Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Total on Roster: R 17 Votes needed for simple e majority vote: v 50% + 1 = 9 Votes needed for 2/3 ma ajority: 11 Location: L Apto os Campus 6500 Soquel Dr, Aptos, CA 5 SAC East, Room 225 Date a and Time: Thursday, Sep ptember 8th, 20 011 3:00 pm m – 7:00 pm Studentt Senate Minu utes NOTICE IS HEREB BY GIVEN that the Cabrillo Co ollege Student Senate will holld a meeting on n Thursday, S September 8th, 2011. The n the agenda. The T purpose off this meeting iis to be the dire ect representattion of Cabrillo meetiing time and location informattion is noted on Colleg ge’s Student Body. B We will se ee to it that the e student’s bestt interests are b being served a and that the stu udents are give en the opporrtunity to be he eard. If you hav ve any question ns, please conttact us at 831.4 477.5677. If ne eeded, you can be provided w with any disab bility-related mo odification or ac ccommodations s; please call Disabled D Stude ent Program an nd Services at ((831) 479-6379 9. Requests should be made as early as possib ble, though on--campus transp portation can b e called for at a any time. Please note that a any action item m that is discussed may m not have an action take en during this meeting. I. Call to o Order: 3:00p pm by Charlotte e Achen A. Roll R Call xecutive Office ers Ex Vice Presid dent: Oleksii Chuiko ----------------Present Treasurer: Joseph Gomez -----------------------Present Legislative Representativ ve: Gaby Avila------Present ICC Chair: Ivan Sumano--Vargas ---------------Present Senators-At-Large Stephanie Petrillo ----------------------------------Present Sharon O’C Connor----------------------------------Present Arthur O’R Reilly--------------------------------------Present Chris Steele-----------------------------------------Present Jesse Colliins-----------------------------------------Present Presiident: Charlotte e Achen-------------------------------Present Trusttee: Joseph Wa atkins ---------------------------------Present Watssonville Repressentative: Joshua Riparetti—---Present Scottts Valley Repre esentative: Ste ephen Venegass-Present Kathyybelle Barlow--------------------------------------------Present Darw win Constantino o-----------------------------------------Present Jenn ifer Venegas------------------------------------------Present Advisors Sesario Es scoto-------------------------------------Present Flor Chaco on-----------------------------------------Present II. Adopttion of the Age enda tes 3 minute Motion M to approv ve the agenda for Septemberr 1, 2011, by Se enator Arthur O O’Reilly. Unanimous approval III. Appro oval of the Min nutes Senator Constan ntino moves to approve minutes from Septe ember 1, 2011. Unanimous approval V. IV Public c Comments This tiime is reserved d for members of the public to o address the S Senate on issue es not already appearing on tthe agenda. There will be a limit of o five (5) minu utes per speake er. ments No public comm V V. Comm mittee Reports s 3 minutes s per committe ee Id deas have been n discussed pe ertaining to redu ucing curriculum m and there ha as been discusssions about a new program be eing implemented with incoming freshman who w have alrea ady passed an assessment fo or English and Math; there will be e a streamlined d program for these students to assist them to graduate in two years. Disscussion has also been made e on n adding a com mmittee of priorritization as to which w classes sshould be cut; program reducction vs. progra am elimination. A lot of clarification was neede ed, so this item was tabled forr the next agen nda. Any senato ors available to o attend this meeting m are adv vised to. See yo our binders for upcoming mee eting dates. 3 minuttes each 1 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Approval has be een made for deduction to tuto orials. The bud dget has run drry for the perso on who hires the e tutors; if you would w like additional informatio on on this pleas se see Charlottte. here is discuss sion about poss sibly renovating g the cafeteria.. The bookstore e is seeking an n manager, and d the bookstore e Th will w put on hold all a discussions until a new ma anager is hired . Cheaper textbook options a are also being d discussed. Th he Bylaws com mmittee meeting g will be next Wednesday; W em mails will be se ent regarding th he specific time e. Next week is we elcome week. The T agenda has been sent to you via email; respond to the e email if you a are interested in n he elping out. Eve eryone is encou uraged to do so o. Be fully comm ady signed up mitted to what you sign up for or have alrea fo or; mark it on yo our calendars and a don’t forge et! You are encoura