Associated Students of Cabrillo College

Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Total on Roster: 20
Votes needed for simple
majority vote: 50% + 1 = 11
Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 13
Watsonville Campus
Room 4360
Date and Time:
Thursday, November 10th 2011
3:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Student Senate Minutes
The Cabrillo College Student Senate held a meeting on Thursday, November 10, 2011, at 3:00pm. This meeting was held at the
Watsonvile Campus. These are the minutes reflective of that meeting.
Motion to approve $1000 from the 73 Account to purchase survival barrels and their
contents for the Watsonville and Scotts Valley campuses.
Motion to approve $4600 from the Student Representation account for the costs relating to
the CCLC Conference in January 2012.
Motion to approve $3000 from the Programs account for the cost of purchasing buses and
snacks for the March in March event held in March 2012.
Motion to approve $1500 from the Programs account for the EOPS/ CARE Holiday Dinner.
Motion to approve of $75.00 from the Cultural Events account to purchase decoration
items for the holiday season.
Student Senate MINUTES 1
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Call to Order at 3:42pm
A. Roll Call
Executive Officers
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko-Present (left at 5:15pm)
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez-Present
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila-Present
ICC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas-Absent
President: Charlotte Achen-Present
Trustee: Joseph Watkins-Present
Watsonville Representative: Joshua Riparetti-Present
Scotts Valley Representative:Stephen Venegas-Absent
Stephanie Petrillo-Absent
Sharon O’Connor-Present
Arthur O’Reilly-Present
Chris Steele-Absent
Sage Goncharoff- Present (left at 5:!5pm)
Laura Hunerberg- Present
Kathybelle Barlow-Present
Darwin Constantino-Present
Jennifer Venegas-Absent
Jesse Collins-Absent
James Williams-Present (left at 5:15pm)
Summer Maiorino- Present
Sesario Escoto-Present
Flor Chacon- Present
Positive Mindset Exercise
Adoption of the Agenda
3 minutes
Old business items B, C are tabled. New Business item A will read “to start survival barrels” instead of “purchase survival
barrels.” New business items B, G are tabled. Item XVII, C from the Executive Board meeting will be striked.
Treasurer Gomez moves to approve the agenda as amended and Legislative Representative Avila seconds the motion.
The agenda is approved by a unanimous vote of 13 yeas.
2 Minutes
Approval of the Minutes
A. November 3rd, 2011
Gaby moves to approve the minutes as edited, Alex seconded, 9 yeas, 1 nay, 1 abstain
Public Comments
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker.
Please state the full motion when stating a motion.
There is concern about a tree that is drying up in the parking lot of the Watsonville campus. It is a rare tree and there is
concern that we should save the tree.
5 Minutes
We will be requiring next semester that you are present in the senate meeting for all campuses from 3-6pm. You will not
be able to leave early or come late on a consistent basis. If you have to leave after 6pm you will not be marked tardy. If
you are unable to make this time you will not be able to be a senator. Should ¼ of the senate have to resign, it will be
considered to change the meeting time. The meeting next week will end at 4pm. Committee reports will be put off until
the following meeting. Please dress nice for this meeting. Write your birthday on the list coming around.
Committee Reports
3 minutes
3 minutes per committee
Yesterday the food service taskforce from the bookstore committee met. The bookstore is in a transition from a
textbook store to a retail store. The interim manager, Casey, is working on the transition and they are also working on the
Watsonville bookstore or services available for the spring. They are also looking at alternative textbook ideas. Here is the
foodservice overview- Taher’s contract expires in June and it is being considered to look at alternative food service
The Governing board met and the resolutions that passed were presented. The SB1143 is a 7 page document which
could potentially change community colleges as we know it. It’s mainly focused on students who are already succeeding
versus students who are challenged economically or otherwise. We have until December 17th to say something about this
and have an impact. Joseph Watkins emailed this to you and you are encouraged to read this. Go to IHOP and support
the Veterans club! Also, for Second Harvest- Joseph Watkins wants to nominate Sharon for Darwins ‘standout senator’
award. She has been doing such a great job putting together this event and it is one of the biggest activities we have all
year. Great job Sharon!
