Associated Students of Cabrillo College

Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Total on Roster: 16
Votes needed for simple
majority vote: 50% + 1 = 9
Votes needed for 2/3 majority: 10
Aptos Campus
SAC East RM 225
Date and Time:
Thursday, May 3rd, 2012
3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Student Senate Minutes
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Cabrillo College Student Senate held a meeting on Thursday May 3rd, 2012.
These are the minutes reflective of that meeting.
Notable Motions
Revoke the item to approve up to $5000 for the purchase of IPADS for the student senate use.
Not Passed
Approve $1000 from the Programs Account for an End of the Year Dinner.
Approve $400 from the Cultural Events Account for the Oceanography Department Beach Clean-Up.
Call to Order at 3:07pm
A. Roll Call
President: Charlotte Achen- Present
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez- Present
Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins- Present
Watsonville Representative: (vacant)
Stephanie Petrillo- Present
Sharon O’Connor-Present
Chris Steele- Present
Steven Culver- Late 3:18
Kyle Logan-Present
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko- Late 3:20
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila- Present
Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas- Present
Scotts Valley Representative: (vacant)
Laura Hunerberg-Present
Darwin Constantino- Present
James Williams- Present
Sarah Davies- Present
Aimee Cornett- Late 3:20
Sesario Escoto-Present
Flor Chacon- Present
Adoption of the Agenda
3 minutes
- Special Item A is tabled.
- Senator Gomez moves to approve the agenda as amended, and Senator Constantino seconds the motion.
The agenda is approved by a vote of 12 yeas.
Approval of the Minutes
3 minutes
A. April 26th, 2012
- Senator Petrillo moves to approve the minutes for April 26, 2012, and Senator Gomez seconds the motion.
The minutes are approved by a vote of 12 yeas.
Public Comments
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Senate on issues not already appearing on the agenda.
There will be a limit of five (5) minutes per speaker.
- Quinn from Food Coop and Bike Coop wants to be more involved with decision-making process regarding the student
activities center renovations. Requests contact information of senators relevant to these issues.
President Announcements
5 Minutes
- Senator Davies: I had to step down from my position as secretary; Stephanie will be sitting in for me for the rest of the
semester. I will still be a senator, but wanted to let everyone know – thank you!
Student Senate Minutes 5.3.12-1
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Special Items
A. General Assembly Presentation
Tabled Item.
Info. / Discussion
10 Minutes
New Business.
Concerns Regarding Decision to Purchase iPads
S. Davies
15 Minutes
The following item is an information item pertaining to the opposing views of the purchase of the iPads, which has
been brought forth by concerns of the members of the general student body.
- Senator Davies: Cheapest proposal is not always the best purchase. We need to have back up plans. Facts to consider
when making an IT purchase: 31% of all IT projects are cancelled before completion. I have many concerns and
questions regarding the management of iPads. For example: what specific tasks will be done on the iPads that will benefit
the Senate? Who will be the outside vendor for the iPads? Are there going to parental controls, and, if so, who will set this
up and choose what is appropriate? Antivirus software? Restoring/backing up iPads? Help Desk information posted yet?
How will users print from their iPads? What about flash websites being inaccessible on iPads? Will the IT department
provide a contact stating they will provide assistance on these products? Who will monitor the training and/or create the
training program? Pages, Word Viewer, PDF Viewer purchasing? Will individuals be responsible for setting up their
accounts? Who will ensure that “Find My iPad” ap will not be turned off by the users? Other Thoughts: No one currently
assigned to delegate communication with new senate members. We should focus on creating efficiently with what we
have before we move to this new technology. What about online cataloging? Will the iPads be required at meetings? As
far as textbook use: No textbooks are actually available for use via iPads. The iPad is not the best solution for note taking
or editing documents (slow finger typing actually makes written work more difficult). Apple already has scheduled the
release of iPad 4 – the iPad 4 will include a software feature to record a lecture and have it turned from audio to text. Why
not consider purchasing the iPads with this feature.
