Associated Students of Cabrillo College

Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Total on Roster: 14
Votes needed for simple
majority vote: 50% + 1 = 9
Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 10
Aptos Campus
VAPA Complex
Date and Time:
Thursday, March 8th, 2012
3:00 pm – 6:30 pm
Student Senate Minutes
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate held a meeting on Thursday March 8th 2012. These are the
minutes reflective of that meeting.
Motion to approve $1,146 from the Programs Account for one student and two faculty
members to exhibit a competitively selected, ceramic sculpture at the prestigious conference
of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts in Seattle, March 24 th-April 1st.
Motion to approve $1000 from the 73 (Supplies) Account to purchase additional
T-shirts as there are not enough available for the current senate.
Motion to approve $50 from the Programs Account to clean the mascot.
Call to order
A. Roll Call
Executive Officers
President: Charlotte Achen- Present
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present
Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present
Watsonville Representative: (vacant)
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Present
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Absent
Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Present
Scotts Valley Representative: (vacant)
Stephanie Petrillo- Present
Sharon O’Connor- Present
Chris Steele- Tardy at 4:45pm
Steven Culver- Present
Laura Hunerberg- Absent
Darwin Constantino- Present
James Williams- Present
Sarah Davies- Present
Sesario Escoto-Present
Flor Chacon- Present
Adoption of the Agenda
3 minutes
Senator Constantino moves to approve the agenda, and Treasurer Gomez seconds the motion. The agenda is
approved by a unanimous approval of 10 yeas.
Approval of the Minutes
3 minutes
A. March 1st, 2012
Senator Davies moves to approve the minutes from March 1st, 2012, and Treasurer Gomez seconds the
motion. The minutes are approved unanimously by a vote of 10 yeas.
Public Comments
Student Senate MINUTES 3.8.12-1
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker.
No public comments
No announcements
Special Items
A. National Art Conference
Info. / Action
O. Chuiko
15 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $1,146.00 from the Programs Account
for one student and two faculty members to exhibit a competitively selected, ceramic sculpture at the prestigious
conference of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts in Seattle, March 24th – April 1st.
This is a great opportunity for Cabrillo to contribute to the art community. The senate walked over to view the
ceramic sculpture, which is a collaborative piece from many students over the past year. Students will also
create a small rock with an epitaph on it in memory of Kathryn McBride, former faculty member who recently
passed away after a brief battle with cancer on February 23, 2012. Vice President Chuikko moves to approve
$1,146 from the Programs Account for one student and two faculty members to exhibit a competitively selected,
ceramic sculpture at the prestigious conference of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts in
Seattle, March 24th-April 1st, and Senator Petrillo seconds the motion. This item is approved unanimously by
a vote of 10 yeas.
Recognition to an Administrative Assistant
This item has been tabled
5 Minutes
J. Gomez
5 Minutes
Old Business
New Business.
A. Appointment of New Senators
3 min. for Speech, 3 min. for Questions
1. Scotts Valley Representative
2. Watsonville Representative
3. 4 Senator-at-Large Positions
Kyle Logan works with the Business Club and AGS, and enjoys being a part of extra-curricular activities. He is
constantly looking for ways to give back to Cabrillo, as he is a big supporter of education. He is the AGS Vice
President, and has over 200 hours of community service. Kyle has a business background and is studying
business at Cabrillo as well. In ten years, Kyle hopes to be on a path to success; hopefully working his way up in
a nice company, and holding a Master’s Degree. He hopes to be a part of the Senate for the remainder of his
time here at Cabrillo.
The senate appoints Kyle Logan as a Senator-at-Large, based on a unanimous vote of 10 yeas.
The Senate WELCOMES KYLE, and President Achen swears him in.
Bus Pass Proposals
Info. / Action
S. Culver
20 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the support of one of several bus pass proposals.
This item is stricken.
Emergency Fund
Info. / Action
J. Watkins
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action for the approval of $50,000.00 from the Student Senate Checking
Account for the student emergency fund.
This item is stricken.
Additional T-Shirts
Info. / Action
S. Petrillo
5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $1,000.00 from the 73 (supplies) Account
to purchase additional T-shirts as there are not enough available for the current senate.
