by GARY WILLIAM ISAAC A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE COLLEGE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE June 1960 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Professor and Head of Department of Fish & Gene M*nageaet In Charge of Major Redacted for privacy Chaira f-Sckoo-.raduate Committee Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Cliatie Stoddard ACK1OWLEDG1 ENTS Acknowledgement is gratefully extended to the pond owners for the excellent cooperation accorded me during the farm fish pond population studies. Thanks are extended to Andrew S. Landforce, Extension Wildlife Management Specialist, who furnished aluab1e information concerning the history of the ponds. I am indebted to C. David Mclntire, Research Assistant, for his assistance in planning and conducting the farm pond population studies. Particular thanks are extended to Carl E. Bond, Associate Professor of Fish and Game Management, and to Professor R. E, Dimick, aead of the Department of Fish and. Game Management, for their guidance during the study and for their criticism of the manuscript. Dr. Max Katz, Fisheries Biologist, U. S. Public Realth Service, deserves acknowledgement for his constructive criticism of the Manuscript. Thanks are extended to Charles E. Warren, Associate Professor of Fish and Game Management, for his suggestions concerning the calculation of fish production. I sincerely appreciated the assistance of Dr. Lyle Calvin, Statistician of the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, for his help in the statistical analysis, and for his suggestions concerning the preparation of the manuscript. Special thanks are extended to Thomas L. Jackson, Associate Professor of Soils, for his recommendations concerning fertilizers and their application. 52 . . . . . . . * . . . a , , . * * * S . . a * * . . * . S '+9 . . * . . . . '+8 . . . . * . . . a . . , . . . . a a . . . a . . . . a , . . , . a . APPDIXES ESTIMATES PRODUCTION FISH OF DISCUSSION ' a . bluegills juvenile of Schooling . . . . . . . . bluegills juvenile of Growth bluegills adult for condition of Coefficient . a . production fish and organism8 Benthic . * a . . bluegiUs adult of Production ESTIMATES PR0DTYCION FISH OF RESULTS * . * * . . * . . . .3 . a a . . 25 . I -, . a . 22 . . * . . . a a . . . ... a a IBLIOGRAPH! B ISTIMATES PRODUCTION FISH FROM CONCLUSIONS . . '+5 a 39 38 37 32 32 29 2 2 26 . * 20 18 18 18 13 15 15 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . , . S . ,. Sampling . . , , . , . , . . , . Stocking , . a . , . . Fertilization ponds of location and Description PONDS CREEK SOAP TH± IN PRODUCTION FISH . ESTIMATES CROP STANDING FROM CONCLUSIONS , ESTIMATIONS CROP STANDING OF DISCUbSION . . . * . . . estimates population of Reliability present vertebrates aquatic other with Ponds . . other with Ponds present fish of species ............ . . * . a . a . a . a . . . Bluegiliponds. 0 . . . ponds, Base ponds bluegill and Bass . . 301 13 ponds farm Valley Willaaette in fish of crops Standing 0*3a as ass. Oregonfarmponds. 13 a a a a a a ,,.,, southern in bluegills and bass of crops Standing a a . as Oregonfaraponds., central in bluegills and bass of crops Standing a a a a a a a a ESTIMATES CROP STANDING OF RESULTS ........... M.THODZ .*,,ss.,.,'... REVIEWOFLITERATURE a 8 3 I . . . . s a . a a . . * . * . . , . , . . , , , . . INTRODUCTION Page CONTENTS 01 TABLE LIST O TABLES TABLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, Standing crops of bass and bluegills in three a . central Oregon farm ponds . . . . . Standing crops of bass and bluegille in three southern Oregon farm ponds . . . . . . a . Standing crops of fish in Willamette Valley farm ponds . . . . a , a a , a 7-. 8-. a a a Populations of the water newt in four newlyconstructed Willamette Valley ponds . . a . a a Reliability of population estimate in pond 18 . a . 16 17 19 - Average standing crops of bass and bluegills from ponds in different climatic areas of Oregon a . . a (lbs./surface acre) . . . . , . . . . a - a 19 21 23 a Selected morphological characteristics of the Soap Creek ponds at maximum (March1959) . a a . ter volumes a a a a a a a * 9. Pounds of fertilizer and nutrients added to the Soap Creek ponds from May to October 1959 a 10. . 14 -a Populations of the water newt in three old Willamette Valley pOnds a a . a a a a a a . 6. . a a a a a 27 a a 2 Computation of production and net gain or loss in weight of adult bluegills, Soap Creek ponds, May throughNovemborl959. as...... ....... 34 U. Comparison of dry weight of benthic organisms (eight Ekman dredge sampies from each pond, September 21-22) with fish production a a 37 Mean condition coefficients for adult bluegills in the Soap Creek ponds, May through November 1959. -. 39 Numbers of juvenile bluegilla sampled and mean weights (in ng.), Soap Creek ponds, August through . October 1959 . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . a 41 September1959 .............-....a. 44 . 12. 13. . . a . . 14. Mean weights of juvenile bluegilla (in ag.) from different depths, Soap Creek ponds, August through LIST OF FIGURES Pag FIGURE 1. 2. Mean condition coefficients for adult bluegill, Soap Creek ponds, May through November 1939 . Growth ratea of newly-hatched bluegill, Soap Creek ponds, August through October 1939 . . . . * . . 1+3 LIST OF APPENDIXES JPPNDIX A Page Corznion and scientific uaaee of aquatic bratesdiscuased. .. B C . . erte- . .. . ''U,. 53 Description of ponds where fish population estimateeweremad, .............., 5k Tables of anal7sis of variance calculations for determining the schooling habits of juvenile bluegills in the Soap Creek ponds . 55 . . INTRODUCTION This study was designed to measure fish population densities in representative Oregon farm ponds and to determine the effects of artificial fertilization on fish production. To accomplish these aims, the standing crops of fish in representative farm ponds in three of the matn climatic areas of Oregon were measured and evaluations of fish production were made in four experimental ponds in the Willamette Valley. The study was conducted in 1958 and 1959 as an integral part of the Oregon State College Agricultural £xperiment Station Project 29k, "Determination of Fish Species and Management Practices Best Suited to Farm Ponds in Oregon." The first phase of the project involved surveys of representative Oregon ponds in 195? and 1958 to determine general limnologica]. characteristics and fish growth in different climatic areas of Oregon (11, p. 156) and (12, p. 1-k].). The definitions of the terms "standing crop" and "production" as used in this paper may assist in understanding the scope of this study. The standing crop is the poundage of fish in a pond at any particular time. Production is "the total elaboration of new body substance in a stock in a unit of tine irrespective of whether or not it survives to the end of that time" (18, p. 20). The standing crop, or population density at any particular time, is an inportant management tool for evaluating the statue of the fish population at the time the crop is estimated. Radi- cal seasonal fluctuations in population numbers makes estimation of the standing crop inadequate for predicting what any one pond may be eapable of producing for a sustained period. For this reason, standing crop estimations in Oregon ponds were coupled with estimations of production of fish in four artificially enriched ponds near Corvallis, Oregon. Oregon is generally divided into several broad climatic regions. Three of these regions were used in this study for comparison of standing crops. These areas were southern Oregon, central Oregon, and the Willamette Valley. The purpose of se- lecting these particular climatic divisions was to formulate, if possible, management policies that would apply to an entire climatic area. Zouthern Oregon is characterized by a growing season of 126 to 180 days. Temperatures range from winter averages of 3k to ko° F. to a summer average of 67° 7. Central Oregon has a growing season of about 150 days and the temperatures range from winter averages of 31 to 38° 7. to summer averages of approximately 69° F. The Willamette Valley has a growing season of approximately 189 days and the temperature ranges from an average of 1I6° F. in winter to an average of 6k° F. in summer (25, p. 1075-1086). REVIEW 07 LITERATURE The interest in the field of farm fish ponds has increased As tremendously in the United States during the last 20 years. the interest in farm and ranch ponds has increased, biologists have been confronted with the problem of finding satisfactory ways to successfully manage farm ponds. Particular attention has beefl paid to the problem of increasing fish production in ponds. Pioneer work in the Jnited States in the use of ferti- Users for increasing the production of fish food organisms and fish has been done by Smith and Swing].. (23, p. 309-315), Using 15 ponds, each approximately 3 feet deep and about 334 square feet in surface area, they were able to study the effects of different nutrients on plankton and fish production in Alabama ponds. 