Six Step plan: 1) Scope Management Plan – purchase a tablet for the use of the student senate. 2) Staffing
Management Plan – Who will be the project manager? Training Developer and Backup? IT Vendor? IT Maintenance?
Security? 3) Schedule Management Plan – if we start this plan today we will be able to complete the purchase by June
27, 2012. All sub-steps of step 2 considered here. 4) Communication method – distributing communication means to each
other? 5) Management Plan – meeting once weekly until this project is completed? Is everyone accessible? 6) Risk
Management Plan – Security, Restoration, Hawknet, Reputation to Constituents, Cost. Will $5000 cover the purchase,
registrations, monitoring, etc, technology problems? Maybe we need a line item for money to use in case all the iPads are
stolen. In conclusion, this is a good idea, but it is the wrong time.
Revoking Decision to Purchase iPads
Discuss. / Action
S. Davies
15 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action in consideration of revoking the item to approve up to $5000 for the
purchase of IPADS for the student senate use.
- Senator Davies moves to revoke decision to purchase iPads, Chair Sumano-Vargas seconds.
- Chelsea (public): Hi all, thank you Sarah for that presentation. I was told there would be a meeting yesterday
where we could speak more freely about this, but it was either cancelled or not scheduled to begin with. I would like
to request that if it isn’t revoked today, could we schedule a time where we could freely discuss this without the
restrictions of parliamentary procedure? After talking to Sesario, I understand what was going on in your heads when
you originally passed this item. I heard in the last meeting that, “We have a hard time finding ways to spend this
money.” I would like to propose that if you have difficulty spending money in a certain account, do not spend it. Wait
until you can spend this money in a more creative and responsible way. There will be a time for this technology
change to happen. There are cheaper alternatives that might be better than the iPad. I would like to express that
there really isn’t a need to get a tablet for each senator; I confirmed this with several senators who denied that they
would use an iPad if purchased. I would like to reiterate that using an iPad is not actually greener than using paper for
the same purpose. You need to think about this, and whether you as a senator use several hundreds books worth of
paper each semester. I understand that not every student understands the way the funding works, but this is our
voice, and we want this motion revoked.
- Trustee Watkins: Given the input from students and support for revoking this, I don’t see anything wrong with
revoking this until we set all the plans.
- Senator Steele: Technology will always be changing, it could be 50 years and we won’t have computers we will be
flying on spaceships. These are for the students; this is going to benefit future students and senators, which will in urn
benefit the whole campus. I think we should table this item so we can first hear the rules and regulations.
Student Senate Minutes 5.3.12-2
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
- Chair Sumano-Vargas: We did go over some of the rules and regulations last week. I think it would be better to
revoke the money before we discuss the rules and regulations. I have an iPad myself, and was originally in support of
this, but our constituencies have voiced their opinion and we need to listen.
- Noah (public): I came last week and listened to Chelsea, and I agree with her thinking. I am upset because I don’t
think this is something that you immediately need. There is no need to use any device in particular to access online
documents if they are all available for everyone, it doesn’t seem that all senators need to use the same type of high
quality device to access this information. Bottom line, whatever the need is that you have, there is no built in reason
to get the iPads, this is a frivolous purchase. Additionally, if you were to buy 20 iPads, a single iPad costs between
$500-600, which adds up to much more than the $5,000 you approved.
- Senator Davies: Thanks Noah, I was going to say to Chris – it might actually end up costing more than $5000, what
if it actually is going to cost $18K? Maybe we need to reconsider. We could set up a committee to talk about this - we
like to set up committees, we can discuss this there. I’d be happy to sit in on those meetings until I am no longer a
- Vice President Chuiko: So, to address you Noah and Chelsea: Speaking unbiased, I have the iPad 3. I didn’t want
to say anything in regards to this because I won’t be a senator next year, though this was mostly my idea. I hear that
this is a time of financial struggle what with units going up, etc, but us not buying those iPads is not going to affect
you and your classes or the price of the units. Our decision was not to purchase 20 iPads, but 16. It isn’t about who
does or doesn’t want to use them, but the positions. Unfortunately, I wasn’t here to address your concerns last week,
but today you stated that the market price for an iPad is $500-$600, but we will be using the students discount buying
them for $300. There are so many things – this is a great tool if you think about it this away – I’ve been here for two
years, we give a lot of money to different clubs and organizations on campus, this group never spent anything on
themselves. We spend at least 15 hours a week on this without getting paid. The senators not only deserve this, but it
is a great opportunity for them to become more tech savvy, I feel like a lot of people’s concerns are that we are
buying for ourselves personally, but in fact we are buying these for the position of senator. If you were building a
house you need a hammer, in terms of this metaphor the senate needs iPads.
