12-1077M 2025 Kansas State University Master Plan Update Sanitary Sewer Collection System March 12, 2013 FINAL REPORT 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas BG Project # 12-1077M TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Existing Infrastructure Summary 2.0 Evaluation Process 3.0 Existing ADF and PDF Rates and Modeling 4.0 Proposed ADF and PDF Rates and Modeling 5.0 Evaluation Considerations 6.0 Improvement Recommendations and Cost Estimate APPENDIX A-1. Pipe Summary Report A-2. Manhole Summary Report A-3. Manhole Inspection Photos A-4. Spreadsheet Data: Existing ADF and PDF (PF= 3) Conditions A-5. The 2025 Proposed Building ADF Worksheet A-6. Spreadsheet Data: Proposed ADF and PDF (PF= 3) Conditions A-7. Existing System Map: ADF and PDF (PF=3) Conditions A-8. Proposed System Map: ADF and PDF (PF=3) Conditions TC-1 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas BG Project # 12-1077M SECTION 1 EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE SUMMARY 1.2 SYSTEM BOUNDARY The collection system boundary can generally be described as East of Dennison, West of North Manhattan Avenue, South of Jardine Drive and North of Anderson Avenue. Once north of Jardine Drive, the collection system drains to City of Manhattan sewer system to the east west and north. Included with this report is a map of the existing system, which illustrates the system configuration and drainage basin delineation. 1.3 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT This system inventory was developed following the review of as-built drawings and the data compiled from on-site field investigation of system manholes. Minor discrepancies may exist in the system inventory due to assumptions that were made in the field or inconsistencies associated with as-built drawings. These inconsistencies may only be found and corrected through Level 2 (full entry) manhole inspections, dye testing and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspection of the sewer mains. 1.1 SUMMARY The Kansas State University sanitary sewer collection system has approximately 26,750 feet of 8” through 24” diameter gravity sewer main. There are many service lateral pipes that are 4 inch and 6 inch in diameter which are part of the collection system but outside the current scope of this collection system evaluation. Approximately 168 manholes were inspected during this evaluation. The following table shown below summarizes the evaluated sewer main segments according to material type, diameter and overall length. Gravity Sewer Diameter (inches) Material 8 10 12 15 18 20 Concrete 253 HDPE 650 VCP 9,233 3,700 3,812 1,755 1,020 1,120 PVC 976 309 3,114 425 Total 10,209 4,009 7,829 2,180 1,020 1,120 Table 1: Sewer Main Summary Table 24 365 365 Total 253 650 21,005 4,824 26,732 A Pipe Summary Report and Manhole Summary Report with manhole inspection photos of the evaluated portion of the system can be found in the Appendix. END OF SECTION 1-1 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas BG Project # 12-1077M SECTION 2 EVALUATION PROCESS 2.1 EVALUATION PROCESS The sanitary sewer evaluation process consisted of the following major processes by BG Consultants: 1. Reviewed existing electronic AutoCAD data and established field survey requirements. 2. Conducted field investigation of manholes: surveyed top of rim, surveyed flow lines of pipes and took inspection photos. 3. Processed survey data and compared to the existing KSU as-built drawings. 4. Established a best fit sewer collection system layout in AutoCAD including pipe size, pipe material and invert elevations. 5. Imported AutoCAD data into the SewerCAD program and built the Sewer CAD model. 6. Established existing “Estimated” Building Average Daily Flow (ADF) values and “Measured” Building ADF values (consistent with water master plan estimates). 7. Evaluated the proposed Kansas State project and phasing plan (10/15/2012) which identified: a. Proposed Building Name and Use/Type b. Approximate Gross Square Foot Area c. Map Reference to Identify Building Location 8. Developed ADF and Peak Daily Flow (PDF) for each proposed building. 9. Developed and calibrated the SewerCAD model to show the existing and proposed estimated ADF and PDF conditions. 10. Identified conduits that had 25% or less remaining capacity and created 2 system maps for the following scenarios: a. Existing Conditions: i. Dry Weather Conditions (Peak Factor = 1) ii. Wet Weather Conditions (Peak Factor =3) b. Proposed Conditions: i. Dry Weather Conditions (Peak Factor = 1) ii. Wet Weather Conditions (Peak Factor = 3) 11. Developed total infrastructure improvements cost estimates for existing and proposed campus build out conditions. 12. Developed infrastructure improvement recommendations END OF SECTION 2-1 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas BG Project # 12-1077M SECTION 3 EXISTING ADF AND PDF RATES AND MODELING 3.1 EXISTING AVERAGE DAILY FLOW To determine the Average Daily Flow conveyed by the sewer system, water use data was collected from numerous sources that included Johnson Controls, the City of Manhattan, and KState personnel. All of this data was evaluated in order to determine an average daily water demand for each building on the K-State Campus during a week day in a winter month and when students are in session. A table that summarizes the demands that were used is located in the “2025 Kansas State University Master Plan Update Water Distribution Study”. No water use data could be provided for roughly half of the buildings that are supplied by the main distribution system. A demand for each of these buildings was determined based on a comparison in size and usage of similar buildings that have a known demand. The total K-State average daily demand of 962,546 gallons was also taken into consideration when determining the demands for these buildings. 3.2 COMPUTER MODELING A sewer model was developed in SewerCAD based on the system layout that was developed in AutoCAD and the estimated building ADF rates. The total daily flow from each building was assessed to a 10 hour operational period and then fitted to a diurnal patter that is estimated to replicate campus water use. The model was then processed for ADF and then a corresponding Peak Daily Flow (PDF). Peak Daily Flow (PDF) conditions within the collection system follow rainfall events. The increased flow from ADF to PDF is due to the stormwater Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) that enters into the sanitary sewer system unintentionally by system owners. I&I enters the system through broken or vented manhole lids (Inflow) and/or through deteriorated pipe conditions such as broken or offset pipe joints (Infiltration) when the ground has become saturated. Groundwater that is typically present above the sewer pipe elevation can also infiltrate through broken pipes. Campus Creek may have the potential of directly infiltrating into the collection system during certain times of the year. Estimated existing “Clear Pipe” Average Daily Flow (ADF) flow conditions do not appear to exceed the current system capacity. However, as Peaking Factors are assessed to the estimated ADF, the remaining system capacity reduces and pipe and manhole surcharging occurs. 3-1 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 3.3 BG Project # 12-1077M SEWER PIPE MODELING RESULTS With the limited existing sewer flow data available, it is reasonable to expect a minimum Peaking Factor of 3. As increasing Peaking Factors are assessed to the ADF, the system capacity is reduced. The following chart summarizes this condition: Flow Condition 25 % Remaining Capacity or Less ADF 0 Pipe Segments PF 3.0 34 Pipe Segments Table 2: Pipe Segment Capacity Results Existing Conditions 3.4 SEWER MANHOLE MODELING RESULTS The following table indicates the number of manholes that are surcharged to a percentage of total manhole height. Surcharge Value (In percentage of total manhole depth) Flow Condition 5‐25 25‐50 50‐75 75‐100 ADF 38 PF 3.0 67 4 2 3 Table 3: Manhole Surcharge Table Existing Conditions For a PF 3 condition, the model results indicate that 3 manholes are at or very close to Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO’s) conditions and 34 pipe segments have 25% or less capacity remaining before surcharge conditions occur. The complete tabulation results for the evaluated pipes and manholes are included in the Appendix of this report. END OF SECTION 3-2 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas BG Project # 12-1077M SECTION 4 PROPOSED ADF AND PDF RATES AND MODELING 4.1 PROPOSED AVERAGE DAILY FLOW The proposed ADF and PDF rates are based on sewer loading rates from these buildings at full occupancy. The building name, use type, total gross square footage and location and were provided by Kansas State University through two documents: The 2025 project and phasing plan worksheet The 2025 campus building layout plan. From that information, ADF rates were calculated based on estimating the total usable floor space, occupants (units) per square foot, the resulting number of occupants, average daily load per occupant and average daily load per building. The following parameters were utilized: a. Gross to Net Area Space Factors: i. Academic: 1.50 ii. Student Life: 1.54 iii. Athletics: 1.39 iv. Research: 1.75 b. Average Daily Water Use: v. Student Classroom: 10 gallons per student per day vi. Student Resident: 85 gallons per student per day The 2025 project and phasing plan worksheet was amended to include the calculated ADF values for each building. These flow rates were then added to the Existing ADF values to establish the Proposed ADF values. This worksheet and the 2025 campus building layout plan are located in the appendix of this report. 4.2 COMPUTER MODELING The computer modeling process for ADF and PDF was similar to the process that was followed under the existing conditions model development. 4.3 SEWER PIPE MODELING RESULTS The increase in flow from the proposed buildings shows an increase in sewer segments that have capacity concerns. The following chart summarizes this condition. 4-1 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas BG Project # 12-1077M SECTION 5 EVALUATION CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 EVALUATION CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Average Daily Flow Peaking Factors (ADF PF) depend on: a. Material and Age of the system b. Amount of Rainfall and Proximity to groundwater and creeks (Campus Creek) c. Cross connections (sump pumps, rain gutters, foundation drains and storm drains) d. System deterioration level (Crack, Break, Fracture, Broken and Collapse) 2. The actual ADF and Peak Wet Weather Flow capacity projections were estimated based on the best information available at the time this report was produced. Ultimately, these estimates should be verified against actual Flow Monitoring data. This is the most precise way to calibrate the model to establish more accurate ADF peaking factors that can be used for planning purposes. 3. It should be noted that the ADF and PDF SewerCAD modeling results were based on “Clear Pipe” conditions, but it is possible that “Constricting Pipe” conditions may exist (such as a root intrusions, collapsed pipes or offset joints) which could produce significantly different field conditions. 4. No CCTV information was available during the development of this report. CCTV Inspection and Evaluation would provide the following information: a. Accurate sewer main size and material type for the entire sewer main segment b. Sewer main tap conditions and locations from upstream and downstream manholes. c. Defective system components including: offset joints, broken sections, collapsed sections, root intrusions, vertical sags and vertical deformations. d. Baseline system condition to be used in Capital Improvement Program 5.2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The following pictures are for comparative purposes only. They are not of the Kansas State Collection System, but are of other systems in Kansas similar in age, material type and expected deterioration. 