aged to get in touch t with yourr external comm mittees if you h have not done sso already. Th he final budgett has been posted online, and d Joseph Watkiins and Charlo otte both have a hard copy if yyou would like to o look it over. You Y are encoura aged to attend the budget me eetings. V VI. V VII. V VIII. Special Items A. Informa C. Steele Vidappe Presen ntation ation 10 Minu utes Vidappe is an on nline site availa able to use to see s available m merchant discou unts for college e students. It allows real time no otice to notify a student when they are near a business tha at offers a disco ount. This notiffication is via your cell phone by y an app that is s downloadable e for free. Some discounts listted are universsal college disccounts, while others are ba ased on your student s ID card, similar to our SAC cards. It w would be nice if in the future we could creatte our own Cabrillo College SAC card app plication, but for now this is re ecommended fo or use by our sstudents. B. Bookstore Disc cussion Information / Discussio on C. Ache en 30 Minutes s arding rumors a about the bookkstore, and repo orted that due to there not Charlotte attended the cabinets meeting rega eing a current manager m of the e bookstore, the eir discussionss about improve ements have b been halted. It h has been be sh hown that book kstores and foo od vending com mbinations are not very succe essful, and man ny options an id deas have be een discussed.. As a senate, we w should focu us on how the sstudents can g et their course material at a m more affordable e co ost. We should discuss this with w our instructtors to determin ne if printout de emand services would be ben neficial to us, an nd also to cons sider other idea as that may be more affordab ble to our stude ents. You are encouraged to sspeak with your cu urrent instructo ors to determine e if the books they are curren ntly using are available on a p print on demand d option. A bo ookstore comm mittee has been n formed. The new n committee e consists of Jo oseph Watkins,, Stephanie Pe etrillo, Jesse Collins, Stephan n Venegas, and d Jenny Venegas. Old Business Nothing to discu uss New Business B 3 min. forr Speech, 3 miin. for Questio A. Appointment A of o New Senato ors ons. 1. 1 3 Senator-at-Large Positions There are currently three e open positions s for Senators--At-Large. We had three nom minees who spo oke to the garding their de esire to join. Th he candidates w were James, L Laura and Sage e. James was just passing Senate reg through an nd observing th he Senate when n he found a fa ascination with what was happening and fou und a desire to become involved. James s volunteered to o attend Watso onville meetingss and showed a willingness to o help out. James is in nterested in co ommittees perta aining to SAC ccards as well a as transportatio on. James is cu urrently studying to o become an English E teacher in a secondaryy institute or att a higher level. Laura Hunterrberg is a first year stude ent both in colle ege and at Cab brillo. Laura wa s actively invollved in council and executive student governmen nt in her high school, s and is excited e to enco urage other stu udents to have e an active voicce in their education. Laura thinks her h greatest we eakness is thatt she overexten nds herself slightly, and that h her greatest d love to be invo olved and workk with other pe ople. She would like to see students strength if her desire and enjoying liv ve music from student bands outside and w wants to help co ome up with so ome more afford dable solutions s for textboo oks. She is taking five classes s and has a bussy schedule, b ut also believes being involve ed in clubs and 2 2 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c being a pa art of the studen nt body will fit adequately a into o her schedule.. Sage Goncha aroff is the foun nder and leader of the Outd door Club, and has been very y involved in stu udent related ittems since beg ginning at Cabrrillo in 2003. He e has continued to gain mo ore interest in student s activitie es, and has bee en to many sen nate meetings in the past. He e likes comm mittees and wee ekly meetings and is excited to become mo ore involved, altthough he has helped the Senate a lo ot in the past. He H is currently a member of ffour clubs on ca ampus and enjjoys getting stu udents involved d in the community and the e whole campus life. He would d like to see m more opportunitiies offered to a allow student to o C benefits, and promises to no ot hold any biasses when determining funding g for clubs or e events. He was s enjoy SAC originally studying s music,, then marine biology b and now w is also doublle majoring in b business, and tthinks that