3all established that fertilizing with 100 pounds per acre (per application) of inorganic fertilizer containing 10 percent nitrogen, 6 percent available phosphoric acid, and 14 per- cent potassium, increased the total weight of all aquatic organisms produced in Michigan ponds (1, p. 19). An excellent review of the literature on pond and lake fertilization has been compiled by Maciolek (14, p. 1-43.). One of the most important management problems that baa been encountered by pond owners is the over-population of ponds with small, unharvestable fish. To evaluate the problem of over- population or unbalance, Swing].., in Alabama has prescribed a LI number of ratios (2k, p. 1-7k). These ratios have been used as indices to the status of fish populations in Alabama and other southern states. The F/C ratio, for example, is the total pounds of forage fish divided by the total pounds of carnivorous fish. Other approaches to the problem of evaluating the status of fish populations in ponds have been the estimations of standing crops by the multiple recapture method, by poisoning, or by draining. The multiple recapture method, as used in this study, is a refinement of the method described by C, G. S. Petersen. According to Ricker (18, p. 81), Petersen used mark and recapture methods for studying the yearly immigration of young plaice into the Limfjord from the German Sea (17, p. 1-k8). The next re- corded use of the recapture method for estimating animal numbers was described by Lincoln (13, p. 1-k) for waterfowl populations. Es used the ratio of the banded ducks killed to unbauded ducks killed to estimate the continental duck population. Recent re- finements and modifications to meet fisheries problems have been made by Delury (10, p. 281-307); Schumacher and p. 228-2k9); and Scluzabel (21, p. 3k8-352). schneyer (22, The Schnabel (multiple recapture) method of estimation was used in this study. It is based on the weighted average of a series of separate popu latton estimates. yisheriee workers in many states have estimated the standing crops of fish in lakes and ponds. Ball (2, p. 268) found that the standing crops of fish in l4icbigan ponds ranged from 193 to 721 pounds per surface acre and averaged 313 pounds per acre. Clark (9, p. 265) reported that the total poundage of fish per acre in unfertilized IContucky ponds ranged from 200 to 1000 pounds. Bennett (½, p. 251) has fc'und that Illinois ponds sup- ported fish populations which varied between 71 and 1,145 pounds per acre. The fish populations in ½2 Iowa ponds have been esti mated by various workers, and the results summarized by Carlander and Moormam (7, p. 659.668), who found that bluegill1 standing crops were usually over 100 pounds per acre and that the standing crops of bass generally ranged between 10 and ½]. pounds per acre. I(uch of the available information on the standing crops of fish in lakes and ponds has been summarized by Carlander (6, p. 566). He concluded: (1) there was no correlation between standing crop per acre and the area of the pond; (2) there was a positive correlation between carbonate content and standing crop; (3) there were greater standing crops in ponds containing pri- marily herbivores than in ponds containing species with predatory food habits; and (½) there was an increase in standing crop as the number of species increased; however, maximum standing crops were found in ponds with not more than two species. Wohiechiag and Woodhull (26, p. 5-kk) estimated the fish populations in Salt Springs Valley Reservoir in Calaveras 1cientific names of all aquatic vertebrates discussed are recorded in Appendix A. County, California. The populations in this 900-acre (spiliway acreage) reservoir were estimated by the Schuabel method. The per acre of bluegill reservoir supported approximately 25 pauud and k.O pounds per acre of largemouth ba8s. Poundages of other species were estimated, and the difficulties involved in seining and trapping fish in a large reservoir were discussed. Although the term production has been used by many fisheries workers, it has been used in different ways. Smith and Swingle, in Alabama, have used the term production to describe the tots). pounds of fish. removed after draining a pond (23, p. 313). Ba].? (1, p. 10-18) in Michigan has used production in a similar manner. Probably the first attempt to measure fish production as defined earlier in this paper was by Ricker and Foerster (19, p. 173-211), who measured the production of young sockeye salmon in Cultus Lake, British Columbia. following: They found it necessary to know the (1) the number and weight of the fish present at some time during the year; (2) the rate of growth during successive short periods throughout the year; and (3) the rate of mortality during the same periodse The number and weight of the young sockeye was obtained from direct enumeration of the fish as they left the lake. Estimates of the growth rates of the salmon were obtained from samples taken from the stomachs of piseivorous fishes. Estimates of seasonal mortality rates were made Iron data based on the survival of marked fish released at various times during the year. The ethod8 of coiputation used have been summarized in the handbook by W. 1. Ricker 'Randbook of Computations for Biological. Statia- tics of Fish Populations" (18, p. 32). MET0DS The methods used to study farm fish ponds included interviews with the pond owners, limnologica]. sampling, and standing crop determinations. The owners of the ponds surveyed were inter- viewed to find out items of interest about the ponds, such as, stocking history, fishing pressure, winter or summer kills, aquatic weed problems, spawning success, and the owner's opinion of the pond. The ponds were then sampled with hook and line, when time permitted, to ascertain angling potential, and also to encourage the pond owners to fish the ponds frequently and with techniques other than the traditional bobber and worm method. Water samples were then taken to determine some of the unnological characteristics of the ponds. These water samples were analysed for dissolved oxygen, surface and bottom alkalinity, total dissolved solids, and total phosphorous. Temperatures were taken at two-foot intervals, and samplea of plankton and benthic organisms were collected (15). Estimation of the standing crops of fish was the final stp in the analysis of ponds. The ponds were seined with either a 60-foot seine, 6-feet deep, with a 10-foot bag, or a 100-foot seine, 6-feet deep, or with a 200-foot seine, 10-feet deep with a 10-foot bag. The seine used depended upon the size of the pond, the species of fish present, and the quantity of aquatic plants in the pond. The sizes of fish which were included in the estimates varied with each pond. The objective was to estimate the stand- ing crops of only those fishes which were sufficiently large to handle and fin-clip without injury. These sizes (total length) were normally three inches for bluegills and four to five inches for largemouth bass. Although some ponds contained multitudes of tiny bluegille, the numbers of these email fish could not be readily estimated. After seining, the various species were separated and were placed in large tubs. each species collected was weighed in the aggregate, marked by clipping the upper lobe of the caudal fin, and immediately released. Sufficient numbers of fish were weighed to insure an accurate estimate of the mean weight. The numbers weighed depended on uniformity in sizes--usually 100 fish of each