- Senator Davies: Regardless of everyone’s opinions we are here to represent our constituents. I’d like to call to
Goes to vote: 8 yea, 6 nay to revoke the decision. Motion fails on the grounds it did not have a 2/3 majority.
End of Year Luncheon or Dinner
Info. / Action
C. Steele
10 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $1,000.00 from the ___Account for the end
of the year luncheon or dinner that is held for the current and incoming Student Senate.
- Senator Steele moves to approve $1000 for the End of Year Dinner, Senator Constantino seconds.
- Senator Steele: Thank you to everyone who responded to my doodle poll, we will be meeting and discussing this in
- Senator Hunerburg: I think we should figure out where we want to go before we approve the money.
- Trustee Watkins: It is stated in the bylaws that for any item requesting funds an RFF is required at the meeting.
- Vice President Chuiko moves to table Item C to come as the last item on the agenda, so the RFF’s may be printed
and distributed. Treasurer Gomez seconds. Unanimous vote to table item.
Discussion on this item resumes after Item F and the RFF has been distributed:
- Senator Steele moves to approve $1,000 from Programs Account for the EOY Dinner, Senator Constantino
seconds. Discussion ensues.
- Representative Avila: I don’t want a hippee barbeque at the beach. I expect nothing less than the Crow’s Nest as a
reward for all the work we do.
- Senator Culver: The issue I have with a restaurant is - When you go you end up talking to just the people directly
around you. You could not actually talk to the person at the end of the table.
- Senator Davies: I think $1000 is a lot of money, I’d even be okay with throwing in some of my own money instead,
I’d rather we spent $1000 to pass out sandwiches to students or something.
- Senator Logan: Maybe we could do the dinner and have a bonfire after, as a compromise.
- Senator Steele calls to question, Treasurer Gomez seconds, 14 yea, 1 nay to go to vote.
- Vote on the main motion: 12 yea, 2 nay to approve $1000 for the EOY Dinner. Motion passes.
Oceanography Dept. Beach Cleanup Info. / Action
K. Logan
5 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding the approval of $400.00 from the ___ Account for the
Oceanography Department’s Beach Cleanup. This money would be used to pay for the food for the event.
Student Senate Minutes 5.3.12-3
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
- Senator Logan: All the volunteers in this event are from Cabrillo College, this will be the 28th time this event has
taken place, this will be a huge event, we’ve been going around getting donations, we have been able to get $800 in
donations, we still need $400 for breakfast. I’ve talked to Chill Out Café; if we purchase burritos from him he will let us
pay $400 instead of $425, and they will provide free coffee to all the volunteers.
- Senator Petrillo moves to approve $400 from Cultural Events, Chair Sumano-Vargas seconds.
- Representative Avilia: My question is for Sesario, how can will this work in terms of clubs?
- Sesario: The instructor needs to acknowledge responsibility for this.
- Trustee Watkins: How is this a cultural event?
- Senator Constantino: We believe this event falls under the broad definition of Cultural Events
- Sesario: This is a Cultural Event because you don’t want to take the money from Programs.
- Treasurer Gomez: How do you know actually 150 people will show up?
- Senator Logan: There will be 200 people coming.
Vote: 12 yea, 0 nay, 1 abstention.
Constitution / Bylaws Amendments
Info. / Action
S. Culver
30 Minutes
This item is up for discussion / possible action regarding constitution and bylaws amendments.
