Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Total on Roster: R 20 Votes needed for simple e majority vote: v 50% + 1 = 11 Votes needed for 2/3 ma ajority: 13 Location: L Apto os Campus 6500 Soqu uel Dr., Aptos, CA SAC East, Room 225 5 Date a and Time: Thursday, Occtober 13th, 201 11 3:00 pm m – 7:00 pm The C Cabrillo College e Student Sena ate held a meeting on Thursday, October 13 3th, 2011, at 3:0 00pm. These a are the minutess reflective of that m meeting. Item XA Motion Motion to ap pprove $1,000.0 00 from the Pro ograms Accoun nt to help fund the Second Ha arvest Food Bank being b started in n SAC East. Th his money will go g towards purrchasing the fo od needed. Item Motion XB Ye eas Nays Abstains Result R 1 15 0 0 passed Ye eas Nays Abstains Result R 1 15 0 0 passed Motion to ap pprove $1,000.0 00 from the Pro ograms Accoun nt to be used fo or the Second Harvest Holiday Food Drive Campa aign. This mone ey will be used d for events, priizes, and any rremaining e used to purch hase additional food for Cabrilllo’s Second Ha arvest Food Ba ank. funds will be I. Call to o Order A. Roll R Call Executive Officers Vice President: Oleksii O Chuiko--Absent Trreasurer: Joseph Gomez-Pre esent Le egislative Reprresentative: Ga aby Avila-Absent IC CC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Varga as-Present Senato ors-At-Large Sttephanie Petrillo-Present Sharon O’Conno or-Present Arthur O’Reilly-A Absent Chris Steele-Tarrdy 3:08 Sage Goncharofff- Present aura Hunerberg g- Present La President: Charlotte A Achen-Present Truste ee: Joseph Wattkins-Present Watso onville Represe entative: Joshua a Riparetti-Abssent Scotts Valley Repressentative: Stephen Venegas-T Tardy (3:07pm) Kathyybelle Barlow-P Present Darw win Constantino o-Present Jenn ifer Venegas-T Tardy 3:07 e Collins-Prese ent Jesse Jame es Williams-Pre esent Summ mer Maiorino- Present Advisorrs Sesario Escoto-Present Fllor Chacon- Present II. xercise Positive Mindset Ex III. enda 3 minutes Adopttion of the Age Specia al Items B and C are tabled; Old O Business Ittems A and C a are tabled; New w Business C, D and H are ta abled. Treasu urer Gomez mo oves to approv ve the agenda as a adopted, Se enator Barlow sseconds the mo otion and is ap pproved by a unanim mously, with 12 2 yeas. V. IV Appro oval of the Min nutes 3 minutes A. October 6th, 2011 Senator Barrlow moves to approve the minutes from Occtober 6, 2011; Treasurer Gomez seconds tthe motion and it approved by a vote of 13 3 yeas, 0 nays,, 1 abstain Public c Comments V V. 2 Minutes SStudent Senatte MINUTES 1 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c This tiime is reserved d for members of the public to o address the S Senate on issue es not already appearing on tthe agenda. There will be a limit of o five (5) minu utes per speake er. No public comments V VI. Annou uncements 5 Minutes The ev valuation forms s are due today y. On Novembe er 3, Bhakti Yo oga will be provviding food for o our meeting. Next week our meetin ng will be at 3:3 30pm in Watso onville. At that meeting, m Charlo otte will have to o leave early. G Gaby is having a regional meetin ng this weekend- please call her h or email he er if you want to o go. V VII. Comm mittee Reports s Hallow ween committee e meets Friday y at 3pm, last week w we decora ated SAC eastt. PR committee discus ssed videotapin ng for a promotional video. Budge et meeting- there will be anoth her meeting tom morrow at 2pm m. V VIII. Special Items A. A Governing Board Info. / Discussion J. Watkins s 10 Minutes The stem grant g was approved before and a Victoria L Lewis gave an nother budget report. Also, tthere was little talk ab bout SCCCC. See Trustee Watkins W if you would like ad dditional detaiils about the m meeting. B. ation Teleconference Presenta This item has h been table ed. C. IX X. 3 minutes s per committtee Resolution ns Presentation This item has h been table ed. Old Business Info. / Discussion G. A Avila 10 Minutes Info. / Discussion G. Av vila 10 Min nutes A. Bylaws Revisio ons Info. / Action 20 0 Minutes O. Chuiko Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of several bylaws changes. Th his item has been b