species was considered an adequate sample. Seining and marking was continued until approximately one-third to one-half of the fish in a seine haul were found to have been previously marked. The population was then estimated by the Schnabel method (21, p. 31+8_352), The formula used to make this estimation is represented by the following expression; where P is the estimated number of fish of a particular species, A is the number of fish handled, B is the number of marked fish at large in the pond, and C is the number of marked fish recaptured. The poundage of fiah present was then determined by multi- plying the mean weight per fish by the estimated number of fish present in the pond. The poundage per surface acre was obtained by dividing the estimated total poundage by the surface acreage. Confidence limits for the estimated numbers of each species present were calculated for ponds where the multiple recapture technique was employed. No direct method is available for de- termining the standard error of the estimates when Schnabel's formula is used, but it has been pointed out by Schaefer (20, p. 198) that the Schumacher and Eschmeyer method, and the Schnaboi. method are equally efficient when B/P is equal to 0.25. This condition was approximately satisfied during this study, therefore, the standard error of the Schumacher and Eschmoyer estimate was used to determine the standard error of the Sebnabel estimate. Fish populations were determined by' draining whenever possihi., Each species of fish was weighed in the aggregate, and an accurate measure of the standing crop in pounds per acre was readily obtained. Ponds in which the water volume could not be reduced sufficiently to recover all the fish were treated with rotenane (five percent active powder). atiaations of the fish populations in ponds involved the repeated sampling of the populations; therefore, certain assump tiona concerning the enumeration method bad to be satisfied if a reliable estimate was to be expected. follows: The assumptions are as (1) that the marked fish are caught with the same probability as the unmarked; (2) that there is no mortality or recruitment to the population during the period of study; (3) that the marked fish do not lose their marks; (k) that all marks are recognized and reported on recovery; and (3) that marked fish become randomly mixed with, the unmarked; or that the distribution of fishing effort (in subsequent sampling) is pro portional to the number of fish present in different parts of the body of water. The moat serious problems involved in the estimation of fish populations in Oregon ponds were concerned with satisfying assumptions number one and five. Marked fish were not caught with the same probability as unmarked fish in some ponds. Large mouth bass were extremely difficult to recapture after they had been marked. This made the estimation of the bass populations difficult in same ponds and impossible in others. Carlander and Moorman (7, p. 665) have reported this same problem in estimating the bass populations in Iowa ponds. The assumption that marked fish distribute themselves at random upon release in the pond was difficult to satisfy. Most 12 population estimates were made during the spring and 3U1U15' When adult fish were concentrated in the shallows for spawning. The fish in these ponds were not distributed at random before the seining was begun, and the marked fish upon release frequently returned immediately to the site of capture, which in many instances was the spawning nest. In all instances, attempts were made to distribute both the fishing effort and the marked fish o that the above asaumption could be satisfied, and a reliable estimate expected. The other assumptions (numbers two, three and four) were not difficult to satisfy because the duration of time necessary to complete the sampling was short (one or two days). RESULTS O' STANDING CROP ESTIMATES crops of bass and bluegills j Ztandjn central Oregon farm ponds The fish populations in three central Oregon farm ponds in Jefferson County were studied to determine some of the general characteristics of populations in that area. Descriptions of these ponds (7, 8 and 10) are given in Appendix B. The average standing crop of bluegille for these ponds was 110.0 pounds per The range in standing crops was from 7.9 to 226.9 pounds acre. per acre. The average standing crop of bass was 218.1 pounds per acre, and the range was from 72.6 to 365.7 pounds per acre as recorded in Table 1. Standing crops of base and bluegifle in southn 0re farm ponds Standing crops were estimated for three southern Oregon ponds. County. Pond 5 is in Lake County, while 11 and 12 are in Josephine The descriptions of these ponds are given in Appendix B. Standing crops were estimated by the Schztabel method for ponds 5 and 11. The crop in pond 12 was determined by draining. The average standing crop of bluegills for these ponds was 151.9 pounds per acre and ranged from k5.5 to 363.3 pounds per acre. The standing crop of bass averaged 79.7 pounds per acre, and ranged from 73.1 to 86.2 pounds per acre. The average standing crop of bass was calculated from only two ponds (5 and 12). The numbers of bass captured in pond 11 were insufficient to give a Table 1. Standing crops of baas and blusgills in three central Oregon farm ponds S 'rf S 44 O,-4 Pond no. Species of fish present 4) 0 0 No. of samples 95% coaf. limits Lbs.! acre Dates of estimates 9-23 59 *7 Bluegill Largemouth bass 2 2 453 572 184 231 22 23 21k? 3526 1317-3233 2243-5507 226.9 365.7 8 Bluegill Largemouth baas 4 10k 510 70 328 12 53 214 1082 126-302 361-1803 7.9 72.6 10 Bluegill Largemouth bass 4 29 32 30 4 3 55 126 16-9k 20-232 95.1 216.0 4 26 * Confidence li*.tta determined by method described by Chapman (8, p. 69-85) for single recapture estimates. 9_59 9 24-59 The population estimates are given in Table 2. reliable estimate. Standing crops of fish in Wilamette Valley farm pon4a Fish populations were estimated for 1k ponds in the These included 13 ponds in the Willamette Willamette Valley. Valley proper (Salem to Harrisburg) and one pond near Rainier in the lower Columbia region. given in Appendix B. The descriptions of these ponds are Because of the diversity of pond populations in this area, the ponds were divided into groups on the basis of the species present. Standing crop estimations for the ponds surveyed are given in Table 3. Bass and bluegil1 ponds. The standing crops of base and bluegills in ponds 2 and 19 were estimated by the Schnabel method. The standing crop for pond 13 was determined by draining. The standing crop in pond 18 was estimated by both the Schnabel method and by draining. The average standing crop of bluegill was 169.5 pounds per acre, and ranged from 2k.2 to 5k3.9 pounds per acre. The average standing crop of bass was 75.7 pounds per acre, ranging from 25.k to 192.k pounds per acre. Baae ppnda. The standing crop of bass in pond 6 was esti- *ated by the Schuabel uethod. The pond contained no other species of fish, and the bass population was composed mostly of one-year old fish which ranged from k to 6 inches in total length. standing crop was 62,0 pounds per acre in this pond. The Table 2. Standing crops of bass and bluegils in three southern Oregon farm ponds S 4p, rl 0 ;4. Species of fish present 0 0 0r4 Pond no. S 5 0 No. of samJ1es 95% cant. limits Bluegill Largesouth bass 6 6 166 47 111 33 23 2 487 367 287-687 Bluegill Largemouth basa 4 290 801 - 138-1464 - 241 - 43 4 Bluegill Largemauth bass 10 10 198 176 5 ** - - 2725 - Blue Lergeaouth bass - - - - 8612 15 - - Lba./ acre Dates of estimates 53 86.2 - 7-13-59 146,9 7 - 363.3 73.1 10-29-58 * Pond population determined by draining. ** Inaufficient numbers of recaptured fish to determine confidence limits of estimate. *11* Insufficient numbers of bass captured to determine population. 58 Table 3. Standing crops of fish in Willamette Valley farm 1:onds 0 0o S41 44.) 