5-1 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas Figure 2: Sewer Pipe CCTV Inspection Photos Figure 1: Sewer Pipe Degradation Curve END OF SECTION 5-2 BG Project # 12-1077M 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas BG Project # 12-1077M SECTION 6 IMPROVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS AND COST ESTIMATE 6.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS ADF Under Existing Conditions for the Average Daily Flow (ADF), the sanitary sewer collection system performs as intended and no major system capacity issues are present. 6.2 EXISTING CONDITIONS PDF (PF=3) Under Existing Conditions for the Peak Daily Flow (PDF) (Peak Factor = 3), the sewer model shows there are approximately 34 sewer pipe segments that are flowing between 75% - 100% full. Out of these 34 sewer pipe segments, 3 manholes are at a potential Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) condition. These manholes include the following: MH 108, MH 114 and MH 115. At this time, there is no immediate recommendation other than to monitor these manholes during peak flow events. 6.3 PROPOSED CONDITIONS ADF Under Proposed Conditions for the ADF, the sewer model shows approximately 12 sewer pipe segments that are flowing between 75% and 100% full. Out of these sewer pipe segments, 6 manholes are at a potential SSO condition. These potential SSO conditions are mainly due to the estimated flows generated from the proposed buildings east of Mosier Hall. The existing sewer main that would convey this flow is 6 inch diameter and would have to be upsized. See Proposed Conditions System Map in the appendix. 6.4 PROPOSED CONDITIONS PDF (PF=3) Under Proposed Conditions for the PDF (Peak Factor =3), the sewer model shows there are approximately 84 sewer pipe segments that are flowing between 75%-100% full. Out of these sewer pipe segments, 35 manholes are at a potential SSO condition. 6.5 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended to perform Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection of the sewer mains to properly quantify the deteriorated state. It is very possible that deteriorated conditions exist that require immediate rehabilitation. If and when this CCTV inspection is performed, it is recommended to conduct it in accordance with the North American Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP) industry standard. 6-1 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 6.6 BG Project # 12-1077M It is recommended to perform a sewer flow monitoring study to verify the SewerCAD model predictions, match diurnal flow patterns, and confirm the PDF rate that will dictate the existing infrastructure improvements. It is recommended to improve the sanitary sewer infrastructure as the proposed building construction sequence dictates so that all the wastewater is conveyed safely without SSO’s or system back-ups. As buildings are constructed, it is recommended to improve pipes to the diameter that is required for full build-out conditions. EXISTING PDF IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATES ENGINEER OPINION OF PROBABLE COST 2025 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY MASTER PLAN UPDATE SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM EXISTING PEAK DAILY FLOW (PF=3) CONDITIONS Bid Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Description Mobilization and Incidentals CCTV Cleaning, Inspection and Evaluation Standard Precast Manhole (8' ‐0" Height) 8" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 10" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 15" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 18" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 21" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 24" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 30" Diameter PVC Sewer Main Building Service Connection Flowable Fill Concrete Surfacing Quantity 1 26,600 60 80 2,850 100 1,550 450 1,120 365 45 1,870 2,240 Unit Price ‐ $ 2.50 $ 3,846.00 $ 55.00 $ 60.00 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 $ 100.00 $ 110.00 $ 130.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 90.00 $ 100.00 Total $ 200,004.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 230,760.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 171,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 131,750.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 123,200.00 $ 47,450.00 $ 180,000.00 $ 168,300.00 $ 224,000.00 Construction Contingency Total Construction Cost Engineering and Inspection Services Total Project Cost $ 159,986.40 $ 1,759,850.40 $ 439,962.60 $ 2,199,813.00 6-2 Units LS LF EA LF LF LF LF LF LF LF EA CY SY 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 6.7 BG Project # 12-1077M PROPOSED PDF IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE ENGINEER OPINION OF PROBABLE COST 2025 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY MASTER PLAN UPDATE SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM PROPOSED PEAK DAILY FLOW (PF=3) CONDITIONS Bid Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Description Mobilization and Incidentals CCTV Cleaning, Inspection and Evaluation Standard Precast Manhole (8' ‐0" Height) 8" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 10" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 12" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 15" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 18" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 21" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 24" Diameter PVC Sewer Main 30" Diameter PVC Sewer Main Building Service Connection Flowable Fill Concrete Surfacing Quantity 1 26,600 105 1,450 6,100 2,350 2,450 1,550 1,150 1,150 370 45 4,025 4,830 Unit Price ‐ $ 2.50 $ 3,846.00 $ 55.00 $ 60.00 $ 65.00 $ 75.00 $ 85.00 $ 100.00 $ 110.00 $ 130.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 90.00 $ 100.00 Total $ 394,902.00 $ 66,500.00 $ 403,830.00 $ 79,750.00 $ 366,000.00 $ 152,750.00 $ 183,750.00 $ 131,750.00 $ 115,000.00 $ 126,500.00 $ 48,100.00 $ 180,000.00 $ 362,250.00 $ 483,000.00 Construction Contingency Total Construction Cost Engineering and Inspection Services Total Project Cost $ 309,408.20 $ 3,403,490.20 $ 850,872.55 $ 4,254,362.75 6-3 Units LS LF EA LF LF LF LF LF LF LF LF EA CY SY 2025 University Master Plan Update – Sewer Distribution System Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas BG Project # 12-1077M APPENDIX A-1. Pipe Summary Report A-2. Manhole Summary Report A-3. Manhole Inspection Photos A-4. Spreadsheet Data: Existing ADF and PDF (PF= 3) Conditions A-5. The 2025 Proposed Building ADF Worksheet A-6. Spreadsheet Data: Proposed ADF and PDF (PF= 3) Conditions A-7. Existing System Map: ADF and PDF (PF=3) Conditions A-8. Proposed System Map: ADF and PDF (PF=3) Conditions A-1 PIPE SUMMARY REPORT KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SEWER MASTER PLAN BG PROJECT NUMBER 12‐1077M Label 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Up MH 1689 185 186 189 188 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 178 177 175 174 160 1634 176 1650 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 179 1613 Invert (Start) (ft) 1099 1095.96 1095.82 1100.85 1100.5 1094.98 1094.74 1094.46 1092.95 1086.24 1084.95 1081.84 1076.27 1074.07 1073.7 1070.93 1070.06 1064.89 1063.35 1070.04 1073.96 1078.21 1061.36 1060.73 1060.59 1060.23 1060.18 1059.88 1059.44 1059.14 1073.92 1068.04 Down MH 185 186 187 188 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 178 177 175 174 161 161 174 175 177 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 169 169 Invert (Stop) (ft) 1096.96 1095.97 1095.03 1100.69 1095.44 1094.83 1094.51 1093.12 1087.87 1085.09 1081.98 1076.74 1074.13 1073.74 1071 1070.2 1065.4 1061.55 1061.76 1064.92 1072.36 1070.96 1060.89 1060.68 1060.28 1060.36 1060.01 1059.6 1059.22 1059.1 1059.89 1060.47 Conduit Shape Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Page 1 of 5 Material PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC VCP VCP Manning's n Diameter (in) Length (ft) 0.01 8 54 0.01 8 81 0.01 8 97 0.01 12 66 0.01 12 54 0.01 12 133 0.01 12 85 0.01 12 204 0.01 12 209 0.01 12 78 0.01 12 93 0.01 12 155 0.01 12 110 0.01 12 86 0.01 12 286 0.01 12 191 0.01 12 187 0.01 12 291 0.01 10 57 0.01 8 48 0.01 8 145 0.01 8 21 0.01 12 184 0.01 12 105 0.01 12 57 0.01 12 43 0.01 12 55 0.01 12 251 0.01 12 111 0.01 12 42 0.013 6 366 0.013 8 316 Slope (%) 3.80% 0.00% 0.80% 0.20% 9.40% 0.10% 0.30% 0.70% 2.40% 1.50% 3.20% 3.30% 1.90% 0.40% 0.90% 0.40% 2.50% 1.10% 2.80% 10.70% 1.10% 34.50% 0.30% 0.00% 0.50% ‐0.30% 0.30% 0.10% 0.20% 0.10% 3.80% 2.40% Label 45 46 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 Up MH 169 170 172 173 150 151 152 146 147 148 149 133 134 135 137 136 138 103 104 139 101 100 105 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 145 144 142 141 140 107 Invert (Start) (ft) 1058.42 1057.73 1048.58 1048.29 1046.85 1046.55 1044.91 1049.93 1049.11 1048.13 1047.21 1059.41 1057.56 1063.92 1059.05 1055.04 1056 1042.65 1040.61 1050.8 1039.44 1037.39 1033.79 1054.71 1051.14 1050.27 1049.18 1048.5 1047.6 1045.98 1042.36 1041.95 1048.61 1039.67 1039.19 1038.32 Down MH 170 171 173 150 151 152 104 147 148 149 103 134 136 137 138 139 103 104 101 101 100 105 113 158 157 156 155 154 153 145 144 140 141 140 106 108 Invert (Stop) (ft) 1057.58 1050.11 1048.29 1046.85 1046.5 1044.98 1040.81 1049.15 1048.24 1047.21 1042.91 1058.01 1055.34 1059.14 1056.12 1050.95 1042.91 1041.48 1039.65 1039.65 1037.96 1035 1033.46 1051.39 1050.35 1049.43 1048.52 1048.05 1046.08 1042.45 1041.95 1039.48 1040.27 1039.53 1036.61 1037.2 Conduit Shape Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Page 2 of 5 Material VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP Manning's n Diameter (in) Length (ft) 0.013 12 135 0.013 12 564 0.013 12 51 0.013 12 245 0.013 12 61 0.013 10 241 0.013 10 693 0.013 8 132 0.013 8 104 0.013 8 112 0.013 8 516 0.013 8 150 0.013 8 210 0.013 8 94 0.013 8 272 0.013 8 432 0.013 8 425 0.013 10 23 0.013 10 120 0.013 8 418 0.013 10 11 0.013 10 135 0.013 20 63 0.013 8 135 0.013 15 208 0.013 15 268 0.013 15 224 0.013 15 224 0.013 15 250 0.013 15 277 0.013 15 73 0.013 18 427 0.013 8 167 0.013 10 11 0.013 18 292 0.013 8 198 Slope (%) 0.60% 1.40% 0.60% 0.60% 0.60% 0.70% 0.60% 0.60% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.90% 1.10% 5.10% 1.10% 0.90% 3.10% 5.10% 0.80% 2.70% 13.50% 1.80% 0.50% 2.50% 0.40% 0.30% 0.30% 0.20% 0.60% 1.30% 0.60% 0.60% 5.00% 1.30% 0.90% 0.60% Label 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 115 116 117 119 121 122 123 124 125 Up MH 112 111 110 109 108 113 114 115 117 116 118 132 131 130 129 126 125 127 128 124 123 119 120 121 102 99 97 96 92 91 93 90 89 88 87 86 Invert (Start) (ft) 1056.21 1055.55 1049.84 1043.54 1037.22 1033.46 1036.11 1034.81 1033.7 1031.84 1030.33 1061.02 1054.3 1052.2 1050.4 1035.1 1033.71 1030.93 1047.41 1030.3 1027.71 1029.4 1032 1030.3 1040.67 1039.02 1038.7 1039.18 1038.51 1037.3 1038.71 1036.59 1036.4 1034.7 1033.43 1031.7 Down MH 111 110 109 108 114 116 115 117 120 118 119 131 130 129 128 125 124 124 127 123 122 123 121 122 99 97 96 92 91 90 90 89 88 87 86 84 Invert (Stop) (ft) 1055.6 1050.1 1043.7 1038 1036.4 1031.94 1034.7 1033.84 1032.2 1030.52 1029.4 1054.4 1052.31 1050.62 1048.33 1033.83 1032.1 1030.3 1031 1029.22 1027.6 1027.8 1030.4 1029.6 1039.72 1038.65 1038.46 1038.94 1037.5 1036.6 1037.03 1036.4 1034.34 1033.43 1031.9 1030.3 Conduit Shape Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular 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5.40% 0.60% 0.20% 0.30% 0.30% 0.80% 1.10% 0.90% 0.30% 0.90% 0.90% 0.90% 0.80% Label 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 Up MH 88 122 84 85 61 62 64 65 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 56 57 59 60 67 66 69 68 70 71 199 198 201 45 35 34 33 32 31 Invert (Start) (ft) 1034.6 1027.34 1029 1026.19 1025.99 1026 1026 1025.22 1065.01 1057.79 1054.83 1051.41 1049.8 1047.8 1044.1 1042.42 1038.02 1035.39 1034.79 1031.3 1027.73 1026.7 1024.8 1023.2 1025.38 1022.03 1021.5 1020.27 1021.08 1019.74 1074.73 1066.17 1082 1065.74 1064.4 1062 Down MH 84 85 85 61 63 64 65 66 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 56 57 59 60 67 68 69 70 71 198 199 200 201 200 35 33 33 32 31 28 Invert (Stop) (ft) 1029.3 1026.3 1027.52 1026.22 1025.92 1025.8 1025.23 1025.1 1058.3 1054.61 1051.9 1050.5 1048.2 1045 1042.42 