ASCC Agenda 3:00 PM, Sesnon House Rm 1804 16th of March 2006 While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of Cabrillo College hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can provide you with disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings, please call Nicki or Alta at Disabled Student Program and Services, at 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time I. ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS 1. Call to Order/Roll call 3:03 James (4:00) David Daniel Chris Shannon Chante John Laura Tom Tom Mil Ryan (3:07) 2. 3. II. Voting members: 12 Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1): 7 Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 8 Approval of the Agenda Motion to add information item 8 Constitution and Bylaws Motion carries Unanimously Motion to add information item 9 Ballot Initiative Motion carries unanimously Motion to add information item 10 entertainment center Motion carries unanimously Approval of the Minutes Motion to approve minutes from march 2nd and 9th 1 abstention Motion carries PUBLIC COMMENTS Justin Wants to organize a project to get skateboard lockers built on campus 5 Minutes (each) Secretary of OLA club OLA is requesting $2,000 to put on OLA Graduation on May 13th III. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 15 minutes 1. Committees (4:10-4:47) James A review of external and internal committee assignments. 2. Parliamentary Procedure (3:48 - 4:10) A fun and user-friendly review of the rules that keep us from talking whenever we want, but also the meetings from lasting until 2 AM. IV. x V. Joel Presentations tabled until James’ arrival PRESIDENT’S REPORT REVIEW AND VOTE ON APPLICATIONS FOR NEW SENATORS Major: business Career plans: uncertain Currently Taking: 12 units Units at Watsonville: none Time Availability: 10 hours a week Employment: pending Other: served in Iraq war, moved to Santa Cruz from Wisconsin, potential candidate for 2006/2007 term Daniel moves to appoint Joel Leatherman ASCC senator second by John Motion carries unanimously Sworn in @ 3:19pm Exec board positions Trustee Daniel nom Chante Tom nom Cris Tom Cris would like to be trustee I am “on the ball” and Has been on the senate since the beginning of the year “I think I would do a good job” Chante Hi! I am very responsible and I have a lot of dedication and passion I am here on Mondays Nicki was a good friend of mine And so I know what the board has been working on already I’m done Tom I haven’t been here that long They have more experience than me Maybe they would make better student trustees than I would I know the president It would be an honor and I would love to do it but I do not know if I am as qualified as these other candidates James: I appreciate your running tom even though you haven’t been here that long James: are all of you going to be able to make the Monday meetings or tell me if you cannot All: yes Daniel: Chante, why do you feel that you would be best suited for this position Chante: I have the determination and the time and I’m ready to move up I am dedicated. I want to contribute more since this is my last semester here. Mil: what have you contributed so far on the Watsonville committee Chante: I have updated the office and helped with club week. I am helping with the master plan. It will be done hopefully by 2007. I’m also helping with publicity. James: I have a question…no I don’t Joel: what makes you better than the other candidates Tom: I know the president and I am very passionate about representing students and I think I would do a good job at talking to the members of the board - I don’t think I would be as good as them though Cris: a lot of people expected me to go after this. I don’t think I’m better than chante. I think chante could do at least a good a job as me. Chante: if I want something done and to be heard I will do it. I have to get my way. Nicki had told me about this over a month ago so she also prepared me for this position should I take it. James: would any of you consider running next year? Cris: yes Daniel: what is your favorite joke? Cris: the steering your nuts one - that was funny? James: do any of you know the trustees? Cris: not outside of the retreat Chante: I’ve met dr. king a few times James: do any of you have anything specific you want to happen? Chante: more classes here and at Watsonville. Advertisement for classes that are only offered certain semesters. Cris: lowering fees. Enrollment is down, fees need to go down. Tom: lowering fees. Improving finals week. John move to a vote with a secret ballot second by David Motion carries Chante is Trustee Leg rep Tom nominates Ryan Daniel nominates Tom Tom : I love legislation that’s all I’m going to say. I think that this would be an extremely valuable position representing students at the statewide level. And I think it’s a big deal and being able to do this would be an honor. But I haven’t had the experience that Ryan has. Ryan: a movement is afoot. It’s going to be great to see the statewide student senate become a working body. I’m interested in seeing more cooperating between UCs and CSUs and community colleges. Joel: have you ever picked a girl over your guitar? Ryan: no Tom: I’m going to have to admit…yes. But I’ve changed. John: could you summarize your past political activism experience Ryan: the student senate before that I was involved with campus activism. Never with this kind of budget before Tom: in high school I was student body president - I’ve been to some marches but nothing other than this David: are you confident in your transportation? Tom: I get a car next week Ryan: yes I can make it to all the meetings Tom: I was part of the green schools program lowering greenhouse emissions at schools. James: do either of you want to take a position on automatic student voter registration, model e or any of the candidates for governor? Ryan: I’m definitely for the ballot initiative and I will be helping as much as I can. I do have a few