The advisory committee meeting for the facility planning met. For the STEM building, ETECH will be on the bottom
floor and STEM on the top floor. They’re going to move a lot of focus around. There are a lot of people that are going to
Student Senate MINUTES 2
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
SAC west or underneath it on the first floor. They are also going to be remodeling some of what used to be the dental
hygiene area and they are going to make it a new CHEM lab so that we can have more classes. One of the conference
rooms will be leaving since the STEM center will be taking over that area so the SAC east will be taken. A wheelchair lift
for the pool will be installed. Also, the 300 building came in under budget and is finished.
The safety committee met last Friday and discussed the issue of smoking on campus. The group leaned towards making
a proposition to make the campus smoke-free. They are going to propose it but not everyone is agreeing to it. It was
discussed about skateboarding and the signs are not that visible so we were thinking about updating the signs to make
them more noticeable. We discussed enforcing skateboarding rules. We talked to a security person and they have talked
about working with the Veterans center to try to come up with a way to work together on policing this.
The citizens oversight committee met and those attending the meeting got a tour of the new building. It is a smart
building and is almost complete. It includes collecting rain water and using big fans, and even solar panels.
The Second Harvest committee met and those attending had a great time! Sharon will be passing out things during the
Ann Muldokoski, a student recipient of a college wide support grant, from the culinary arts department, made a tart for
the senate to thank you for your support. Enjoy!
Special Items
Old Business
Reusable Bag Initiative
Info. / Action
G. Avila
5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $500.00 from the ____ Account to support
the reusable bag initiative being started by the bookstore to sell reusable bags at a discounted rate, with the senate
logo on the bags.
Gaby brought in a bag example; we had discussed two different sizes and after looking at the price ranges they found
one size that is the most economically efficient and it fits more than 4-5 books and is really sturdy. The print is on one
side only and we are only going to get the logos on the ones that we are paying for. Next time we can have
discussion on this. If you have questions, suggestions or anything it will be brought up next week and we will vote on
it next week. Trustee Watkins moves to discuss this and Vice President Chuiko seconds it. It is moved to discussion
without a vote. It was then discussed whether we should consider getting a company sponsor who would like to
contribute cost to the bags and have their logo on them as well.
Supplies for Scotts Valley
Info. / Action
S. Venegas
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $500.00 from the ____ Account so that
supplies such as a printer, pencil sharpener and electronic stapler can be purchased for the Scotts Valley Center.
This item has been tabled.
SSCCC Presentation
Info. / Discuss.
G. Avila
This item is up for discussion regarding the Student Senate for California Community Colleges.
This item has been tabled.
10 Minutes
New Business.
Survival Barrels for Wats. & S.V. Campuses
Info. / Action
J. Riparetti
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of up to $1,000.00 from the ___Account to
purchase survival barrels and their contents for the Watsonville and Scotts Valley campuses.
This item was amended to read “to start the survival barrels” instead of “purchase survival barrels.” It is a good idea
to start these for both of the campuses. We could probably use sand bags to hold them down. It’s a good idea that we
give our constituents some additional safety precautions on campus. Watsonville Representative Riparetti moves to
approve $1000 from the 73 account to purchase the startup survival barrels and their contents for the Watsonville and
Scotts Valley campuses and Treasurer Gomez seconds the motion. It moves to discussion. It was discussed how
much these may actually cost. For Scotts Valley, they are in a fire zone and Watsonville is in a flood zone so we need
to consider that as well. Joshua will meet with Harry to determine exactly what we need for each campus. We might
want to get something for students in case of a fire – maybe to break the windows for second floor. It was discussed
seeing an exact cost list so we would know exactly what we would be spending. We should get an RFF first. It is
admirable to get these barrels and it is something that is needed but it should be considered to view an exact list first.
Vice President Chuiko calls this item to question and Trustee Watkins seconds this motion. It is decided to call this
item to question by an approval of 10 yeas, 1 nay, 0 abstain. The motion of approving $1000 from the 73 Account to
Student Senate MINUTES 3
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
purchase survival barrels and their contents for the Watsonville and Scotts Valley campuses goes to vote and fails
with a vote of 4 yeas, 9 nays.
Override System for SAC East
Info. / Action
L. Hunerberg
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $5,000.00 from the ___Account to purchase
an override system for SAC East that will lock down the doors in the case that there is a lockdown, or code- red
lockdown at Cabrillo.