- Senator Culver moves to postpone this item until next week, Senator Petrillo seconds, but apparently the owner of
an item doesn’t need to make a motion to postpone his or her item, so it is just postponed to next week without a
F. iPad Rules , Regulations and Technology
Info. / Discuss.
O. Chuiko
20 Minutes
- Senator Petrillo moves to table this item under the false premise that tabling in this instance would mean moving the
item to next week, Senator Davies seconds, 3 yea, 10 nay. Motion fails.
- Senator Davies moves to postpone until we have a bylaws meeting to discuss this subject, Senator Hunerberg
seconds, 7 yea, 3 nay.
VP Chuiko decides to move on regardless, because of the intense confusion.
- VP Chuiko thanks Aimee and Laura and Sarah for their contribution to this item. He inquires as to whether anyone has
specific concerns.
- Senator Petrillo: There was a whole presentation on concerns in Item VII A, so maybe you should address those.
- Sesario: All you get to say is what the regulations are, you are not supposed to address anything, this is informative.
- Senator Steele: I’d like to stick to the item and hear the rules and regulations.
- Senator Davies: can we have an exact date for when the next bylaws meeting will be?
- Representative Avila: We do not have to keep having this discussion. The change I wanted to the rules has been
- VP Chuiko: Restates all the Rules and Regulations, if you want to see these in detail, please contact VP Chuiko. If you
lose or break the iPad, you will be charged for the price of the newest version of iPad, and there will be a hold put on your
account. The iPads are only for business use, you will not be able to install any aps related to games and entertainment,
though there was a demand for Pandora, so you need to decide as a group whether that will be acceptable.
- Senator Davies: What software will be on the iPad? How will we be logging in to the Virtual Machines? From what I
know no one has their own virtual machine.
- VP Chuiko: We are still looking into this. It will be Pages, Paper, Keynotes, Popetcloud, Evernote, TextGrabber, Skype,
Pandora. Everything else has to be sanctioned. These are all free except for several, which will be included in the
approved $5000.
- Senator Petrillo: How will you enforce this being for business use only? Have you considered that individuals will be
able to restore the iPad to factory setting, then use the device on their own account?
- Representative Avila: iPad orientation will be during the retreat.
- Senator Davies: I think you said we are going to purchase 16 ipads at $450, I am getting a number well over $5000.
- VP Chuko: The $450 is for if you drop or destroy it. I can only give you preliminary information. We are buying
refurbished ones, they should be around $300 each.
- Senator Culver: You wouldn’t be allowed to do anything because you’d need the username and passwords. Only Flor
would be able to navigate this so long as they are on the corporate profile.
Delta Representative Report Next week there will be Delta students volunteering to support the fourth grade experience.
May 14, due to the Amgen bike tour, we will not be having school at Delta High, instead we will be having a beach clean
up at Sea Cliff. Last week the seniors took the Cabrillo College assessments. The juniors will be taking it on the 24 th. We
Student Senate Minutes 5.3.12-4
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
have 24 students who have graduated early, we will have our graduation ceremony on wed June 6 at 10:30am at the
Sesnon House. Everyone is invited.
5 minutes ea.
Executive Officers, Senators, Advisers report on Senate Activities and their respective Committees.
Executive Officers
President: Charlotte Achen Martha thanks us for contributing to the Sexual Awareness month, there are pens,
buttons and a card in thanks. I got a call yesterday about people doing the master plan, they want to meet with the
senate. May 15 or 16? Sesario: In the master plan they want to be inclusive of the representation of the student
body. The faculty senate has looked into this, in the interest of shared governance, you are one of the groups they
want to talk to.
Vice President: Oleksii Chuiko Hi, we went to the general assembly, it was an interesting experience, we learned a
lot about parli pro. There will be a presentation done by me and Culver next week regarding parli pro, for example:
when you make a motion, there is no need to make a second, discussion is supposed to happen immediately. For the
efficiency of the meeting, if people start raising their hands then it is assumed there is interest and a second. It is
suggested that the secretary does not need to write every word we say in the meeting. All that needs to be stated is
the item, the motion, and the outcome of the motion. You don’t need to ask point of privilege, it is a personal right to
be able to go outside and make phone calls or whatever. A question of privilege is changing the temperature of the
room. I would like for everyone to stay after this meeting and have a fax machine workshop. I learned how to use a
fax machine just a couple days ago. We could have a quick workshop.