1038.22 1036.8 1034.9 1031.93 1028.12 1026.8 1025.5 1023.54 1022.3 1021.5 1021.08 1020.21 1019.61 1020.13 1019.7 1066.2 1066 1079.82 1064.63 1062.12 1061 Conduit Shape Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Page 4 of 5 Material VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP PVC PVC PVC PVC VCP PVC PVC VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP Concrete VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP PVC PVC VCP VCP VCP Manning's n Diameter (in) Length (ft) 0.013 8 459 0.013 24 207 0.013 12 10 0.013 24 64 0.013 24 20 0.013 12 20 0.013 12 96 0.013 12 108 0.013 8 37 0.013 8 258 0.013 8 152 0.01 8 50 0.01 6 77 0.01 8 229 0.01 8 44 0.013 8 105 0.01 8 31 0.01 8 73 0.013 8 196 0.013 8 187 0.013 10 117 0.013 12 199 0.013 12 270 0.013 12 247 0.013 12 528 0.013 12 253 0.013 15 192 0.013 15 39 0.013 12 256 0.013 18 6 0.013 6 139 0.01 10 173 0.01 8 103 0.013 10 131 0.013 10 223 0.013 10 191 Slope (%) 1.20% 0.50% 14.80% 0.00% 0.30% 1.00% 0.80% 0.10% 18.10% 1.20% 1.90% 1.80% 2.10% 1.20% 3.80% 4.00% 3.90% 0.70% 1.50% 1.70% 0.80% 0.60% 0.50% 0.40% 0.70% 0.40% 0.70% 1.70% 0.40% ‐0.70% 6.10% 0.10% 2.10% 0.80% 1.00% 0.50% Label 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 181 182 187 188 189 207 208 209 210 211 214 225 227 230 231 232 233 Up MH 30 29 23 22 27 28 24 21 20 18 17 36 37 38 39 14 13 42 43 44 171 106 4859 16 ‐15 201 92 63 12 206 96 MH‐A Invert (Start) (ft) 1066 1065.33 1058.79 1052.1 1064.84 1061 1054.75 1050.5 1050.43 1049.5 1048.02 1068.81 1065.43 1054.7 1052.34 1039.4 1035.39 1050.31 1047.94 1033 1049.82 1036.4 1048.3 1046.8 1040.77 1019.65 1039.04 1025.51 1035.2 1032.89 1038.46 1038.49 Down MH 29 27 22 21 21 18 20 20 18 17 16 37 38 39 4859 13 12 43 44 206 172 105 16 ‐15 14 OF‐2 93 OF‐13 OF‐16 OF‐17 MH‐A 93 Invert (Stop) (ft) 1065.2 1064.9 1052.1 1050.5 1050.53 1049.61 1050.43 1050.43 1049.61 1048.04 1046.9 1067.14 1054.7 1052.4 1048.98 1037.8 1035.2 1047.63 1047.4 1032.91 1048.85 1033.9 1046.94 1040.82 1039.46 1039.35 1038.41 1038.86 Conduit Shape Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Circular Pipe Page 5 of 5 Material VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP HDPE VCP VCP VCP VCP VCP HDPE HDPE PVC PVC VCP VCP VCP VCP HDPE HDPE VCP PVC VCP Manning's n Diameter (in) Length (ft) 0.013 8 122 0.013 8 79 0.013 8 90 0.013 10 281 0.013 8 203 0.013 10 292 0.013 12 85 0.013 10 5 0.013 10 61 0.013 12 62 0.013 10 58 0.013 8 56 0.013 8 123 0.013 8 120 0.013 8 168 0.013 12 103 0.013 12 53 0.01 10 79 0.01 12 15 0.013 12 60 0.013 12 286 0.013 18 294 0.013 8 250 0.013 12 310 0.013 12 122 0.013 12 55 0.013 10 11 0.013 12 33 0.013 12 42 0.013 12 31 0.01 12 23 0.013 10 80 Slope (%) 0.70% 0.50% 7.40% 0.60% 7.00% 3.90% 5.10% 1.40% 1.30% 2.40% 1.90% 3.00% 8.70% 1.90% 2.00% 1.60% 0.40% 3.40% 3.60% 0.10% 0.30% 0.90% 0.50% 1.90% 1.10% ‐2.80% 0.20% ‐0.50% MANHOLE SUMMARY REPORT KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SEWER MASTER PLAN BG PROJECT NUMBER 12‐1077M Label MH‐A SS12 SS13 SS14 SS‐15 SS16 SS17 SS18 SS20 SS21 SS22 SS23 SS24 SS27 SS28 SS29 SS30 SS31 SS32 SS33 SS34 SS35 SS36 SS37 SS38 SS39 SS42 SS43 SS44 SS45 SS48 SS49 SS50 SS51 SS52 SS53 SS54 SS55 SS56 SS57 SS58 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,045.52 1,047.50 1,049.17 1,050.05 1,050.27 1,053.84 1,055.24 1,062.44 1,066.79 1,066.88 1,062.12 1,064.79 1,065.77 1,073.01 1,072.55 1,073.36 1,073.98 1,074.32 1,085.85 1,087.27 1,085.46 1,088.02 1,075.50 1,074.79 1,067.85 1,064.32 1,057.17 1,054.63 1,054.35 1,085.53 1,073.42 1,072.27 1,069.24 1,066.78 1,066.56 1,064.07 1,048.84 1,049.09 1,041.54 1,039.71 1,042.94 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,038.41 1,035.20 1,035.39 1,039.40 1,040.77 1,046.80 1,048.02 1,049.50 1,050.43 1,050.50 1,052.10 1,058.79 1,054.75 1,064.84 1,061.00 1,065.20 1,065.74 1,062.00 1,064.40 1,065.74 1,082.00 1,066.17 1,068.81 1,065.43 1,054.70 1,052.34 1,050.31 1,047.63 1,033.00 1,074.73 1,065.01 1,057.79 1,054.53 1,051.41 1,049.80 1,047.80 1,044.10 1,042.42 1,035.39 1,034.79 1,038.02 Page 1 of 4 Depth (Structure) (ft) 7.11 12.3 13.78 10.65 9.5 7.04 7.22 12.94 16.36 16.38 10.02 6 11.02 8.17 11.55 8.16 8.24 12.32 21.45 21.53 3.46 21.85 6.69 9.36 13.15 11.98 6.86 7 21.35 10.8 8.41 14.48 14.71 15.37 16.76 16.27 4.74 6.67 6.15 4.92 4.92 Label SS59 SS60 SS61 SS62 SS63 SS64 SS65 SS66 SS67 SS68 SS69 SS70 SS71 SS84 SS85 SS86 SS87 SS88 SS89 SS90 SS91 SS92 SS93 SS96 SS97 SS99 SS100 SS101 SS102 SS103 SS104 SS105 SS106 SS107 SS108 SS109 SS110 SS111 SS112 SS113 SS114 SS115 SS116 SS117 SS118 SS119 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,036.14 1,033.63 1,034.31 1,034.69 1,033.81 1,033.89 1,033.68 1,032.59 1,032.23 1,032.11 1,031.43 1,030.43 1,029.87 1,035.09 1,034.40 1,037.59 1,037.34 1,039.22 1,043.54 1,042.54 1,043.83 1,045.52 1,046.42 1,046.46 1,051.00 1,046.22 1,046.79 1,046.94 1,049.17 1,049.75 1,049.35 1,042.77 1,045.16 1,047.14 1,044.60 1,051.03 1,056.82 1,066.24 1,068.86 1,045.32 1,044.80 1,042.69 1,045.66 1,042.38 1,044.91 1,041.58 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,031.30 1,027.73 1,025.99 1,026.00 1,025.51 1,025.80 1,025.22 1,024.80 1,026.70 1,025.38 1,023.20 1,022.03 1,021.50 1,029.00 1,026.19 1,031.70 1,033.43 1,034.34 1,036.40 1,036.59 1,037.30 1,038.51 1,038.71 1,038.46 1,038.65 1,039.02 1,037.39 1,039.44 1,040.67 1,042.65 1,040.61 1,033.79 1,036.40 1,038.32 1,037.20 1,043.54 1,049.84 1,055.55 1,056.21 1,033.46 1,036.11 1,034.70 1,031.84 1,033.70 1,030.33 1,029.40 Page 2 of 4 Depth (Structure) (ft) 4.84 5.9 8.32 8.69 8.3 8.09 8.46 7.79 5.53 6.73 8.23 8.4 8.37 6.09 8.21 5.89 3.91 4.88 7.14 5.95 6.53 7.01 7.71 8 12.35 7.2 9.4 7.5 8.5 7.1 8.74 8.98 8.76 8.82 7.4 7.49 6.98 10.69 12.65 11.86 8.69 7.99 13.82 8.68 14.58 12.18 Label SS120 SS121 SS122 SS123 SS124 SS125 SS126 SS127 SS128 SS129 SS130 SS131 SS132 SS133 SS134 SS135 SS136 SS137 SS138 SS139 SS140 SS141 SS142 SS144 SS145 SS146 SS147 SS148 SS149 SS150 SS151 SS152 SS153 SS154 SS155 SS156 SS157 SS158 SS159 SS160 SS161 SS162 SS163 SS164 SS165 SS166 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,040.26 1,038.04 1,037.57 1,037.23 1,037.37 1,038.73 1,040.30 1,039.31 1,057.63 1,065.85 1,070.18 1,066.29 1,067.02 1,069.81 1,066.54 1,068.52 1,067.95 1,065.60 1,063.12 1,061.01 1,052.05 1,052.10 1,053.09 1,055.49 1,053.76 1,060.55 1,061.46 1,059.28 1,055.96 1,052.13 1,053.10 1,051.23 1,054.62 1,056.41 1,059.68 1,063.95 1,059.56 1,067.94 1,068.33 1,067.34 1,067.76 1,069.89 1,069.31 1,068.49 1,071.10 1,070.95 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,032.00 1,030.30 1,027.34 1,027.71 1,030.30 1,033.71 1,035.10 1,030.93 1,047.41 1,050.40 1,052.20 1,054.30 1,061.02 1,059.41 1,057.56 1,063.92 1,055.04 1,059.05 1,056.00 1,050.80 1,039.19 1,039.67 1,048.61 1,041.95 1,042.36 1,049.93 1,049.11 1,048.13 1,047.21 1,046.85 1,046.50 1,044.91 1,045.98 1,047.60 1,048.50 1,049.18 1,050.27 1,051.14 1,054.71 1,063.35 1,061.36 1,060.73 1,060.59 1,060.23 1,060.18 1,059.88 Page 3 of 4 Depth (Structure) (ft) 8.26 7.74 10.23 9.52 7.07 5.02 5.2 8.38 10.22 15.45 17.98 11.99 6 10.4 8.98 4.6 12.91 6.55 7.12 10.21 12.86 12.43 4.48 13.54 11.4 10.62 12.35 11.15 8.75 5.28 6.6 6.32 8.64 8.81 11.18 14.77 9.29 16.8 13.62 3.99 6.4 9.16 8.72 8.26 10.92 11.07 Label SS167 SS168 SS169 SS170 SS171 SS172 SS173 SS174 SS175 SS176 SS177 SS178 SS179 SS185 SS186 SS187 SS188 SS189 SS190 SS191 SS192 SS193 SS194 SS195 SS196 SS197 SS198 SS199 SS200 SS201 SS206 SS1613 SS1634 SS1650 SS1689 SS4859 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,065.95 1,065.39 1,065.04 1,065.28 1,058.33 1,058.35 1,056.86 1,073.66 1,082.93 1,081.99 1,083.10 1,084.42 1,079.17 1,102.94 1,104.47 1,106.18 1,108.83 1,107.32 1,109.79 1,109.42 1,106.34 1,099.12 1,096.05 1,094.70 1,094.72 1,087.42 1,029.74 1,029.22 1,029.54 1,029.71 1,043.54 1,074.04 1,076.04 1,084.21 1,102.87 1,061.24 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,059.44 1,059.14 1,058.42 1,057.58 1,049.82 1,048.58 1,048.29 1,064.89 1,070.06 1,073.96 1,070.93 1,073.70 1,073.92 1,095.96 1,095.82 1,094.98 1,100.50 1,100.85 1,094.74 1,094.46 1,092.95 1,086.24 1,084.95 1,081.84 1,076.27 1,074.07 1,021.08 1,020.21 1,019.61 1,019.65 1,032.89 1,068.04 1,070.04 1,078.21 1,099.00 1,048.30 Page 4 of 4 Depth (Structure) (ft) 6.51 6.25 6.62 7.7 8.51 9.77 8.57 8.77 12.87 8.03 12.17 10.72 5.25 6.98 8.65 11.2 8.33 6.47 15.05 14.96 13.39 12.88 11.1 12.86 18.45 13.35 8.66 9.01 9.93 10.06 10.65 6 6 6 3.87 12.94 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SANITARY SEWER STUDY EXISTING CONDITIONS SEWER PIPES Dry Loading Conditions (ADF) Label 12 13 14 Start Node 1689 185 186 Stop Node 185 186 187 Material PVC PVC PVC 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 189 188 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 178 177 175 174 160 1634 176 1650 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 179 1613 169 170 172 173 150 151 152 146 147 148 188 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 178 177 175 174 161 161 174 175 177 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 169 169 170 171 173 150 151 152 104 147 148 149 PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Flow Diameter (Maximum) (gal/min) Length (ft) (in) 8 1.31 54 8 1.33 81 8 3.31 97 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 8 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 8 8 8 70.03 72.66 78.54 78.52 81.2 83.84 96.91 102.14 102.16 117.83 117.79 117.79 128.07 129 131.67 49.37 2.63 1.6 10.47 169.77 175.72 175.56 175.52 175.53 175.61 182.25 182.19 10.54 0.08 192.31 193.37 194.20 204.11 203.94 203.94 204.15 35.03 35.06 37.89 Page 1 of 16 66 54 133 85 204 209 78 93 155 110 86 286 191 187 291 57 48 145 21 184 105 57 43 55 251 111 42 366 316 135 564 51 245 61 241 693 132 104 112 Slope (ft/ft) 0.038 0 0.008 Capacity Velocity Depth (Average End) / Rise (Full Flow) (Average) (Maximum) (%) (ft/s) (gal/min) 1,370.36 0.63 2.33 ‐78.34 0 52.58 636.28 0.53 15.8 0.002 0.094 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.024 0.015 0.032 0.033 0.019 0.004 0.009 0.004 0.025 0.011 0.028 0.107 0.011 0.345 0.003 0 0.005 ‐0.003 0.003 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.038 0.024 0.006 0.014 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.008 0.008 1,023.49 6,363.16 698.09 1,081.31 1,684.74 3,240.81 2,524.04 3,714.77 3,770.63 2,899.38 1,287.66 2,019.73 1,285.11 3,281.46 2,227.01 2,135.04 2,302.67 740.62 4,142.64 1,050.59 453.61 1,532.99 ‐1,142.96 1,155.68 694.28 925.43 641.50 493.05 839.42 1,261.32 1,858.61 1,205.77 1,225.88 1,211.21 793.67 756.36 416.9 496.04 491.54 1.66 6 1.27 1.73 2.37 3.74 3.16 4.15 4.19 3.5 1.98 2.72 1.98 3.81 2.91 1.52 1.27 0.42 2.7 1.73 0.95 2.24 0.21 1.83 1.28 1.57 1.21 1.12 0.43 1.95 2.56 1.88 1.91 1.89 2.02 1.95 0.69 0.71 0.7 17.71 7.51 22.65 18.24 14.94 11.08 13.38 11.41 11.33 14.1 20.44 16.39 21.32 13.54 16.5 10.5 11.39 3.46 15.59 27.18 43.18 55.71 69.56 26.34 34.29 30.09 36.48 10.11 0.81 31.58 21.78 27.35 27.7 30.8 34.59 35.5 19.6 18 18.76 Label 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Start Node 149 133 134 135 137 136 138 103 104 139 101 100 105 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 145 144 142 141 140 107 112 111 110 109 108 113 114 115 117 116 118 132 131 130 129 126 125 127 128 124 123 119 120 121 Stop Node 103 134 136 137 138 139 103 104 101 101 100 105 113 158 157 156 155 154 153 145 144 140 141 140 106 108 111 110 109 108 114 116 115 117 120 118 119 131 130 129 128 125 124 124 127 123 122 123 121 122 Material Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Flow Diameter (Maximum) (gal/min) Length (ft) (in) 8 38.03 516 8 79.66 150 8 79.72 210 8 21.9 94 8 21.97 272 8 79.83 432 8 44.48 425 10 82.52 23 10 286.61 120 8 79.94 418 10 366.54 11 10 366.58 135 20 1,514.26 63 8 0.04 135 15 179.69 208 15 179.82 268 15 891.83 224 15 891.94 224 15 892.06 250 15 892.2 277 15 892.24 73 18 1,089.54 427 8 57.77 167 10 57.77 11 18 1,147.48 292 8 3.2 198 8 16.23 26 8 202.52 214 8 202.49 101 8 202.5 127 8 205.73 202 20 1,525.45 289 8 205.68 233 8 205.71 177 8 205.79 356 20 1,525.58 284 20 1,525.70 221 8 16.25 123 8 16.26 209 8 32.4 223 8 32.21 250 10 23.03 32 10 23.04 79 12 54.84 104 12 55.07 305 12 77.64 21 24 1,583.15 74 20 1,525.84 263 8 205.81 350 8 205.8 13 Page 2 of 16 Slope (ft/ft) 0.008 0.009 0.011 0.051 0.011 0.009 0.031 0.051 0.008 0.027 0.135 0.018 0.005 0.025 