The budget committee has recommended approval to purchase multiple sizes of shirts to keep in storage for all future
and current senators. Stephanie will be making a lot of these decisions on her own regarding the design of the shirt,
so if you want to get involved please speak with her. Trustee Watkins moves to approve $1000 from the 73
(Supplies) Account to purchase additional T-shirts as there are not enough available for the current senate, and Vice
President Chuikko seconds the motion. This is moved into discussion. Darwin is in full support of Stephanie and any
decisions she makes. The T-Shirt may be redesigned, so we want to be certain to have enough shirts to supply new
ones to the members who already have the original t-shirt. Kyle will assist with this and may be able to get a better
deal since he is also getting shirts for the AGS. This item goes to vote and is approved unanimously by a vote of 11
Student Senate MINUTES 3.8.12-2
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Maintenance for Mascot
Info. / Action
I. Sumano-Vargas
5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $300.00 from the 73 (supplies) Account to
fund continuous maintenance of our mascot.
It was decided to have the senate approve money to clean the mascot on an as-needed basis. In addition, any
repairs that may need to be made in the future should be brought to the drama department to see if they are able to
assist with maintenance. InterClub Council Representative Sumano-Vargas moves to approve $30 from the
Programs account to clean the mascot, and Trustee Watkins seconds the motion. Senator Constantino moves to
amend the main motion to read $50 from the Programs account and InterClub Council Representative SumanoVargas seconded the motion. It is unanimously approved to amend the main motion by a vote of 11 yeas. It is also
unanimously approved by a vote of 11 yeas to approve $50 from the Programs account to clean the mascot.
Bylaws Revisions
Info. / Action
O. Chuiko
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding several bylaws revisions.
20 Minutes
Bylaws, Page 11, Section 4. Election Dates: will now read:
B. Voting shall be held for a minimum of three (3) consecutive days at Cabrillo Campuses.
Trustee Watkins moves to approve this edit, and Treasurer Gomez seconds this motion. This is approved
unanimously by a vote of 11 yeas.
Bylaws, Page 12, Section 11. Reporting an Election Code Violation: will now read:
C. The Election code violation shall be presented to the ASCC Senate no later than seven (7) school days following
the election.
D. A candidate can present his appeal to the student senate.
E. The student senate will consider the appeal and will require a 2/3 vote in order to approve the appeal.
Bylaws, Page 14, Section 4: Expenditures and Financial Contracts: will now read:
1. To receive a consideration for funding, a Senator must submit an ASCC Senate-written agenda item and request
for funding form (RFF) to the chair.
Bylaws, Page 25, Sub-Article IX, Inter Club Council Incentives, Section 1, A: will now read:
Sponsor three (3) to nine (9) incentive events, one of which must be held at the Scott Valley or Watsonville
campuses. In order to qualify as an incentive event, the event shall:
1. Not be a fundraiser.
2. Serve and be open to all Cabrillo students.
3. Be held on a Cabrillo campus.
4. Be promoted at least seven (7) days prior to the event.
Vice President Chuikko moves to approve the changes to the above items, and Trustee Watkins seconds the
motion. The edits above are approve unanimously by a vote of 11 yeas.
*The remaining portion of the bylaws presentation at this meeting did not provide visual documentation, and may not
be accurate:
Bylaws, Article 1, Section 1, C. 7: will now read:
Provide the ASCC Student Senate an oral report for all ASCC allocations, with a weekly budget report showing the
balances for all allocated funds.
Trustee Watkins moves to approve this change and Senator Petrillo seconds the motion. Trustee Watkins moves
to extend time by two minutes and Senator Petrillo seconds the motion. Time is extended by a vote of 8 yeas, 3
nays. Trustee Watkins moves to amend the motion so that is specifically says ‘allocated funds’ and Senator Petrillo
seconds the motion. This is approved by a vote of 10 yeas, 1 nay.
Elsewhere in the Bylaws, regarding duties for the treasurer, it will now read:
Provide the ASCC student senate with an updated budget at the start of each ASCC senate meeting. This change is
approved by a vote of 9 yeas, 2 nays.
**see a budget committee member for updated information
G. Request for Proposals Report
Info. / Discuss.
S. O’Connor
10 Minutes
Student Senate MINUTES 3.8.12-3
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding what was discussed at the Request for proposals meeting,
regarding the food and beverage on campus.
