Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Student S Senate S Minutes M - Augus st 25th Total on Roster: R 17 Votes needed for simple e v 50% + 1 = 9 majority vote: Votes needed for 2/3 ma ajority: 11 Item m VII. B IX. B IX. C I. Location: L Apto os Campus 6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA Sac S East Motion Senator O'Connor O move es to approve up u to $5,000.00 0 from Cultura l Events Account for the Thanks sgiving Commu unity Dinner held on Nov. 21stt in 2nd in Aptos. Se enator Petrillo seconds. s Watsonville and Nov. 22 P moves to t approve an additional a $400 0.00 from Prog grams Senator Petrillo Account for Senate T-S Shirts. Treasure er Gomez seco onds. Senator O’Connor O motio ons to approve of up to $1,000.00 from the S Student Center Fe ee Account to o repair the Student Activities Center Sign th hat is outside, fa acing the stree et. ICC Chair Sumano-Vargas s seconds. Date a and Time: Thursday, August 25th 2011 m – 6:00 pm 3:00 pm Yeas Nays Result 11 0 passed 3 7 failed 6 3 passed o Order 3:10 Call to A. Roll R Call Executive Ex Offic cers ekseii Chuiko ------------------------- Present Vice President: Ole surer: Jospeh Gomez ---------------------------------- Present Treas Legis slative Repres sentative: Gab by Avila --------------- Present ICC C Chair: Ivan Su umano-Vargas ------------------------- Present (arrived d) Presidentt: Charlotte Ac chen ------------------------------- Absent (3:47) Trustee: J Joseph Watkin ins ------------------------------------ Absent Watsonviille Representtative: Joshua a Riparetti ------ Absent (3:30)) Scotts Va alley Represen ntative: Steph han Venegas - Absent Senators-at-La S arge ephanie Petrilllo --------------------- Present Ste Sh haron O’Conno or --------------------- Present Jen nnifer Venegas s --------------------- Present Chrris Steele ------------------------------ Present Jerrry Peters ----------------------------- Present Jess se Collins ---------------------------- Present Kathybelle B Barlow -------------------- Absen nt Darwin Cons stantino ------------------ Absen nt (3:51) Arthur O’Reiilly ------------------------- Absen nt (5:00) Advisors Sesario Esc coto ------------------------- Prese ent Flor Chacòn n ------------------------------ Prese ent II. Whip around: Som mething I learne ed at the retre eat is… enda Adopttion of the Age III. ator O’Connor moves to table New Busine ess E (passed d). Sena Repre resentative Av vila moves to table t Special Item I C (passed d). Sena ator Petrillo mo oves to appro ove the agenda a for August 25th 2 Treas surer Gomez seconds s 9 yea as - unanimou us IV V. Appro oval of the Min nutes A. August 11th, 2011 Good d to title the minutes m for refe ference. Also good to have a footer that reads: r ASCC Minutes, date. Sena ator Petrillo mo oves to appro ove the minute es for August 11th Treas surer Gomez seconds s 5 sec. Each h 3 minute tes 3 minuttes each A ASCC Minutess, August 25th h Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c 9 yea as - unanimou us V V. Public c Comments This tiime is reserved d for members of the public to o address the S Senate on issue es not already appearing on tthe agenda. There will be a limit of o five (5) minu utes per speake er. V VI. Comm mittee Reports s V VII. Special Items 3 minutes s per committe ee ommittee - Tre easurer Gome ez Budget Co Will be 2:0 00-2:45pm eve ery Thursday before b the Sen nate meeting. Will have the e updated budg dget at first me eeting. MLK event wan nts to recruit a senator to re ead the essays s for the Tony y Hill memoriall scholarship.. Essays will b be due on Decemberr 17th. Commiittee should meet m midway th hrough Janua ary (possibly J January 16th); will go over p points/rubric, and on Fe ebruary 22nd will w announce winners. w First thanksgiving g event meetin ng will be held d in mid Septem mber. e Committee - Representatiive Avila Legislative Will possiibly meet afterr the senate meeting. m Will se end out a doo odle poll. Will h have a specia al meeting for the Legislative e Committee because b the la ast meeting fa ailed to meet q quorum. Will h have one meeting at Ohlone e College, and d one here at a Cabrillo. Th he two meeting gs will be unitted by telecon nference. Will b be from 1pm tto around 5 orr 6pm tomorrow in (SAC Westt) room 