ASCC Agenda 3:00 PM, Room 1804 2nd of March 2006 While this location is considered accessible to those with ambulatory difficulties, the Associated Students of Cabrillo College hope to encourage full participation in student government and advocacy. If we can provide you with disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services than would facilitate your attendance at our meetings, please call Nicki or Alta at Disabled Student Program and Services, at 479-6379. Requests should be made as early as possible, though on-campus transportation can be called for at any time I. ORGANIZATIONAL ITEMS 1. Call to Order/Roll call @ 3:45 pm Voting members: Leflora - absent David Daniel Nicole James Mil Chante Allison Ryan Tom Laura Cris Lysette John Shannon 2. 3. II. Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1): Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 9 Approval of the Agenda Approval of the Minutes 8 PUBLIC COMMENTS 5 Minutes (each) III. SPECIAL PRESENTATION special presentation There is a movement to establish a statewide student senate. The conference to ratify the legislation to instate the statewide student senate will be held on 1st weekend of may. The location has yet to be determined. IV. PRESIDENT’S REPORT I had a good day. Chinese food. Anyone have a phone book? review and vote on applications for new senators Tom James do you have time : yes i am taking a substantial number of units but i have enough time in my schedule to contribute David: will you be able to attend one internal and one external committee? Tom: yes i will Lysette: what will you bring? Tom: i represent an unrepresented major and i bring an open mind Discussion Lysette: i don't see why not James: to follow that - he seems like a very committed student and i think he would bring a lot Tom: i don't see why not David: i don't see why not John: i think we'll need a nickname Tom: call me tom2 or short James: i move to the previous question David: all in favor of voting in tom contingent upon hist review of his transcripts motion carries unanimously sworn in at 4:05pm V. ACTION Cris motions to move information item 1 to action item 1 second by John 13 in favor 0 against motion carries 1. Music Performance The Cabrillo College Distinguished Artists Concert and Lecture Series are asking for $400 to help cover fees For Halida Dinova to perform. Cris Cris motions to allocate no more than $400 from the programs account second by Lysette for public demonstration by Halida Dinoval Lysette motions to amend proposal of $400 from the programs account to $300 second by James 11 in favor 2 against Motion Carries motion to allocate 300 from programs for public demonstrations by Halida Dinova 11 in favor 2 against motion passes 2.Budget Action on approving the proposed reallocation of the 2005-2006 ASCC Senate operating budget. Daniel Daniel motions to approve amended budget as proposed second by Chante 13 in favor motion carries 3. Bylaws Lysette motions to table item Daniel rejects motion James moves to overturn chair’s ruling Lysette request roll call vote James yes Mil yes Chante yes Allison yes Ryan yes Tom yes Tom yes Laura abstain Cris yes Lysette yes John no Shannon no Nicole abstain David no motion passes David Lysette motions to table item until next meeting when senators have seen documented minutes second john 5 in favor 7 against 2 abstentions Cris motions to table item until we can turn computer on and look at it second by Ryan 12 in favor motion carries David strikes item from agenda Cris motions to temporarily suspend bylaws article 5 section 2c second by Lysette 13 in favor 1 against motion carries 3. Black History Theatre Shannon The requested $400 goes as a scholarship to an actress in the group which is comprised of both UCSC and Cabrillo College students. The performance will be in the cafeteria on a day of the senate’s selection. Shannon motions to approve no more than $400 to have the Black History Theatre perform at Cabrillo College second by Ryan. Tom: I'm concerned about when it's going to be performed because many people will be in class Laura: 400 dollars seems like a lot of money Daniel: i read a review about this and it had excellent reviews so you're paying 400 for an excellent performance and the money goes as a scholarship to a student Mil: i have met Don Williams. He is a very respectable director and $400 for an excellent performance in honor of Black History Month and Women's History Month and supporting diversity is a great deal. James: I'm not sure it is a great deal Tom: it goes into a scholarship fund and beyond that it doesn't matter Lysette: I feel like we're obstructing her goal as the chair of the Black History Month committee - I am totally for this and for supporting Shannon. Allison: I think it is our business where the money goes Mil: i think we could move it to the theatre and charge a small cover fee maybe four or five dollars John: instead of charging a cover fee maybe have some concessions inside Shannon: we never asked where the pianist was going to spend her money Cris: using the theatre sounds like a good idea selling concessions sounds like a good