There were 8 proposals that were submitted, and site visits will be next Thursday all day. Sharon, Joseph Gomez,
Sesario and Flor will not be present for next week’s meeting as they will be in attendance at these site visits. Two of
these proposals were strictly about beverages, and one specifically for dessert, and there were a few full service ones
as well. The committee is working hard to figure out who should be the next food service provider. After the site visits,
interviews will be conducted.
Student Senate Budget Review
Info. / Discuss.
This item is up for discussion regarding our budget.
This item has been tabled
J. Gomez
20 Minutes
Cabrillo’s Budget Reductions
Info. / Discuss.
C. Achen
30 Minutes
This item is up for discussion on Cabrillo’s budget reductions and what we as the student senate can do to represent
our constituents.
The impact of Cabrillo’s Budget Reductions were discussed. Here is the information Charlotte provided the senate:
*An estimated $5.6 million will be reduced from Cabrillo’s budget for the ’12-13 school year.
*There will be $2.5 million cut from the budget by May.
*The college will continue with additional reductions of $3.4 million in July and August.
You can discuss this information with Joseph Watkins or Charlotte.
Some impact on the students include, but is not limited to:
Impacts to admissions and records; service hours for the counters and phones will need to be modified, staff will not
e able to do things for students that they can do for themselves, such as printing schedules or tracking statuses of
documents, etc. Impacts to students; Departments will have shorter office hours, etc. There are program reductions
and eliminations being discussed.
The following meetings are open for you to attend to voice your concerns:
*Faculty Senate- Every other Tuesday from 3-5pm in the Sesnon House
*College Planning Council (CPC)- Every Wednesday from 2-4pm in SAC East Room 225
*Governing Board- First Monday of every month at 6pm in the Sesnon House
Committee Reports
3 minutes per committee
Governing Board- Joseph Watkins is going to make it a practice to send PDFs of pertinent items out to the senate. You
are encouraged to look at the website and read the agendas. Joseph Watkins has background information on these items,
so if you have questions on something, please see him. Gaby presented on behalf of the March-in-March and it was made
clear that there needs to be better communication about what is going on. Thanks so much, Gaby, for everything you didthe event was a great success! The Governing Board also would like to help with the Bus Program. See Joseph Watkins
to discuss ideas of what they can do to help.
The emergency support programs: There was a lack of understanding on how the budget committee felt.
The Foster Youth program will be on campus soon. Joseph Watkins will be working there. You can send people who
have been through the foster program his way.
Bylaws Committee met this week. There are more things to bring to the senate at the next meeting.
Elections Committee will meet next week. You should be notified later tonight (Thursday) of the time and day for the
meeting. Promotions and posters will be discussed.
Budget Committee met today and they will be having an extension from the meeting tomorrow.
The Cafeteria meeting was last week. Many ideas were discussed, including name change, art displays, new flooring and
new chairs, etc. Joseph Gomez will not be present at next week’s meeting as he will be going to the site visits next week
for the vendors who have submitted proposals. Due to his absence, Darwin will present on behalf of the budget committee
instead of Joseph Gomez.
SPRAC (Services Programs Reduction Advisory Committee) met last week and looked at 2 plans. They will continue
looking at the plans tomorrow and have no new plans for April.
Student Senate MINUTES 3.8.12-4
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Reports (Every other name is Bold for Easy Reading)
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers report on Senate Activities.
3 minutes ea.
Executive Officers
President: Charlotte Achen We did a great job with March in March; it was a lot of fun and I got to meet a senator
Joe Samaritan, and there were a lot of students there.
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko I would like to commend Chris- I received a committee report from him and I don’t
get too many of those! Everybody please follow Chris’ example and turn these in! Chris is doing amazing stuff in his
committee. Ivan is doing a great job in ICC and keeps filling out all the purchase things. Joseph Gomez- good job
today at the committee; you were very professional. Let’s keep up the good work. Charlotte- good job- you are a good
president and we love you. I am glad we were able to discuss budget reductions and I hope all the people will actually
meet soon who raised their hands today. Let’s identify what are the main goals we would like to work on. Thanks for
coming out here. Maybe we should consider striking this wonderful idea to meet outside; I see a lot of cold people out
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez I would like to apologize to the senate for delaying the senate budget due to my injury. I
am trying to focus on his classes; not like I am putting off the budget, I will get to it as soon as I can. This Saturday
Darwin will meet with me and we will get to it. We will look over the 71 account and see where the glitches are at,
and Darwin will present to the senate at the next meeting.
