Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Stu udent Se enate Minutes M - Septem mber 1stt Total on Roster: 17 Votes need ded for simple e majority vote: v 50% + 1 = 9 Votes need ded for 2/3 ma ajority: 11 Item Location: L Apttos Campus 6500 Soq quel Dr, Aptos, CA Quad Motion Representative R Avila motions to approve up to $2,000.00 frrom Cultural Events E account for the MLK celebration c held d in Spring. Tre easurer Gomezz seconds. s VII. A I. Date a and Time: Thursday, Se eptember 1st, 20 011 3:00 pm m – 6:00 pm Yeas Nays Reesult 15 0 paassed o Order 3:00pm m Call to A. Roll R Call Executive Ex Offic cers Vice President: Ole ekseii Chuiko ------------------------- Present Treas surer: Jospeh Gomez ---------------------------------- Present Legis slative Repres sentative: Gab by Avila --------------- Present ICC C Chair: Ivan Su umano-Vargas ------------------------- Present Presidentt: Charlotte Ac chen ------------------------------- Present Trustee: J Joseph Watkin ins ------------------------------------ Present Watsonviille Representtative: Joshua a Riparetti ------ Present Scotts Va alley Represen ntative: Steph han Venegas - Tardy (3:29) Senators-at-La S arge Ste ephanie Petrilllo --------------------- Present Sh haron O’Conno or --------------------- Present Artthur O’Reilly -------------------------- Present Chrris Steele ------------------------------ Present Jes sse Collins ---------------------------- Present K Kathybelle Barrlow -------------------- Present D Darwin Consta antino ------------------ Present Je ennifer Veneg gas --------------------- Tardy (3::29) Je erry Peters ----------------------------- Tardy (3:4 47) Advisors rs coto ------------------------- Prese ent Sesario Esc Flor Chacòn n ------------------------------ Prese ent Adopttion of the Age enda II. e special item F until after welcome w week k. Table Sena ator Petrillo mo oves to appro ove the agenda a. Sena ator Constantin no seconds. unan nimous tes 3 minute III. Appro oval of the Min nutes 3 minuttes each A. August 25th, 2011 ator Petrillo mo oves to appro ove minutes off August 25th.. Sena Repre resentative Rip paretti Second ds. unan nimous IV V. Public c Comments This tiime is reserved d for members of the public to o address the S Senate on issue es not already appearing on tthe agenda. There will be a limit of o five (5) minu utes per speake er. Jillian n Wilconson states s that she e is running fo or senator at large, l and thatt she is a won nderfully friend dly and sociall person. She feels she can bring g the interests s of the public c to the table and a support prrograms such h as the text book programs s and green progrrams. ASCC M Minutes, Septtember 1st 1 1 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Jame es Williams un nderstands the ere has been restructuring, r and that spec cifically the bu us passes hav ve been reintrroduced. He is s intere ested in the prrocess leading g to the current program. V V. Comm mittee Reports s 3 minutes s per committe ee Repre resentative Av vila and Senattor Constantin no met to work k on the calen ndar, and imprroved it. SAC Card C Committe ee Has a an updated lis st of vendors. Will distribute e it soon. Application betterr Bylaw ws committee Than nk you for worrking on updatting bylaws. Electronic E copy has been em mailed out, an nd printed cop pies were distrributed to the inbox xes. Welco ome Week com mmittee Going g along great;; we have all food f ordered and a activities planned. p V VI. Special Items A. Presentation on n the Student Senate for Me embers of the e Public C.Achen 10 Min nutes -representts the 15,000 Cabrillo C stude ents -Funds fou ur textbook prrograms -Funds co ollege wide support grants -Allocates s funds at our disposal to he elp support sttudents -Send a Le egislative reprresentative to Sacramento and a talk to reg gional represe entatives abou ut issues relev vant to our constituen nts -Represen nt Cabrillo in the State Stude ent Senate -Best way to support Sttudent Senate is to get and use the SAC c card s to co ome and voice e their opinion ns -Great plattform for the students -Meet everry Thursday at a 3:00pm in SA AC East -Big pool of o information n for students to draw on to o understand w what is going on at Cabrillo o -Capable of o getting a be etter understanding of whatt is going on a at Cabrillo as a whole, more e so than one student could; aro ound 30 comm