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.006 0.013 0.006 0.006 0.05 0.013 0.009 0.006 0.023 0.025 0.061 0.044 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.054 0.01 0.007 0.008 0.04 0.02 0.006 0.054 0.051 0.001 0.006 0.005 0.054 Capacity Velocity Depth (Average End) / Rise (Full Flow) (Average) (Maximum) (%) (ft/s) (gal/min) 495.09 0.69 18.76 523.95 1.02 26.35 557.62 1.01 25.55 1,222.99 1.27 9.27 562.89 0.72 13.49 527.71 0.91 26.29 951.81 1.22 14.72 2,217.84 1.32 13.18 879.52 2.18 39.3 885.78 1.06 20.3 3,606.91 5.9 21.53 1,308.38 2.9 36.22 4,518.92 1.83 39.93 850.5 0.36 1.58 1,786.73 0.88 21.41 1,623.12 0.75 28.18 1,573.71 1.26 56.57 1,299.45 1.02 60.85 2,260.63 1.38 43.67 3,272.85 1.67 36.56 2,172.74 1.2 45.01 3,585.61 1.36 37.81 1,211.99 1.71 14.86 1,109.35 1 18.6 4,431.46 1.47 34.72 407.90 0.35 32.44 830.72 1.01 17.05 865.50 1.98 32.91 1,337.21 2.54 26.3 1,132.73 2.23 28.6 345.55 0.96 55.56 4,528.15 1.84 39.99 421.9 1.02 58.23 401.49 0.91 50.72 352.04 0.78 54.93 4,256.73 1.74 41.38 4,050.36 1.67 42.53 1,258.20 1.38 7.93 529.21 0.73 12.01 456.51 0.78 18.04 493.50 0.73 17.31 1,958.97 1.33 7.63 1,403.79 1.04 8.92 1,244.53 0.7 14.32 3,708.99 1.6 8.49 3,626.22 1.72 10.12 3,914.52 1.13 44.26 4,870.01 1.88 43.07 366.69 0.68 53.58 1,258.50 1.43 27.37 Label 111 112 113 115 116 117 119 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 Start Node 102 99 97 96 92 91 93 90 89 88 87 86 88 122 84 85 61 62 64 65 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 56 57 59 60 67 66 69 68 70 71 199 198 201 45 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 Stop Node 99 97 96 92 91 90 90 89 88 87 86 84 84 85 85 61 63 64 65 66 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 56 57 59 60 67 68 69 70 71 198 199 200 201 200 35 33 33 32 31 28 29 27 Material Vitrified Clay PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Concrete Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Flow Diameter (Maximum) (gal/min) Length (ft) (in) 8 110.99 148 15 135.75 167 15 135.79 89 15 (N/A) 95 8 25.46 134 8 25.47 61 10 116.37 195 15 224.13 74 10 236.46 231 10 (N/A) 147 10 118.28 167 10 118.34 165 8 118.35 459 24 1,789.05 207 12 236.69 10 24 2,025.66 64 24 2,025.61 20 12 0.01 20 12 0.05 96 12 0.09 108 8 172.91 37 8 172.98 258 8 175.29 152 8 187.56 50 6 187.57 77 8 191.31 229 8 203.57 44 8 203.6 105 8 203.6 31 8 203.62 73 8 203.67 196 8 210.9 187 10 210.94 117 12 211.02 199 12 0.19 270 12 0.29 247 12 214.37 528 12 0.39 253 15 214.47 192 15 214.49 39 12 0.49 256 18 214.49 6 6 80.88 139 10 99.31 173 8 0.03 103 10 99.38 131 10 107.68 223 10 107.74 191 8 29.26 122 8 29.28 79 Page 3 of 16 Slope (ft/ft) 0.006 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.009 0.011 0.004 0.003 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.012 0.005 0.148 0 0.003 0.01 0.008 0.001 0.181 0.012 0.019 0.018 0.021 0.012 0.038 0.04 0.039 0.007 0.015 0.017 0.008 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.007 0.017 0.004 ‐0.007 0.061 0.001 0.021 0.008 0.01 0.005 0.007 0.005 Capacity Velocity Depth (Average End) / Rise (Full Flow) (Average) (Maximum) (%) (ft/s) (gal/min) 434.52 1 34.49 1,774.04 0.77 20.27 1,957.19 0.75 17.83 1,894.37 (N/A) (N/A) 502.42 0.46 15.31 580.98 0.49 28.07 653.03 0.72 28.55 1,909.78 0.85 23.14 928.6 1.15 45.04 914 (N/A) (N/A) 941.21 0.89 23.96 905.78 0.82 24.41 582.78 0.99 30.57 7,196.64 1.74 49.96 6,151.52 2.45 13.4 ‐2,198.21 0.06 70.06 6,006.65 1.53 40.01 1,599.01 0.13 10.5 1,432.06 0.22 0.5 533 0.14 1.03 2,309.59 3.63 18.48 602.11 1.43 51.25 752.99 1.54 32.83 951.16 1.81 30.11 471.91 1.97 43.8 779.61 1.55 33.71 1,377.67 2.27 27.67 1,084.69 1.91 29.37 1,398.68 2.24 25.78 577.64 1.2 40.97 655.13 1.29 38.26 707.24 1.33 37.43 876.7 0.95 33.37 1,241.70 0.83 27.87 1,092.33 0.28 1.11 965.22 0.3 1.38 1,370.72 0.85 26.73 979.83 0.33 1.66 2,376.41 0.66 26.47 3,771.53 0.89 54.23 974.08 0.36 1.74 ‐3,849.31 0 59.86 623.84 2.07 37.47 400.72 0.58 33.94 1,025.72 0.37 0.42 905.16 0.88 22.37 994.3 0.95 22.22 711.52 0.69 26.3 439.18 0.68 27.65 400.12 0.59 18.33 Label 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 181 182 187 188 189 207 208 209 210 211 214 225 227 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 Start Node 23 22 27 28 24 21 20 18 17 36 37 38 39 14 13 42 43 44 171 106 4859 16 ‐15 201 92 63 12 206 96 MH‐A 213 212 211 210 209 208 Stop Node 22 21 21 18 20 20 18 17 16 37 38 39 4859 13 12 43 44 206 172 105 16 ‐15 14 OF‐2 93 OF‐13 OF‐16 OF‐17 MH‐A 93 212 211 210 209 208 142 Material Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay HDPE PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay HDPE HDPE PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay HDPE HDPE Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Flow Diameter (Maximum) (gal/min) Length (ft) (in) 8 98.55 90 10 98.64 281 8 29.33 203 10 169.44 292 8 69.86 85 10 127.97 5 10 197.85 61 12 367.31 62 12 367.33 58 8 158.56 56 8 159.12 123 8 169.65 120 8 169.7 168 12 540.94 103 12 540.96 53 10 8.95 79 12 8.96 15 12 8.98 60 12 194.29 286 18 1,147.66 294 8 169.76 250 12 540.34 310 12 540.38 122 12 214.98 55 10 (N/A) 11 12 2,025.60 33 12 540.98 42 12 8.98 31 12 92.9 23 10 92.9 80 6 0.03 133 6 0.08 168 6 0.15 266 6 0.23 308 6 0.31 315 6 0.32 32 Page 4 of 16 Slope (ft/ft) 0.074 0.006 0.07 0.039 0.051 0.014 0.013 0.024 0.019 0.03 0.087 0.019 0.02 0.016 0.004 0.034 0.036 0.001 0.003 0.009 0.005 0.019 0.011 18.539 ‐0.028 31.076 24.648 33.319 0.002 0.007 0.022 0.017 0.02 0.018 0.018 0.016 Capacity Velocity Depth (Average End) / Rise (Full Flow) (Average) (Maximum) (%) (ft/s) (gal/min) 1,478.65 2.27 24.13 742.01 0.88 24.63 1,439.95 1.41 16.69 1,942.10 1.75 19.96 1,589.46 2.14 24.75 1,163.50 1.13 25.3 1,140.10 1.34 28.2 3,189.89 2.18 22.91 2,888.62 2.02 24.09 936.57 1.89 27.82 1,601.85 2.73 26.79 750.84 1.61 32.29 766.99 1.59 32 2,590.81 1.94 31.01 1,244.61 1.16 46.09 2,354.50 0.96 22.96 3,944.08 0.96 3.53 619.29 0.26 8.39 931.22 1.57 31 4,347.35 1.37 36.02 400.01 0.98 45.46 2,887.12 2.23 29.31 2,154.02 1.74 34.15 68,848.67 10.64 4.09 ‐1,650.77 (N/A) (N/A) 89,138.29 40.58 10.41 ######## 24.84 5.21 92,299.11 9.52 0.81 969.21 0.69 24.59 807.89 0.87 22.91 369.29 0.35 3.01 333.14 0.38 1.24 353.45 0.5 1.58 341.98 0.56 1.97 339.65 0.61 2.29 321.02 0.59 2.39 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SANITARY SEWER STUDY EXISTING CONDITIONS SEWER PIPES Wet Loading Conditions PF=3 Label 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Start Node 1689 185 186 189 188 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 178 177 175 174 160 1634 176 1650 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 179 1613 169 170 172 173 150 151 152 146 147 148 149 133 Stop Node 185 186 187 188 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 178 177 175 174 161 161 174 175 177 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 169 169 170 171 173 150 151 152 104 147 148 149 103 134 Material PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Flow Diameter (Maximu Length Slope (in) m) (ft) (ft/ft) 8 3.9 54 0.038 8 3.92 81 0 8 10.4 97 0.008 12 70.03 66 0.002 12 77.90 54 0.094 12 96.16 133 0.001 12 96.05 85 0.003 12 103.91 204 0.007 12 111.69 209 0.024 12 150.84 78 0.015 12 166.47 93 0.032 12 166.43 155 0.033 12 213.39 110 0.019 12 213.23 86 0.004 12 213.06 286 0.009 12 243.86 191 0.004 12 246.6 187 0.025 12 254.21 291 0.011 10 148.07 57 0.028 8 7.86 48 0.107 8 4.73 145 0.011 8 31.4 21 0.345 12 368.18 184 0.003 12 386.15 105 0 12 385.87 57 0.005 12 385.78 43 ‐0.003 12 385.47 55 0.003 12 385.41 251 0.001 12 405.73 111 0.002 12 405.66 42 0.001 6 31.46 366 0.038 8 0.08 316 0.024 12 435.63 135 0.006 12 438.53 564 0.014 12 440.53 51 0.006 12 470.28 245 0.006 12 470.19 61 0.006 10 470.16 241 0.007 10 470.23 693 0.006 8 105.03 132 0.006 8 105.06 104 0.008 8 113.49 112 0.008 8 113.63 516 0.008 8 238.91 150 0.009 Page 5 of 16 Capacity (Full Flow) (gal/min) 1,370.36 ‐78.34 636.28 1,023.49 6,363.16 698.09 1,081.31 1,684.74 3,240.81 2,524.04 3,714.77 3,770.63 2,899.38 1,287.66 2,019.73 1,285.11 3,281.46 2,227.01 2,135.04 2,302.67 740.62 4,142.64 1,050.59 453.61 1,532.99 ‐1,142.96 1,155.68 694.28 925.43 641.5 493.05 839.42 1,261.32 1,858.61 1,205.77 1,225.88 1,211.21 793.67 756.36 416.90 496.04 491.54 495.09 523.95 Velocity (Average) (ft/s) 0.78 0 0.7 1.66 6.01 1.28 1.74 2.38 3.77 3.21 4.22 4.26 3.6 2.03 2.78 2.03 3.89 2.97 2.12 1.63 0.59 3.74 1.79 0.99 2.31 0.23 1.88 1.31 1.6 1.23 1.55 0.43 2 2.62 1.9 1.94 1.92 2.04 1.97 0.96 1.01 1 0.97 1.43 Depth (Average End) / Rise (Maximum) (%) 3.92 53.9 19.5 17.71 7.77 25.07 20.14 16.83 12.7 16.57 14.42 14.33 19.95 27.53 22.22 29.52 18.57 22.81 17.83 16.98 5.73 23 47.91 70.93 63.39 76.65 40 53.22 48.01 57.71 17.12 0.81 44.3 33.05 42.33 43.09 47.19 55.38 57.09 34.25 31.26 32.67 32.57 47.38 Label 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 115 Start Node 134 135 137 136 138 103 104 139 101 100 105 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 145 144 142 141 140 107 112 111 110 109 108 113 114 115 117 116 118 132 131 130 129 126 125 127 128 124 123 119 120 121 102 99 97 96 Stop Node 136 137 138 139 103 104 101 101 100 105 113 158 157 156 155 154 153 145 144 140 141 140 106 108 111 110 109 108 114 116 115 117 120 118 119 131 130 129 128 125 124 124 127 123 122 123 121 122 99 97 96 92 Material Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC PVC Diameter (in) 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 8 10 10 20 8 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 8 10 18 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 8 8 8 20 20 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 24 20 8 8 8 15 15 15 Flow (Maximu Length Slope m) (ft) (ft/ft) 238.97 210 0.011 65.65 94 0.051 65.72 272 0.011 239.08 432 0.009 133.03 425 0.031 246.67 23 0.051 716.42 120 0.008 239.19 418 0.027 955.59 11 0.135 955.63 135 0.018 4,395.09 63 0.005 0.04 135 0.025 538.79 208 0.004 538.92 268 0.003 2,674.73 224 0.003 2,674.84 224 0.002 2,674.96 250 0.006 2,675.10 277 0.013 2,675.14 73 0.006 3,266.54 427 0.006 172.57 167 0.05 172.57 11 0.013 3,439.28 292 0.009 9.5 198 0.006 48.66 26 0.023 607.44 214 0.025 607.34 101 0.061 607.33 127 0.044 616.82 202 0.004 4,429.63 289 0.005 616.66 233 0.006 616.44 177 0.005 616.53 356 0.004 4,429.51 284 0.005 4,429.65 221 0.004 48.69 123 0.054 48.65 209 0.01 97.07 223 0.007 96.57 250 0.008 69.07 32 0.04 69.06 79 0.02 164.6 104 0.006 165.14 305 0.054 233.13 21 0.051 4,605.01 74 0.001 4,429.76 263 0.006 616.55 350 0.005 616.38 13 0.054 332.89 148 0.006 407 167 0.002 407.04 89 0.003 (N/A) 95 0.003 Page 6 of 16 Capacity (Full Flow) (gal/min) 557.62 1,222.99 562.89 527.71 951.81 2,217.84 879.52 885.78 3,606.91 1,308.38 4,518.92 850.5 1,786.73 1,623.12 1,573.71 1,299.45 2,260.63 3,272.85 2,172.74 3,585.61 1,211.99 1,109.35 4,431.46 407.90 830.72 865.5 1,337.21 1,132.73 345.55 4,528.15 421.90 401.49 352.04 4,256.73 4,050.36 1,258.20 529.21 456.51 493.50 1,958.97 1,403.79 1,244.53 3,708.99 3,626.22 3,914.52 4,870.01 366.69 1,258.50 434.52 1,774.04 1,957.19 1,894.37 Velocity (Average) (ft/s) 1.44 1.74 1 1.31 1.72 1.99 2.23 1.62 6.1 3 2.12 0.36 1.23 1.07 1.76 1.46 2.03 2.52 1.82 1.99 2.34 1.37 2.2 0.47 1.43 2.74 3.61 3.18 1.36 2.14 1.48 1.33 1.15 1.99 1.88 1.92 1.01 1.1 1.05 1.87 1.46 1.02 2.32 2.47 1.28 2.1 1.06 2.21 1.39 1.08 1.09 (N/A) Depth (Average End) / Rise (Maximum) (%) 45.71 15.74 23.04 47.21 25.26 22.52 68.54 35.52 35.15 63.46 79.83 100 100 100 100 100 100 84.19 98.39 74.94 25.49 69.97 66.21 100 34.49 61.77 100 100 100 83.1 100 100 100 88.85 91.04 13.43 20.49 31.32 30 12.84 15.09 24.56 15.97 17.18 81.17 83.18 100 49.38 65.58 33.75 30.95 (N/A) Label 116 117 119 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Start Node 92 91 93 90 89 88 87 86 88 122 84 85 61 62 64 65 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 56 57 59 60 67 66 69 68 70 71 199 198 201 45 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 23 22 27 28 24 21 Stop Node 91 90 90 89 88 87 86 84 84 85 85 61 63 64 65 66 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 56 57 59 60 67 68 69 70 71 198 199 200 201 200 35 33 33 32 31 28 29 27 22 21 21 18 20 20 Material Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Concrete Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC Vitrified Clay Diameter (in) 8 8 10 15 10 10 10 10 8 24 12 24 24 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 