moving the e meetings outdoors would be e a great impro ovement. Ite em VIII A A.1 Ite em VIII A A.1 Ittem VIII A A.1 Motion n Yeas Nays Resultt Motion to o accept James s into the Senate 15 0 passed d Motion n Yeas Nays Resultt Motion to o accept Laura into the Senatte 15 0 passed d Motio on Yeas Nays Abstains Res sult Motion n to accept Sag ge into the Sen nate 14 0 1 pass sed All three ca andidates were e sworn into the e Senate by Ch harlotte. B. Funding F for Fa all Wellness Fair F Inform mation / Action n A. Chuik ko 5 Minutes Th his item is for discussion d / pos ssible action re egarding the ap pproval of $100 00.00 from the ____ Account for the fall 20 011 Health and d Wellness Fairr on Septembe er 29th in the Ca afeteria. Kathybelle move es to approve this t motion. Sharon would like e to see more a accessibility for wheelchairs a and walkers at th his event. This action a has bee en amended to move the even nt to the quad a and have it be outdoors instead of hosted in n th he cafeteria as it has been in the t past. Item VIII B Motion Y Yeas Nays Abstains Result R Motion to fund $1000 from m the Programs Account for the t fall 2011 He ealth and Welln ness Fair on Septem mber 29th in the quad. 16 0 2 Passed P 3 3 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c C. Watsonville W Campus CG51 Field Trip Information I /A Action J.Riparetti 5 Min nutes Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of $ $500.00 from th he ____ Accou unt to help fund d a field trip for the e CG 51 – Intro o. to College att the Watsonvil le Campus so that they can vvisit several colleges and un niversities. Th his is a class offered o on both campuses but this particular funding is for tthe course offe ered on the Wa atsonville ca ampus. This wiill allow first generation/first time students to o take a tour of our Aptos cam mpus as well ass some other lo ocal college cam mpuses. We arre unable to us se the college vvans because tthe insurance limit to haul peo ople is set at six people per va an. The funding is requested to allow for a ccharter bus. Tim me was extend ded for continue ed discussion. his action will be b moved to old d business at the next meetin ng, as an RFF w was requested d for it. Th D. M G G. Avila Information / Action 5 Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e support of the e Senate to pro omote this web bsite as a tool fo or college stude ents. Th his is a great online o source th hat provides stu udent success tools to curren nt college stude ents. It allows sstudents to rate e th heir professors,, and provides data including grade historiess for each instrructor. In addition, by providin ng the site so ome informatio on regarding wh hat you would like to major in , the site will in nstruct you as tto which course es you need to ta ake and what grades you need to maintain in n order to transsfer to a univerrsity. All we nee ed to do is provvide our logo to o th he site in order to start using this, t and it is a free service th at we do not ha ave to sign anyy formal agreem ment with. Myedu M will provide us signs to use to encoura age students to o join in. Item m Motion Yeas Nays A Abstains Result R VIII D on to support th he promotion of o this website as a a tool for co llege students Motio 8 5 3 pa assed E. Supporting S Oiil Extraction Fee F Inform mation / Action n G. Avila a 5 Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e ASCC suppo ort on Propositio on 1481, which h would impose e a 15% fee per barrel of oil extracted in California. Th he video did no ot work due to audio problems s, and there wa as a motion to extend time th hat did not passs by a vote of 6 ay yes and 8 nays s. Due to this, this t issue will be b back on the agenda for nexxt week. Please e watch the vid deo that was em mailed to you and a be prepare ed with opinions s for next weekk. F. Keeping K Pool open on Frida ays Info ormation / Acttion J. Rip paretti 5 Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of $ $500.00 from th he ____Account to help keep p th he Pool open to o Faculty and Students S on Fridays for the en ntire year. This money will be used to pay fo or a lifeguard. Ite em tabled G. Fundraiser F forr Tutoring in Watsonville W Discussion etti 10 Minutes M J. Ripare Th his item is up fo or discussion on o the possibilitty of a water-ba alloon fight fun ndraiser at the W Watsonville center to help su upport the tutorring there. The balloons would be biodegrad dable as well. Th his fundraising idea is to crea ate funds to pro ovide additiona l tutors for the Watsonville Ce enter. The fund draising event is a water balloo on fight between students and d staff at the W Watsonville Center. It was disccussed whetherr a waiver may e required for participants p which will be look ked into, and al so suggestionss were made th hat more plann ning needs to be 4 4 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c be e done in orderr to make this a successful ev vent. A committtee was forme d to determine e ways to make e this event prrofitable. The committee c will be b chaired by Joshua J Riparettti and will inclu ude Sage, Arthur, Darwin and d Stephan. 