0 Cj.40 Or-I Pond Species of fish present no. *1 No. of samples Rainbow Cutthroat Bluegill - C1 0 0 0-ri 0r4 - i 95% conf. limits Lbs./ acre Dates of estimates 8.6 8.9 16.3 1-30-58 79 83 - - - 19k - - - - - - - - - Largemouth bass Bluegill 5 291 153 76 352 287-k17 190.0 Bluegill k 329 137 k1 552 523-581 89.7 5-25-58 Largemouth bass Bluegill Brown bullhead - - - 79 329 - 56.7 93.3 63.3 5-2k-58 - - 6 Largeniouth bass k 211 115 1]. lOok 669-1339 62.0 6-25-59 9 Bluegill k 1737 5k1 303 2293 1621-2965 231.6 7-28-59 Bluegill Largomouth bass - - - - 829 315 - 89.2 33.0 10-26-57 'lkSl Bluegill - - - - 3k0 - 32.0 ll-k-59 *1532 Bluegill - - - - 578 - 30.1 11-6-59 '1633 Bluegill - - - - 6k2 - 50.8 11-9-59 *173k Bluegill - - - - 14.71 - 78.0 11-12-59 Bluegill Largemouth bass k Bluegill Largemouth bass - Bluegill Largemouth bass * * '2 3 '13 2106 18 53 136.6 1+56 99 17 8 9700 38 - - - 7565 63 - 103.7 11 11 593 27 538 1+1 1 337k 276 1192-5556 21+ 51+3.9 192.1+ Bluegill Largemouth bass 1+ 21 19 - - 3 - 133 - 31-235 1+ Bluegill Largemouth bass 6 31+9 68 957 205 2k'4-1670 6 293 55 1+6 19 Bluegill White crappie Coarse scale sucker 1+ 10k 1526 2k 72 1+ 793 261+_l322 1+9.3 20 1026 1k 11+6 1+792 1+33.0 3 56 3873-5751 38-7k 18 1+ 1+ 1+ 8 7k9k-11,906 ** ** - 25-385 * Pond populations determined by draining. *1 Insufficient recaptures to estimate confidence interval. " Insufficient recaptures to estimate the number of bass present. 7-10-58 15.1+ 25.1+ 2k.2 - 66.0 51.9 28.8 557 8-21-58 8-10-59 7 k 59 7-17-59 Bluegill ponds. Six of the ponds surveyed in the Willamette Valley contained only bluegills. The populations in all six ponds were composed primarily of small, unharvestable fish which averaged less than 3 inches in total length. The average stand- ing crop was 85.1+ pounds per acre and ranged from 30.1 to 231.6 pounds per acre. Pond8 with other species of fish present. Fish populations were estimated in three ponds (1, 1+ and 20) in the Willamette Valley that contained species other than largemouth bass and/or bluegill sunfish. Pond 20 contained largeinoutb bass, white crappiee, bluegiils, coarse-scale suckers, and equawfisb. Stand- ing crops were estimated for bluegills, white crappies, and coarse-scale suckers, as these were the only recies present in large numbers. The estimated poundages of bluegills, white crappies, and coarse-scale suckers were 1+9.3, 1+33.0 and 28.8 pounds per acre, respectively. Pond 1 contained bluegills, rain- bow trout and cutthroat trout. The standing crops were 16.3 pounds of bluegill per acre, 8.6 pounds of rainbow trout per acre, and 8.9 pounds of cutthroat trout per acre. Pond 1+ con- tained 56.7 pounds of largemouth bass per acre, 93.3 pounds of bluegill per acre and 63.3 pounds of brown bullhead per acre. Ponds with other aquatic vertebrates presJ. Four newlyconstructed ponds (11+51, 1552, 16s3, and 17Sk) and three older ponds (1, + and 18) in the Willamette Valley contained populations 19 of water newts in addition to the fish populations present. The standing crops of newts in these ponds are presented in Tables 4 and 5. The average standing crop for the three older ponds was 133.1 pounds per acre. examinations of the stomach contents of sev-eral newts indicated that they were feeding primarily on aquatic insect larvae and were therefore competing with pond fishes for food. One pond, 1k81, was fenced before it was filled with water in January 1959 to determine if newts could be kept out of the pond, The fence was constructed of window screen 12 inches high held upright by 2k-inch supports of heavy-gauge wire. The pond was drained in November of 1959 and no newts were re-. covered. Table 4. Populations of the water newt in three old Willamette 0 0 1582 1 0.11 1683 3 0.38 1.93 1784 3.3 * Newt control by fencing before the pond was filled. 20 Reliabi4ty of population estimates A check on the reliability of the population estimate in Thompson's pond (number 18) near Sweet Home was conducted in April and May 1957, as recorded in ¶able 6. The pond was seined on April 30, 195?, and the population estimated by the Schnabel. method. The estimated standing crop of bluegilla was 136.6 pounds per acre (9700 fish). A total of 103.7 pounds per acre of blus gills (7565 fish) was recovered when the pend was drained on May +, 1957. were from 7k9 (7565). The 95 percent confidence limits of the estimate to 11,906 and included the number actually present No check could be made on the reliability of the bass estimate as insufficient numbers of bass were recaptured to de.. termine the confidence limits. Reliability of population estimate in pond 18 Table 6. Species of fish present Type of estimate o mabS 1 Bluegill Largemouth bass g Bluegill Largemouth bass Population estimate 9700 38 - 95% conf. limits 7k9k-ll,906 No. recovered upon draining Lbs./ acre - 136.6 15.k ** 7565 3 Dates of estimates 103.7 25. Insufficient numbers of marked fish recaptured to determine confidence limits. ru I-' 22 DISCUSSION OF STANDING CROP ESTIMATIONS A comparison was made of the average standing crops of base and bluegills in the three climatic areaa of Oregon surveyed. The results recorded in Table 7 indicate that the average stand- ing crop of bluegiU was greater than 100 pounds per acre for ail three areas, while the average standing crop of bass was greater than 60 pounds per acre. The Willemette Valley bass-bluegill ponds surveyed were supporting the highest average standing crop of bluegills (169.3 pounds per acre). Central Oregon ponds were supporting the highest average standing crop of bass (218.1 pounds per acre). The poundages of bluegill in Oregon ponds were similar to those reported by Ball (2, p. 266-269) for Michigan ponds and by Carlander and Moorman (7, p. 659-668) for Iowa ponds. Central Oregon ponds were supporting greater poundages of bass than ponds in Iowa and Michigan. The highest bass population estimate in the Oregon ponds surveyed was 365.7 pounds of bass per acre for pond 7 (central Oregon). Carlander has repoited 80 pounds per acre as the highest bass population estimated in Iowa ponds. This population was composed primarily of k to 6 inch bass, as was the population in the most productive Oregon pond surveyed, but the poundage was nearly five times greater in the Oregon pond. Central Oregon ponds appear to be capable of sup porting greater standing crops of bass than southern Oregon ponds, Willamette Valley ponds, and ponds in Michigan and Iowa. The chemical, physical, end biological characteristics of the climatic regions surveyed undoubtedly effected the standing crops of fish present in the areas. Unfortunately, there was only limited information available on limnological eharacterism tics of ponds in the areas surveyed, and no definite relation-s ships between these characteristics and the standing crops of fish could be established, Central Oregon 3 110.0 218.1 Southern Oregon 3 151.9 79.7 Willamette Valley 5 169.5 75.7 Large populations of the water newt were found in three WiUametto Valley ponds (1, k and 18). Since newts were appar.* ently oompeting with pond fish for food, it seemed advisable to attempt to prevent their movement into newly-constructed ponds. Pond lkSl was fenced with window screen before it was filled, and no newts were recovered when the pond was drained 11 months later. Although this method proved to be effective for con. trolling newts, more information on the extent of the competition between newts and fish is needed before control is recommended. Management practices probably bad a greater influence on population size than any other single tactor Ponds in the three climatic areas appeared to be capable of producing only a limited poundage of fish when left in an unmanaged condition. Suitable stocking rates and ratios were believed to be necessary for the maximum yield of pan..sized fish in Oregon ponds, Central Oregon pond owners have greater difficulty obtaining fish for planting and are inclined to follow present stocking recommendations. In contrast, Willamette Valley pond owners find it less difficult to obtain fish and in some instances do not follow stocking recommendations. tor example, pond 9 was tooked with a "bucket- full" of bluegills and was supporting a large poundage of small, unharveatable fish under 3 inches in total length when the population was estimated (Table 3, page 1?). fishing intensity also appeared to have an important influ enoe on the sizes of fish present in Oregon ponds. Interviews with pond owners indicated that the pond fish populations in mU areas were improperly harvested, Central Oregon ponds, however, did appear to be more adequately harvested than ponds in southern Oregon and the Willamette Valley. This may be a partial explana-. tion as to why the central Oregon ponds surveyed were supporting the highest poundages of bass. Although harvesting fish crops in ponds can be compared with harvesting other farm commodities, it was difficult to convince pond owners that they should fish their ponds intensely to provide maximum yields of pan-sized fish. 25 CONCLUSIONS I'ROM STANDING CROP ESTIMATES 1. Standing crops of bluegills in Oregon ponds were similar to those reported for other states. 