12 18 6 10 8 10 10 10 8 8 8 10 8 10 8 10 Flow (Maximu Length Slope m) (ft) (ft/ft) 99.22 134 0.009 99.24 61 0.011 325.76 195 0.004 671.78 74 0.003 708.61 231 0.009 (N/A) 147 0.009 354.36 167 0.009 354.41 165 0.008 354.42 459 0.012 5,221.40 207 0.005 708.84 10 0.148 5,930.20 64 0 5,930.14 20 0.003 0.01 20 0.01 0.05 96 0.008 0.09 108 0.001 518.71 37 0.181 518.78 258 0.012 525.64 152 0.019 562.41 50 0.018 562.42 77 0.021 573.51 229 0.012 610.27 44 0.038 610.3 105 0.04 610.3 31 0.039 610.32 73 0.007 610.37 196 0.015 631.95 187 0.017 631.99 117 0.008 632.07 199 0.006 0.19 270 0.005 0.29 247 0.004 641.72 528 0.007 0.39 253 0.004 641.82 192 0.007 641.84 39 0.017 0.49 256 0.004 641.84 6 ‐0.007 242.58 139 0.061 297.76 173 0.001 0.03 103 0.021 297.83 131 0.008 322.58 223 0.01 322.64 191 0.005 87.71 122 0.007 87.73 79 0.005 295.6 90 0.074 295.69 281 0.006 87.78 203 0.07 507.54 292 0.039 209.51 85 0.051 383.47 5 0.014 Page 7 of 16 Capacity (Full Flow) (gal/min) 502.42 580.98 653.03 1,909.78 928.6 914.00 941.21 905.78 582.78 7,196.64 6,151.52 ‐2,198.21 6,006.65 1,599.01 1,432.06 533 2,309.59 602.11 752.99 951.16 471.91 779.61 1,377.67 1,084.69 1,398.68 577.64 655.13 707.24 876.7 1,241.70 1,092.33 965.22 1,370.72 979.83 2,376.41 3,771.53 974.08 ‐3,849.31 623.84 400.72 1,025.72 905.16 994.30 711.52 439.18 400.12 1,478.65 742.01 1,439.95 1,942.10 1,589.46 1,163.50 Velocity (Average) (ft/s) 0.64 0.68 1.07 1.21 1.66 (N/A) 1.29 1.21 1.46 1.97 3.67 0.1 1.76 0.13 0.22 0.14 5.14 1.99 2.21 2.6 2.81 2.25 3.3 2.78 3.28 1.76 1.9 1.97 1.42 1.22 0.28 0.3 1.27 0.33 1.02 1.34 0.36 0.01 2.89 0.8 0.37 1.28 1.37 1.03 0.93 0.83 3.14 1.24 1.96 2.52 2.97 1.64 Depth (Average End) / Rise (Maximum) (%) 30.14 51.63 49.92 42.28 70.82 (N/A) 42.51 43.42 56.28 76.39 40.09 88.92 80.83 10.5 0.5 1.03 32.18 83.04 61.54 62.66 100 63.78 50.13 53.66 46.19 95.47 76.43 73.69 62.9 50.52 1.11 1.38 48.1 1.66 37.96 62.02 1.74 66.31 72.15 64.22 0.42 39.5 39.2 47.23 40.82 31.84 42.58 43.87 32.85 35.17 44.25 46.98 Label 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 181 182 187 188 189 207 208 209 210 211 214 225 227 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 Start Node 20 18 17 36 37 38 39 14 13 42 43 44 171 106 4859 16 ‐15 201 92 63 12 206 96 MH‐A 213 212 211 210 209 208 Stop Node 18 17 16 37 38 39 4859 13 12 43 44 206 172 105 16 ‐15 14 OF‐2 93 OF‐13 OF‐16 OF‐17 MH‐A 93 212 211 210 209 208 142 Material Vitrified Clay HDPE PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay HDPE HDPE PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay HDPE HDPE Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Diameter (in) 10 12 12 8 8 8 8 12 12 10 12 12 12 18 8 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 Flow (Maximu Length Slope m) (ft) (ft/ft) 593 61 0.013 1,100.56 62 0.024 1,100.58 58 0.019 475.66 56 0.03 477.27 123 0.087 508.8 120 0.019 508.85 168 0.02 1,620.69 103 0.016 1,620.71 53 0.004 26.8 79 0.034 26.81 15 0.036 26.83 60 0.001 441.03 286 0.003 3,439.46 294 0.009 508.91 250 0.005 1,619.04 310 0.019 1,619.08 122 0.011 642.33 55 18.539 (N/A) 11 ‐0.028 5,930.11 33 31.076 1,620.73 42 24.648 26.83 31 33.319 228.52 23 0.002 228.52 80 0.007 0.03 133 0.022 0.08 168 0.017 0.15 266 0.02 0.23 308 0.018 0.31 315 0.018 0.32 32 0.016 Page 8 of 16 Capacity (Full Flow) (gal/min) 1,140.10 3,189.89 2,888.62 936.57 1,601.85 750.84 766.99 2,590.81 1,244.61 2,354.50 3,944.08 619.29 931.22 4,347.35 400.01 2,887.12 2,154.02 68,848.67 ‐1,650.77 89,138.29 103,200.59 92,299.11 969.21 807.89 369.29 333.14 353.45 341.98 339.65 321.02 Velocity (Average) (ft/s) 1.93 3.14 2.93 2.65 3.83 2.27 2.26 2.86 1.7 1.35 1.3 0.36 1.59 2.08 1.39 3.25 2.56 15.96 (N/A) 46.06 37.08 12.27 1.01 1.27 0.35 0.38 0.5 0.56 0.61 0.59 Depth (Average End) / Rise (Maximum) (%) 51.18 40.66 43.17 50.45 48.88 60.34 85.8 57.31 97.15 25.9 5.9 14.17 48.42 74.11 100 56.64 64.73 6.81 (N/A) 17.47 8.73 1.35 35.84 39.56 3.01 1.24 1.58 1.97 2.29 9.19 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SANITARY SEWER STUDY EXISTING CONDITIONS MANHOLES Dry Loading Conditions (ADF) Label 12 13 14 15 16 17 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,047.50 1,049.17 1,050.05 1,050.27 1,053.84 1,055.24 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,035.20 1,035.39 1,039.40 1,040.77 1,046.80 1,048.02 Depth (Structure) (ft) 12.3 13.78 10.65 9.5 7.04 7.22 18 1,062.44 1,049.50 12.94 0.23 2% 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 1,066.79 1,066.88 1,062.12 1,064.79 1,065.77 1,073.01 1,072.55 1,073.36 1,073.98 1,074.32 1,085.85 1,087.27 1,085.46 1,088.02 1,075.50 1,074.79 1,067.85 1,064.32 1,057.17 1,054.63 1,054.35 1,085.53 1,073.42 1,072.27 1,069.24 1,066.78 1,066.56 1,064.07 1,048.84 1,049.09 1,050.43 1,050.50 1,052.10 1,058.79 1,054.75 1,064.84 1,061.00 1,065.20 1,065.74 1,062.00 1,064.40 1,065.74 1,082.00 1,066.17 1,068.81 1,065.43 1,054.70 1,052.34 1,050.31 1,047.63 1,033.00 1,074.73 1,065.01 1,057.79 1,054.53 1,051.41 1,049.80 1,047.80 1,044.10 1,042.42 16.36 16.38 10.02 6 11.02 8.17 11.55 8.16 8.24 12.32 21.45 21.53 3.46 21.85 6.69 9.36 13.15 11.98 6.86 7 21.35 10.8 8.41 14.48 14.71 15.37 16.76 16.27 4.74 6.67 0.24 0.19 0.21 0.12 0.1 0.07 0.17 0.25 0.38 0.22 0.19 0.19 0 0.28 0.19 0.14 0.22 0.21 0.04 0.35 0.08 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.52 0.2 0.22 0.22 0.17 0.2 1% 1% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 3% 5% 2% 1% 1% 0% 1% 3% 1% 2% 2% 1% 5% 0% 1% 1% 2% 4% 1% 1% 1% 4% 3% Page 9 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) Surcharge % 0.05 0% 0.46 3% 0.31 3% 0.34 4% 0.29 4% 0.24 3% Label 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 97 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,041.54 1,039.71 1,042.94 1,036.14 1,033.63 1,034.31 1,034.69 1,033.81 1,033.89 1,033.68 1,032.59 1,032.23 1,032.11 1,031.43 1,030.43 1,029.87 1,035.09 1,034.40 1,037.59 1,037.34 1,039.22 1,043.54 1,042.54 1,043.83 1,045.52 1,044.81 1,046.46 1,051.00 1,046.22 1,046.79 1,046.94 1,049.17 1,049.75 1,049.35 1,042.77 1,045.16 1,047.14 1,044.60 1,051.03 1,056.82 1,066.24 1,068.86 1,045.32 1,044.80 1,042.69 1,045.66 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,035.39 1,034.79 1,038.02 1,031.30 1,027.73 1,025.99 1,026.00 1,025.51 1,025.80 1,025.22 1,024.80 1,026.70 1,025.38 1,023.20 1,022.03 1,021.50 1,029.00 1,026.19 1,031.70 1,033.43 1,034.34 1,036.40 1,036.59 1,037.30 1,038.65 1,037.89 1,038.46 1,038.65 1,039.02 1,037.39 1,039.44 1,040.67 1,042.65 1,040.61 1,033.79 1,036.40 1,038.32 1,037.20 1,043.54 1,049.84 1,055.55 1,056.21 1,033.46 1,036.11 1,034.70 1,031.84 Depth (Structure) (ft) 6.15 4.92 4.92 4.84 5.9 8.32 8.69 8.3 8.09 8.46 7.79 5.53 6.73 8.23 8.4 8.37 6.09 8.21 5.89 3.91 4.88 7.14 5.95 6.53 6.87 6.92 8 12.35 7.2 9.4 7.5 8.5 7.1 8.74 8.98 8.76 8.82 7.4 7.49 6.98 10.69 12.65 11.86 8.69 7.99 13.82 Page 10 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) Surcharge % 0.27 4% 0.26 5% 0.17 3% 0.25 5% 0.28 5% 0.8 10% 0.01 0% 0.1 1% 0.21 3% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0.28 5% 0.27 4% 0.01 0% 0.02 0% 0.25 3% 0.13 2% 1.43 17% 0.2 3% 0.2 5% 0.46 9% 0.29 4% 0.29 5% 0.09 1% 0.1 1% 0.24 3% 0.22 3% 0.27 2% 0.23 3% 0.3 3% 0.18 2% 0.23 3% 0.11 2% 0.33 4% 0.66 7% 0.53 6% 0.04 0% 0.39 5% 0.19 3% 0.18 3% 0.22 2% 0.06 0% 0.67 6% 0.33 4% 0.45 6% 0.69 5% Label 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,042.38 1,044.91 1,041.58 1,040.26 1,038.04 1,037.57 1,037.23 1,037.37 1,038.73 1,040.30 1,039.31 1,057.63 1,065.85 1,070.18 1,066.29 1,067.02 1,069.81 1,066.54 1,068.52 1,067.95 1,065.60 1,063.12 1,061.01 1,052.05 1,052.10 1,053.09 1,055.49 1,053.76 1,060.55 1,061.46 1,059.28 1,055.96 1,052.13 1,053.10 1,051.23 1,054.62 1,056.41 1,059.68 1,063.95 1,059.56 1,067.94 1,068.33 1,067.34 1,067.76 1,069.89 1,069.31 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,033.70 1,030.33 1,029.40 1,032.00 1,030.30 1,027.34 1,027.71 1,030.30 1,033.71 1,035.10 1,030.93 1,047.41 1,050.40 1,052.20 1,054.30 1,061.02 1,059.41 1,057.56 1,063.92 1,055.04 1,059.05 1,056.00 1,050.80 1,039.19 1,039.67 1,048.61 1,041.95 1,042.36 1,049.93 1,049.11 1,048.13 1,047.21 1,046.85 1,046.50 1,044.91 1,045.98 1,047.60 1,048.50 1,049.18 1,050.27 1,051.14 1,054.71 1,063.35 1,061.36 1,060.73 1,060.59 Depth (Structure) (ft) 8.68 14.58 12.18 8.26 7.74 10.23 9.52 7.07 5.02 5.2 8.38 10.22 15.45 17.98 11.99 6 10.4 8.98 4.6 12.91 6.55 7.12 10.21 12.86 12.43 4.48 13.54 11.4 10.62 12.35 11.15 8.75 5.28 6.6 6.32 8.64 8.81 11.18 14.77 9.29 16.8 13.62 3.99 6.4 9.16 8.72 Page 11 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) Surcharge % 0.37 4% 0.71 5% 0.64 5% 0.36 4% 0.18 2% 0.68 7% 0.89 9% 0.1 1% 0.07 1% 0.06 1% 0.14 2% 0.08 1% 0.12 1% 0.12 1% 0.08 1% 0.05 1% 0.18 2% 0.17 2% 0.06 1% 0.18 1% 0.09 1% 0.1 1% 0.14 1% 0.52 4% 0.13 1% 0.1 2% 0.57 4% 0.56 5% 0.13 1% 0.12 1% 0.13 1% 0.13 1% 0.28 5% 0.34 5% 0.3 5% 0.45 5% 0.55 6% 0.76 7% 0.67 5% 0.28 3% 0.27 2% 0 0% 0.09 2% 0.27 4% 0.43 5% 0.4 5% Label 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 206 208 209 210 211 212 213 1613 1634 1650 1689 4859 MH‐A Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,068.49 1,071.10 1,070.95 1,065.95 1,065.39 1,065.04 1,065.28 1,058.33 1,058.35 1,056.86 1,073.66 1,082.93 1,081.99 1,083.10 1,084.42 1,079.17 1,102.94 1,104.47 1,106.18 1,108.83 1,107.32 1,109.79 1,109.42 1,106.34 1,099.12 1,096.05 1,094.70 1,094.72 1,087.42 1,029.74 1,029.22 1,029.54 1,029.71 1,043.54 1,053.47 1,067.37 1,073.75 1,077.63 1,081.60 1,081.42 1,074.04 1,076.04 1,084.21 1,102.87 1,061.24 1,045.52 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,060.23 1,060.18 1,059.88 1,059.44 1,059.14 1,058.42 1,057.58 1,049.82 1,048.58 1,048.29 1,064.89 1,070.06 1,073.96 1,070.93 1,073.70 1,073.92 1,095.96 1,095.82 1,094.98 1,100.50 1,100.85 1,094.74 1,094.46 1,092.95 1,086.24 1,084.95 1,081.84 1,076.27 1,074.07 1,021.08 1,020.21 1,019.61 1,019.65 1,032.89 1,049.22 1,055.15 1,065.40 1,070.77 1,073.82 1,076.66 1,068.04 1,070.04 1,078.21 1,099.00 1,048.30 1,038.41 Depth (Structure) (ft) 8.26 10.92 11.07 6.51 6.25 6.62 7.7 8.51 9.77 8.57 8.77 12.87 8.03 12.17 10.72 5.25 6.98 8.65 11.2 8.33 6.47 15.05 14.96 13.39 12.88 11.1 12.86 18.45 13.35 8.66 9.01 9.93 10.06 10.65 4.25 12.22 8.35 6.86 7.78 4.76 6 6 6 3.87 12.94 7.11 Page 12 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) Surcharge % 0.76 9% 0.26 2% 0.34 3% 0.3 5% 0.36 6% 0.26 4% 0.37 5% 0.31 4% 0.27 3% 0.28 3% 0.16 2% 0.14 1% 0.02 0% 0.21 2% 0.16 1% 0.05 1% 0.36 5% 0.03 0% 0.23 2% 0.08 1% 0.18 3% 0.18 1% 0.15 1% 0.11 1% 0.13 1% 0.11 1% 0.11 1% 0.14 1% 0.2 1% 0.02 0% 0.41 5% 1.01 10% 0.04 0% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0 0% 0.01 0% 0.02 0% 0.02 0% 0.02 1% 0.3 2% 0.27 4% KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SANITARY SEWER STUDY EXISTING CONDITIONS MANHOLES Wet Loading Conditions (PF=3.0) Label 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,047.50 1,049.17 1,050.05 1,050.27 1,053.84 1,055.24 1,062.44 1,066.79 1,066.88 1,062.12 1,064.79 1,065.77 1,073.01 1,072.55 1,073.36 1,073.98 1,074.32 1,085.85 1,087.27 1,085.46 1,088.02 1,075.50 1,074.79 1,067.85 1,064.32 1,057.17 1,054.63 1,054.35 1,085.53 1,073.42 1,072.27 1,069.24 1,066.78 1,066.56 1,064.07 1,048.84 1,049.09 1,041.54 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,035.20 1,035.39 1,039.40 1,040.77 1,046.80 1,048.02 1,049.50 1,050.43 1,050.50 1,052.10 1,058.79 1,054.75 1,064.84 1,061.00 1,065.20 1,065.74 1,062.00 1,064.40 1,065.74 1,082.00 1,066.17 1,068.81 1,065.43 1,054.70 1,052.34 1,050.31 1,047.63 1,033.00 1,074.73 1,065.01 1,057.79 1,054.53 1,051.41 1,049.80 1,047.80 1,044.10 1,042.42 1,035.39 Depth (Structure) (ft) 12.3 13.78 10.65 9.5 7.04 7.22 12.94 16.36 16.38 10.02 6 11.02 8.17 11.55 8.16 8.24 12.32 21.45 21.53 3.46 21.85 6.69 9.36 13.15 11.98 6.86 7 21.35 10.8 8.41 14.48 14.71 15.37 16.76 16.27 4.74 6.67 6.15 Page 13 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) Surcharge % 0.09 1% 1.04 8% 0.57 5% 0.65 7% 0.54 8% 0.43 6% 0.41 3% 0.43 3% 0.36 2% 0.37 4% 0.2 3% 0.16 1% 0.11 1% 0.29 3% 0.34 4% 0.46 6% 0.39 3% 0.33 2% 0.33 2% 0 0% 0.54 2% 0.34 5% 0.25 3% 0.4 3% 0.4 3% 0.06 1% 0.37 5% 0.14 1% 0.22 2% 0.21 2% 0.48 3% 0.71 5% 0.37 2% 1.17 7% 0.43 3% 0.31 7% 0.36 5% 0.67 11% Label 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 97 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,039.71 