mittees we atte end in total -We negottiate contracts s with vendors s to get discou unts at variou us businesses s -Here to provide studen nts with the en nvironment tha at is conduciv ve to being ab ble to transfer V VII. Old Business V VIII. New Business B A. Martin M Luther King K Jr. Celebration Diiscussion / Po ossible Action n F. Chaco on 5 Minutes s Th his item is up fo or discussion and a possible ac ction regarding g the approval o of $2000.00 fro om the _____ A Account for the e MLK M Celebration n held in the Sp pring. Wantt Senators to be b involved in n planning and d executing th he event Comm mittee will me eet in January and announc ce scholarship p winners in Fe ebruary Awarrd $850 per sc cholarship Fund ding will coverr food, music, entertainmen nt etc.. BSU is the sponso oring club. Askin ng for $2,000; budget has not n been verifie ed, and may need n to ask fo r more money y later, but wa ant some to ge et started. Usua ally get 300-40 00 people, so most m money goes g towards food. f Repre resentative Av vila motions to o approve up to t 2,000 from Cultural C Even ts account forr the MLK cele ebration held in Spring. Treas surer Gomez seconds. s Pointt of informatio on – how much h in cultural events? e - $5,0 000 Trusttee Watkins moves m to exten nd time 5 minu utes Treas surer Gomez seconds s Time Extension faiils Main motion passe ed unanimous sly t B. 4th Grade Cabriillo College Ex xperience In nfo. / Discussiion / Possible e Action F. Ch hacon 15 Minutes ASCC M Minutes, Septtember 1st 2 2 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Th his item is up fo or discussion and a possible ac ction regarding g the support off the Student S Senate to help C Cabrillo with th he 4th Grade Ca abrillo Experien nce that is bein ng currently pla anned in relation to the Colleg ge Commitment signed on by all 12 k-12 schoo ol districts in Santa Cruz Cou unty. Local schools hav ve passed the Santa Cruz co ounty College Commitmentt dents entering community colleges c to be ready to take college level courses. Arou und 80% of sttudents Goal is to get stud ently test into precollege lev vels. Starting this year by bringing b 4th gra aders to camp pus. Started w with the idea of doing a tourr, curre but d decided bringiing thousands s of fourth graders here for tours would b be difficult. Wo Would like to ha ave the help o of the Student Sena ate and other campus c organ nizations. It is significant tha at we have 12 2 school syste ems and unive ersities getting g together to supp port this comm mitment. Vice President Chu uiko moves to o support the College C Comm mitment. Repre resentative Rip paretti second ds. Sena ator O’Reilly no otes that it wo ould be great to t get the ICC C involved, and d have the clu ubs present their activities tto the 4th grade ers. Repre resentative Av vila thinks we should s be awa are that if we vote v yes we s should mean itt and commit to spend time e and money work king on aiding this college goal. g Denn nis notes that it is still develloping, but tha at it should be e taking off thiis year. There e is a plan to ra aise around 10 million for scholarships to pa ay for every sttudent’s first semester s at Ca abrillo, to mak ke the transitio on easier. port the Colleg ge Commitmen nt passes una animously. resollution to supp C. Cafeteria Renovations Inffo. / Discussio on / Possible A Action C. Achen 10 Minutes his item is up fo or discussion and a possible ac ction regarding g the support an nd interest of th he Senate to begin exploring Th op ptions to renov vate the Cafeteria. If approved d, a committee will be formed d to start this prrocess. Denn nis thinks it wo ould be a good d idea to reno ovate the cafetteria and make ke it a more de esirable place for students tto hang out and s study. He also o notes that fo ood service is an issue, and d the more stud dents we can attract to the cafeteria, the better service e we ca an get there. Trusttee Watkins moves m to form a committee to t investigate these possib bilities. Treas surer Gomez seconds s Trusttee Watkins no otes that it is true that it is not n a very attrractive space.. He strongly s suggests we ttry to create a recreational area for students to t really enjoy y spending tim me and socializ zing. Sena ator Barlow no otes that the bookstore is th hinking of rem modeling and m making a café,, and there co ould be a prob blem creating comp peting