This item is tabled.
CCLC Conference
Info. / Action
J. Gomez
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $4600.00 from the _____Account (s) for the
costs relating to the CLLC Conference in January.
This is an annual conference designed for CEOs however student senators are invited. The basis of the conference
is to give you information about the governor’s recent release of the budget. The event runs Sunday and Monday until
about 1pm. Then Monday afternoon the students and board members from Cabrillo visit the state legislators in their
office and in the evening there is a dinner held for people attending the event. This year’s CCLC Annual Legislative
Conference is January 29-30. It is advised to drive up the night before to Sacramento as the event starts early in the
morning and the weather can sometimes be bad that time of the year. This amount will pay for 6 people and 1
advisor. It pretty much stretches out the budget for the student representation fee. The amount of people going is
very definitive and the deadline is a very strict deadline. Legislative Representative Avila moves to approve up to
$4600 from the student representative account for the costs relating to the CCLC Conference in January, and
Treasurer Gomez seconds the motion, and it moves to discussion. The people who will be attending this will be
decided on the basis of who will benefit the most, who is most involved in the senate and knows a lot in order to be
able to represent us. The conference is held during our winter break. It was discussed that approving this would
pretty much wipe out the student representation account. It was also discussed that this is a very important event are
that we need to be present to represent our school and educate our legislators. Vice President Chuiko calls this to
question and it goes to vote. Approving $4600 from the Student Representation account for the costs relating to the
CCLC Conference in January was approved by a vote of 9 yeas, 2 nays, and 1 abstains.
March in March
Info. / Action
A. O’Reilly
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $3,000.00 from the _____ Account(s) for
the cost of purchasing buses and snacks for the March in March event held in March.
Community Colleges from all over the state gather together and march in Sacramento. This is an incredible
experience and a way to represent ourselves. Senator O’Reilly moves to approve $3000 from the Programs account
for the cost of purchasing buses and snacks for the March in March event held in March, 2012, and Senator Barlow
seconds the motion and it moves to discussion. It was discussed that last year we were not even able to fill up one
bus. It was also discussed that many of the senators didn’t even show up last year, and that we should be willing to
represent ourselves. We also need to provide food- meals and snacks to the constituents who do attend. Trustee
Watkins moves to amend the main motion to $1500 but it is not a second so discussion continues. This event will be
March 5, 2012 and will be held at Railey Field. There is access to bathrooms this year. There was talk that there may
be larger student interest this year due to the Occupy protests. There are ideas of charging people $5 when they sign
up that they will get back when they show up, to help enforce attendance. 60 people can fit on a bus and this year it is
probably going to be a far bigger event with the Occupy protests happening. It was briefly discussed about wearing
costumes or having street theater performances. It was also discussed sending one of the buses to the Watsonville
campus. It was also mentioned that there are other possibly better ways to utilize the funds and that we should
consider that we still have another semester to go with this account. It was considered collecting signatures prior to
approving the funds, to see if enough people were interested in attending. The motion to approve $3000 from the
Programs account for the cost of purchasing buses and snacks for the March in March event held in March, 2012 is
voted upon without another motion. Voting comes up in a tie, with 6 yeas, 6 nays, 0 abstain. President Achen decides
the tie-breaking vote, and this motion passes by approval of 7 yeas, 6 nays.
The Senate took a short break at this time. It was asked to record in the minutes that the following Senate members
were tardy after returning from break: Legislative Representative Avila, Senator Maiorino, Senator Williams.
EOPS / CARE Dinner
Info. / Action
C. Steele
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $1500.00 from the ____ Account for the
EOPS/ CARE Holiday Dinner.
Trustee Watkins moves to discuss this item and Vice President Chuiko seconds the motion. Trustee Watkins
encourages the senate not to take action on this item until the accounts are looked at because spending is happening
without paying attention to the balances. The EOPS hosts this dinner once a year and it is for economically
challenged families. This amount specifically covers catering. This event would be hosted at the Aptos campus. It
Student Senate MINUTES 4
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
was discussed waiting to talk with Chris to determine which account he wanted to approve this from. It was discussed
considering that and moving this item to next week, as we have an RFF that was submitted but we do not have it at
the meeting presently. Trustee Watkins moves to end the discussion but there are no seconds so the discussion
continues. We have roughly $16000 left in the programs account. This amount would feed about 100 people with
their families. Senator Barlow moves to approve $1500 from the Programs account for the EOPS/CARE Holiday
Dinner, and Treasurer Gomez seconds the motion, which brings it into discussion. It was discussed again that we
should wait for the RFF to approve things. EOPS stands for Extended Opportunity Programs Services, and CARE
stands for Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education. Trustee Watkins calls this item to question and Vice
President Chuiko seconds the motion. It is in favor to call this item to question by a vote of 9 yeas, 2 nays, 1 abstains.