10 Minu H. Supporting S E.O.P.S. Studen nts Disc cussion J. Watkins utes This T item is up for discussion regarding way ys that the sena ate can supporrt E.O.P.S. stud dents. One sug ggestion is to provide p school supplies for these students. Discussion D was s held on possiibly running a backpack b and sschool supply d drive to assist EOPS studentss obtain their school s supplies s. The EOPS program p had 70 0% budget cutss this year, and d many underprivileged stude ents are withoutt supplies s necessary for their academic a succe ess. We could open this drive e up to other students as well and may be able a to find larg ge corporations s that may be in nterested in pro oviding backpa acks with their company logo on them as well. w Any ideas s you may have e on this can be e emailed to Jo oseph Watkins , and if there iss enough intere est, a committee c may y be formed to put a school su upply drive into o action. I. Cafeteria C Com mmittee Discussion J J. Gomez 5 Minutes and who will be Th his item is up fo or discussion on o the formation of the cafete ria committee a e on it. Th his item was allready discusse ed briefly, and a committee h as been forme ed to renovate tthe Cafeteria. T This committee e will w be chaired by b Joseph Gom mez, and will inc clude Arthur, S Sage, Alex, Jessse, Sharon, La aura and James. There is interest in renov vating the cafeteria to make it more accomm modating for ourr students. J. 4th Grade Expe erience Discussion J J. Gomez 10 M Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion regarding r how the t senate can n help with the 4th grade colleg ge experience.. Should a co ommittee be fo ormed? If so, we e need a chair and members . Jo oseph Watkins is already in contact c with the e superintenden nt regarding an n upcoming eve ent to spark intterest in going to o college in 4th graders. g There e is an external committee alre eady meeting tto discuss this.. A committee h has been fo ormed, and will be chaired by Joseph Watkin ns. On the com mmittee is Stephanie, Stephan n, Jennifer, Lau ura, Sharon, Arthur and Darw win. K. Cabrillo C Acces ss Card Discuss sion S. Venega as 10 Min nutes Th his item is up fo or discussion on o the Cabrillo Access Card, a also called the Higher One C Card. La ast semester we w first issued the t Cabrillo Acc cess Card and there were isssues, so we need to educate the students as s to o their options. It was discusse ed that studentts were frustratted having to w wait 21 days aftter cancelling e everything in orrder to receive a check, and that t not all stud dents were eve en aware this w was an option to o them if they d did not want to us se the Cabrillo Access Card. Discussion con ncluded decidin ng that the stud dents needed tto be more info ormed of their op ptions when us sing the card. L. IX X. Student S Senatte Office Reno ovations Discussion A. Chuiko 10 0 Minutes Th his item is up fo or discussion regarding r the possibility p of ren novating the Sttudent Senate Offices. Discussion occu urred as to whe ether or not we should renova ate the Senate offices and the e SAC common n areas. There were w ideas discu ussed as to mo oving furniture around a to provvide a more invviting area to students as well as improving th he audio in the meeting room to allow more Club C use. In ad ddition it was d discussed that tthe desk area n needs to be ke ept tidy. We ne eed to all focus on what we wo ould like our arrea to be like and how we would like to use the space, as well w as try to be more tidy. Reporrts (Every othe er name is Bold d for Easy Read ding) Execu utive Officers, Senators, S Advis sers and Comm mittees report o on Senate Activvities. A. xecutive Offic cers Ex President: Charlotte Achen eh Gomez Trreasurer: Jospe Sttudent Trustee: Joseph Wa atkins Watsonville W Rep presentative: Jo oshua Riparettii 3 min nutes ea. Vice e President: O Oleksii Chuiko Legisslative Represe entative: Gaby Avila Interr-Club Council Chair: Ivan S Sumano-Vargas Scottts Valley Reprresentative: Ste ephan Venegass Charlotte Achen n: The next mee eting is in Wats sonville. We wi ll already be th here for Welcom me Week. The meeting will be e in room 4360 0 at 3:30pm. Ou ur senate area theme is anim mals. Please pu ut a picture of a an