spaces s Trusttee Watkins th hinks the committee should d investigate th hat issue Advis sor Chacòn no otes that the cafeteria c is on ne of the few places p the 71 a account can b be used. 11 ye eas - 2 nays - 2 abstains Motio on Passes s for Future Conferences C / Retreats R Diiscussion / Po ossible Action n K. Barlow 5 Minutes Deposit Checks his item is up fo or discussion and a possible ac ction regarding g the approval o of a requiremen nt that for futurre conferences Th an nd retreats a de eposit check is s given at time of registering a and if said persson does not atttend said confference / re etreat, the depo osit check will be b cashed. How wever, if they d do attend, the ccheck will be re eturned. ator Barlow sta ates that the Senate S has had some proble ems with peop ple not showin ing up to confferences, whic ch makes Sena mone ey paid for the eir reservation n go to waste. Sena ator Barlow mo oves that for future f confere ences and retrreats a deposiit check is giv ven at time of rregistering an nd if said perso on does not attend said con nference / retrreat, the depos sit check will b be cashed. Ho owever, if they y do attend, th he check will be re eturned. Pointt of informatio on – how muc ch will check be b for? - Chec ck will be for th he amount of the reservatio on. Sena ator Petrillo se econds Sena ator Petrillo no otes that at the e end of Octob ber there will be b an event re equiring hotell rooms etc., a and that if peo ople don’t take e respo onsibility for keeping k their word w they sho ould reimburse e the college. Repre resentative Av vila reminds Se enators that our o job is to re epresent the s students, and n not to waste m money by not showing up. Sena ator Petrillo mo oves to extend d time 5 minutes Treas surer Gomez seconds. s D. ASCC M Minutes, Septtember 1st 3 3 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c 10 ye ear 4 nay - exte ension passes s Sena ator Avila think ks it is a good d idea. Trusttee Watkins no otes that som me students do on’t have the funds f to put fo orth this kind of thing. Vice President Chu uiko notes tha at there are oth her ways to make m sure Stud dents are resp ponsible for th his kind of thin ng. He furtherr s that some sttudents can't afford a this, an nd there are be etter alternativ ves. notes Sena ator Barlow no otes that in cas se of emergen ncy it would be excused. Sena ator O’Reilly no otes that we are a students and don’t have e a lot of mone ey. There are b better ways to o handle this k kind of thing. Vice President Chu uiko notes tha at the motione er and second der are both firrst year Senattors and inexp perienced. n that $1,0 000 was lost due d to people not n attending the retreat. Presiident Achen notes Advis sor Chacòn no otes that it do oes seem extre eme, but notes s that it does happen every y year. 4 yea a 10 nays - mo otion fails. AC Senate Ch hallenge Fall 2011 2 Info ormation / Dis scussion C.. Steele 5 Minutes SA Each senator an nd advisers are e challenged to complete five Merchant Disccount Contractss. One contracct per week with w the challeng ge to complete within five wee eks. The chall enge begins S September 5, 20 011 and ends O October 6, 20 011 during the senate meetin ng held that day y. We will revie ew who met the e challenge du uring committee e reports on October O 6, 2011 and will distrib bute surprise in ncentives for al l those that participated. Sena ator Steele nottes he has sig gned on 25, and feels we can n get it done. Visit shops yo ou visit a lot a and like. Senators who fulfilll the c challenge will get g prizes. Willl also bring th his to the ICC.. Contracts ca an be given to o Senator Stee ele, Charlotte, or Flor. Trusttee Watkins no otes that if yo ou don’t have the t contract you y should gett some copies s, and carry a copy around with you. Sena ator Petrillo wa as wondering if Senators co ould be provid ded some kind d of script to h help Senators approach ven ndors. Sena ator Constantin no notes that we should no ot forget gettin ng contracts in n Watsonville and Scotts Va Valley as well. Advis sor Chacòn no otes that most of our funds s come from th he SAC card, a and that whetther clubs hav ve supported iit is a criteria for ou ur helping the em. If there are e any busines sses you visit frequently you u ought to ask k them about contracts. Pas st senates did d poorlly at this, and hopes this Se enate can turn n it