tabled. B. 10 Min Fa ax Machine fo or the Library Info. / Action n J. C Collins nutes Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of $ $2,000.00 from the ____ Acco ount to pu urchase a fax machine m for the e Library. This would be for sttudent’s use. Th here is a signifficant demand for f a fax machiine for student use. The main n issue is where e to place it. Th he actual am mount needed will be much lo ower. Right now w the main ide a for placemen nt of the machine is to put it in n the Student Senate office an nd have it be monitored m by the e Senate. Libra arian Sylvia Wi nder was prese ent and also ad ddressed her nks this is a wo onderful idea but hopes that w we do not place e it in the librarry, as the librarry does not ideas: Sylvia thin ha ave adequate staff s available to t monitor use of the machine e. There is lesss traffic in the S Senate office, a as compared to o th he Library, and the senators could c use this as a an opportuniity to meet the students. Thiss is highly enco ouraged to put into effect, as as sking for use off a fax machine e is a very com mmon question asked to Library personnel. T The primary us ses that studen nts are finding need n for a fax machine for incclude Financial Aid, Higher O One contact, Sccholarships, Trranscripts, and d Legal Docume ents. Trustee Watkins W motion ns to extend tim me by 3 minutes, and Inter-Club Council Chair Sumano-V Vargas seconds the motion. With W unanimouss approval, tim me is extended. It was discusssed that if sttudents desire this need, that we should pro ovide it. If the fa ax machine was to be placed in the Student Senate, the fu unds could com me from the student senate fund. Info. / Actio R Bag Initiative I on G. Avila 5 Minutes C. Reusable Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of $ $500.00 from th he ____ Accou unt to support th he reusable bag g initiative bein ng started by the bookstore to o sell reusable b bags at a disco ounted rate, witth the senate lo ogo on the bags s. Th his item has been b tabled. X X. New Business B A. Second Harves st Food Bank Info. / Action n O. Chuiko 10 Minutes SStudent Senatte MINUTES 2 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of $ $1,000.00 from the ____Acco ount to help fu und the Second d Harvest Food d Bank being sttarted in SAC E East. This mon ney will go towa ards purchasing g the food ne eeded. Earlier in the sem mester it was approved a to have a partnersh hip with the stud dent affair officce and Second Harvest food ank however, the paperwork was w delayed a little bit. The a application wass redone and ha as been receivved by Second ba Harvest and their representativ ve came in to see s our facilitiess and they havve been approvved to serve an nd store the ood. It was not known earlier in i the semester that the food is not provided d for free. Therrefore, Sesario would like the fo Senate to provid de $1000 and Dennis D will try to t find another $1000 and Sesario will also ttry to find mone ey in his udget as well. Senator S Barlow w moves to app prove $1000 fro om the program ms account to h help fund the S Second Harvest bu Fo ood Bank being g started in SA AC East. This money m will go to owards purcha sing the food n needed. Scotts Valley Representative R Venegas V secon nded the motio on and it movess to discussion n. The food ban nk will be locate ed in SAC Eastt. Th he dispensary will happen at the front of the e lounge. Stude ents will have to o fill out a regisstry and they have to have a Sttudent Activity Card. We are encouraging th he students in n need of food to o sign up with u us at the front d desk so we kn now we have some s food for everyone. e If som mebody comess from the gene eral public, we will refer them to Twin Lakes bu ut will provide food f if available e, however we want to serve primarily stude ents. We will ha ave to pick up tthe food ou urselves unless s we order a minimum m of 500 0 pounds and th hey will deliver it for free. The e food bank would run Friday mornings m 9am to o 1:30pm. This s action goes to o vote and is ap pproved unanim mously by a vo ote of 15 yeas, 0 nays. B. 10 Minutes Second Harves st Food Drive Info. / Actio