214. Welcome Week W Committtee - Senator O'Connor Going welll. Meeting tom morrow after All A College Day y at 1pm. T-shirts Committee - Se enator Petrillo Have been n ordered; exp pect them to arrive a in aboutt a week. Wou uld like to know w who wants m more than one e shirt so can order the correct c number of each size e. SAC Card Committee - Senator S Steele e SAC Comm mittee going well. w Working on typing up new contracts s and figuring g out a regularr meeting time e. R IV prese entation G. Avila 10 Minute es A. Region Regio on IV website is very well kept if you des sire any inform mation. (Minute es, agendas, e etc.) Talkin ng about logo o, statement, and a colors. Co onsidering my offe er, which wou uld give each c college $1 for each student that s signs up. B. SSCCC Presentation G. Avila 10 Minu utes Work king on propos sitions that wiill be brought next week. It is a more unitted front this y year; SSCCC only has enou ugh funds to spon nsor three mee etings. They are asking for donations d from m colleges. G. Avila C. M Pre esentation 10 Minuttes C. Steele 10 Minute es D. Vidapp Presenttation Work king on an app p that would be b free and sig gnal the device e owner when n they are nearrby a vender tthat offers a d discount to them m. Business ow wners really lik ke the idea. No o cost in makiing the app. V VIII. Old Business A. Bylaws Amendments Discuss sion / Possible e Action O. Chuiko 30 Minu utes Revie ew of propose ed changes to the Bylaws. Conc cerns arose ov ver a new line that states th hat fundraisers s do not coun nt towards club b incentives. T The reason is that some clubs s try to get mo oney but simp ply use that to try and raise more money; incentives sh hould be abou ut increasing s student intera action and ben nefiting the ca ampus. Repre resentative Av vila moves to extend e time 10 0 minutes Sena ator O'Connor seconds 9 yea as - 0 nays - 2 abstains - mo otion passes resentative Av vila moves to approve a the by ylaws amendm ments Repre ICC C Chair Sumano o-Vargas secon nds A ASCC Minutess, August 25th h Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c 7 yea as - 0 nays - 4 abstains - mo otion passes hanksgiving Community C Dinner Discussion / Possible e Action S.. O’Connor 5 Minutes Th Th his item is up fo or discussion and a possible ac ction regarding g the approval o of $5,000.00 fro om the ____ A Account for the e Th hanksgiving Co ommunity Dinn ner held on Nov v. 21st in Watso onville and Novv. 22nd in Aptoss. Sena ator O'Connor moves to app prove up to $5 5,000.00 from Cultural C Even ts Account fo or the Thanksg giving Commu unity Dinner held on Nov. 21st in n Watsonville and Nov. 22ndd in Aptos. Sena ator Petrillo se econds B. Even nt happens eve ery year. Last year it cost ab bout $5,000. There T was eno ough food at b both locations s (Aptos, Wats sonville), and there e weren't a lot of leftovers. Suggested S to arrange a things s with Taher s so the committtee doesn’t g get stuck with lots of work. It I is imp portant to nott have many le eftovers becau use it may go to waste. It w was suggested d that perhaps s the leftovers could be dona ated to a home eless shelter. It I was noted th hat containers s are provided d to take home e leftovers. It was also note ed that since it is Thanksgiving Da ay we should make sure we e have enough h food, not be e stingy and ru un out. It is no oted that we arre getting er at handling the waste. bette 11 ye eas - unanimous IX X. New Business B 3 min. for S Speech, 3 min n. for Question ns. A. Appointment A of New Senatorrs 1.. 3 Senator-a at-Large Posittions B. Discussion / Possible Acttion S. Petrillo T--Shirts! 5 Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion and a possible ac ction regarding g the approval o of an additional $400.00 from the __ ___Account fo or Senate T-Sh hirts Sena ator Petrillo mo oves to appro ove an addition nal $400.00 fro om Programs Account for S Senate T-Shirtts Treas surer Gomez seconds s Alrea ady ordered 33 3 shirts; need to know sizes s and quantity y desired so c can place anotther bulk orde er. Cost about $490 fo or the 33; roug ghly $15 a shirrt. Additional shirts s are des sired so that th hey can be tra aded at conven ntions. ently have 9 la arge, 9 medium m, and 9 smalll, several extrra-small, and s several