around. Publiic notes that we w should rem member the su ustainability re esolution whe en getting contracts. F. Sustainability Review R Discussion / Possible Actiion S. O’Con nnor 5 Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion and a possible ac ction regarding g our stance on n the Sustainab bility Resolution n and amending g ou ur agreement to instead of us sing the word “C Cease” to inste ead use “gradu ually implementting a stop to” within the re esolution we ag greed to. Some e of us failed to read it thoroug ghly and are no ow realizing im mpact it is havin ng towards orrganizing stude ent events. The e main concern n with this is on n the purchasin ng of plastic botttled beveragess and the lack off cost-effective options. All of us wish to con ntinue on becom ming a more su ustainable cam mpus now and in the future. E. d Information C. C Achen 5 Minute es G. Update on Food We h had food for 50 0, and it all go ot consumed. Food F will be provided p at ea ch meeting. H. Q&A Q from Audiience to Senattors In nformation / D Discussion 20 Minutes A me ember of the public p asked th hat the membe ers of the Stud dent Senate g go around and d share which committees e each Senator are o on, and help ex xplain what th hey do. It woulld be very exh haustive to listt all committee es and respon nsibilities here e so please consult a Senator for details. A me ember of the public p inquired d about the ne ew bus pass program. p The o old contract w was cancelled;; Student Sena ate appro opriated $6,00 00 to purchase e 162 bus pass ses in bulk in order to get a 20% discoun nt. SC Metro re ecently voted to increase the cost of monthly y passes, and d those will be e implemented d soon. IX X. Reporrts (Every othe er name is Bold d for Easy Read ding) Execu utive Officers, Senators, S Advis sers and Comm mittees report o on Senate Activvities. A. 3 min nutes ea. Ex xecutive Offic cers atkins Sttudent Trustee: Joseph Wa Hope es everyone’s school year is s going well, and a that the cost of textboo oks and suppllies is not mak king too much h of a dent in their budget. Apolo ogizes for bein ng absent for much of the summer, s and n notes that he will be much more involved d now. Notes that y you should really avoid abs stentions unle ess it is really a conflict of in nterest. Notes s that it is an is ssue that the Financial Aid ASCC M Minutes, Septtember 1st 4 4 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Office e has been pu ushing the Hig gher One card d; students are en’t aware the ere are other o options. Conce erned about in nfo item A; too o much h information, time not exte ended. In nter-Club Cou uncil Chair: Iva an Sumano-Va argas he ICC will be next week; fo ood will be pro ovided. Worrie ed that clubs a are not turning g in their charrters yet. Firstt meeting of th Watsonville W Rep presentative: Jo oshua Riparettii Welc comes people to Watsonville e on Septemb ber 15th for We elcome Week; there will be ffood and perh haps even Sam mmy the Seah hawk. Scotts Valley Representa ative: Stephan Venegas V b awarreness about all a the textboo ok programs. Wantts to work on bringing Le egislative Reprresentative: Ga aby Avila Remiinds Senators s they are here e to represent the students. Encourages Senators to sp speak in their c classes aboutt the SAC card d and tthe Senate. Th he legislative committee wiill begin meetiing soon. Than nks Darwin fo or his assistan nce with the w website. Welc come Week sig gn up list seem ms pretty emp pty. Trreasurer: Joseph Gomez be posting the e agenda for budget b commiittee soon; em mail him for ad dditions to the agenda. Will send out a do oodle poll for Will b the T Thanksgiving committee c me eetings shortly y. Vice President: Olekseii O Chuiko o Also encourages Senators S to sp peak about the e Senate in the eir classes, an nd to help with h Welcome W Week President: Charllotte Achen Danc ce departmentt sent us a rep port regarding how they use ed funds given n to them by tthe past year’s s Student Sen nate. Notes that S Senators left trash t at the tab bling area on Wednesday which w had to b be cleaned up by SAC build ding staff. All C College Day Presiidents speech h will be on yo outube. Busine ess cards are on their way. Reminds Sen nators to not le eave valuable es in the Sena ate area. Thank ks the audienc ce for attendin ng. B. Senators-at-Large Sttephanie Petrillo Hope es everyone ha ad a wonderfu