2. Average bluegill standing crops were similar in central Oregon, southern Oregon, and in the Willametto Valley. 3. Largemouth bass standing orops appeared to be greater in Oregon ponds than in Michigan and Iowa ponds. 1+. The central Oregon ponds surveyed were supporting larger standing crops of bass than ponds in southern Oregon and the Willamette Valley. 5. Water newts were present in sufficient numbers in some Willamette Valley ponds to be important competitors with fish for food organisms. 6. pOflde. Water newts can be ezoluded by fencing newlyconstruCted 26 flSR PRODUCTION IN THE SOAP CREEK PONDS Calcu1ations of fish production in the four experimental ponds near Corvallis were made during the summer of 1959. The purpose of the study was to experiment with some of the techniques used in estimating production, to determine the effects of arti. ticial fertilization upon production of bluegills, and to deter- mine if the calculations of production would furnish useful information regarding farm pond fish populations. Description and location of pon4 A series of four rectangular ponds were excavated during July 1958 approximately 100 yards west of Soap Creek, about 15 miles north of Corvallis, Oregon. The ponds were designated as lkSi, 1532, 1633, and 173k in the preceding section, but to keep the numbering system consistent with that of Nclntire (16), who made limnological studies in the same ponds, the prefixes have been dropped. Zn the subsequent discussion, the ponds are num- bered SI, $2, $3, and 3k. The ponds were filled by run-off water draining east to Soap Creek. The water was collected behind a diversion terrace which was designed to guide water into the ponds. The ponds were cant- pletely filled by January 9, 1959. Pond Si is nearly 200 f..t Long and 100 feet wide; while 32, 33 and Sk are approximately 250 feet long and 100 feet wide. west end of the pond is ebalow, and the bottom of each pond The 27 elopes gently toward the deeper east end. Some of the important morphological characteristics of each pond during maximum water volume are given in Thble 8. The ponds had lost considerable water by early summer. 81, being the smallest, was most adversely effected by the loss of water. The water level had dropped from a depth of 5 feet in early March to a depth of 3.5 feet by July. At that time, it be- came necessary to pump water into Si from Soap Creek. The changes in the limnological characteristics of SI brought about by the addition of this supplementary water were recorded by Mclntire (16). ab].s 8. Se1,ctet morphological characteristics of the Soap Creek ?onde at maximum water volumes (March l99) Average depth (feet) Water volume (acrs.teet) 0.38 2.7 1.026 82 0.60 3.3 1.980 83 0.49 3.8 1.862 84 0.47 3.5 1.645 Pond number Surface area 81 (acres) Fertilization The soil in the Soap Creek drainage was known to be deficient in nitrogen and phosphorous, therefore, the ponds were treated with combinations of these nutrients. Single superphos- phate was used as the phosphorous source and urea was used as the 28 nitrogen source. These nutrients were available as commercial grade fertilizers from local distributors% No recommendations were available regarding the fertilization of Oregon ponds, therefore, the poundages of fertilizers applied to one pond, 83, approximated those used by Ball and Tanner in their Michigan studiee (3, p. 7). They applied lO.6..k (N..P2OçK2O) at a rat, of 100 pounds per acre every three weeks for five months (May through September). Pond S3 received approximately this same amount of nutrients. Fertilization was begun on May 1 and continued monthly, ext- cept for July, until the last application on October 1, 1939. The July omission was made to avoid fish mortalities which might have occurred from oxygen depletioa. Dense blooms of phytoplank- ton were present, and dissolved oxygen was less than 2.0 milli- grams per liter near the bottoms of 53 and 84. The pounds of commercial fertilizer added monthly and the total pounds of nu- trients added are given in Table 9. Pond 82 received nitrogen only, 83 received nitrogen and phosphorous (same rate as Michigan ponds), 54 received nitrogen and phosphorous at twice the rate applied to 83. 81 was used as the control pond, receiving no fertilizer. Stocking Adult bluegills were obtained from the William Ieimer pond near Perrydale, Oregon, in early May 1.959. The ponds were length-weight a is later, discussed is coefficient,which condition The coefficients. condition mean calculate to planting of time the at taken were fish 15 of lengths standard nd weights The May. in begun was populations fish adult the of Sampling Sampling evident. been have would production in differences no and ponds the of any in limiting been have not might food available understocked, were ponds the ±f that believed was It acre-foot. per fish email 125 is rate stocking recommended present The poad. Oregon for recommended presently that times four approximately was rate stocking This respectively. fish 732 and 835, 876, 461, ceivod re Sk and S3, 52, Si, acre-foot. per fish 450 approximately of rate a at 8) (Table volume water of basis the on stocked none none none none 16,7 none 25.0 16.7 25.0 50.0 33.4 50.0 75.2 53 37.6 Si. none 52 37.6 Nitrogen lrea 50 2 phate superphosSingle monthly added added_ nutrients pounds Total fertilizer Pounds Pertilization number Pond 1959 October to Ma from ponds Creek Soap the to added nutrients and fertilizer of Pounds 9. Table relationship. It was used to measure the "plumpness" of the fish during the study period. The mean weight per fish at the time of stocking was calculated from a randomly selected sample of 87 fish. Severity-five fish were marked with a left-ventral clip to estimate mortality. The next sampling was conducted during the first week in July. Approximately 100 fish from each pond were seined with a 100-foot seine and the mean weights determined. Twenty-five fish were weighed and measured individually to determine mean condition coefficients. Seventy-five fish were marked with a right-ventral fin clip to estimate mortality. This pro- cedure was repeated in mid-August for additional growth information, and another 25 fish from each pond were weighed and measured for condition coefficient analysis. Au additional 75 fish were marked with a both-ventral clip to estimate mortality. There was no further sampling of the adult fish until the ponds were drained in November and the entire fish populations were recovered. On July 31, newly-hatched bluegifls were observed in all four ponds. These fish were found by ?lclntire (16) to be utiliz- ing zooplankton and benthic organisms present in the ponds. A sampling method was established to estimate the growth rates of these newly-hatched bluegills in each pond. The sampling was be- gun on August 13 and was terminated on October 13. eight sampling stations were located on the periphery of each pond, starting with station 1 at the shallow southwest corner of each pond and moving clockwise around the pond. Station 2 was at the northwest corner, 31 3 and 4 on the north side, 5 in the northeast corner, 6 in the southeast corner, and 7 and 8 on the south side of each pond. One seine haul was made at each station with a 10-foot seine, and all captured bluegiUs counted and weighed in the aggregate. This procedure was used during the first sampling, but a further refinement was made when it was suspected that the young fish were schooling in size groups in the different areas of the ponds. During subsequent sampling, eight seine hauls were made, as before, but each seine haul was divided in the center with a wooden lath. Thus, each seine haul contained two "aub-seine hauls" which were counted and weighed as before. This made possible the determination of schooling habits of the juvenile bluegills by comparing the variations in mean weight within a single