extra llarge Curre Repre resentative Av vila moves to extend e time 5 minutes Sena ator Petrillo se econds 7 yea as - 3 nays - Pa assed Any s shirts not use ed this year ca an be used nex xt year Sena ator Peters callls to question n ICC C Chair Sumano o-Vargas secon nds Vice President Chu uiko proceeds s to main vote e as - 7 nays - Motion M fails 3 yea S. O’Conn Discussio R SAC East Sign on / Possible A Action nor 5 Min nutes C. Repairing Th his item is up fo or discussion and a possible ac ction regarding g the approval o of up to $1,000 0.00 from the S Student Centerr Fe ee Account to repair the Stud dent Activities Center Sign th hat is outside, fa acing the stree et. Some letterss are missing an nd it looks really bad. Sena ator O’Connor motions to ap pprove of up to t $1,000.00 frrom the Stude ent Center Fee e Account to re repair the Stud dent Activities s Cente er Sign that is s outside, facin ng the street. ICC C Chair Sumano o-Vargas secon nds Broke en down sign makes buildin ng look run do own. Advisor Escoto put in n maintenance e request and we may not n need much, if any m money. It will probably p be re epaired, and we w probably won’t w be charg ged. Suggeste ed to table this s motion pend ding inform mation about the maintenan nce request. Suggested S not to table beca ause whether maintenance charges us or not, it shou uld get done. Itt is noted thatt public repres sentation is th he school’s res sponsibility, a and we should dn’t have to us se our budgett to do o the repair. 6 yea as - 3 nays - 2 abstains motio on passes D. Compensating C g Jesse for Secretary Work Discussio on / Possible A Action K. Barlow 5M Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion and a possible ac ction regarding g the approval o of up to $200.0 00 from the ___ __ Account to go o towards compensating Jess se Collins for ta aking the minuttes for the pastt meetings, alo ong with this an nd the September 1st meetings. m A sec cretary has bee en hired but willl not begin till tthe Septemberr 8th Meeting. Sena ator Petrillo mo oves to appro ove up to $200 0.00 from Prog grams Accoun nt to go toward ds compensatting Jesse Collins for taking g the m minutes for the e past meeting gs, along with h this and the September S 1stt meetings. Sena ator O’Connor seconds A ASCC Minutess, August 25th h Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Advis sor Escoto no otes that you can’t c decide to o pay people after a they have e begun the w work. They nee ed to go throu ugh the official hiring g process. E. Sustainability Review R Discussion / Possible Actiion S. O’Con nnor 5 Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion and a possible ac ction regarding g our stance on n the Sustainab bility Resolution n and amending g ou ur agreement to instead of us sing the word “C Cease” to inste ead use “gradu ually implementting a stop to” within the re esolution we ag greed to. Some e of us failed to read it thoroug ghly and are no ow realizing im mpact it is havin ng towards orrganizing stude ent events. The e main concern n with this is on n the purchasin ng of plastic botttled beveragess and the lack off cost-effective options. All of us wish to con ntinue on becom ming a more su ustainable cam mpus now and in the future. F. Overview O of Ho ow Retreat We ent Inforrmation / Discu ussion 10 Minute es Th his item is up fo or discussion regarding r how the t retreat wen nt. What went w well, what could d be improved and just an ov verall reflection n from each sen nator. S Senate Tabling Info ormation / Dis scussion 5 Minutes s G. Fiirst Week of School Th his item is up fo or discussion regarding r Sena ators to particip pate in promotin ng the Senate during the first week of sc chool in SAC East E and Quad along with bein ng at the Watso onville Campuss. Good d to do this; giives opportun nity to talk to constituents c and a get to kno ow who you re epresent. Need d help tabling in Wats sonville. H. Fiirst Meeting of o the Semeste er Information / Discussion n 5 Minutes s Th his item is up fo or discussion regarding r that our o first meetin ng of the Semesster is going to o be outside in the quad, and to o arrive at 2:30p pm to help set up the canopie es, chairs, table es, etc. Will b be Septemberr 1st. Advisor Escoto E sugges sts setting up