on S S. O’Connor Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding the e approval of $ $1,000.00 from the ___ Accou unt to be used fo or the Second Harvest H Holiday y Food Drive Campaign. C Thiss money will be e used for even nts, prizes, and any remaining g fu unds will be don nated to Secon nd Harvest. We W would like to o host a Second Harvest Food d Drive to help provide food d during the holid days for familie es who are in ne eed. It would be nice to see different d clubs and a departmen nts compete ag gainst each othe er to reach ourr goal of 40,000 0 po ounds of food, and this money would be use ed to purchase e prizes for the event. Second d Harvest givess us some th hings to raffle off o as well. Interr-Club Council Chair Sumano o-Vargas moves to approve $1000 from the programs ac ccount to be us sed for the Sec cond Harvest Holiday H Food D rive Campaign n. This money w will be used forr events, prizes s, an nd any remaining funds will be donated to purchase p additio onal food for o ur Cabrillo Seccond Harvest F Food Bank. This motion m is second ded by Treasurrer Gomez and d moves to disccussion. This a action goes to vvote and is app proved un nanimously by a vote of 15 ye eas, 0 nays. C. Sustainability Resolution R J. Watkins 10 Minutes s Info. / Discuss. Th his item is up fo or discussion / possible action regarding revviewing and po ossibly amendin ng the sustaina ability re esolution that we w adopted ove er the summer. Th his item has been b tabled. D. Emergency Fun nds Info.. / Discussion J. Watkins Th his item is up fo or discussion on o the Emergen ncy Fund for ecconomically dissadvantaged sstudents. Th his item has been b tabled. E. AC Challenge e Awards Information C. Steele 10 M Minutes SA We W did really we ell on the Stude ent Activity Carrd Challenge an nd we have 37 7 companies on n our list. The w website has be een updated an nd looks really good. To celeb brate, we have e ice cream and d apple cobbler for you to enjoy! This ch hallenge asked d for 5 contracts s in 5 weeks fro om each memb ber of the Sena ate. Congratula ations to Gaby and Sarah, who w were award ded prizes. (Senator Steele was w also awarde ed a prize for h his enormous ccontribution of o over 30 co ontracts!) Our next n project campaign we are e going to workk on will be gettting more contrracts and prom moting this out to o the students. Thanks everyo one and let’s te ell our students about this! En njoy the apple ccobbler and Ma arianne’s ice crream as you de eserve it! Good d job! Take the contracts with you to places you like to eat and businesse es you like to go o to so you and d your constitue ents can get discounts on the eir services. F. Info. / Discussion S. Ma Occupy O Wall Sttreet at Cabrillo 10 Minute es aiorino Th his item is up fo or discussion regarding r starting an “Occupyy Wall Street” h here at Cabrillo o Senator Maiorino emailed everryone prior to this meeting pro oviding informa ation about the e event idea. Th he overall goal is to provide a sa afety net for stu udents. This will allow us to sstand up for affo fordable educattion; stand up ffor affordable te extbooks; stand d up for studentt, staff and facu ulty health cove erage; etc. This event would be a sit in at C Cabrillo with ba ands, speakers s and more to help h create a community that sticks together. Senator Maio orino would like e the sit in to be egin November 5th and sit unttil there are cha anges made orr when Cabrillo o forms a perm manent activatio on station on Campus. Possib bly we could ge et colleges natio onwide to supp port this. Sesarrio advised the Senate that w we can sleep ere overnight iff you have approval from an advisor a from th he club and if yo ou have an advvisor who will sstay here he 10 Minutes SStudent Senatte MINUTES 3 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c ov vernight. Sesarrio also caution ns us that some etimes when yo ou send out tw weets or publicitty, you could have 300-400 sttudents here orr people you do on’t know, who o end up getting g out of controll and damaging g things. He ho opes that with whatever w we dec cide to do, thatt we are safe and a that we plan