seine haul, and among several seine hauls. This sampling procedure was continued at approximately two-week in.. tervals from late August to mid-October. At that time the young bluegille became difficult to capture in adequate numbers and sampling was discontinued. RESULTS 07 FISH PRODUCTION ESTIMATES Production of adult blueills Production is the total elaboration of new body substance in a fish stock in a unit a! time, irrespective of whether or not it survives to the end of that time. Fish production can be computed when growth rates and mortality rates are known and average standing orops have been computed. The instantaneous growth rates were computed for each time interval from the initial and final mean weights of the fish by the following expression for exponential growth: 5gt we where g is the instantaneous growth rate, is the initial weight in grams, is the final weight in grams, and t is the tine interval. The total time involved from Nay to November was considered as t m 1. terval (t The time from May 8 to July 2 was the first time in.. O.1); the time from July 2 to August 20 wae the second interval (t 0.27); and the time from August 20 to November 10 was the third interval (t = O.2). The computed instantaneous growth rates for each of these time periods for each pond are presented in Table 10. The computation of those growth rates was a necessary intermediate in the computation of fish production. These instantaneous growth rates indicate the pattern of growth during the time intervals if the rates of growth are assumed constant during the intervals. In SI and 33 there was negative growth during the second time interval; and there were negative rates of growth during two of the time periods (July Z to August 20, and August 20 to November 10) in 32. The growth rates were positive in Sk for all three inter- vals. The computation of instantaneous mortality rates was also necessary for the estimation of fish production. Mortality rates could not be computed for each time interval from the numbers of marked fish recovered upon draining since mortality was introduced, apparently b the marking procedure. Therefore, the total instantaneous mortality rate was computed from the numbers stocked and the numbers recovered from each pond by the following expression: N t=e -it where i is the instantaneous mortality rate, is the initial numbers of fish present, Nt is the final numbers of fish present, and t is the time period. Table 10. Pond no. and fertilizer applied Computation of production and net gain or loss in weight of adult bluegilla, Soap Creek ponds, May through November 1959 Time period 1 a None 3 Totals 82 Nitrogen 1 2 only Totals 3. a Nitrogen and phosphorous Totals 2(aitrogen and phosphorous Initial standing crops in kg. 6.572 6.692 5,852 -12.487 14.853 10.190 - 11.903 18.960 13.584 -- 1 10.435 2 14.906 3 15.811 Totals -- Instan- Instan.. taneous mortality rate i taneous growth rate g Average standing crops in kg. 6.638 kg. - 1.o86 13.612 12.711 9.147 4.08k -2.669 -0.457 2.314 k.o68 -2.012 --- -- -- 0.958 -3.766 -4.296 0.47 -0.20 14,557 16.617 13.584 6.842 -3,323 1.494 5.677 -4.487 0.000 -- 5.013 1.190 12.491 15.368 16.301 5.996 2.766 3.912 4.372 0.922 0.978 -- 12.674 6.272 - 0.13 0.11 0.17 0.30 -0.21 -0.05 0.43 (g-i)i 0,39k -- 0.13 0.12 o.i8 Actual net gain or loss in 0.039 0.30 0.26 Computed net gain or loss in kg. 0.113 -o.881 -0.318 -0.06 0.07 o.o8 0.07 0.11 kg. g 0.09 o.o8 0.13 0.41 Production in 0.11. o,u - o.48 0.18 0.24 6.k 5.680 0.730 -0.375 ..i,o58 - -- 0.776 ---- 6,195 35 The assumption was made that the rate of mortality was con- stant during the entire study (May to November) and the total mortality rate was then divided into three instantaneous mortality rates on the basis of the length of the different time intervals. o.k3 for The total mortality rates were 0.30,, 0.26, and l, 82, 83, and 8k respectively. The total instantane- ous mortality rate for each pond, and the corresponding rates for each time interval are recorded in ¶able 10. The rate of mortality appears to be greater during the third period (August to November) for all four ponds, but this is due entirely to the length of this interval (t 0.142). The total mortality rates were greater in 82 and 8k than in $3. and 83. Although no excessive mortality was observed in 82 or 8k, conditions near the bottom were found by Malntire (16) to be submarginal for over two months (1.5 milligrams per liter dissolved oxygen). This may have bee* partially responsible for the high mortality in these ponds. The average standing crops for each time interval were also necessary for the computation of production. The average stand-. jag crops were determined for each pond by using the computed instantaneous growth and mortality rates for each pond and the standing crops at the beginning of the time periods as indicated by the following expression. =w0 (e-.l) g-i 36 where W is the average standing crop for the time period, is the standing crop at the beginning of the time period, and g and i are the instantaneous growth and mortality rates for the time period. The meaning of the average standing crop can be seen from the preceding equation. The initial standing crop for any time interval changes during the time involved as the fish change in weight (growth) and as the numbers of fish decrease (mortality). The computed average standing crops for each pond and for each time period are recorded in Table 10. The production of adult bluegills was calculated by multiplying the average standing crop for each interval times the instantaneous growth rate g for that interval. values for each interval, are presented in Table 10. The computed nd the total production for each pond The total production is the sum of the production for each period. The production for any particu- lar time interval wifl be negative if the instantaneous growth rate is negative. For example, in S2 the growth rates and the production were negative for the second (t = 0.27) and third (t = 0.ka) interval. The total production was 0.39k, 0.958, 3.013, and 12.67k kilograms for 81, 82, S3, and 8k respectively. Benthic and fish production Examination of the stomach contents of five adult bluegille from each pond indicated that aquatic Diptera of the family Tendipedidas were the only important food item in the diet of the fish in the experimental ponds. The total dry weight, in milligrams, of tendipedid larvae removed from the stomachs of five adult bluegills taken from each pond on August 19 were 1.7, 1.4, 3.6, and 85.5 milligrams for ponds Si, 52, 53, and 54 respectively, The total dry weight of benthic organisms (in mg.) for one sampling period (September 21-22) consisting of eight Ekman dredge samples of one-fourth square foot each was compared with the total kilograms of fish produced in each pond. The results presented in Table U indicate that there was a direct relationship between the abundance of tendipedid larvae and fish production in all four ponds.. 81 19.4 0.394 52 32.9 0.958 53 161.0 5.013 84 314.4 12.674 38 ills Coefficient of condition for adult The coefficient of condition K, expressed in metric units, as described by Carlander (5, p. 8) was used to determine the condition of the adult bluegills at each sampling. The ex pression for the condition coefficient is: K = W 10 , L3 Th] W is the weight n grams, L 1O is the standard length in millimeters, and is a factor to bring the value of K near unity. The mean K for 15 representative bluegilla at the time of stocking on May 8 was 3.22. This was a composite sample taken before the fiah were placed in the ponds, therefore, the initial K was 3.22 for each pond. Carlander (5, p. 178) has reported a mean condition coefficient of 3.72 for 136 bluegills from Iowa ponds. Mean values of 1( were computed from samples of approxi- mately 25 fish from each pond on July 2, August 20, and November 10. The tabulated values (Thble 12) of the least significant difference at the five percent significance level (LSD) indicate that adult bluegills in s4 wore in better eon dition than the fish in any other pond at all periods of sampling. On July 2 and August 20, the mean condition was better in 83 than in Si and 82. The mean conditions for fish in Si and 82 ware not 39 table 12, Pond number Mean condition coefficients for adult bluegilla in the Soap Creek