ul first week of school. Hoping to get invo olved in the W Welcome Week k Committee. T-Shirts are in n the m mail. Excited to o reveal them,, and should have h them by the next meetting. Je erry Peters issing the firstt portion of the meeting. No otes that in the e last few days ys he has met with hundreds s of students Apollogizes for mis and h has gotten an idea of what they t want. or Sharon O’Conno Excitted about Welc come Week; still s hoping to get some slotts filled on tab bling and setu up. Arthur O’Reilly Plans s on starting up u the Publicitty Committee either this we eek or next we eek. Darwin Constantino Work ked on the web bsite today an nd got a lot do one. Encourag ges Senators tto check out th he website an nd see if anyon ne wants anyth hing changed.. Notes that Welcome W Week k committee needs more he elp with posterr making. Chris Steele Will s start SAC com mmittee meetin ngs soon; re-e emphasizes th he SAC challen nge. Je esse Collins d of fun to take e minutes, butt glad to be do one. Kind 5 minutes A s ea. C. Advisors Fllor Chacòn Was very proud on n All College day. d Congratulates Gaby on n her award. H Has paperwork k and informattion regarding g the SEESAW W confe erence. Is abo out to finish the photographs taken of Sen nators over th he summer. If anyone doesn n’t select a ph hoto to be printe ed Flor will pic ck for them. Really R encoura ages Senators s to do well in their classes and keep on ttop of time ma anagement. Sesario Escoto o act chairs of the t committee es you are on. Suggests Sen nators self mo onitor themse elves. Notes th hat a committe ee was made Conta for th he cafeteria, but that no one e was appointe ed to it. Sugge ests it returns s to the agend da. Also sugge ested that the Senate revisitt the 4tth grade activiities and discu uss what we would w like to see s happen wiith that. Notes s that the mon ney appropriatted for food and d drinks over the past week has h been well used, u and helped satisfy m any constitue ents hunger an nd thirst. Note es that anyone e intere ested in the le eadership clas ss will most lik kely be able to o add it when s students drop p. Was very im mpressed with h the prese entation but fo orth by Presid dent Achen on n All College Day. D Complime ents the Senatte on meeting g 7 times over the summer, and n notes it is unp precedented. Encourages E Se enators to kee ep on track wiith their educa ational plans a and to meet w with counselors. X X. Agend da Building 3 minutes s ASCC M Minutes, Septtember 1st 5 5 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Wate er Baloon fightt, teachers and d staff vs Stud dents, to raise e money for m more tutors on n the Watsonville campus; p perhaps biode egradable ballloons. Cafetteria 4th grraders Depo osit checks – $100 $ flat fee 5-10 m minutes for T--shirts (disburrsement, phottos) When n people don’tt have financia al aid they mu ust go to two places p to get a parking perm mit W Would like to discuss d the Ca abrillo access s card M un nder discussio on/possible ac ction O Oil extraction proposition discussion/pos ssible action S Student Senatte office renov vation Discuss sion/info V Vite ap presen ntation C Chuiko volunteers to spons sor $1000 for health h and We ellness Fair $ $250 for having the pool ope en on Fridays s for students Discussion/P ossible Action n C CG51 field trip p from Watson nville campus to go to UCSC C and Sank Jo ose State Iff time, Watkin ns would like to speak on be ehalf of the EO OPS X XI. Adjou urnment - 4:42 2pm E Mee eting Agenda Student Senate Executive (To be b held after th he Student Se enate Meeting)) X XII. Call to o Order – 5:00 0 A. Roll R Call Executive Ex Offic cers Presiident: Charlottte Achen -------------------------------- Present Treas surer: Jospeh Gomez ---------------------------------- Present Legis slative Repres sentative: Gab by Avila --------------- Present ICC C Chair: Ivan Su umano-Vargas ------------------------- Present Public Present Arthur O’Reilly Jesse e Collins on O’Connor Steph hanie Petrillo Sharo Jennifer Venegas Kathy ybelle Barlow Darwin Constantino sident: Olekse eii Chuiko -------------------------- Present Vice Pres Trustee: J Joseph Watkin ins ------------------------------------ Present Watsonviille Representtative: Joshua a Riparetti ------ Present Scotts Va alley Represen ntative: Steph han Venegas - Present Adviso ors Present Sesarrio Escoto Flor C