Treasurer: Joseph Gomez There is $1,324 in the Programs Account.
Legislative Representative: Gaby Avila General assembly presentation was postponed because all the members
who went need to send in their reports. I consider the end of the year dinner to be a dinner. I think the iPad situation
has a lot to do with the elections, I think people are voting in a way that they want to be portrayed.
Student Trustee: Joseph Watkins Miss Rep was really good, good turn out, a lot of us were there. It was good to
see the interaction between our faculty and students. I wasn’t able to make the Watsonville debate. Please help with
all the fourth graders. Baseball team made it to the playoffs. Lacrosse is having a bunch of tournaments this weekend
if you want to check it out. F-Pack meeting is May 20, at 3:00 in room 2030.
Inter-Club Council Chair: Ivan Sumano-Vargas Yesterday at the ICC, we chartered another club for a total of 25.
Unopposed candidates came yesterday. There was an elections workshop for the tabling at elections.
Watsonville Representative: (Vacant)
Scotts Valley Representative: (Vacant)
Stephanie Petrillo Miss Representation went really well.
Laura Hunerberg I want to thank those of you who came to the Miss Representation. One week from tomorrow there
will be a bunch of fourth graders here –nearly 3000, they will all be in the same shirt. The following Monday will be the
Amgen bike tour, there isn’t anything we can do about this, you just need to take the bus or ride your bike or carpool,
classes are not actually cancelled. I suggest talking to your teachers about it though. Really inform your constituents
about everything that is coming up. The end.
Sharon O’Connor No report.
Darwin Constantino Like Laura mentioned there will be a lot of events in May. Lets all make an effort to if not
volunteer, attend. But don’t avoid your homework and schoolwork, get an A in all your classes because we are the
best of the best! Thank you to the Delta Rep – you are invited to the end of the year dinner. We have a full senate
present. If everyone wouldn’t mind after the meeting we all take a photo together.
Chris Steele I had a couple students from Scotts Valley text me about how awesome it was to have the pizza party
there, they had a math exam and were really appreciative of the pizza. Steve Jobs quote – “I decided to take a
calligraphy class to learn calligraphy … None of this had any hope of any practical implication in my life….”
Paraphrasing: “If I hadn’t taken that class, the MAC wouldn’t be what it is today.” End quote. I thought this was one of
many of the huge arguments for why we should save our classes. We never know what experiences will help us in
the future.
James Williams I’m trying to come up with an idea about a PR campaign, or something to raise awareness in
Watsonville, we want to get the word out about how much more competitive schools will be in the coming years as
fees go up. It was a good lively debate over the iPads, I would like to see that continue, I think the iPads could be
replaced by something cheaper.
Steven Culver GA was a blast, learned a lot. Me and Oleksii learned a lot of parli pro, I learned a lot with that and
learned about the politics of how the GA was set up was really interesting.
Student Senate Minutes 5.3.12-5
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Sarah Davies I had to step down from the secretary job, I thank Stephanie for filling in for us. I want to congratulate
Kyle. The Scotts Valley event was so much fun, there were around 150 people there, everyone was laughing and
having a good time, it was really neat that we had everyone either at Miss Rep or in Scotts Valley. I’m playing a victim
tomorrow for the EMT. It is a bummer that the bylaws meeting didn’t happen. Thank you Gaby for your help last week
at the Social Justice conference. I went to the ICC meeting yesterday, it was really cool and really crowded. They
mentioned they wanted to see more senators involved. I will be paid by the library to be part of the Fourth Grade
Experience. There is a talent show coming on May 18th in the Crocker Theater, my acting classmates and I are
meeting after the meeting tonight to get involved in that, the proceeds will be given to youth. All signage for elections
needs to be removed by midnight tomorrow, I have school on Saturday so if I see any signs still up I will take a
picture. I am concerned about a vote happening then we just kept going. Have a wonderful weekend.