1,042.94 1,036.14 1,033.63 1,034.31 1,034.69 1,033.81 1,033.89 1,033.68 1,032.59 1,032.23 1,032.11 1,031.43 1,030.43 1,029.87 1,035.09 1,034.40 1,037.59 1,037.34 1,039.22 1,043.54 1,042.54 1,043.83 1,045.52 1,044.81 1,046.46 1,051.00 1,046.22 1,046.79 1,046.94 1,049.17 1,049.75 1,049.35 1,042.77 1,045.16 1,047.14 1,044.60 1,051.03 1,056.82 1,066.24 1,068.86 1,045.32 1,044.80 1,042.69 1,045.66 1,042.38 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,034.79 1,038.02 1,031.30 1,027.73 1,025.99 1,026.00 1,025.51 1,025.80 1,025.22 1,024.80 1,026.70 1,025.38 1,023.20 1,022.03 1,021.50 1,029.00 1,026.19 1,031.70 1,033.43 1,034.34 1,036.40 1,036.59 1,037.30 1,038.65 1,037.89 1,038.46 1,038.65 1,039.02 1,037.39 1,039.44 1,040.67 1,042.65 1,040.61 1,033.79 1,036.40 1,038.32 1,037.20 1,043.54 1,049.84 1,055.55 1,056.21 1,033.46 1,036.11 1,034.70 1,031.84 1,033.70 Depth (Structure) (ft) 4.92 4.92 4.84 5.9 8.32 8.69 8.3 8.09 8.46 7.79 5.53 6.73 8.23 8.4 8.37 6.09 8.21 5.89 3.91 4.88 7.14 5.95 6.53 6.87 6.92 8 12.35 7.2 9.4 7.5 8.5 7.1 8.74 8.98 8.76 8.82 7.4 7.49 6.98 10.69 12.65 11.86 8.69 7.99 13.82 8.68 Page 14 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) Surcharge % 0.51 10% 0.31 6% 0.49 10% 0.52 9% 1.62 19% 0.01 0% 0.17 2% 0.21 3% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0.51 9% 0.48 7% 0.01 0% 0.02 0% 0.44 5% 0.23 4% 1.9 23% 0.36 6% 0.35 9% 0.64 13% 0.55 8% 0.51 9% 0.19 3% 0.2 3% 0.42 6% 0.33 4% 0.44 4% 0.41 6% 0.53 6% 0.29 4% 0.44 5% 0.19 3% 0.57 7% 1.33 15% 1.01 12% 6.28 71% 7.4 100% 2.65 35% 0.32 5% 0.41 4% 0.11 1% 1.33 11% 8.69 100% 7.72 97% 1.54 11% 6.43 74% Label 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,044.91 1,041.58 1,040.26 1,038.04 1,037.57 1,037.23 1,037.37 1,038.73 1,040.30 1,039.31 1,057.63 1,065.85 1,070.18 1,066.29 1,067.02 1,069.81 1,066.54 1,068.52 1,067.95 1,065.60 1,063.12 1,061.01 1,052.05 1,052.10 1,053.09 1,055.49 1,053.76 1,060.55 1,061.46 1,059.28 1,055.96 1,052.13 1,053.10 1,051.23 1,054.62 1,056.41 1,059.68 1,063.95 1,059.56 1,067.94 1,068.33 1,067.34 1,067.76 1,069.89 1,069.31 1,068.49 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,030.33 1,029.40 1,032.00 1,030.30 1,027.34 1,027.71 1,030.30 1,033.71 1,035.10 1,030.93 1,047.41 1,050.40 1,052.20 1,054.30 1,061.02 1,059.41 1,057.56 1,063.92 1,055.04 1,059.05 1,056.00 1,050.80 1,039.19 1,039.67 1,048.61 1,041.95 1,042.36 1,049.93 1,049.11 1,048.13 1,047.21 1,046.85 1,046.50 1,044.91 1,045.98 1,047.60 1,048.50 1,049.18 1,050.27 1,051.14 1,054.71 1,063.35 1,061.36 1,060.73 1,060.59 1,060.23 Depth (Structure) (ft) 14.58 12.18 8.26 7.74 10.23 9.52 7.07 5.02 5.2 8.38 10.22 15.45 17.98 11.99 6 10.4 8.98 4.6 12.91 6.55 7.12 10.21 12.86 12.43 4.48 13.54 11.4 10.62 12.35 11.15 8.75 5.28 6.6 6.32 8.64 8.81 11.18 14.77 9.29 16.8 13.62 3.99 6.4 9.16 8.72 8.26 Page 15 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) Surcharge % 1.61 11% 1.25 10% 3.53 43% 0.33 4% 1.26 12% 1.62 17% 0.17 2% 0.13 3% 0.11 2% 0.25 3% 0.14 1% 0.2 1% 0.21 1% 0.14 1% 0.09 2% 0.32 3% 0.3 3% 0.1 2% 0.31 2% 0.15 2% 0.17 2% 0.24 2% 0.99 8% 0.51 4% 0.17 4% 1.12 8% 1.34 12% 0.23 2% 0.21 2% 0.22 2% 0.22 3% 0.43 8% 0.51 8% 0.48 8% 0.86 10% 1.73 20% 2.73 24% 3.96 27% 2.96 32% 2.16 13% 0 0% 0.15 4% 0.41 6% 0.71 8% 0.48 6% 0.84 10% Label 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 206 208 209 210 211 212 213 1613 1634 1650 1689 4859 MH‐A Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,071.10 1,070.95 1,065.95 1,065.39 1,065.04 1,065.28 1,058.33 1,058.35 1,056.86 1,073.66 1,082.93 1,081.99 1,083.10 1,084.42 1,079.17 1,102.94 1,104.47 1,106.18 1,108.83 1,107.32 1,109.79 1,109.42 1,106.34 1,099.12 1,096.05 1,094.70 1,094.72 1,087.42 1,029.74 1,029.22 1,029.54 1,029.71 1,043.54 1,053.47 1,067.37 1,073.75 1,077.63 1,081.60 1,081.42 1,074.04 1,076.04 1,084.21 1,102.87 1,061.24 1,045.52 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,060.18 1,059.88 1,059.44 1,059.14 1,058.42 1,057.58 1,049.82 1,048.58 1,048.29 1,064.89 1,070.06 1,073.96 1,070.93 1,073.70 1,073.92 1,095.96 1,095.82 1,094.98 1,100.50 1,100.85 1,094.74 1,094.46 1,092.95 1,086.24 1,084.95 1,081.84 1,076.27 1,074.07 1,021.08 1,020.21 1,019.61 1,019.65 1,032.89 1,049.22 1,055.15 1,065.40 1,070.77 1,073.82 1,076.66 1,068.04 1,070.04 1,078.21 1,099.00 1,048.30 1,038.41 Depth (Structure) (ft) 10.92 11.07 6.51 6.25 6.62 7.7 8.51 9.77 8.57 8.77 12.87 8.03 12.17 10.72 5.25 6.98 8.65 11.2 8.33 6.47 15.05 14.96 13.39 12.88 11.1 12.86 18.45 13.35 8.66 9.01 9.93 10.06 10.65 4.25 12.22 8.35 6.86 7.78 4.76 6 6 6 3.87 12.94 7.11 Page 16 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) Surcharge % 0.4 4% 0.53 5% 0.46 7% 0.58 9% 0.41 6% 0.48 6% 0.48 6% 0.42 4% 0.43 5% 0.23 3% 0.19 1% 0.04 0% 0.3 2% 0.22 2% 0.09 2% 0.36 5% 0.06 1% 0.25 2% 0.08 1% 0.18 3% 0.2 1% 0.17 1% 0.13 1% 0.17 1% 0.14 1% 0.14 1% 0.18 1% 0.28 2% 0.02 0% 0.51 6% 1.11 11% 0.07 1% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0.01 0% 0 0% 0.01 0% 0.03 1% 0.04 1% 0.03 1% 1.43 11% 0.38 5% Kansas State Univ. ‐ Master Plan Project & Phasing Plan Date: 15 October 2012 Building Name, Use Type as Gross Area as Provided by Kansas State University Project Name Use / Type Building Average Daily Flow Calculations (BG Consultants, Inc.) Approx. Total GSF Map Reference Space Factor Approx. Total NSF SQ FT Per Unit Units GPDPU GPD ADF (GPM) Loading MH PLANNED College of Business Administration ‐ New Building Academic 120,000 W 1.5 80,000 20 4,000 10 40000 67 60 General Classroom Building (North of Waters Hall) Academic 66,000 Q 1.5 44,000 20 2,200 10 22000 37 101 58,500 18,500 69,500 78,000 27,000 17,000 12,500 15,500 296,500 J J J J J J J J 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 39,000 12,333 46,333 52,000 18,000 11,333 8,333 10,333 197,667 20 9,883 10 98833 165 212 Academic 16,200 L 1.5 10,800 20 540 10 5400 9 135 International Student Center Expansion Student Life 13,000 S 1.54 8,442 100 84 85 7175 12 106 Kramer Complex Dining Center Renovation/Expansion or Replacement New Residence Hall(s) Student Life 256,500 D 1.54 166,558 100 1,666 85 141575 236 City Main College of Engineering Complex ‐ Phase IV Academic 80,000 G 1.5 53,333 20 2,667 10 26667 44 33 Indoor Rowing Facility Athletics 10,000 A 1.5 6,667 100 67 10 667 1 79 100 100 100 130 234 214 10 10 10 1299 2338 2143 2 4 4 10 16 134 College of Veterinary Medicine Master Plan Coles 1 Teaching & Student Center Coles 2 KS VDL Collaborative Lab Equine Center Clinic LARC Addition Cardwell Hall Expansion Academic/Research TOTAL GSF ‐ Planned New Construction 858,200 567,467 MASTER PLAN PROPOSED K‐State Union Additions East Southwest Southeast Seaton Hall Additions East Wing North of College of Engineering Complex (Lot A‐28) South East Student Life I 20,000 36,000 33,000 89,000 Academic 1.54 1.54 1.54 12,987 23,377 21,429 H 75,000 75,000 Academic/Research 1.5 50,000 20 2,500 10 25000 42 1.5 1.5 58,667 74,667 20 20 2,933 3,733 10 10 29333 37333 49 62 F 88,000 112,000 Project Name Use / Type North Approx. Total GSF Map Reference Space Factor Approx. Total NSF 88,000 288,000 1.5 58,667 SQ FT Per Unit Units GPDPU GPD ADF (GPM) Loading MH 20 2,933 10 29333 49 160 45 Ackert Hall Addition Academic 76,000 E 1.5 50,667 20 2,533 10 25333 42 133 North of Dickens Hall Academic 100,000 U 1.5 66,667 20 3,333 10 33333 56 88 East of Justin Hall Academic 66,000 V 1.5 44,000 20 2,200 10 22000 37 61 Performing Arts 64,400 X 1.39 46,331 100 463 10 4633 8 199 Academic 37,500 1.5 25,000 20 1,250 10 12500 21 199 1.5 1.5 1.5 40,000 25,333 58,667 20 20 20 2,000 1,267 2,933 10 10 10 20000 12667 29333 33 21 49 103 138 Performing Arts ‐ New Building (Lot A‐2) North of Performing Arts ‐ New Bldg (Lot A‐2) North of Waters Hall (Lot A‐17) Bldg 1 Bldg 2 Bldg 3 Academic/Research P 60,000 38,000 88,000 186,000 Northwest of Waters Hall (Lot A‐18) Academic/Research Mid‐Campus Drive Infill Dole Hall Addition North of Umburger Hall ‐ New Bldg Academic/Research 88,000 P Academic/Research 96,000 O Parking Garage (East of Weber Hall) 1,200 cars at 320 gsf/space Structured Parking 384,000 R North of Parking Garage Academic/Research 50,000 North of Realigned Jardine Drive (Lot B‐18) Bldg 1 Bldg 2 Bldg 3 Bldg 4 Bldg 5 Peters Athletic Center Additions Natatorium (West) East 58,667 20 2,933 10 29333 49 138 1.5 1.5 40,000 45,333 20 20 2,000 2,267 10 10 20000 22667 33 38 71 151 K 60,000 68,000 128,000 SW of Weber Hall Site Infill North of Weber Hall (Lot B‐16/17) Bldg 1 Bldg 2 1.5 Collaborative Research 1.5 64,000 20 3,200 10 32000 53 213 1.5 33,333 20 1,667 10 16667 28 213 1.75 1.75 93,714 50,286 20 20 4,686 2,514 10 10 46857 25143 78 42 120 212 82 67 46 36 51 282 212 5 2 8 176 N 164,000 88,000 252,000 Collaborative Research M 172,000 140,000 96,000 76,000 108,000 592,000 Athletics/Rec 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 98,286 80,000 54,857 43,429 61,714 20 20 20 20 20 4,914 4,000 2,743 2,171 3,086 10 10 10 10 10 49143 40000 27429 21714 30857 B 45,000 18,000 63,000 1.39 1.39 1.39 5,036 20 252 10 2518 4 176 1.54 140,909 100 1,409 85 119773 200 132 New Tennis Center Athletics/Rec 7,000 Derby Complex Dining Renovation and Expansion Student Life 217,000 T 32,374 12,950 100 100 324 129 10 10 3237 1295 Project Name Use / Type Approx. Total GSF Map Reference Space Factor Approx. Total NSF New Residence Hall(s) Facilities Expansion on Claflin Road (West of College Ave) TOTAL GSF ‐ Proposed Master Plan Footprints Support C 2,547,400 SQ FT Per Unit Units GPDPU GPD ADF (GPM) Loading MH KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SANITARY SEWER STUDY PROPOSED CONDITIONS SEWER PIPES Dry Loading Condtions (ADF) Label Start Node Stop Node Material 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1689 185 186 189 188 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 178 177 175 174 160 1634 176 1650 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 179 1613 169 170 172 173 150 151 152 146 147 148 185 186 187 188 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 178 177 175 174 161 161 174 175 177 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 169 169 170 171 173 150 151 152 104 147 148 149 PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Flow Diameter (Maximum) (gal/min) Length (ft) (in) 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 8 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 8 8 8 1.31 1.33 3.31 70.03 72.66 78.54 78.52 81.2 83.84 96.91 102.14 102.16 117.83 117.79 117.79 128.07 144.25 146.89 49.37 2.63 22.6 10.47 190.78 196.73 196.59 196.55 196.54 196.62 202.4 202.34 10.54 0.08 210.46 211.82 212.89 225.18 225.03 349.23 349.44 35.03 35.06 37.89 Page 1 of 16 54 81 97 66 54 133 85 204 209 78 93 155 110 86 286 191 187 291 57 48 145 21 184 105 57 43 55 251 111 42 366 316 135 564 51 245 61 241 693 132 104 112 Slope (ft/ft) Capacity Velocity Depth (Average (Full Flow) (Average) End) / Rise (gal/min) (ft/s) (Maximum) (%) 0.038 0 0.008 0.002 0.094 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.024 0.015 0.032 0.033 0.019 0.004 0.009 0.004 0.025 0.011 0.028 0.107 0.011 0.345 0.003 0 0.005 ‐0.003 0.003 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.038 0.024 0.006 0.014 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.008 0.008 1,370.36 ‐78.34 636.28 1,023.49 6,363.16 698.09 1,081.31 1,684.74 3,240.81 2,524.04 3,714.77 3,770.63 2,899.38 1,287.66 2,019.73 1,285.11 3,281.46 2,227.01 2,135.04 2,302.67 740.62 4,142.64 1,050.59 453.61 1,532.99 ‐1,142.96 1,155.68 694.28 925.43 641.50 493.05 839.42 1,261.32 1,858.61 1,205.77 1,225.88 1,211.21 793.67 756.36 416.9 496.04 491.54 0.63 0 0.53 1.66 6 1.27 1.73 2.37 3.74 3.16 4.15 4.19 3.5 1.98 2.72 1.98 3.82 2.92 1.52 1.27 0.89 2.7 1.73 0.95 2.25 0.21 1.84 1.28 1.56 1.21 1.12 0.43 1.95 2.56 1.88 1.91 1.89 2.08 2 0.69 0.71 0.7 2.33 52.58 15.8 17.71 7.51 22.65 18.24 14.94 11.08 13.38 11.41 11.33 14.1 20.44 16.39 21.32 14.31 17.4 10.5 12.06 11.97 15.59 29.45 46.03 56.59 70.39 27.88 36.42 31.77 38.61 10.11 0.81 32.72 22.79 28.73 29.12 36.44 46.42 49.27 19.6 18 18.76 Label Start Node Stop Node Material 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 149 133 134 135 137 136 138 103 104 139 101 100 105 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 145 144 142 141 140 107 112 111 110 109 108 113 114 115 117 116 118 132 131 130 129 126 125 127 128 124 123 119 120 103 134 136 137 138 139 