ponds, May through November 1959 Time of aa*pling August 20 July 2 My 8 November10 Si 3.22 3.19 2.65 2.9? £2 3.22 3.1k 2.68 2.82 83 3.22 3.31 2.87 3.02 3k 3.22 3.55 3.5k 3.k2 0.13 0.13 0l2 L3D,03 - significantly different on either of these dato, When the ponds were drained, the fish in Si and 83 were in bettex condition than the fish in 32. The general trends in mean condition coeffici- ents are presented in ?igur, 1. Growth of juvenile 1ls Newly-hatched bluegills were present by mid-July in all ponds. The growth rates of these small fish were estimated every two weeks by sampling at eight locations around the ponds as previously described. The differences in mean weights at the initial sampling (Table 13) indicated that spawning and/or hatching had occurred at different times in the four ponds. The initial mean weight in B]. and 82 was similar (approximately 100 mg.), but the initial mean weight was extremely different in 33 (300 mg.) and 24 (25 ag.). The mean weights of the small fish in 31, 82, and 83 remained relatively constant, but the mean ALL C 0 PONDS I POND SI POND $2 rwd& POND $3 DCCV\/\/V S 4.0 z 'a U U. UIii 8 3.5 z 0 I a z 0 U 3.0 z 4 'a 2.5 May 8 FIGURE I July 2 Aug. MEAN CONDITION ADULT BLUEGILL CREEK PONDS, 20 Nov. 10 COEFFICIENTS FOR SOAP SUNFISH, MAY NOVEMBER 1959 THROUGH Table 13. Numbers of juvenile bluegifla sampled and mean weights (in mg.), Soap Creek ponds, August througb October 1959 no. 33 August 28 August 13 Pond September 11 September 29 October 3 No. Wt,/fish No. Wt./fish No, Wt./fish No, Wt,/fish 473 79.7 64 108.0 709 143.3 630 170.8 733 161.3 8k 96.4 884 99.1 802 107.1 484 127.1 632 137.2 309 312.3 436 354.2 634 317.7 389 440.1 81 339.5 1043 26.1 832 102.4 785 238.6 780 330.5 6o6 307.8 No. Wt./f ish three all at hauls seine individual within than hauls seine among variation more significantly was There occurring. was groups size by schooling that observation the substantiated periods sampling three for c) (Appendix calculations variance of Analysis hauls. seine within weight in variation the than greater be to expected was hauls seine different among weight mean in variation the groups, size by schooling were fish young the If hauls. several among variation the and hauls seine individual of halves separate the within weight mean in variation the analyze to possible was it method, this Using described. previously as lath wooden a with divided were samples subsequent in hauls seine observation, this support To groups. size different in ing school- were fish small the that indicated 13) (August conducted was growth for 8ampling first the when observations Field bluegills jvenile of olin another. one from different significantly not were $3 and $2, Si, in rates growth The ponds. three other the in than 84 in better significantly was growth of rate the that indicated cance signifi- of test A milligrams .k3 respectively. 24 and 83, 82, 31, for day per and 2.30, 0.87, 1.36, were growth of rates The day. per milligrams in rate growth the is which pond, each for b, coefficient regression the by substantiated was This rapidly. grew fish young the which in pond only the was 3k Apparently 2. figure in illustrated as considerably increased 5k in weight 3 500 400 POND SI POND S2 POND S3 --------- PONDS4 - - - - * - - - S - - - 300 LI- 200 x 100 z 4 Lu Z 0 0 TIME FIGURE 2 30 20 P0 OF SAMPLING GROWTH RATES SUNFISH, SOAP IN 40 DAYS 50 60 OF NEWLY-HATCHED BLUEGILL AUGUST CREEK PONDS, THROUGH OCTOBER (959 sampling periods, Unfortunately, the method of analysis does not indicate the sizes of fish which were schooling together, nor does it indicate the location of the different size groups around the pond peripheries. Smaller fish appeared to be more abundant in seine hauls from the shallower portions (west ends) of the ponds. This was substantiated by determining the mean weight per fish from seine hauls in the shallow and deep ends of the ponds as presented in Table 1k. The mean weight of the young fish from the shallow ends of the ponds was less than the mean weight of fish taken from the deeper ends in all instances except on September U and 29 for S2. ?able 1k. Mean weights of juvenile bluegills (in mg.) from Si 100.7 117.8 136.2 153.k 165.8 176.6 82 99,6 lOk.9 118.7 111.6 l%.1 89.5 83 31+0.8 372.7 276.0 302.3 381.2 336.1 sk 88.6 12k.9 17k.3 269.0 295.6 1+06.1 DISCUSS ION OF FISH PRODUCTION STIMATF.8 The addition of nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phoe phorous, had a pronounced effect upon the ability of the Soap Creek ponds to produce fish. The chemical, physical, and bio logical changes in the pond environments accompanying fertiliza tion were recorded by Mclntire (16). AU of these changes following fertilization effected the production of new body subsstance in the ponds. Fish production was increased as the application of ferti.. users increased. (0.39k kg.) The control pond (Si) had the lowest production Pond $2 (nitrogen only) produced slightly more new body substance (0.958 kg.), but the greatest production occurred in $3 and Sk which received both nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers. Production in 23 (5.013 kg.) was approximately four times greater than in the control pond (Si) and production was nearly twelve times greater in 8k than in the control. The addition of both nitrogen and phosphorous to $3 at a rate of 37.6 pounds nitrogen and 25.0 pounds available phosphoric acid per season apparently was adequate to increase fish production. Molntire has recorded that 33 maintained high plankton populations during the summer (16). He has also shown that benthic populations did not become established as quickly in 33 as in 5k. The major food item found in the stomachs of adult bluegills from all ponda was benthic organisms (tendipedid larvae). Therefore, it was reasonable to suspect that a scarcity of this particular food during the early portion of the study limited fish production In 83, Doub1in the rate of application of nitrogen and phosphorous in 8k had a pronounced effect upon the production of fish as presented in Table 10 (page 3k). The high production in 8k was apparently duo in part to the early establishment of fish food in this pond. A tendipedid population had become established in the shallow end of sk by July 21 and bad not developed in appreciable numbers in the other ponds (16). Production could only be estimated after the ponds were drained in November, therefore, condition coefficients wore com- puted to determine the changes in condition during the study (Table 12, page 39, and Figure 1, page 1+0). ccndition followed an interesting pattern. The changes in mean From the time of stocking (May 8) to the second sampling (July 2), the mean oon dition dropped in Si and S2, and increased in 83 and 81+. Spawn- ing had occurred in all ponds by the third sampling period (August 20); and mean condition had dropped markedly in all ponds except 81+. When the ponds were drained in November, the mean condttion had increased to some extent in Si, 32, and 23 and had decreased slightly in 81+. This pattern of changes in condition can best be explained by the early establishment of benthic organisms in 84, Sufficient food was available in 51 by July and the mean condition coefficient of bluegiUs in the pond was k7 significantly greater than the sean condition in the other ponde. This initial advantage was never overcome; and even after spawning in July, the condition of b].uegills in 3k did not decrease as it did in the other ponds Oiguz'e 1, page 40). The slight de- crease in mean condition in $4 recorded in November was apparently due to the onset of winter. Juvenile fish growth was significantly better in s4 than in the other ponds (Tigiue 2, page 43). Th. early establishment of a suitable food supply in Sk stimulated by the addition of nitrogen and phosphorous (twice the rate of $3) was believed to be responsible for the increased rate of growth in this pond. CONCLUSIONS FROM FL3H PRODUCTION ESTIMATES 1. Fish production in 33 and sk was increased from four to twelve times by the addition of nttrogen and phosphorous ferti lizers. 