make safety ou ur first priority. It n it and organizze it well and m was w discussed that the occupa ation would con ntinue until thesse standup goa als are completted, but they do on’t look like measurable m or specific s goals. We W should considering adjustting the goals tto make them m measurable so we can say at so ome point “Ok, we are done.” Senator Maiorrino moved to a approve a time e extension, but with no secon nds on the motion m the Sena ate moves on to o the next item. G. Self – Evaluatio ons C. Ache en 10 Minutes Info. / Discussion Th he Senate took k a brief few miinutes to fill outt a self-evaluattion. Each sena ator is to take tthis evaluation and bring it to th heir meeting witth one of their advisors. X XI. H. Committee Ass signments Th his item has been b tabled. ussion Info. / Discu I. Re-Establish R Purpose of Sen nate Office Info. / Discus ssion C. Achen 10 Minutes Th he Senate Offic ce is a place fo or studying, and d working. You u can have frien nds there for a short period off time but don’tt ha ave friends han nging out there e without you prresent. It’s gettting more difficcult to study late ely. There is a guidelines list on n the entrance to the senate office o that need ds to be update ed. It’s getting ttoo loud in the office and therre is a lot of sw wearing and foul language tha at needs to be addressed. Pe ersonal life sho ould not be talkked about in the e offices either,, as s our voices ca arry easily throu ugh the building g and it’s not p professional. Co ommunication is essential and should help us s to solve this problem p if we are a able to effectively commu nicate to otherr members of th he Senate if yo ou feel they are ac cting inapproprriately, as this is a professiona al environmentt. Reporrts (Every othe er name is Bold d for Easy Read ding) Execu utive Officers, Senators, S Advis sers report on Senate S Activitie es. A. B. O. Chuiko 20 Minu utes 3 min nutes ea. Ex xecutive Offic cers President: Charllotte Achen: We W are going to be looking at o ourselves durin ng these next m meetings and w we want to be ab ble to help each other out and d not push each other down. A Asking questio ons to the spon nsors is importa ant so I have ex xtended some items times so o we have enou ugh to talk abou ut them. Vice President: Oleksii O Chuiko: absent m passing out th he signup shee et for thanksgivving. Trreasurer: Joseph Gomez: I’m Le egislative Reprresentative: Ga aby Avila: abse ent Sttudent Trustee e: Joseph Watk kins; Halloween n committee did d an awesome job decorating g. I tabled susta ainability today be ecause I would d like Alex and Gaby to be pre esent when we e discuss them.. Emergency fu unds were table ed because I want w Rachel Spe encer or Denniis to be presen nt. In regards to o bylaws- we a re going to pre esenting a mentoring thing so oon and we are e talking about a fee and prob bation for missiing events and d the VP will be e typing it and p providing that to o us s. If you are intterested in this internship idea a, I would like tto know that. G Good luck on m midterms and re emember to sttay focused on school becaus se it is your num mber one priorrity. In nter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Varga as: In the ICC, the Secular Sttudent Alliance brought up a p proposal to ch hange the rece eipts. We had concerns c with Taher T and issue es that have be een happening g with a certain employee th here that Flor and I will be add dressing it. Watsonville W Rep presentative: Jo oshua Riparettii: absent Scotts Valley Re epresentative: Stephan S Veneg gas: no report Senators-at-Large Sttephanie Petrillo: no report Je ennifer Venega as: no report Sharon O’Conno or: I will set up a time for a me eeting for the S Second Harvesst Food Drive. a Arthur O’Reilly: absent ow: I was on the fishing rescue job last weekk which was fun. The Budget committee me eeting was held d Kathybelle Barlo nd it was cool although a we ha ad issues with the t software. I am working on n a spreadshee et and the Byla aws committee an diiscussed the pe enalty fees. Als so, the ICC me eeting went welll. Darwin Constantino: I have been updating the e website. On the