animal or a sstuffed animal orr something sim milar in the area. Be sure to also a help new S Senators out an nd be inviting to o them and oth her classmates du uring Welcome e Week. Oleskii O Chuiko: Next N Wednesday around 2 orr 2:30 will be th he next Bylawss committee me eeting discussing the fiscal re esponsibility 5 5 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Jo oseph Gomez: Next Thursday y at 2pm in roo om 226 will be tthe Budget Me eeting. Gaby G Avila: Disa appointed she was w unable to discuss the oil initiative but w will do so next w week. Please w watch the video o sh he planned to show s today, wh hich will be ema ailed to you. Allso please makke a quick list o of a what teach hers have done e with w the textbook options offere ed to students, and email thatt to the textboo ok committee. oseph Watkins: Remember th he importance of o attending th he governing bo oard; if you are e not there theyy are going to Jo as ssume what the e students thin nk. We should show s up and te ell them what w we really think! Iv van Sumano-Va argas: Had the first ICC meetting yesterday w which was tablled by law amm mendments unttil next week. Th he AGS got the eir requested $1000 $ amount, and the sustaiinability council asks to be forrgiven for the $ $1500 loan they y ha ad last year. We W will see how w that goes nextt week. Remem mber Welcome e Week is next week; Tuesdayy and Wednesday W free e pizza at Aptos s and Thursday y free burritos on Watsonville e campus! Jo oshua Riparetti: Bus transporrtation is going up 50 cents. W Welcome Weekk at Watsonville e will also inclu ude a piñata with w goodies and d prizes! Sttephan Venega as: Welcome Week W starts Mo onday Septemb ber 12 at 5:30p pm B. Senators-at-Large Sttephanie Petrillo Sharon O’Conn nor Kathybelle Barlo ow Chris Steele Je ennifer Venega as Jerry Pete ers Arthur O’R Reilly Darwin Co onstantino Jesse Colllins et! I will distrib Sttephanie: Sorry the t-shirts aren’t here ye bute them as soon as I get them. e everyo one is pushing g welcome we ek- if you nee ed to write dow wn your times s, please do Sharon: I am excited so o- she will be dependent on n everyone because she is h having knee is ssues Kathybelle: K The e board of trus stees meeting g, which discu usses budget related stuff is s Monday night at 6pm at th he Sesnon House and you are a all encoura aged to go. Allso the budget meetings are e right before this meeting att 2pm. Don’t fo orget to check k the committe ee list and verrify that you h have contacted d everyone on n your ex xternal committees. er that there are four weeks s left on the SA AC challenge and everyone e needs to try to get five Chris: Reminde Senate and w ontracts. Therre will be prize es! He enjoyed d the Faculty S would like to se ee more of the e student co se enates at the faculty f senate e meetings. Th here is free foo od and at the last meeting tthey even disttributed the le eft overs to stu udents on cam mpus. The mee etings are 3pm m every otherr Tuesday at th he Sesnon Ho ouse. Je ennifer: Samm my is done and d he will be he ere! Arthur: A Also en njoyed the faculty senate an nd hopes to se ee more stude ent senators than faculty se enators at the ne ext meeting! d and time for the ICC m meetings Darwin: Will send email with the meeting date esse: Disappo ointed that the e oil initiative time t was not e extended considering the ittem will just re eturn to the Je ag genda the following week. Would W like to see s that cons idered in the ffuture when a motion is ma ade to extend tim me. ames: Would also like to he ear more abou ut the oil initia ative. Ja aura: Thank you y for allowin ng me on the Senate! S La 6 6 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c C. Advisors A 5 minutes s ea. Sesario Escoto o S Plea ase make an a appointment to o see me and Flor on a con nsistent basis.. Congratulations to the new Senators! I hope h everyone is updating the roster and d can get the n new Senators s on the rosterr and get me a copy soon. Th he Senate app proved $1000 today for the health fair witth conditions that it is held outside. This is micromanagem m ment and I wou uld advise you u not to do this anymore. I e encourage you to discuss c changes or am mendments but not make th hings so spec cific. I will look k into the mye to ma ake sure we ca an put it on ou ur website and d use our logo o. You decided we would be e copartners w with the food pantry and we e are on the cu usp of getting g a contract fin nalized. We sh hould still be o open by the en nd of Septemb ber. We will se erve only Cabrillo studen nts but others can go to the e main distribu ution site nearrby at Twin La akes. We will insist students s sing this have