2. The better condition of adult bluegills in 3k apparently resulted from the early establishment of food supplies stimulated by doubling the rate of application of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers. 3. The growth rate of newly-hatched bluegilis was signifi-. cantly better in 3k than in the other three ponds. k. Newly-.hatched bluegills were schooling in different size groups in the various areas of the ponds, and the smaller fish were more abundant in the shallow ends than in the deep eade. 3. Estimation of fish production appeared to be an ex- cellent technique for studying fish populations in ponds since production accounts for both the growth and death of fish during the period of study. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ball, Robert C. Experimental use of fertilizer in the production of fish-food organisms and fish. east Lansing, (Michigan1 Agricultural Experiment Station. 19k9. 28 p. Technical Bulletin 210) 2. Ball, Robert C. Farm pond ianagemeut in Michigan. of Wildlife Management 16:266-269. 1952. 3. Ball, Robert C. and Howard A. Tanner. The biological effects of fertilizer on a warm-water lake, East Lansing, (Michigan. Agricultural Emperiment Station. 1951. 32 p. Technical Bulletin 223) k. Pond management in Illinois. Bennett, George of Wildlife Management l6:21+9253. 1952, 5. Carlander, Kenneth D. Handbook of freshwater fishery biology. Dubuque, Iowa, William C. Brown Company, 1950. 281 p. 6. Carlander, Kenneth D. The standing crop of fish In lakes. Journal of the Fisheries Resear*h Board of Canada 12:543570. 1955. 7, WI Journal Journal Carlander, Kenneth D. and Robert B. Moox'man, Standing crops of fish in Iowa ponds. Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 63:659668. 1956. 8. Chapman, B. G. A mathematical study of confidence limits of salmon populations calculated from sample tag ratios. In: Problems in enumeration of populations of spawning sockeye (Intersalmon, New Westminster, B. C., 1948. p. 69-85. Bulletin no. national Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, 2, pt. 2) 9. Clark, Minor. Kentucky's farm fish pond program. of Wildlife Management 16:262-266. 1952. 10. Journal Delury, B. B. On the planning of experiments for the estimation of fish populations. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 8:281-307. 1951. Liaanology of selected Oregon farm fish ponds, Master's thesis. Corvallis, Oregon State College, 56 numb, leaves. 1958. U. Kendle, Earl R. 12. Xlavano, Wayne C. Age and growth of fish from Oregon farm ponds. Master's thesis. Corvallis, Oregon State College, 1958. ki numb, leaves, 13. Lincoln, F. C. Calculating waterfowl abundance on the basis of banding returns. Washington, 1930. k p. (U. S. Department of Agriculture. Circular 118) 1k. Macielek, John A. Artificial fertilization of lakes and (U. S. Fish and Wildlife ponds. Washington, 195k. ki p. Service. Special Scientific Report-Fisheries 113) 15. !4clntire, Charles D. Unpublished research on the limnology of Oregon farm ponds. Corvallis, Oregon State College, Department of Fish and Game Management, 1959-60. 16. Mclntire, Charles D. Effects of artificial fertilization on plankton and benthos production in four experimental ponds. Master's theais. Corvallis, Oregon State College, 1960. 76 numb, leaves. 17. Petersen, C. 0. J. The yearly immigration of young plaice into the Limfjord from the German Sea, etc. report of the Danish Biological Station for 1895, 6:1-kB. Cited in: W. E. Ricker's Handbook of computations for biological statistics of fish populations. Ottawa, 1958. 300 p. (Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Bulletin 119) 18. Ricker, W. E. Handbook of computations fez' biological sta tistics of fish populations. Ottawa, 1958. 300 p. (Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Bulletin 119) 19. Ricker, W. E. and R. E. Yoerster, Computation of fish production. Bulletin of the Bingha* Oceanographic Collection, Yale University. Peabody Museum of Natural History. Bingham Oceanographic Foundation. 11(k) :173-2U. 19k8. 20. Schaefer, Mj3.ncr 3, Estimation of size of animal populations by marking experiments. Washngtou, 1951. p. 191w Fishery Bulletin (U. S. Fjh and. Wildlife Service. 203. 69 from Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service Vol. 52) 21. Solinabel, Zoo E. tion of a lake. 1938. The estimation of the total fish populaAmerican Mathematical Monthly. k5:38-352. 22. Schunacher, F. X. and R. W. Escbmeyer. The estivate of fish population in lakes and ponds. Journal of the Tennessee Acadenty of Science l8:228.ak9. 19k3. 23. $ith, £. V. and H. S. Swingle. The relationship between plankton production and fish producUon in ponds. ?ranaactIons of the American Fisheries Socist 68:309.315. 1938. 24. Swingle, H. S. Relatiønships and dynamics of balanced and unbalanced fish populations. Auburn, 1950. 74 p. (Alabama. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 274) 23. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Climate and man: !earbook of Agriculture, 1941. Wasbington 1941. 1248 p. a6. Wohlschlag, Donald E. ad Chester A. Woodhi1l. The fish populations of Salt Springs Valley 1sseroir, Calaveras County, California. California Fish and Game 39:5..kk. 1953. 5, APPEIWXX A. Common and scientific names of aquatic vertebrates discussed Sockeye salmon, Oncor}tynehus nerka nerka, Walbaum Coastal cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki clarki, Richardson Rainbow trout, Salmo Richardson Columbia coarse-scale sucker, Catostomus macrocheilus, Girard Richardson Columbia squawfish, Ptychocheilu Brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus, LeSueur largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, Lacepede Bluegill, Lepomis mach.rochirua, Rafinesque White crappie, Poniozia annu3s, Rafineeque Water newt, Tazicha Skilton APPENDIX B. Pond name Cronemiller Lake Baker Clay Description of ponds where fish population estimates were made Pond no. 1 Location Near Corvallis Surface area (acres) 1.90 2 Harrisburg 0.22 3 Hoskins 0.20 hverage depth Record of stocking No. 8.0 5-7-57 697 700 15 Fingerling Fingerling Adult Cutthroat Rainbow Bluegill 4.2 29 9 15-56 11+00 Fingerling Fingerling Largemouth bass Bluegill - 3.3 355 5-8-54 Cleveland 1+ Belifountain 0.30 5 Lakeview 0.85 5.0 Durlam 6 Sodaville 0.68 3.8 7 Madras 0.50 3.8 Link 8 Madras 2.20 4.0 Reimer 9 Perrydale 0.25 5.0 Sandoz 10 Madras 0.35 4.0 Schutzwohl Schutzwohl Skean 11 12 13 Grants Pass Grants Pass 0.45 3.7 Bluegill Largemouth bass Brown bullhead Fingerling Fingerling Largemouth bass Bluegill 8-21-56 400 Fingerling Largemouth bass 8 19 54 30 300 Fingerling Fingerling Largemouth bass Bluegill 8 15 600 200 Fingerling Fingerling Bluegill Largemouth bass - - Fingerling Bluegill 9-?-54 300 15 Fingerling Adult Bluegill Largemouth bass 54 20 20 Adult Fingerling Bluegill Largemouth bass 7-?-53 528 250 125 Fry Fry Fry Bluegill Brown bullhead Largemouth bass 1+1+7 Fingerling Fingerling Largemouth bass Bluegill 3.5 0.28 - Bluegill Cutthroat 100 500 4.9 Rainier Fingerling Fingerling Species 8 -?-51 -. 0.94 1+0 - - 2.5 Crurnmett Farrell Size Date (ft.) 5 15-54 86 Soap Creek lkSl Near Corvallis 0.38 2.7 5-15-59 1+61 Adult Bluegill Soap Creek 1552 Near Corvallis 0.60 3.3 5-15-59 876 Adult Bluegill Soap Creek 16S3 Near Corvallis 0.55 3.8 5-15-59 835 Adult Bluegill Soap Creek 17S4 Near Corvallis 0.47 3.5 5-15-59 732 Adult Bluegill 0.67 4.8 50 100 Adult Adult Largemouth bass Bluegill 375 Fingerling Adult Adult Largemouth bass Largemouth bass Bluegill Thompson 18 Sweet Home 9-15-57 Walton 19 Turner 0.50 5.0 Willamette 20 Corvallis 0.1+3 7.0 - 21 50 - - - APPENDIX C. Table 1. Analysis of variance ea1cu&tons for schooling of juvenile b1ueil1Agst 28,1959 Variation due to: Ponds Hauls in ponds Within hauls Total Table 2. Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square 3 798,0145.00 266,015.00 28 303,158.00 10,827.00 32 65,501.00 2,0147.00 63 1,166,7014.00 3. Ana3.sia of variance calculations for schooling of iuveui1s b1ue1s, September l,939 Variation due to: Degrees of freedom Ponds Sum of squares Mean square 3 331,557.76 110,519.25 Hauls in ponds 28 11,329.82 6,1476.07 Within hauls 32 39,699.7k 1,2140.62 63 352,587.32 Total Table 3. F 5.221 Analy-sis of variance calculations for schooling of juven4e b1uoil1s, September29, 1959 Variation due to: Ponds Degrees of freedom Sum of squares Mean square 3 1,197,863.08 399,287.69 Hauls in ponds 28 1418,1493.97 114,946.21 Within hauls 32 113,820.85 3,556.90 63 1,730,177.90 Total 1Significant at the five percent signi±icance level. F 4.201