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila absent
Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins Same stuff; I want to talk towards Chuikko; you made a beautiful flyer about the
Citizens Measure D with a nice report. I will send a doodle poll as soon as possible. The facility and master planning
meeting is tomorrow at 1:30pm- feel free to ask me if you have more questions. Everyone is doing a great job- keep
pushing through the semester. I look forward to elections.
Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas Welcome Kyle! I am excited to see another interested person. The
ICC approved $156 for a movie night tonight at 8pm in the 450 building. They also approved money for Pre-Med’s
Health-Topia event. They will be coming to the student senate to ask for money too- get ready for that. Reminderdon’t forget about the clubs- ask me to help bring awareness to things. Come make a presentation to the ICC to tell
them to spread the word; it’s a good way to reach out. Jill, an ICC rep for SeaHawk’s Art Club just came up and can
give tours of the jewelry shop after the meeting if you have time. Can we request we get some sort of hard copy or
email of what we will be changing in the bylaws, since we spent a lot of time figuring that out- can we not discuss the
bylaws change without printed wording please
Watsonville Representative: (Vacant)
Scotts Valley Representative: (Vacant)
Stephanie Petrillo I will be sponsoring the Pre-Med request for money. The budget committee will have a meeting
tomorrow at 2:30pm.
Laura Hunerberg absent
Sharon O’Connor Thank you to everyone who helped out at March in March. It was a lot of fun and I had a great
time! I would like to be inside as well, as I am experiences allergies and asthma.
Darwin Constantino- Welcome Kyle. I am the go-to guy to get your binder, desk etc. I will get Kyle’s contact
information and update the roster. Then I will send the new roster out to everyone. There will be a PR meeting
tomorrow. There are not too many events except for elections. The budget committee- I will be working with Joseph
Gomez- if you want him to be more organized, I will be shadowing him and trying to pass on my freaky organization
skills. I also attend the Faculty Senate meeting with Chris- everyone should come and bombard the faculty senate
with students. I really recommend going. Have a nice weekend.
Chris Steele The Stroke Center beat me to March in March. With SAC, I am learning more each semester. I have
learned not to do everything yourself; that there are committees and groups to help us along. I sent out doodle poll
and got quick responses, which I appreciate. I just need to talk to Flor to see what the best days might be. I thought
before that Alex was in the SAC committee, but I see now that the bylaws state it is treasurer who is supposed to be
on the committee, with the Scotts Valley representative and additional members. What we will be talking about is
getting the word out about the card and the benefits- there will be something coming up on the agenda to approve
money to advertise and get the word out. Since we charge them a $8 fee, they need to know what they are being
charged for and how to benefit from it!
James Williams- Welcome Kyle. I am looking forward to working with Joseph Gomez and Darwin. I would like to
make a banner for the room where we have our student senate meetings. Have a good weekend
Steven Culver I have been working with Darwin and Sarah, collecting surveys to bus riding students to get their
feelings on their preferred proposal.
Student Senate MINUTES 3.8.12-5
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Sarah Davies Where are the tongs? We said at the meeting last week that we would purchase tongs with approved
money when the March in March committee went to Costco. Did this happen? Item H- budget- tabled again- last
week we started to discuss it and as a senate we voted to postpone the item to this week because there was a
misrepresentation on the budget form we were given last week. It was stated at the start of the year that we had
43225 in the programs account, and then the form last week said we only had 41225 in there- it was asked last week
to have this information presented to us; where did that 2000 go? I am curious, since this item was tabled again,
when are we going to find out where that 2000 went? Also, I hope the spelling errors I am seeing in multiple emails I
am getting each week are corrected before these emails are sent to professionals or legislatures etc. Also, I
submitted a proposal for the Social Justice Conference and am looking forward to being involved in that, if they
accept my proposal. And welcome Kyle!