The senate passes the approval of $1500 from the Programs account for the EOPS/CARE Holiday dinner, with a
unanimous vote of 13 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstains.
Holiday Fun
Info. / Action
C. Achen
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $75.00 from the ____ Account to purchase
decoration items for the holiday season
This money would be to purchase Santa Hats from Target for $1 each for each senator to use during a photo to send
as a holiday greeting in the newsletter. The additional money would be used to purchase other cultural items for the
holiday decorations to provide a multi-cultural decorative scene versus a Christmas-theme. These decorations would
be put up in SAC east and at the Watsonville center. President Achen moves to approve $75 from the Cultural Events
account and Vice President Chuiko seconds the motion, and it moves to discussion. Some people already own a
Santa Hat, but it was discussed that these hats would stay with the senate supplies for future senate use as well. It
was also discussed that using Santa Hats is a one-religion-geared action and that it should be considered. Legislative
Representative Avila calls this item to question and Vice President Chuiko seconds the motion. It is called to question
by a unanimous approval of 13 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstains. The senate approves $75 from the Cultural Events account
to purchase decoration items for the holiday season by a vote of 11 yeas, 2 nays, 0 abstains.
G. Purchasing Sustainable Popcorn & Oil
Info. / Action
S. Maiorino
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding requiring that any popcorn and oil purchased for the popcorn
machine will be sustainable.
This item has been tabled.
Second Harvest Presentation!
Info. / Discuss.
S. O’Connor
15 Minutes
This item is up for discussion regarding the Second Harvest event and Cabrillo’s commitment to collect 40,000
The bags to collect food items were passed out, and the senate was asked for each person to fill their bags at least 5
times. Pins were also passed out to wear to promote what we are doing. Some people are needed to sign up to notify
Second Harvest when the barrels are full so they can come empty them. A signup sheet went around for the LiveOak
Farmers Market tabling that has been approved for November and the first week of December. There is a challenge
for the senators to help motivate them to collect more money and food. Everyone has received a piggy bank so
please take it with you everywhere you go. There is a fact sheet that was also passed around. The facts included on
the sheet are 1) Child hunger is a growing problem, 2) Hunger and food insecurity have increased, 3) Living
expenses (medicine, housing, utilities, and fuel) have gone up, incomes are down overall, and unemployment has
risen, 4) Hunger and malnutrition are related to serious health care issues, 5) Federal nutrition programs are still
under-used in the fight against hunger, and 6) Member agencies struggle to meet the need. For every dollar that is
raised, a family of four can be fed. Cabrillo’s goal is to collect 40,000 pounds of food by December 14 th. We already
have 600 pounds of food! Following are the guidelines for the Great Second Harvest Piggy and Food Race. The
winners will be announced in the spring, the prizes are yet to be determined. It is yet to be determined how a person
who donates $5 will get a raffle ticket (see below.)
Contest Rules:
-1 point for every dollar collected into the piggys
-5 points for every small white bag filled of non-perishable food
-20 points for every grocery sized bag filled of non-perishable food
-All bags must have your club or senator name clearly on them and turned into the senate office (Right side)
-If your piggy gets full, bring it to the senate office so it can get counted
-Everything must be turned into the Senate Office by December 14 th
-Winners will be announced in the spring
-The clubs and senators who collect the most will receive a wonderful prize
-Prizes are yet to be determined by the committee
Tips for collecting food and filling your piggy:
-Tip 1: Speak and pass the piggys around to all your classes. Don’t do it just once, keep bringing it in!
Student Senate MINUTES 5
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
-Tip 2: Go to different places in your community and ask for donations. If you’re going to an event, bring your piggy
-Tip 3: Get creative! Make and sell simple things with all the proceeds going to Second Harvest
-Tip 4: Promote that for every $5 donation, they will receive a raffle ticket towards winning a brand new bike. Raffle
tickets are available in SAC east, Front Desk, and will take care of these donations.