Kyle Logan I was in charge of the AGS rummage sale over the weekend. We made around $1,700 there, a lot of
senators came. There will be a beach clean up on Saturday, the money you approved today will be really helpful.
Last night I was elected President of AGS. We are already working on new projects.
Aimée Cornett I went to the Scotts Valley event, the students were really grateful and excited. I recommend that kind
of thing continues.
5 minutes ea.
Sesario Escoto I decided Flor should have a weekend off so I advised the GA. It was a really great experience. The
main purpose of the GA is the resolutions, and that is when you see students start to lose focus. They are boring, but
that is what you are there for. There was a senator asleep in one of them. I am not over exaggerating, at least 30% of
senators were on their machines while the main speaker was on. It is good to keep the group that goes small. I heard
some of you think you have a hard time spending the money, I don’t know who said that but there should be no
pressure to spend that money. You model for others so I hope you keep counting the yes votes, also with the
seconds, I hope you continue demonstrating parli pro. If I’ve had a chance to ask a question it would be, do you take
responsibility for some things you haven’t done well? The fax machines is one of those things. What commitment do
you make if you get elected to address these inadequacies? I’ve told you twice to take responsibility for the fax
machine, now you finally are. I like the bonfire idea, but make sure you aren’t sacrificing for studying over finals. I’m
starting to get concerned with the fanatical pressure from the Sustainability council. I would not pay $200 for milk that
doesn’t have hormones in it. I used most of their suggestions but drew the line when I had to. Sometimes we need
bottled water. There will be some bottled water for the students at the graduation, but the general population will have
to use jugs or else purchase a sustainable water bottle. You are doing great things, the debates are necessary.
Flor Chacòn Your Elections committee is working really hard. At 8am this Saturday the ballots will be out.
Remember to vote! We will be tabling with ballots next week. If you are not running, we need your help so watch out
for my email, we need you to fill in when the clubs are not available. Please make sure to keep the positive attitude
up, the iPad issue is controversial and necessary to debate about. It is a matter of values, and what you believe, it is
subjective. Remember that it isn’t your way or the highway. Be respectful, there is no reason why you should be
going at each other’s throats and hate each other. Other than that please give us your full support for elections next
week. Tomorrow at 11am we will try to purchase furniture for Watsonville, I sent you emails with that information. We
have been trying to purchase furniture for two years. We are working on choosing colors. The Safety Committee
meeting is tomorrow morning at 8am. The Food Committee meeting will be at 12 tomorrow. Other than that, I’ll be
working on elections so if you have anything you need addressed please hold it until after elections if possible.
Agenda Building
3 minutes
- Request from Yaoming to thank us, will be a special item.
- VP Chuiko: GA presentation.
- Chair Sumano-Vargas: ICC budget review.
- VP Chuiko: Discussion and action item for BOXEE up to $200 from 73 equipment.
- Senator Steele: End of year dinner final decision.
5:03 pm
Student Senate Executive Meeting Agenda
(To be held after the Student Senate Meeting)
Call to Order
A. Roll Call
Adoption of the Executive Agenda
Approval of the Executive Minutes
Regular Business
Student Senate Minutes 5.3.12-6
Associated Students of Cabrillo College
Aptos Campus, 6500 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003
Watsonville Center: 318 Union St., Watsonville, CA 95076
Scotts Valley Center: 104 Whispering Pines Dr., Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: 831.477.5677
Fax: 831.479.6172
Attendance from Last Meeting - All are excused.
Discussion of Meeting - Meeting was fine and dandy.
Report & Assignment of Mentors - Kyle is already going above and beyond, Aimee is awesome.
5 Minutes
Advisors Reports
Sesario Escoto - You are in the home stretch – study hard and get good grades!
Flor Chacòn We need help for elections, watch out for the emails that are coming.
Executive Agenda Requests – None.
5 Minutes
5 Minutes ea.
5:27 pm
Student Senate Minutes 5.3.12-7