senators p ages there is a phone numbe er and it doesn’t ev ven work anym more… should I put your perso onal numbers o on it or the officce numbers, orr just take it all out? The bo ookstore/food service s taskforc ce- I am a stud dent rep for tha at and the first m meeting is Novvember 11. We still have time an nd if anyone else wants to join let me know. The AGS is ha aving teacher sstaff appreciation dinner and nominations SStudent Senatte MINUTES 4 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c arre due at the end of the month. This week I commend Cart rter; he is not a senator and h he has been coming to the se enate a lot lately, just willing to t help out and I admire his pa assion. Thankss for your help.. Chris Steele: Th he SAC Challen nge went all rig ght. Thanks Jessse, James, Sa arah, Gaby and d Flor. Darwin, the website is grreat so thank you! y Have a goo od weekend. Je esse Collins: Don’t D leave with hout double che ecking that the business card info I have forr you is correct.. Sage Goncharofff: no report ames Williams:: I would like to o propose some e way for Sarah ome recognitio on for her Ja h, our secretarry, to receive so pa articipation. I will w talk with Ses sario about tha at. I am looking forward to me eeting with basic skills. La aura Hunerberg g: We should make m a spreads sheet that sayss when we are not in class. I will take it on w with Darwin so we w can see whe en we are availa able to do thing gs. Summer Maiorin no: Thank you for f putting your recycling in th he right places. We have a sp preadsheet I am m putting to ogether to see all a the past con ntracts we had so it will be ea asier to work on n next year. C. Advisors A s ea. 5 minutes Sesario Escoto o: In regards to having Studen nt Senate phon ne numbers on the website; iff you give them m the phone nu umber here, they aren’t going g to find you an nd most of you have cell phon ne numbers you u could put on there instead. Fllor and I create ed an event con nfirmation form m since the BBQ Q was cancelle ed today. Only one person wa as sick and this s was w odd to me that we didn’t have h a team to work on this an nd that one person was going g to do this all b by himself. Arthur did have 2 senators con nfirmed to help clean up. So I developed a fo orm to ensure this doesn’t ha appen in the uture. The form will include de etermining who o will be teamin g up for all pre ep, set up, servving, cleaning e etc. If you want fu to o be involved with w what fundin ng will happen, join us tomorro ow at 2pm. The e sustainabilityy council resolu ution you pa assed says you u can only purc chase certain meat m products- are you asking g me to implem ment that? Seessaw is next week, w (about 6 of o you going to San Jose for the t leadership council.) We w will meet here. If you are just carpooling let me m know, otherw wise meet here e at 2:30pm. I think you will ha ave a great tim me and take nottes and have a good report fo or your peers he ere afterwards. Fllor Chacòn: On O October 19thh the Veterans Center will be opening up ne ar the bike club b. If you haven n’t seen it, go se ee it. They are going to bring speakers and have lots and llots of food. Th heir event startss at 1pm and th hey need help so o if you can help at that time talk t to me so I can get you invvolved. About tthe BBQ- I hold d myself responsible because e I was w not in yourr meetings to monitor m you which is why we ccame up with this form. I assu umed you had determined th hese things. If you y want us at a meeting, please invite us a and if we don’t a attend then com me see us afte er and tell us ab bout it so we ca an make sure everything e is do one properly. P Please make sure for future e events that we do this. Don’t fo orget about the conference ne ext weekend. Please P make su ure you eat luncch before beca ause you won’t be able to eat un ntil 6:30 or 7pm m- bring some snacks s if you need n to eat ofte en. X XII. Agend da Building 3 minutes s Take action a about oc ccupy Cabrillo; discussion of potential p senattor internship p program; discusssion of mentoring program; discus ssion of event confirmation c forrm; BBQ supplies/kitchenwarre; X