Joseph Watkins can give you information on collecting items to raffle off. Please see him for details.
General Assembly Presentation
Info. / Discuss.
C. Achen
25 Minutes
This item is up for discussion on the General Assembly that took place on Nov. 4 th – 6th
Charlotte- It was exciting to see 400 people and the pros and the cons. Some people were too excited. The
president handled 400 people so well and I got great ideas.
Darwin- What I got most out of this was how they handled their meetings; very professionally even with hundreds of
people voting. The president was very impressive. There were breakouts that we went to – we got a lot of info we
brought back- one being I went to the textbook breakout looking at alternative ways for textbooks. I was able to give
other schools our feedback but didn’t learn much new things and other schools are looking at the same things as us.
The student success taskforce thing- it’s a big thing that is going to affect all community colleges and we will bring it
back to the senate in the future. Overall it was a great experience and I learned a lot about how the senate works on
the state level.
Gaby- I liked it a lot! We looked at resolutions that were a year and a half old. I really support the SCCC chair
because he has great work ethics and is very approachable. We got all the resolutions done for this year and there
were no leftovers. It was nice to see Summer there because it shows her commitment to the cause she is supporting
and she has put herself out there. We may not support her at the regional level or the state level but she is very
passionate about it and I commend her on that. I appreciate those who went with me and their support. Thank you
Joseph W- It was interesting to see massive crowds of students- there is literally hundreds of students from different
regions and different schools. There is a pro mic and a con mic and only the delegate can go up to the parliament
mic. It was interesting to hear hooting and hollering supporting other peoples stances. Gaby got right up to talk to the
president when there was a voting recount that needed to take place. It was really interesting to see how some
schools have wait times; they are passing resolutions on wait times for how long students have to wait for teachers to
show up for class .I sent you an email about some issues that I became aware of. There are a couple that are really
broad reaching and I would like to get together a presentation with Darwin about these. There is an energy idea toothere is an organization from Monterey focusing on creating solar panels on campus and creating renewable energy.
I should have been more prepared on talking about the resolutions. It was interesting to see how they go about itthey pass resolutions and it is up to you whether or not you want to implement those at your college. I recommend
going and reading the resolutions ahead of time and preparing your stances and opinions on things.
Summer- I had an awesome time and felt really inspired. A lot of people ran up to the mics and the president opened
up the pro and con mic to the general public so it just wasn’t just a delegate who could speak. I sat in the front row
with a bunch of people who kept wanting to jump up and talk in the mic on anything I had an issue with and wanted to
speak about. The delegates don’t always have the true opinion of the general public unless we speak up. You got to
really be on target and really pay attention because things went really fast. I am concerned about push towards
getting community out of college- after 110 units you would not be able to come back to the community college
anymore and you would have to go to a 4 year college. It is something we need to talk about with our community- the
big beautiful choir will not be able to be a group anymore if everyone has to stop going to school. The other side of it
is that new students can’t get into school. There is a balance and we need to discuss what is important in our
community- it is more of a local issue than a state wide issue.
Sesario- At the region meeting – everyone from Cabrillo should have been at the region meeting. We were not
prepared. We never discussed the issues from the student success task force here- it is a 73 page document. I
suggest- when these things come up- we bring at least a handful of these topics to the meetings. We should have
our voice better represented for the GA in the spring. Let’s go through the resolutions being proposed and bring 5 or
so of them to the senate to get a good census before going-.The resolutions- they are passed and then they are not
law- it sends a message to the chancellor’s office to let them know what you feel and then the board of governors
gets this and that is where some legislation might change. Now the student success task force- by coincidence; at
breakfast, one of the board of governors was sitting nearby and she introduced herself- my specific question was
‘what is going to happen to the discussions from the student success task force?’ I wanted to know if we are
mandated to do things we don’t have money for and she said the state student senate will tell the board of governors
what it is that you are concerned with and that you support. All of these go to the board of governors and they will
decide which ones they want to take to the state legislature and the state legislators will decide what they want to
implement them.