103 104 101 101 100 105 113 158 157 156 155 154 153 145 144 140 141 140 106 108 111 110 109 108 114 116 115 117 120 118 119 131 130 129 128 125 124 124 127 123 122 123 121 Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Flow Diameter (Maximum) (gal/min) Length (ft) (in) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 8 10 10 20 8 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 8 10 18 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 8 8 8 20 20 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 24 20 8 38.03 153.16 226.72 37.65 37.72 226.83 411.98 450.02 799.38 226.94 1,091.01 1,091.05 3,383.73 0.04 179.69 179.82 891.83 891.94 892.06 892.2 892.24 1,089.54 1,191.77 1,191.77 2,281.48 3.2 16.23 202.52 202.49 202.5 205.73 3,395.24 205.68 205.71 205.79 3,395.42 3,395.53 104.67 104.57 120.34 119.74 23.03 23.04 141.73 142.17 164.29 3,523.31 3,395.66 205.81 Page 2 of 16 516 150 210 94 272 432 425 23 120 418 11 135 63 135 208 268 224 224 250 277 73 427 167 11 292 198 26 214 101 127 202 289 233 177 356 284 221 123 209 223 250 32 79 104 305 21 74 263 350 Slope (ft/ft) 0.008 0.009 0.011 0.051 0.011 0.009 0.031 0.051 0.008 0.027 0.135 0.018 0.005 0.025 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.006 0.013 0.006 0.006 0.05 0.013 0.009 0.006 0.023 0.025 0.061 0.044 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.054 0.01 0.007 0.008 0.04 0.02 0.006 0.054 0.051 0.001 0.006 0.005 Capacity Velocity Depth (Average (Full Flow) (Average) End) / Rise (gal/min) (ft/s) (Maximum) (%) 495.09 523.95 557.62 1,222.99 562.89 527.71 951.81 2,217.84 879.52 885.78 3,606.91 1,308.38 4,518.92 850.5 1,786.73 1,623.12 1,573.71 1,299.45 2,260.63 3,272.85 2,172.74 3,585.61 1,211.99 1,109.35 4,431.46 407.90 830.72 865.50 1,337.21 1,132.73 345.55 4,528.15 421.9 401.49 352.04 4,256.73 4,050.36 1,258.20 529.21 456.51 493.50 1,958.97 1,403.79 1,244.53 3,708.99 3,626.22 3,914.52 4,870.01 366.69 0.69 1.26 1.43 1.46 0.85 1.3 2.54 2.73 2.33 1.6 6.41 3.15 2.11 0.36 0.88 0.75 1.26 1.02 1.38 1.67 1.2 1.36 3.79 2.24 2.03 0.35 1.01 1.98 2.54 2.23 0.96 2.11 1.02 0.91 0.78 1.97 1.86 2.4 1.28 1.14 1.11 1.33 1.04 0.9 2.02 1.99 1.24 2.08 0.68 18.76 37.02 44.36 12.02 22.75 45.79 45.98 30.55 74.8 34.55 37.72 69.8 64.59 1.58 21.41 28.18 56.57 60.85 43.67 36.56 45.01 37.81 80.49 94.47 50.86 32.44 17.05 32.91 26.3 28.6 55.56 64.62 58.23 50.72 54.93 67.51 70.08 19.51 30.15 35.07 33.52 7.63 8.92 22.79 14.58 14.5 74.17 72.54 53.58 Label Start Node Stop Node Material 110 111 112 113 115 116 117 119 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 121 102 99 97 96 92 91 93 90 89 88 87 86 88 122 84 85 61 62 64 65 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 56 57 59 60 67 66 69 68 70 71 199 198 201 45 35 34 33 32 31 122 99 97 96 92 91 90 90 89 88 87 86 84 84 85 85 61 63 64 65 66 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 56 57 59 60 67 68 69 70 71 198 199 200 201 200 35 33 33 32 31 28 Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Concrete Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Flow Diameter (Maximum) (gal/min) Length (ft) (in) 8 8 15 15 15 8 8 10 15 10 10 10 10 8 24 12 24 24 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 12 18 6 10 8 10 10 10 205.8 110.99 135.75 135.79 (N/A) 25.46 25.47 116.37 224.13 236.46 (N/A) 167.28 167.34 167.35 3,728.97 334.69 4,063.46 4,128.21 0.01 0.05 0.09 172.91 172.98 175.29 187.56 187.57 191.31 203.57 203.6 203.6 203.62 203.67 210.9 328.19 328.27 0.19 0.29 331.62 0.39 331.72 382.49 0.49 382.49 360.88 379.31 0.03 456.38 464.68 464.74 Page 3 of 16 13 148 167 89 95 134 61 195 74 231 147 167 165 459 207 10 64 20 20 96 108 37 258 152 50 77 229 44 105 31 73 196 187 117 199 270 247 528 253 192 39 256 6 139 173 103 131 223 191 Slope (ft/ft) Capacity Velocity Depth (Average (Full Flow) (Average) End) / Rise (gal/min) (ft/s) (Maximum) (%) 0.054 0.006 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.009 0.011 0.004 0.003 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.012 0.005 0.148 0 0.003 0.01 0.008 0.001 0.181 0.012 0.019 0.018 0.021 0.012 0.038 0.04 0.039 0.007 0.015 0.017 0.008 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.007 0.004 0.007 0.017 0.004 ‐0.007 0.061 0.001 0.021 0.008 0.01 0.005 1,258.50 434.52 1,774.04 1,957.19 1,894.37 502.42 580.98 653.03 1,909.78 928.6 914 941.21 905.78 582.78 7,196.64 6,151.52 ‐2,198.21 6,006.65 1,599.01 1,432.06 533 2,309.59 602.11 752.99 951.16 471.91 779.61 1,377.67 1,084.69 1,398.68 577.64 655.13 707.24 876.7 1,241.70 1,092.33 965.22 1,370.72 979.83 2,376.41 3,771.53 974.08 ‐3,849.31 623.84 400.72 1,025.72 905.16 994.3 711.52 1.43 1 0.77 0.75 (N/A) 0.46 0.49 0.72 0.85 1.15 (N/A) 1.07 0.99 1.2 1.9 2.99 0.09 1.69 0.13 0.22 0.14 3.63 1.43 1.54 1.81 1.97 1.55 2.27 1.91 2.24 1.2 1.29 1.33 1.24 1.08 0.28 0.3 1.09 0.33 0.85 1.32 0.36 0.01 3.27 0.86 0.37 1.5 1.57 1.17 27.37 34.49 20.27 17.83 (N/A) 15.31 28.07 28.55 23.14 47.47 (N/A) 28.52 29.13 36.65 64.52 24.91 80.18 60.9 10.5 0.5 1.03 18.48 51.25 32.83 30.11 43.8 33.71 27.67 29.37 25.78 40.97 38.26 37.43 42.38 35.1 1.11 1.38 33.52 1.66 30.71 57.78 1.74 62.8 88.91 77.54 0.42 50.23 48.05 58.92 Label Start Node Stop Node Material 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 181 182 187 188 189 207 208 209 210 211 214 225 227 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 30 29 23 22 27 28 24 21 20 18 17 36 37 38 39 14 13 42 43 44 171 106 4859 16 ‐15 201 92 63 12 206 96 MH‐A 213 212 211 210 209 208 29 27 22 21 21 18 20 20 18 17 16 37 38 39 4859 13 12 43 44 206 172 105 16 ‐15 14 OF‐2 93 OF‐13 OF‐16 OF‐17 MH‐A 93 212 211 210 209 208 142 Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay HDPE PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay HDPE HDPE PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay HDPE HDPE Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Flow Diameter (Maximum) (gal/min) Length (ft) (in) 8 8 8 10 8 10 8 10 10 12 12 8 8 8 8 12 12 10 12 12 12 18 8 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 29.26 29.28 98.55 98.64 29.33 526.44 69.86 127.97 197.85 724.31 724.33 158.56 159.12 169.65 169.7 915.44 915.46 8.95 8.96 8.98 212.94 2,294.18 169.76 914.84 914.88 382.98 (N/A) 4,128.20 915.48 8.98 92.9 92.9 141.78 1,134.08 1,134.15 1,134.23 1,134.31 1,134.32 Page 4 of 16 122 79 90 281 203 292 85 5 61 62 58 56 123 120 168 103 53 79 15 60 286 294 250 310 122 55 11 33 42 31 23 80 133 168 266 308 315 32 Slope (ft/ft) Capacity Velocity Depth (Average (Full Flow) (Average) End) / Rise (gal/min) (ft/s) (Maximum) (%) 0.007 0.005 0.074 0.006 0.07 0.039 0.051 0.014 0.013 0.024 0.019 0.03 0.087 0.019 0.02 0.016 0.004 0.034 0.036 0.001 0.003 0.009 0.005 0.019 0.011 18.539 ‐0.028 31.076 24.648 33.319 0.002 0.007 0.022 0.017 0.02 0.018 0.018 0.016 439.18 400.12 1,478.65 742.01 1,439.95 1,942.10 1,589.46 1,163.50 1,140.10 3,189.89 2,888.62 936.57 1,601.85 750.84 766.99 2,590.81 1,244.61 2,354.50 3,944.08 619.29 931.22 4,347.35 400.01 2,887.12 2,154.02 68,848.67 ‐1,650.77 89,138.29 ######## 92,299.11 969.21 807.89 369.29 333.14 353.45 341.98 339.65 321.02 0.68 0.59 2.27 0.88 1.41 2.39 2.14 1.13 1.34 2.57 2.38 1.89 2.73 1.61 1.59 2.27 1.34 0.96 0.96 0.26 1.57 1.92 0.98 2.59 2.03 15.64 (N/A) 44.17 27.76 9.52 0.69 0.87 1.71 2.91 3 2.88 2.78 2.6 27.65 18.33 24.13 24.63 16.69 35.58 24.75 25.3 28.2 32.38 34.14 27.82 26.79 32.29 32 41.07 63.77 22.96 3.53 8.39 32.5 58.01 45.46 39.59 45.48 5.36 (N/A) 14.65 6.65 0.81 24.59 22.91 100 100 100 100 100 100 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SANITARY SEWER STUDY PROPOSED CONDITIONS SEWER PIPES Wet Loading Conditions PDF (PF=3) Label 12 Start Node 1689 Stop Node 185 Material PVC 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 49 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 185 186 189 188 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 178 177 175 174 160 1634 176 1650 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 179 1613 169 170 172 173 150 151 152 146 147 148 149 133 186 187 188 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 178 177 175 174 161 161 174 175 177 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 169 169 170 171 173 150 151 152 104 147 148 149 103 134 PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Flow Diameter (Maximum Length Slope (in) ) (gal/min) (ft) (ft/ft) 8 3.9 54 0.038 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 8 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 3.92 10.4 70.03 77.9 96.16 96.05 103.91 111.69 150.84 166.47 166.43 213.39 213.23 213.06 243.86 291.86 299.58 148.07 7.86 67.73 31.40 431.19 449.18 448.93 448.85 448.59 448.55 465.90 465.91 31.46 0.08 490.02 493.73 496.72 533.56 533.25 905.98 906.13 105.03 105.06 113.49 113.63 459.41 81 97 66 54 133 85 204 209 78 93 155 110 86 286 191 187 291 57 48 145 21 184 105 57 43 55 251 111 42 366 316 135 564 51 245 61 241 693 132 104 112 516 150 Page 5 of 16 0 0.008 0.002 0.094 0.001 0.003 0.007 0.024 0.015 0.032 0.033 0.019 0.004 0.009 0.004 0.025 0.011 0.028 0.107 0.011 0.345 0.003 0 0.005 ‐0.003 0.003 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.038 0.024 0.006 0.014 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.008 0.008 0.008 0.009 Capacity (Full Flow) (gal/min) 1,370.36 Velocity (Average) (ft/s) 0.78 Depth (Average End) / Rise (Maximum) (%) 3.92 ‐78.34 636.28 1,023.49 6,363.16 698.09 1,081.31 1,684.74 3,240.81 2,524.04 3,714.77 3,770.63 2,899.38 1,287.66 2,019.73 1,285.11 3,281.46 2,227.01 2,135.04 2,302.67 740.62 4,142.64 1,050.59 453.61 1,532.99 ‐1,142.96 1,155.68 694.28 925.43 641.50 493.05 839.42 1,261.32 1,858.61 1,205.77 1,225.88 1,211.21 793.67 756.36 416.9 496.04 491.54 495.09 523.95 0 0.7 1.66 6.01 1.28 1.74 2.38 3.77 3.21 4.22 4.26 3.6 2.03 2.78 2.03 3.94 3 2.12 1.63 1.25 3.74 1.81 0.99 2.33 0.24 1.89 1.32 1.61 1.24 1.55 0.43 2.01 2.63 1.91 1.94 1.92 2.2 2.1 0.96 1.01 1 0.97 1.74 53.9 19.5 17.71 7.77 25.07 20.14 16.83 12.7 16.57 14.42 14.33 19.95 27.53 22.22 29.52 20.15 24.87 17.83 18.44 20.43 23 54.87 81.09 65.5 78.5 44.37 58.51 52.7 63.22 17.12 0.81 46.72 100 100 100 100 100 100 85.72 100 100 100 100 Label 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 Start Node 134 135 137 136 138 103 104 139 101 100 105 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 145 144 142 141 140 107 112 111 110 109 108 113 114 115 117 116 118 132 131 130 129 126 125 127 128 124 123 119 120 121 102 99 97 Stop Node 136 137 138 139 103 104 101 101 100 105 113 158 157 156 155 154 153 145 144 140 141 140 106 108 111 110 109 108 114 116 115 117 120 118 119 131 130 129 128 125 124 124 127 123 122 123 121 122 99 97 96 Material Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Diameter (in) 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 8 10 10 20 8 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 18 8 10 18 8 8 8 8 8 8 20 8 8 8 20 20 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 24 20 8 8 8 15 15 Flow (Maximum Length Slope ) (gal/min) (ft) (ft/ft) 679.97 210 0.011 112.90 94 0.051 112.97 272 0.011 680.08 432 0.009 1,235.53 425 0.031 1,349.17 23 0.051 2,254.80 120 0.008 680.19 418 0.027 3,129.12 11 0.135 3,129.16 135 0.018 10,004.79 63 0.005 0.04 135 0.025 538.79 208 0.004 538.92 268 0.003 2,674.73 224 0.003 2,674.84 224 0.002 2,674.96 250 0.006 2,675.10 277 0.013 2,675.14 73 0.006 3,266.54 427 0.006 3,574.57 167 0.05 3,574.57 11 0.013 6,841.28 292 0.009 9.5 198 0.006 48.66 26 0.023 607.44 214 0.025 607.34 101 0.061 607.33 127 0.044 616.82 202 0.004 10,040.16 289 0.005 616.66 233 0.006 616.44 177 0.005 616.53 356 0.004 10,040.31 284 0.005 10,040.39 221 0.004 313.95 123 0.054 313.66 209 0.01 361.25 223 0.007 359.82 250 0.008 69.07 32 0.04 69.06 79 0.02 426.32 104 0.006 427.43 305 0.054 494.43 21 0.051 10,427.27 74 0.001 10,040.49 263 0.006 616.55 350 0.005 616.38 13 0.054 332.89 148 0.006 407 167 0.002 407.04 89 0.003 Page 6 of 16 Capacity (Full Flow) (gal/min) 557.62 1,222.99 562.89 527.71 951.81 2,217.84 879.52 885.78 3,606.91 1,308.38 4,518.92 850.5 1,786.73 1,623.12 1,573.71 1,299.45 2,260.63 3,272.85 2,172.74 3,585.61 1,211.99 1,109.35 4,431.46 407.90 830.72 865.50 1,337.21 1,132.73 345.55 4,528.15 421.90 401.49 352.04 4,256.73 4,050.36 1,258.20 529.21 456.51 493.5 1,958.97 1,403.79 1,244.53 3,708.99 3,626.22 3,914.52 4,870.01 366.69 1,258.50 434.52 1,774.04 1,957.19 Velocity (Average) (ft/s) 2 2.06 1.18 1.84 