e a SAC card. For those of you y chairing a committee, p please keep in n mind it will b be very us diifficult if not im mpossible to have h 8 commiittee members s available at tthe same time e for a meeting g, so just go with w 4 or 5 if that’s who is av vailable! I am concerned c abo out over comm mitment. Also o, if you need tto carpool to Watsonville W forr next week, le et me know by y Monday or T Tuesday. We h have sold overr 100 metro 31 1 day passes an nd have orderred another 15 50. In addition, we are going g down to 6 un nits to be eligible for a stud dent to receive e th hese passes which w offer the em a 20% disc count on the b bus transporta ation. Fllor Chacòn Welcome W Week k is next week k. Please show w up. Many peo ople don’t sho ow up. But ple ease do. Make e sure you kn now what you u are committing yourself to o and follow up – if you say you are going g to do sometthing, do it- be e re eliable- be hon nest about thin ngs and try no ot to squeeze too much in. New people- get involved- fundraising is s a great idea to help- think of ideas you can n do as a grou up- there is a llot of reasons s to fundraise. It takes a lot ork. As for Mye edu…..I am co onfused why y you voted to s support it whe en you don’t off energy and it’s a lot of wo ev ven know whe ere the $1 proffit is going. I think t you shou uld be more c concerned and d ask critical q questions when w you are supporting s an item. Howeve er, I think everryone is doing g a great job. A Also, this is th he first time in n my m tenure here e that we have a full Senate!! X X. Agend da Building X XI. Adjou urnment 3 minutes s 6:10pm sonville- 4360 Room at 3:30p pm Wats Student Senate Executive E Mee eting Agenda (To be b held after th he Student Se enate Meeting)) X XII. Call to o Order A. Roll R Call Ex xecutive Office ers President: Charlotte Ache en-------------------Present Treasurer: Joseph Gomez--------------------Present Legislative Represntative e: Gaby Avila-----Present ICC Chair: Ivan Sumano--Vargas------------Present eksii Chuiko--------------------------Absent Vice President: Ole Trusttee: Joseph Wa atkins-----------------------------------Present Watssonville Repressentative: Joshua Riparetti-------Present Scottts Valley Repre esentative: Ste ephan Venegass—Present Advisors Presen nt Sosario Es scoto X XIII. Adopttion of the Exe ecutive Agend da X XIV. Appro oval of the Exe ecutive Minute es 7 7 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c X XV. Regullar Business A. Atttendance from m Last Meeting 10 M Minutes Sttephan was tarrdy last week; iti was motioned d to excuse hiss tardy by Gabyy Avila because Stephan had d discussed this s with w his instructo or about leaving g class a ltitle early e to ensure e he can arrive here on time. However, Gaby believes if th his continues to o be a problem that it should again a be addre essed. Ite em Motion n Yeas Nays Abstainss Res sult 5 0 1 pass sed XV. A Motion to excuse Step phan for a tardy y Ite em XV. A B. X XVI. Motion Yeas Nays Abstains Res sult Motion to excuse Jenny for a tardy 5 0 1 pass sed Discussion of Meeting 30 M Minutes Th his meeting wa as much more orderly; o we were much more on topic howevver there were a few circumsstances when pe eople weren’t listening very well w and then as sked questionss about items th hat were alread dy covered. It w was discussed whether w we should shorten allo otted time for re eports during th he meetings, h however it was decided against due to the by ylaws. It was also discussed switching s betw ween Senate sta atements and tthose of the Ad dvisors since to oday there were w multiple ins stances when an a Advisor had d their hand up to speak on a topic but time ran out before we had the op pportunity to he ear from them. As for the leng gth of the reporrts, it will help sshorten them iff we clarify wha at the person ne eeds to report and a also if we reiterate that th hese Senate re eports are not ccommittee repo orts. Remembe er that co ommittee reporrts need to be turned t in on a monthly m basis tto the VP. Com mmittee reportss need not be m more than a pa aragraph and needs n to briefly y state when yo ou met and wha at was discusssed or decided upon. This info ormation will be e he elpful to future Senates, and Sesario S sugges sts a template be designed to o keep this process consisten nt. New Business B X XVII. Advisors Reports 5 Min nutes ea. Sesarrio Escoto Flor F Chacòn Th he meeting was a good meetting although was w a little long.. Sesario is con ncerned about people committing to too manyy committees and suggests more m focus be placed p on regular, normal bussiness. X XVIII. Execu utive Agenda Requests R Meetin ng Adjourned at 6:42pm 8 8