All of the resolutions were emailed to you that were discussed and include:
Clean energy-clean California
Student Senate MINUTES 6
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
District trustee student leadership orientation
Electronic transcripts
Consolidating of centralized student services portals
Alternative instruction material methods
Gaby will send updated resolutions and whether they were resolved.
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers report on Senate Activities.
3 minutes ea.
Executive Officers
President: Charlotte Achen Reminder- look at next semesters schedules and do not take classes between 2:306:30pm. Next week is a shorter meeting; don’t be offended if we need to push your items to the December 1 st
meeting. Please fill up your piggys. As the semester comes closer to an end we begin to stress out.Picture a cupcake
and a diamond. What happens when a cupcake is under pressure? It crumbles. A diamond becomes stronger and
more beautiful. When the pressure gets tough are you going to crumble like a cupcake or shine like a diamond?
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko absent at this time
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez no report
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila no report
Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins no report
Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas absent
Watsonville Representative: Joshua Riparetti It was nice chairing today
Scotts Valley Representative: Stephan Venegas absent
Stephanie Petrillo absent
Jennifer Venegas absent
Sharon O’Connor Thank you again for taking up when I was sick and putting the barrels in place.
Arthur O’Reilly No PR meeting tomorrow since it is Veterans Day and the school is closed but a lot needs to be
covered at the next meeting next week.
Kathybelle Barlow I would like to thank Flor and Sesario for being awesome advisors. Joshua you did an awesome
job today. Sharon if you need help while you are sick let us know.
Darwin Constantino no report
Chris Steele absent
Jesse Collins absent
Sage Goncharoff absent at this time
James Williams absent at this time
Laura Hunerberg no report
Summer Maiorino no report
5 minutes ea.
Sesario Escoto Add to textbook committee bookstore… there was a report that included customized textbooks
which is a really good way to make textbooks more affordable. You may want to have faculty senate tell more people
how it works and encourage them to do it. College and Career night was well attended. There were some clubs
problems but we will be working on better planning for the future so there are less conflictions and we can find space
for everyone. Your representation did not work well for this committee- it changed hands twice. When you can’t get
on a committee- don’t go and say you can’t do it by telling the secretary. You need to say to Alex or Charlotte that you
cannot make it to the committee. I sent you all an email- I hope you got it. It is your responsibility to go through the
new student handbook. I don’t want you saying after it gets approved that you didn’t have input. The facilities and
planning committee- the president is moving and his new location will be in SAC west on the second floor and the VP
of instruction will also be there. For decorations- not sure if you appointed 2 or 3 leads but if not I encourage you to
do so. I appreciate the funds you approved for March in March. Stop saying you don’t have people sign up- that’s not
the problem! The problem is that when the day arrives people don’t want to wake up early to catch the bus. Try to
plan a strategy. We did not send a bus to Watsonville last year and the stroke center had the signups but they didn’t
have enough show up. Enjoy your 3 day weekend. Finish strong! You are academic students first and senators
second. If you get stressed study first- come tell us. Also, I have Stanford university basketball tickets for 2 at 8pm- let
me know if you want the tickets and you can have them.
Flor Chacòn The reminder calls for March in March is really an issue, and then you have random people walking thru
the quad signing up but they don’t know what they are signing up for and they don’t remember. Think about when you
are voting what messages you are sending to your constituents. You are willing to pay for yourselves to go to
conferences but not for your constituents to go? If you are going to be asking for RFFs, ask for them for everybody-
Student Senate MINUTES 7
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
don’t do it based on your mood. It is very important to be consistent. I don’t think we should eat more chocolate pie
because I noticed everyone started getting hyper.  For your schedules- please- the schedule is out so plan ahead. If
the meeting is going to conflict with your schedule you need to bring it to the executive boards now. Please make it
your responsibility. Joshua- you did a great job today! Go to IHOP tomorrow!
Agenda Building
3 minutes
Social justice conference; considering having a meeting after finals(celebration); approve $150 for copy
machines eating their money (time sensitive); request that senators get priority registration
6:00 pm
Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda
(To be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
Executive Officers
President: Charlotte Achen- Present
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Absent
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present
Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Present
Watsonville Representative: Joshua Riparetti- Present
ICC Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Absent
Scotts Valley Representative: Stephan Venegas- Absent
It was decided that there will not be an executive board meeting next week.
Student Senate MINUTES 8