idea James: we are broke after this but it deserves the money since we gave money to the music demonstration Tom: we have an obligation to support both black and women's history month 11 in favor 3 opposed motion passes 4. CTC Copier Cris Cris motions to amend account from savings to cash sesario: this is not in your operating budget and i do not support this action cris: the reason i chose savings account was because there was not enough funds in any of the other accounts except the student senate account daniel: i would be ok with this expenditure if we took out 6000 and used the revenues from the machine to pay back 7000 lysette: motion to previous question 11 against 3 abstentions motion fails Daniel moves to amend the motion to $6000 from savings as long as $7000 gets put back second by Lysette Mil: how do we know we'll get the money back? Cris: It broke down because the maintenance persons left it outside and it was damaged by rain Tom: how much? Cris: 500-1000 per semester Cris motions to extend time second by David 2 in favor 12 against Motion to extend time fails 7 in favor 6 against motion carries 5. Regional Dues James motions to allocate 75 dollars from student rep to pay CalSACC region 4 dues second by Lysette motion carries unanimously James 6. Digit! James James motions to allocate an additional 2,000 from conferences account to send archaeology 113 students to annual Society of California Archaeologists conference. Daniel moves to amend to $1,000 from conferences second by James Tom: $1000 is a lot less - is that ok? Tom: I would like to see it go down to 500 Daniel move to strike amendments Daniel moves to amend amount from $2000 to $500 from programs account James motion to extend time 1 minute thirty seconds motion carries 13 to 1 9 in favor 5 against motion passes Motion to allocate no more than 500 from programs account to send archaeology students to the Society of California Archaeologists conference motion carries unanimously VI. INFORMATION 1. Latino Graduation James tables item until next week 13 in favor 1 against 2.DVD player 3.Club Week During club week there will be a table for the senate and for ICC to inform students about what we have contributed. There will also be a rock climbing wall. Club week is the week of march 6th - 9th. We do not need 100 dollars just volunteers. 4. Transfer Lunch tabling item until next week 5. Model UN The model UN club has been a program for 5 or 6 years running now . We are asking for funds to go to a Model UN conference to cover hotel costs. The conference trains students in parliamentary procedure so it is justifiable to draw funds from the Student Rep account. back as action item next week 6. voting registration Voting registration concurrent to class registration would make it easier for students to vote. The issue is going to the board of trustees and then computing resource center, if it is approved, to incorporate voting registration with class registration forms. VII. EVENT UPDATES David club week next week! 3 Minutes VIII. COMMITTEE REPORTS Carpool no Back Hstory Month Shannon woo Budget meeting next week Legislative Committee I’m still trying to schedule a time when everyone can meet tell me after meeting please Networking and Communications We had our first meeting today. We don't have an article in The Voice anymore I’m trying to get it back. Constitution and Bylaws meeting on Monday Watsonville I fixed the office. The agenda and minutes and info board are updated. ICC I'm exhausted so i would appreciate help for club week next week Campus Sustainability no Elections Committee We need to publicize the elections which will be online in addition to on-campus. VIII. SENATOR REPORTS Nicole monday between 5:30 and six board meeting chante nap 3 Minutes Ryan Allison doing a lot for club week Mil ditto Ryan I got fired this week AIDE final draft finally came out we don't need to write a resolution we just need to vote to sponsor this walk out/rally 26th April 118 Algiers street Friday 8pm Tom warrant for my arrest today for an event on the same time when someone stole my van Daniel James Chante David Chante Mil Ryan David 3 Minutes Tom glad to be here Cris not big on parli pro Lysette parli pro efficiency please the older senators can help the new ones with parli pro John after we adjourn lets put the desks back Shannon no Daniel James Thank you Daniel for doing budget and mil for doing club week I cannot believe we are out of money in programs I'm pretty cranky right now and I apologize there was a death in the family and I'm taking it harder than I thought sorry David Just email Leflora for agenda building by Monday at 10 meeting adjourned at 6:01 pm X. AGENDA BUILDING XI. ADJOURNMENT XIII. EXECUTIVE MEETING 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Directly Following the Regular Organizational Items i. Call to Order ii. Roll Call iii. Approval of the Minutes iv. Voting Members: v. Voting Members needed for quorum: Public Comments Action i. CalSACC ii. Elections iii. Meeting review Officers’ reports Advisors’ reports Agenda Building Adjournment 3 2 5 Minutes (Each) 3 Minutes (Each) 3 Minutes (Each)