earlier. Would d be good to a also get an alll college emaiil out about it, and tto advertise it in classes. An nyone availab ble should mee et in the Sena te offices at 2 2:00pm. Those e who come la ater should meett at the quad. Informatio on / Discussio on 10 Minutes I. Pino Alto Lunch Th his item is up fo or discussion regarding r plann ning a date for all senators to get together a and have lunch at the Pino Alto as we received gift certific cates at the retrreat. Many y Senators wo ould like to go in a large gro oup or all together. It is note ed that a large e group may h have to pay mo ore for gratu uity. It is also noted n that it could be really y hard to get everyone to se ettle on a day. It is suggeste ed people sho ould set a day, anno ounce it, and whoever w can make m it goes. It I is noted thatt this kind of iitem does nott pertain to ourr constituents s and shou uldn’t be on the agenda. It sh hould be settlled outside off the meeting. X X. Reporrts (Every othe er name is Bold d for Easy Read ding) Execu utive Officers, Senators, S Advis sers and Comm mittees report o on Senate Activvities. 3 min nutes ea. A. Ex xecutive Offic cers President: Charlotte Achen Does sn’t think we lo ooked ridiculo ous, and think ks it was fine to t have the Pin no Alto item o on the agenda Vice President:: Oleksii Chuik ko Every yone will rece eive a pdf vers sion and printt version of the updated byllaws. Suggestts that senatorrs should try to be vocal and advertise e in their class ses for events s. eh Gomez Trreasurer: Jospe First budget meetiing on Septem mber 8th, 2:00-2 2:45pm. Senattor Petrillo has s volunteered d for the MLK e essay grading g. Le egislative Reprresentative: Ga aby Avila Urges s Senators to volunteer forr tabling. B. Senators-at-Large Senator Petrillo Urges s Senators to be more posiitive, and focu us more on wh hat can be imp proved rather than what has s been done w wrong. Won’t be on n campus Mon nday, Wednes sday, or Friday y; taking class ses at San Fra ancisco City C College. This w will not affect h her partic cipation in the e Senate. Senator S Peters Asks s for help regarding how to behave b as Sen nators in front of the public c. Seat as sena ator at jeopard rdy because off a scheduling g confllict. Wants to move m the Sen nate meetings back 30 minu utes (3:30pm) s so that he willl only be 20 m minutes late (3:50pm), and can m maintain his seat. A ASCC Minutess, August 25th h Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c nor Sharon O’Conn Woulld like help ma aking banners s for welcome week; apprec ciates the help p already rece eived. Darwin Constantino Bring gs back the po oint of former Senator Katie e Hoffman, wh ho noted that a abstentions sh how a lack of preparation o on the senator’s part. Abs stentions should be avoided when possib ble; do your rresearch and h have an opinio on. Chris Steele If any yone wants to o see the SAC card app ask him. C. Advisors A 5 minutes ea. o Sesario Escoto All Co m to be on time e or 8:00am fo or food. Pleas se remember tto send the ad dvisors a word d ollege Day is tomorrow; arrrive by 8:30am versiion of the upd dated bylaws. The b bookstore in Watsonville W ha as closed. CHA ALK group ma ade a big deall about it, adv vocating for W Watsonville stu udents. Has been arranged for the store to re emain open fo or a few days near n the begin nning of the s semester, and then close do own fully later. Flor F Chacòn give men a surprise if they wear w a tie to All A College Day y. Do not com me at 8:30; peo ople will be se eated by then a and you will Will g be co onspicuously late. Arrive by y 8:00am for fo ood. If you sig gn up for tabliing or helping g in some way follow throug gh and show up. 3 minutes X XI. Agend da Building s X XII. Adjou urnment - 5:2 26pm Student Senate Executive E Mee eting Minutes X XIII. Call to o Order - 5:42p pm A. Roll R Call Executive Ex Offic cers Presiident: Charlottte Achen -------------------------------- Present Vice President: Ole ekseii Chuiko ------------------------- Present Treas surer: Jospeh Gomez ---------------------------------- Present Legis slative Repres sentative: Gab by Avila --------------- Present ICC C Chair: Ivan Su umano-Vargas ------------------------- Present Wats sonville Repres sentative: Jos shua Riparettii ----- Present Trustee: J Joseph Watkin ns ----------------------------------- Absent Scotts Va alley Represen ntative: Stephan Venegas - Absent Public Presen nt: Sharon S O’Con nnor Arthur A O’Reilly y Jenny J Venegas s Jesse J Collins Stephanie S Petrrillo Chris C Steele X XIV. Adopttion of the Exe ecutive Agend da X XV. Appro oval of the Exe ecutive Minute es X XVI. Regullar Business A. Discussion of Meeting 30 m minutes Repre resentative Rip paretti feels th he meeting we ent pretty smo oothly. ICC Ch hair Sumano-V Vargas remind ds people to not speak out of turrn, including himself. h Senattor Petrillo wis shes senators s and especiallly certain exe ecutive membe ers to practice e what they preac ch. President Achen A thanks s Vice Preside ent Chuiko for running the m meeting, and a asks that he trry to be less c critical towarrds fellow sen nators. Vice Prresident Chuik ko acknowled dges that his d delivery could d be softer, but states that w we should be A ASCC Minutess, August 25th h Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c aware re of what kind d of items we put p on the age enda and theirr relevancy to o our purpose.. He also apollogizes for perrhaps being overlly direct. Advis sor Escoto no otes that it is a difficult job to t chair a mee eting, and sugg ggests senatorrs ask for the opportunity to o try it if intere ested. Advisor Escoto wond ders if Vice Prresident Chuik ko felt chairin g the meeting g was difficult,, and recomm mends that the chairr be especially y careful not to o joke around d, as they are a model for th ose in attenda ance. Advisorr Escoto also n notes that if discu ussion ends th here is no nee ed for a call to question; the e chair can mo ove directly to o the vote. Adv visor Escoto s states that the e reaso on abstentions s are frowned d upon is beca ause they shou uld only be do one if there is a conflict of in nterest; absta aining due to being g uninformed should be a ra are occurrenc ce. Advisor Es scoto further n notes that we should be aw ware of the pro ocedures surro ounding certaiin titling forma ats. If you wan nt a motion be efore discussiion list it as an n action item, otherwise it m may be discu ussed or expla ained first. resentative Av vila suggests that t whoever is i hosting the item should g give a brief ex xplanation abo out the item prrior to a Repre motio on. Representtative Riparettti suggests tha at some of the ese agenda ite em problems c could have be een handled b by reviewing the agenda well an nd striking item ms that were not n desired. Sena ator O’Reilly wonders w aboutt the split obje ective of the Senate represe enting the entiire student bo ody, while also o acting as a cross s section of th he Student Body. Advisor Escoto E sugges sts it is a Sena ator’s main ob bjective to rep present the en ntire student body y, and acknow wledges that it can be a very y difficult task.. sor Escoto su uggests that th he Executive Board B must eiither excuse S Senator Peters s for the perio od of time he w will be late, or Advis suspend the rules to allow him to t remain a Se enator. Presid dent Achen no otes that at the e first meeting g of the semes ster, and from ce will be man ndatory. Senattor Petrillo wonders about tthe procedure e regarding Se enators leaving g periodically then on, attendanc durin ng a meeting. Advisor A Escoto notes that the t bylaws do o not refer to th this beyond atttendance durring roll call, a and suggests trying g to settle that kind of thing g outside of th he meetings. sor Chacòn no otes that sometimes we gett comfortable during meetin ngs, but we ha ave to keep fo ormality in min nd and not let Advis ourse elves get too informal. i We should s guard against gettin ng too comfort rtable and lettiing our profes ssionalism slid de. Presiident Achen wonders w if abs sences due to medical issue es are excusa ble, and Advis sor Escoto no otes that they should inform m the c chair with at le east enough in nformation to provide p an exp xplanation. It is s noted that e every meeting we have done e has been officiial, with action n items and fu unds being app propriated. X XVII. New Business B X XVIII. Advisors Reports Sesarrio Escoto X XIX. X XX. nutes ea. 5 Min Flor F Chacòn Execu utive Agenda Requests R Adjou urned at 6:08pm A ASCC Minutess, August 25th h