XIII. Adjou urnment 4:38 pm Student Senate Executive E Mee eting Agenda (To be b held after th he Student Se enate Meeting)) X XIV. Call to o Order at 4:45 5pm A. Roll R Call Ex xecutive Office ers President: Charllotte Achen- Prresent Vice President: Oleksii O Chuiko-- Absent Trreasurer: Joseph Gomez- Pre esent Trrustee: Joseph h Watkins- Pres sent Le egislative Reprresentative: Ga aby Avila- Abse ent Watsonville W Rep presentative: Jo oshua Riparettii- Absent IC CC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Varga as- Present Scotts Valley Re epresentative: Stephan S Veneg gas- Present Advisors Sesario-Presentt Fllor-Present SStudent Senatte MINUTES 5 Ass sociated Stu udents of Cab brillo College e A Aptos Campus, 6 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Watsonvville Center: 318 Union St., Watso onville, CA 95076 Scotts V Valley Center: 10 04 Whispering P Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Voice: 831.477.5677 Fax: 831.479.6172 http://www.c X XV. X XVI. X XVII. Adopttion of the Exe ecutive Agend da Appro oval of the Exe ecutive Minute es Regullar Business A. Attendance A from Last Meetin ng 10 Minutes Jo oseph Gomez z was absent la ast meeting due to a family y medical emergency and w was excused unanimously. Sage was abse ent last meetin ng due to work k because he n nances to pay y for rent since e he lost his needed the fin jo ob and his abs sence goes un nexcused. B. Discussion of Meeting M 30 0 Minutes Gaby G and Alex were both out today as the ey are very ill w with stomach flu. It was dis scussed that there is no lim mit on the num mber of items that can be ta abled at each meeting. This s meeting wen nt quite fast- s some items were w tabled bec cause the peo ople representting them were e very busy. I n general it’s more importa ant to table th hem if we don’’t have sufficie ent informatio on to provide; maybe we sh hould consider waiting to pu ut it on the ag genda until there is sufficie ent information n to discuss. S Some of these e items have b been rolled ov ver from past weeksw we should verify if we are tabling an a item that th hey have enou ugh informatio on to present at the next week w before we e place them on o the agenda a again. C. Th he Senator Inv volvement Pla an 20 0 Minutes It was discusse ed how this plan would be presented p and d implemented d. Complimenting each othe er can have a ositive impactt, but there is concern abou ut providing co onstructive crriticism to one e another. It m may be nice to po co onstruct a sys stem that we can c look at and reflect upon n, without feelling insecure o or afraid, to se ee what we ca an do to help ourselves bec come better se enators. It willl help us find roles and responsibilities a and also en ncourage each of us to refle ect upon succ cess. We shou uld research id deas that othe er schools hav ve used for se elf-improveme ent and consid der those idea as. Joseph Wa atkins will mee et with the advisors and wo ould like to set up p a research day d when we can c work toge ether to see wh hat programs have been im mplemented att other sc chools that ha ave been succ cessful. It was s discussed wh em could be elaborated upo on at the next hether this ite ex xecutive board d meeting, but no final deciision was mad de. As a senatte, you have 3 goals- you ne eed to be co onstantly reminded of them m and you need to work on tthose togethe er- how are you accomplishing them? But allso think of the goal or goalls that each se enator has ind dividually. Thiink about whe ether your goa als can be ac ccomplished in i one year orr whether you can pass the baton on to th he future sena ate. The mento oring program m sh hould be helpful for all our future senates s. Reminder, n next Friday att 2:30pm is Se eesaw. X XVIII. Advisors Reports Sesarrio Escoto: no report Flor Chacòn: C no rep port 5 Min nutes ea. X XIX. Execu utive Agenda Requests R Denniis came and pulled p Sesario out of the me eeting today be couragement tto have first ecause there is prompt enc response and emerrgency preparration training. Sesario will ttry to schedule this for Octtober 27th. Adjou urned at 5:28pm SStudent Senatte MINUTES 6