info
david info online elections
Mil: i'll stay!, but i'll need help
James: i invite everyone to stay for exec board meeting
meeting adjourned at 5:00pm
Directly following the general meeting.
Organizational Items
i. Call to Order @ 5:12
ii. Roll Call
president james Unger
vice president david Stearns
treasurer daniel Robles
icc rep mil
chante: i'm not sworn in as watsonville rep until we change the bylaws
sesario: if chante is willing to serve the watsonville community then i say we should but i'm not for
amending the bylaws
iii. Approval of the Minutes
iv. Voting Members:
v. Voting Members needed for quorum:
Public Comments
5 Minutes (Each)
action item one
status of leflora
daniel i would be honored to take on the position but i only signed on for treasurer so i will pass that on to james who is
next in command and will assume presidency
james: i am resigning as leg rep and excited for this year i'm going to miss leflora though
2 coping with resignations
we will be dealing with filling vacancies next meeting
if anyone has any questions about anything or vacancies
we're gonna get through this even if we screw up a bit at first
david: it is sad but I think it will allow us to have solidarity we're a body of equals and we can all do great work
3 meeting review
if anyone has any discomforts i invite you to air them now in public
tom: who's filling the vacancies and what is vacant
james: trustee is open and leg rep is open
Officers’ reports
3 Minutes (Each)
john: even though i ran for leg rep and since then i am unable to run for it so if someone else would like to run for it i invite you to
step up
james: i think we should have a solid legislative representative
and trustee is really important
they represent us to the board of trustees
meetings are on monday night in this room
Gabe: this is the third time i've had to go back to the office to get the agendas but if you could bring them that would be great
sesario: when people come and ask you for money - don't negotiate with them. make an offer and they can take it or not.
mil: it went pretty slowly as it's gone before - we will improve a lot with you as president james
sesario: we need to have a run through of parliamentary procedure
james: i think we all need a refresher maybe we could have a 30 minute workshop next meeting
the board has solid discussions when they're information items and hardly talks when it's an action item
4. officer's report
this book - cold war an illustrated history i found in the library
check it out
VP Stearns
we're gonna be just fine
i'm ready to party lets go
i'm also ready to party
advisor's report
Sesario i commend you for the adjustments you've made
this is the most solemn meeting i've seen
you only have 3 members but you'll be that much more efficient
the trustee must be elected in a district-wide election
chante: can we just have someone attend the meetings and bring back the information
nothing new
meeting adjourned at 5:36pm