Chacòn X XIII. X XIV. X XV. Adopttion of the Exe ecutive Agend da Appro oval of the Exe ecutive Minute es Regullar Business A. Atttendance 5M Minutes B. Absences at Retreat 5 Minutes Repre resentative Venegas apolog gizes for his ab bsence; grand dfather was no ot feeling welll, but is feeling g better now. 6 yea a, 1 nay, 1 abstention Trusttee Watkins missed m retreat because a cow worker quit an nd Watkins ha ad to work. 5 yea a, 1 nay, 1 abstention C. Discussion of Meeting 30 M Minutes\ Repre resentative Rip paretti though ht it was pretty y good, but a little l rough aro ound the com mmittees. Sena ator O’Reilly no otes that it is a good idea to o stand up and d project whille addressing the audience.. Jokes during g the meeting are n not good. Sena ator Constantin no thought it went pretty well. w Trusttee Watkins is s concerned ab bout the issue e of agenda ite ems coming b back after bein ng voted down n. Noted that the deposit check k issue would d apply to stud dents as well senators. s Sena ator Petrillo fin nds it distractiing when peop ple have side conversations s during the m meetings, inclu uding joking a around. Think ks it is unproffessional and something s sh hould be done about it. It is also simply d disrespectful tto speak while e another is speak king. Feels there needs to be b something done about th his, and there e should be so ome kind of rep epercussion. Trusttee Watkins ag grees that sid de conversatio ons are not good, and notes s that sometim mes clarificatio ons require sm mall side comm ments. Preside ent Achen nottes that she will w start stopp ping the meetin ng when a sid de conversatio on is taking pllace. ASCC M Minutes, Septtember 1st 6 6 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Repre resentative Av vila notes that Senators sho ould not take is ssues person ally, but that iit is personal when individu uals speak while e someone els se has the floo or. She notes that t Senators should try to handle the iss sue one on on ne first. If we d don’t handle this n now it will only y escalate. Repre resentative Venegas has cla ass 1-3:00pm on o Tuesdays in i Scotts valle ey. Will be allo owed to leave a little early. Sena ator Barlow no otes that it is in n the bylaws to t be recogniz zed prior to sp peaking. Trusttee Watkins no otes that afterr a vote has be een taken we should contin nue on with ou ur business Sena ator Petrillo no otes that there e should be no o reason to us se one’s cell p phone during m meetings unle ess keeping tim me on items. Pointt of informatio on – Non e-boa ard members can only spea ak once during g the E-board d meeting. Trusttee Watkins no otes that som metimes Senato ors use their cell c phones to o check their s schedules. D. Ex xcusal of Late Arrival of Sena ator 10 Minutes Sena ator Peters willl be 30-40 min nutes late to each meeting. It is the only ttime he could take the class s, and he need ds it for hedule conflic trans sfer. Represen ntative Avila notes that it is odd to have noticed n the sch ct so late; he rran for electio on last seme ester, and had d plenty of time to notice. Ad dvisor Chacòn n notes that b by the time he arrived today y most of the a action items had a already been handled. h Trustee Watkins suggests not to o excuse him from this mee eting; he shou uld try to work k something out w with his profes ssors; we need d to set a stro ong statement regarding this is kind of thing g. Senator Co ollins suggests s that Senatorr Peterrs not be excu used, but that an effort be made m to includ de him in comm mittee work an nd other Sena ate work outsiide of the regullar meetings. Vote for excusing Senator Peterrs as, 4 nays, 1 abstain, - not excused e 2 yea han and Jenny y Venegas have class on Th hursdays but will be able to o leave class e early. Should only be ten to o fifteen Steph minu utes late. Noted d that 3:00pm will often hav ve traffic, and that they should try to arra ange to leave c class even earrlier. X XVI. New Business B Advisors Reports Sesarrio Escoto Great start, and go ood presence. Is proud of th he Senate. X XVII. 5 Min nutes ea. Flor Chacòn C s it is really to ough dealing with w tardiness s and trying to o be consisten nt and fair. Enc courages Sen nators to look at these Notes thing gs from a posiitive and constructive persp pective. X XVIII. Execu utive Agenda Requests R Meeting M adjourrned at 5:28pm m ASCC M Minutes, Septtember 1st 7 7