qualms regarding model e. particularly that there are only 5 executive positions for the entire state. I definitely am to the left of the dial. James: do you have any thoughts about the candidates? Are you for Arnold or are you a girly man? Ryan: I’m a girly man Tom: I don’t feel he’s a qualified candidate for governor. I haven’t had time to review model e. I’m for the ballot initiative. I don’t declare any party I lean to the left because I’ve never really supported any conservative candidates. And I don’t like what the administration is doing now but I’m open and I think it’s important to represent the voice of the students of Cabrillo and not just my own voice. James: are you considering running for leg rep next year? Ryan: yes Daniel motion to vote second Joel Motion carries James motion second Daniel that it’s a secret ballot. Motion carries Ryan is leg rep VI. ACTION ITEMS 1. Latino/a Graduation James 7 minutes Action on request to approve no more then $2,000 from the programs account to pay for this year’s annual Latino/a graduation, (which is open to all graduating students), organized by OLA (Organization of Latin Americans), which honors the accomplishments of our outstanding Latino/a scholars for their achievements and contributions to the Cabrillo community. Ryan: how much in programs?’ Daniel: 3,000 approx. Tom motions to approve no more tan $2,000 from the programs account to pay for this years annual Latino/a graduation Shannon: they’re already raised more than 2,000 which is more than any other organization has come in with Daniel motions second by tom to amend to 1500 3 in favor Mil: 1500 is reasonable. They can work hard and earn the extra 500 dollars Tom: they’ve already raised over 50 percent I think maybe a loan for the 500 you don’t wan to grant because they’ve raised so much other own Mil: this is a good cause - Dolores Huerta is speaking and it’s a great thing for our students Daniel: yes, they have done an excellent job but we still don’t have very much money Shannon: we don’t have a lot of money but they’ve worked really hard all year. It’s a really good cause, we’ve thrown away money at less. Chante: we’ve funded this for so many years we can’t just not fund it Tom: I think this is one of the highest priorities for programs that we put on All in favor of amending the main motion to 1500 1 in favor Motion fails Motion to amend to 1500 and 500 as loan to be paid back by end of April second mil Cris: that’ snot a long time Shannon: an they’re planning an event so that’s a lot of work to do all at the same time Gabe: they won’t take a loan because they’re fundraising for cinco de mayo Ryan rescinds amendment Cris amends motion to no more than 1700 dollars second mil 4 in favor Motion carries 5 4 with 2 abstentions Cris moves to approve no more than 1700 second tom Mil: I think this is a good common ground because of concerns with the budgets so I think this is fair Chante: if we fully fund this they might not have to ask for money for cinco de mayo Tom moves to previous question 1 abstention Motion carries 5 in favor 6 against Motion fails Chante motions to approve no more than $2000 from programs second Shannon 1 opposed Motion carries 2. Transfer Lunch James 5 minutes Action on request from transfer center/student services to approve no more then $500 from the programs account to pay for the annual transfer lunch which is the only way students who transfer but do not graduate are honored for their accomplishments. Tom : I’m one of the students who will not be recognized by the regular graduation Daniel: I’m one of those students too but I also think it should go down Laura: does anybody know how many students are included in this Mil: approx 400 students will transfer 75 expected attendance Daniel motion to amend to 450 in an effort to save money Motion dies for lack of second Mil: these transfer students did work just as hard as students who graduate so this is our opportunity to give something to these students John: I think this is an important thing I’m sorry I’m going to have to miss it Tom moves to approve no more than $500 from programs second tom to go to transfer lunch 1 against Motion carries Ryan 5 minutes 3. Endorsement of AIDE Callout Action on endorsement of the callout presented by AIDE (Aid in Defense of Education). AIDE is a statewide network founded in January 2004. They have presented the AIDE Callout as a statement of solidarity for direct action. They are calling for day of action on April 26 2006 which would roll back fee increases and budget cuts and uphold prop 98 approved in 1996 in addition to taxing the top 1% to rebuild educational system. John moves to approve Endorsement of AIDE Callout second by Tom John: I think we should unanimously support this and maybe hold a rally. But for now just endorse this James: I like all of the aims. I worry that it may have a noticeably partisan tone and also the rhetoric of class warfare. I think protesting fee increases is good and I think we should focus on advocating only where it affects students. I don’t like the idea of walk-outs. But I don’t get to vote. Tom: is this the last version? Ryan: yes. It’s important to remember that class struggle does exist. For example, the yacht tax. There’s a loophole where you don’t pay taxes on certain luxury items. Ryan: I’m not enthusiastic about walkouts. I’d prefer a campus-wide email calling for teachers to discuss issues in education or some kind of rally. Joel: do we do flyers, here? James: yes. Laura: if we endorse this, what does that mean? Daniel: we support the document. David motions for a roll call vote David no Mil yes Tom yes Tom yes Joel yes Ryan yes Larua yes John yes Chatne yes Shanon yes Cris no Daniel no 9 to 3 endorse AIDE callout Motion Carries VII. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Laptop for Wireless Technician Chris 5 minutes Information on possible purchase of a laptop for our new wireless technician. We don’t need anything huge just have wireless and xp pro and minimum requirements to run xp pro Cost around 800 from the student center account which has 700,000 dollars Tom: what does he need a computer for? Cris: to test the network and give students accounts Tom: so he could get by with a wifi finder 2. Running Start Mil 5 minutes Information on the running start program. th For high school seniors to come to Cabrillo and get orientation about Cabrillo and enrollment. It’s in may 19 . Usually 800 to 1,000 students every year. Running start is asking for 500 from the programs account to pay for food, and other expenses. Cost breakdown next week. 3. Info on Newsletter Chante 5 minutes Information about the creation of a newsletter from the chairperson of our networking and communications committee. To save money we’re going to do our own newsletter. I want it to be more fun, fresh and exciting. It would advertise our spending and events we put on and other events in the senate. I want the first newsletter out before elections. 4. Info on Awards Plaques Gabe Info on creating awards plaques to give out at graduation recognizing outstanding achievements. Back as action item next week 5 minutes 5. Info on Online Elections David 5 minutes Information about using the power of the “internet” to conduct student elections from the chair of our elections committee. Rough estimate 500-600 dollars can come from student rep Might be an information item next week Will be advertising online elections in addition to on campus elections 6. Info on Office Policy Discussion about office use policies. Tom S 5 minutes Motion daniel seond Shannon motion to recess 7 minutes david motion to amend to 4 minutes second mil Motion carries 7. Info on Statewide Student Senate Model E James 7 Minutes Discussion of proposed model for the statewide student senate. We will have a vote which the President casts on behalf of Cabrillo about whether or not to approve this model. Item has been listed Statewide student senate will be an official body that will represent all colleges in California. There will be regional and at large representatives. One regional representative and one representative from each college. Regional meetings as often as necessary. Statewide student senate meets bi-yearly. The president does have a lot of power in this model which was part of the problem with calsacc. Cris: what happens if we vote this down? James: it goes back to the drawing board. All of the meetings will be transmitted via webcast. James: we’re not going to do a resolution I just want to know where you are as senators on this James: show of hands who votes to approve this unofficially Joel no Tom abstain Tom no Mil abstain Daniel yes David yes James yes Cris no Shannon no Chante yes John yes Laura abstain Ryan no 8. withdrawn 9. withdrawn 10. Entertainment Center Mil $600 is needed to purchase a surround sound system and DVD player for clubs Back as action item next week EVENT UPDATES x minutes 3 Minutes Transfer fair and OLA taco sale on the 22nd March VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS 3 Minutes AD HOC COMMITTEES Carpool no Ryan INTERNAL SAC no James? Budget no Daniel Legislative Hello. Talk to me. James? Networking and Communications no Chante Constitution & By-laws no David Watsonville no Chante I.C.C. Mill Latina Leadership just got back from their conference and I heard that they learned a lot from the speakers and plan to do a lot more around campus and that they raised 300-400 selling tamales last week. Campus Sustainability Went to campus earth summit and got a lot of good ideas David/Ryan Wireless Internet Authentication server that we bought has not been given back to us by the company we bought it from Cris Elections meeting next Tuesday David EXTERNAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Daniel CPC meeting Ballot initiative that will take tuition costs from 26 to 20 dollars per unit Will vote on donating money for campaign Need 2,000 approx to get this on ballot Will have to do signature gathering Need volunteer signature gatherers Will be an information item next week VIII. SENATOR REPORTS Cris Party tomorrow my house (nighttime) Chante St. Patrick’s day party april first John Email me your schedule My favorite Irish toast: 3 Minutes (Each) When we drink we get drunk When we get drunk we fall asleep When we fall asleep we commit no sin So lets all get drunk and go to heaven! Ryan Joel I’m the new guy. Tom I feel awful. Mil I had a big psych midterm and club week are done I’m happier now Daniel I’m exhausted Some of you have heard this Why did the elephant paint his toenails red? So he could hide in the strawberry patch. David I’m literally exhausted - not by jokes. Thanks Cris for cleaning up the office Looking forward to St. Patrick’s day James Welcome new executive board members Welcome Joel IX. ADVISOR REPORTS Gabe Thanks for cleaning up the office It was a good meeting 3 Minutes (Each) X. AGENDA BUILDING Just send me an email and I’ll put in on the agenda XI. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:42pm XIII. EXECUTIVE MEETING 1 Directly Following the Regular Meeting Organizational Items i. Call to Order 6:45pm ii. Roll Call James Daniel David Mil Chante Ryan iii. Approval of the Minutes iv. Voting Members: v. Voting Members needed for quorum: 5 3 Daniel moves to approve minutes from prior meetings second Mil Motion Carries 2. Public Comments 5 Minutes (Each) John Want to start a re-entry committee at Cabrillo and reinstate re-entry program at Cabrillo and get ASCC candidates from re-entry students. 3. David moves to approve the re-entry ad-hoc committee second Chante Motion carries unanimously James appoints John head of committee Action i. Discussion of future duties ii. Meeting review How did the meeting go? Anything else we want to talk about? 4. Officers’ reports David can’t wait to go home Mil I’m starving Ryan I’m late for class 3 Minutes (Each) 5. Advisors’ reports 3 Minutes (Each) 6. Agenda Building 7. Adjournment Adjourned at 6:50pm