Kyle Logan Thank you for voting me in; I appreciate it. It means a lot to me and I am looking forward to starting the
semester out strong and am also looking forward to getting busy.
5 minutes ea.
Sesario Escoto The bus pass survey- Thank you Sarah for sending me this survey. We are going into the database
and will select at random a sample of people to email. The committee is trying realy hard to makea recommendation
for you to move forward on. The CPC- do we have a provision for absences? Who is the alternate going to be? Why
are the student senate hours not posted? Where is the schedule for the fax machine? Someone needs to help Jesse
with this! The fax machine is already here! Amgen Tour is ending here on May 14 th. Kristen is looking for a Student
Senate Representative to help with the planning of crowd control and who/what may be allowed to table. It is on a
Monday, and there will be a huge challenge with parking that day, so you are encouraged to take a bus or arrange
other transportation means. The first meeting for the Amgen Tour is Monday at 9am at the Sesnon House. As for the
March in March, we didn’t fill one bus, yet again. We would have had more problems, however, if we didn’t impose
the deposit. Chris and Darwin were there at 5:30am even though they couldn’t attend the event. It was a terrific day,
and thank you so much to everyone who helped. There were about 5000 people in attendance, and even CSU and
UC students were there. For the emergency fund- I was at the budget meeting today and am curious why you are so
reluctant to make a donation to this fund. You are doing great work. And Welcome Kyle!
Flor Chacòn I was very happy about March in March, but have been puzzled for the past 3 years, as to why we are
unable to fill the buses we sign up for. We must be doing something wrong. Whoever writes the report for this; we
need to rethink this and maybe have a different approach. Maybe we should target departments versus just collecting
signatures. Don’t forget about elections. There is a sign on the bridge and you should be announcing this to your
classes. It will be coming up really fast. I am very happy with how you are helping each other. Welcome Kyle! Make
sure, if you want to do a student testimonial, that you send it by next week!
Delta Representative Report
5 minutes
Currently, all the Delta representatives are taking CG 198, a counseling guidance course. All the Delta juniors will be
taking Cabrillo Math and Language Art assessments to determine their readiness to come to Cabrillo. The Delta
representatives are looking forward to reestablishing their communication with the senate. Brianna Jackson,
representative present today, is currently a sophomore.
Agenda Building
3 minutes
Admin recognition; bylaws revision; budget review; WATSONVILLE NEXT WEEK!!; outdoor meetings; the loan portion of
the emergency support endowment; leftover funds for emergency support loan program
5:25 pm
Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda
(To be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
President: Charlotte Achen- Present
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Present
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present
Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Absent
Interclub Council Representative: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Present
Scotts Valley Representative: Vacant
Watsonville Representative: Vacant
Student Senate MINUTES 3.8.12-6
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Flor Chacon- Present
Sesario Escoto- Absent
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Approval of the Executive Minutes
Regular Business
Attendance from Last Meeting
5 Minutes
Discussion of Meeting
30 Minutes
The bylaws revisions, being outside without a powerpoint, was challenging. All of the paper copies are wasteful, and
it is important to be able to visually see in order to know what changes or edits are being approved or discussed.
There was a lot of time wasted today trying to determine wording of a bylaw revision; the wording should be
discussed in the committee meetings and the ‘idea’ of the change should be discussed at senate meetings. It is
ridiculous to have the secretary have to keep up with numerous changes based on verbal notes. If people have
issues with the wording, they can attend the bylaws committee meetings. It was nice to have the Delta
Representative here; she was very nice, friendly, and assertive and seems very interested in this. As for motions, it
would be helpful if the President reiterated a motion after it has been seconded, to help assist the secretary. When
items are motioned and seconded very quickly without the entire motion being stated clearly, it is a challenge for the
secretary to record everything accurately. It was discussed having the treasurer provide accurate account information
at the beginning of the meetings regarding the accounts we may be approving money from at that meeting. Every 2
weeks the treasurer will also provide an updated budget report. We can continue appointing new senators through
April 26th.
Appoint Mentors to New Senators
Joseph Watkins will be Kyle’s mentor
Advisors Reports
Sesario Escoto absent
Flor Chacòn no report
Executive Agenda Requests
5 Minutes
5 Minutes ea.
6:09 pm
Student Senate MINUTES 3.8.12-7