3.53 3.9 2.63 2.37 7.48 3.65 2.76 0.36 1.23 1.07 1.76 1.46 2.03 2.52 1.82 1.99 5.58 3.33 3.04 0.47 1.43 2.74 3.61 3.18 1.36 2.76 1.48 1.33 1.15 2.58 2.43 3.36 1.8 1.62 1.6 1.87 1.46 1.34 2.97 2.95 1.63 2.72 1.06 2.21 1.39 1.08 1.09 Depth (Average End) / Rise (Maximum) (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 34.49 61.77 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 37.24 55.4 67.15 63.39 12.84 16.6 100 75.79 100 100 100 100 100 65.58 33.75 30.95 Label 115 116 117 119 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Start Node 96 92 91 93 90 89 88 87 86 88 122 84 85 61 62 64 65 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 56 57 59 60 67 66 69 68 70 71 199 198 201 45 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 23 22 27 28 Stop Node 92 91 90 90 89 88 87 86 84 84 85 85 61 63 64 65 66 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 58 56 57 59 60 67 68 69 70 71 198 199 200 201 200 35 33 33 32 31 28 29 27 22 21 21 18 Material PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Concrete Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Diameter (in) 15 8 8 10 15 10 10 10 10 8 24 12 24 24 12 12 12 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 12 12 12 12 12 15 15 12 18 6 10 8 10 10 10 8 8 8 10 8 10 Flow (Maximum Length Slope ) (gal/min) (ft) (ft/ft) (N/A) 95 0.003 99.22 134 0.009 99.24 61 0.011 325.76 195 0.004 671.78 74 0.003 708.61 231 0.009 (N/A) 147 0.009 501.36 167 0.009 501.41 165 0.008 501.42 459 0.012 11,043.61 207 0.005 1,002.84 10 0.148 12,045.85 64 0 12,239.88 20 0.003 0.01 20 0.01 0.05 96 0.008 0.09 108 0.001 518.71 37 0.181 518.78 258 0.012 525.64 152 0.019 562.41 50 0.018 562.42 77 0.021 573.51 229 0.012 610.27 44 0.038 610.3 105 0.04 610.3 31 0.039 610.32 73 0.007 610.37 196 0.015 631.95 187 0.017 983.74 117 0.008 983.82 199 0.006 0.19 270 0.005 0.29 247 0.004 993.47 528 0.007 0.39 253 0.004 993.57 192 0.007 1,145.84 39 0.017 0.49 256 0.004 1,145.84 6 ‐0.007 1,082.58 139 0.061 1,137.76 173 0.001 0.03 103 0.021 1,368.83 131 0.008 1,393.58 223 0.01 1,393.64 191 0.005 87.71 122 0.007 87.73 79 0.005 295.60 90 0.074 295.69 281 0.006 87.78 203 0.07 1,578.54 292 0.039 Page 7 of 16 Capacity (Full Flow) (gal/min) 1,894.37 502.42 580.98 653.03 1,909.78 928.60 914.00 941.21 905.78 582.78 7,196.64 6,151.52 ‐2,198.21 6,006.65 1,599.01 1,432.06 533.00 2,309.59 602.11 752.99 951.16 471.91 779.61 1,377.67 1,084.69 1,398.68 577.64 655.13 707.24 876.70 1,241.70 1,092.33 965.22 1,370.72 979.83 2,376.41 3,771.53 974.08 ‐3,849.31 623.84 400.72 1,025.72 905.16 994.30 711.52 439.18 400.12 1,478.65 742.01 1,439.95 1,942.10 Velocity (Average) (ft/s) (N/A) 0.64 0.68 1.07 1.21 1.66 (N/A) 1.54 1.44 1.72 2.5 4.41 0.21 2.23 0.13 0.22 0.14 5.14 1.99 2.21 2.6 2.81 2.25 3.3 2.78 3.28 1.76 1.9 1.97 1.78 1.54 0.28 0.3 1.59 0.33 1.31 1.94 0.36 0.03 4.52 1.19 0.37 2.16 2.27 1.72 0.93 0.83 3.14 1.24 1.96 3.55 Depth (Average End) / Rise (Maximum) (%) (N/A) 30.14 51.63 49.92 42.28 76.89 (N/A) 51.91 53.13 71.47 100 88.82 100 100 10.5 0.5 1.03 32.18 83.04 61.54 62.66 100 63.78 50.13 53.66 46.19 95.47 76.43 81.76 100 67.16 1.11 1.38 63.13 1.66 46.01 68.5 1.74 71.63 100 100 0.42 100 100 100 40.82 31.84 42.58 43.87 32.85 68.43 Label 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 181 182 187 188 189 207 208 209 210 211 214 225 227 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 Start Node 24 21 20 18 17 36 37 38 39 14 13 42 43 44 171 106 4859 16 ‐15 201 92 63 12 206 96 MH‐A 213 212 211 210 209 208 Stop Node 20 20 18 17 16 37 38 39 4859 13 12 43 44 206 172 105 16 ‐15 14 OF‐2 93 OF‐13 OF‐16 OF‐17 MH‐A 93 212 211 210 209 208 142 Material PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay PVC PVC Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Vitrified Clay Diameter (in) 8 10 10 12 12 8 8 8 8 12 12 10 12 12 12 18 8 12 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 Flow (Maximum Length Slope ) (gal/min) (ft) (ft/ft) 209.51 85 0.051 383.47 5 0.014 593 61 0.013 2,171.56 62 0.024 2,171.58 58 0.019 475.66 56 0.03 477.27 123 0.087 508.80 120 0.019 508.85 168 0.02 2,744.19 103 0.016 2,744.21 53 0.004 26.8 79 0.034 26.81 15 0.036 26.83 60 0.001 497.21 286 0.003 6,879.04 294 0.009 508.91 250 0.005 2,742.54 310 0.019 2,742.58 122 0.011 1,146.33 55 18.539 (N/A) 11 ‐0.028 12,239.81 33 31.076 2,744.23 42 24.648 26.83 31 33.319 228.52 23 0.002 228.52 80 0.007 425.28 133 0.022 3,402.08 168 0.017 3,402.15 266 0.02 3,402.23 308 0.018 3,402.31 315 0.018 3,402.32 32 0.016 Page 8 of 16 Capacity (Full Flow) (gal/min) 1,589.46 1,163.50 1,140.10 3,189.89 2,888.62 936.57 1,601.85 750.84 766.99 2,590.81 1,244.61 2,354.50 3,944.08 619.29 931.22 4,347.35 400.01 2,887.12 2,154.02 68,848.67 ‐1,650.77 89,138.29 103,200.59 92,299.11 969.21 807.89 369.29 333.14 353.45 341.98 339.65 321.02 Velocity (Average) (ft/s) 2.97 1.64 1.93 3.81 3.53 2.65 3.83 2.27 2.26 3.36 1.99 1.35 1.3 0.36 1.6 2.9 1.39 3.79 2.99 22.6 (N/A) 57.9 42.57 12.27 1.01 1.27 2.37 3.92 4.08 3.96 3.9 3.72 Depth (Average End) / Rise (Maximum) (%) 44.25 46.98 55.3 61.63 92.07 50.45 48.88 60.34 100 100 100 25.9 5.9 14.17 100 100 100 100 100 8.98 (N/A) 25.03 11.23 1.35 35.84 39.56 100 100 100 100 100 100 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SANITARY SEWER STUDY PROPOSED CONDITIONS MANHOLES Dry Loading Conditions ADF Label Elevation (Rim) (ft) Elevation (Invert) (ft) Depth (Structure) (ft) Depth (Maximum) (ft) Surcharge % 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 1,047.50 1,049.17 1,050.05 1,050.27 1,053.84 1,055.24 1,062.44 1,066.79 1,066.88 1,062.12 1,064.79 1,065.77 1,073.01 1,072.55 1,073.36 1,073.98 1,074.32 1,085.85 1,087.27 1,085.46 1,088.02 1,075.50 1,074.79 1,067.85 1,064.32 1,057.17 1,054.63 1,054.35 1,085.53 1,073.42 1,072.27 1,069.24 1,066.78 1,066.56 1,064.07 1,048.84 1,049.09 1,035.20 1,035.39 1,039.40 1,040.77 1,046.80 1,048.02 1,049.50 1,050.43 1,050.50 1,052.10 1,058.79 1,054.75 1,064.84 1,061.00 1,065.20 1,065.74 1,062.00 1,064.40 1,065.74 1,082.00 1,066.17 1,068.81 1,065.43 1,054.70 1,052.34 1,050.31 1,047.63 1,033.00 1,074.73 1,065.01 1,057.79 1,054.53 1,051.41 1,049.80 1,047.80 1,044.10 1,042.42 12.3 13.78 10.65 9.5 7.04 7.22 12.94 16.36 16.38 10.02 6 11.02 8.17 11.55 8.16 8.24 12.32 21.45 21.53 3.46 21.85 6.69 9.36 13.15 11.98 6.86 7 21.35 10.8 8.41 14.48 14.71 15.37 16.76 16.27 4.74 6.67 0.07 0.64 0.41 0.45 0.39 0.34 0.32 0.24 0.19 0.21 0.12 0.1 0.07 0.3 0.25 0.38 0.49 0.4 0.42 0 0.65 0.19 0.14 0.22 0.21 0.04 0.35 0.08 0.27 0.12 0.24 0.52 0.2 0.22 0.22 0.17 0.2 1% 5% 4% 5% 6% 5% 2% 1% 1% 2% 2% 1% 1% 3% 3% 5% 4% 2% 2% 0% 3% 3% 1% 2% 2% 1% 5% 0% 3% 1% 2% 4% 1% 1% 1% 4% 3% Page 9 of 16 Label 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 97 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,041.54 1,039.71 1,042.94 1,036.14 1,033.63 1,034.31 1,034.69 1,033.81 1,033.89 1,033.68 1,032.59 1,032.23 1,032.11 1,031.43 1,030.43 1,029.87 1,035.09 1,034.40 1,037.59 1,037.34 1,039.22 1,043.54 1,042.54 1,043.83 1,045.52 1,044.81 1,046.46 1,051.00 1,046.22 1,046.79 1,046.94 1,049.17 1,049.75 1,049.35 1,042.77 1,045.16 1,047.14 1,044.60 1,051.03 1,056.82 1,066.24 1,068.86 1,045.32 1,044.80 1,042.69 1,045.66 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,035.39 1,034.79 1,038.02 1,031.30 1,027.73 1,025.99 1,026.00 1,025.51 1,025.80 1,025.22 1,024.80 1,026.70 1,025.38 1,023.20 1,022.03 1,021.50 1,029.00 1,026.19 1,031.70 1,033.43 1,034.34 1,036.40 1,036.59 1,037.30 1,038.65 1,037.89 1,038.46 1,038.65 1,039.02 1,037.39 1,039.44 1,040.67 1,042.65 1,040.61 1,033.79 1,036.40 1,038.32 1,037.20 1,043.54 1,049.84 1,055.55 1,056.21 1,033.46 1,036.11 1,034.70 1,031.84 Depth (Structure) (ft) 6.15 4.92 4.92 4.84 5.9 8.32 8.69 8.3 8.09 8.46 7.79 5.53 6.73 8.23 8.4 8.37 6.09 8.21 5.89 3.91 4.88 7.14 5.95 6.53 6.87 6.92 8 12.35 7.2 9.4 7.5 8.5 7.1 8.74 8.98 8.76 8.82 7.4 7.49 6.98 10.69 12.65 11.86 8.69 7.99 13.82 Page 10 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) 0.27 0.26 0.17 0.25 0.35 1.22 0.01 0.15 0.21 0.01 0.01 0.35 0.34 0.01 0.02 0.32 0.16 1.67 0.24 0.24 0.5 0.29 0.29 0.09 0.1 0.24 0.22 0.27 0.23 0.58 0.31 0.23 0.25 0.62 1.08 0.77 0.04 0.39 0.19 0.18 0.22 0.06 1.08 0.33 0.45 1.13 Surcharge % 4% 5% 3% 5% 6% 15% 0% 2% 3% 0% 0% 6% 5% 0% 0% 4% 3% 20% 4% 6% 10% 4% 5% 1% 1% 3% 3% 2% 3% 6% 4% 3% 4% 7% 12% 9% 0% 5% 3% 3% 2% 0% 9% 4% 6% 8% Label 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,042.38 1,044.91 1,041.58 1,040.26 1,038.04 1,037.57 1,037.23 1,037.37 1,038.73 1,040.30 1,039.31 1,057.63 1,065.85 1,070.18 1,066.29 1,067.02 1,069.81 1,066.54 1,068.52 1,067.95 1,065.60 1,063.12 1,061.01 1,052.05 1,052.10 1,053.09 1,055.49 1,053.76 1,060.55 1,061.46 1,059.28 1,055.96 1,052.13 1,053.10 1,051.23 1,054.62 1,056.41 1,059.68 1,063.95 1,059.56 1,067.94 1,068.33 1,067.34 1,067.76 1,069.89 1,069.31 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,033.70 1,030.33 1,029.40 1,032.00 1,030.30 1,027.34 1,027.71 1,030.30 1,033.71 1,035.10 1,030.93 1,047.41 1,050.40 1,052.20 1,054.30 1,061.02 1,059.41 1,057.56 1,063.92 1,055.04 1,059.05 1,056.00 1,050.80 1,039.19 1,039.67 1,048.61 1,041.95 1,042.36 1,049.93 1,049.11 1,048.13 1,047.21 1,046.85 1,046.50 1,044.91 1,045.98 1,047.60 1,048.50 1,049.18 1,050.27 1,051.14 1,054.71 1,063.35 1,061.36 1,060.73 1,060.59 Depth (Structure) (ft) 8.68 14.58 12.18 8.26 7.74 10.23 9.52 7.07 5.02 5.2 8.38 10.22 15.45 17.98 11.99 6 10.4 8.98 4.6 12.91 6.55 7.12 10.21 12.86 12.43 4.48 13.54 11.4 10.62 12.35 11.15 8.75 5.28 6.6 6.32 8.64 8.81 11.18 14.77 9.29 16.8 13.62 3.99 6.4 9.16 8.72 Page 11 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) 0.37 1.17 1.02 0.36 0.18 1.02 1.48 0.14 0.07 0.06 0.23 0.13 0.22 0.23 0.2 0.13 0.25 0.3 0.08 0.31 0.12 0.31 0.23 0.76 0.8 0.54 0.57 0.56 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.29 0.44 0.4 0.45 0.55 0.76 0.67 0.28 0.27 0 0.09 0.29 0.46 0.41 Surcharge % 4% 8% 8% 4% 2% 10% 16% 2% 1% 1% 3% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% 2% 2% 4% 2% 6% 6% 12% 4% 5% 1% 1% 1% 1% 5% 7% 6% 5% 6% 7% 5% 3% 2% 0% 2% 5% 5% 5% Label 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 206 208 209 210 211 212 213 1613 1634 1650 1689 4859 MH‐A Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,068.49 1,071.10 1,070.95 1,065.95 1,065.39 1,065.04 1,065.28 1,058.33 1,058.35 1,056.86 1,073.66 1,082.93 1,081.99 1,083.10 1,084.42 1,079.17 1,102.94 1,104.47 1,106.18 1,108.83 1,107.32 1,109.79 1,109.42 1,106.34 1,099.12 1,096.05 1,094.70 1,094.72 1,087.42 1,029.74 1,029.22 1,029.54 1,029.71 1,043.54 1,053.47 1,067.37 1,073.75 1,077.63 1,081.60 1,081.42 1,074.04 1,076.04 1,084.21 1,102.87 1,061.24 1,045.52 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,060.23 1,060.18 1,059.88 1,059.44 1,059.14 1,058.42 1,057.58 1,049.82 1,048.58 1,048.29 1,064.89 1,070.06 1,073.96 1,070.93 1,073.70 1,073.92 1,095.96 1,095.82 1,094.98 1,100.50 1,100.85 1,094.74 1,094.46 1,092.95 1,086.24 1,084.95 1,081.84 1,076.27 1,074.07 1,021.08 1,020.21 1,019.61 1,019.65 1,032.89 1,049.22 1,055.15 1,065.40 1,070.77 1,073.82 1,076.66 1,068.04 1,070.04 1,078.21 1,099.00 1,048.30 1,038.41 Depth (Structure) (ft) 8.26 10.92 11.07 6.51 6.25 6.62 7.7 8.51 9.77 8.57 8.77 12.87 8.03 12.17 10.72 5.25 6.98 8.65 11.2 8.33 6.47 15.05 14.96 13.39 12.88 11.1 12.86 18.45 13.35 8.66 9.01 9.93 10.06 10.65 4.25 12.22 8.35 6.86 7.78 4.76 6 6 6 3.87 12.94 7.11 Page 12 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) 0.77 0.28 0.36 0.32 0.39 0.28 0.38 0.33 0.28 0.29 0.17 0.14 0.08 0.21 0.16 0.05 0.36 0.03 0.23 0.08 0.18 0.18 0.15 0.11 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.14 0.2 0.02 0.45 1.05 0.05 0.01 4.25 12.22 8.35 6.86 7.78 4.76 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.3 0.27 Surcharge % 9% 3% 3% 5% 6% 4% 5% 4% 3% 3% 2% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 5% 0% 2% 1% 3% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 0% 5% 11% 0% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 1% 2% 4% KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY SANITARY SEWER STUDY PROPOSED CONDITIONS MANHOLES Wet Loading Conditions PDF (PF=3.0) Label 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,047.50 1,049.17 1,050.05 1,050.27 1,053.84 1,055.24 1,062.44 1,066.79 1,066.88 1,062.12 1,064.79 1,065.77 1,073.01 1,072.55 1,073.36 1,073.98 1,074.32 1,085.85 1,087.27 1,085.46 1,088.02 1,075.50 1,074.79 1,067.85 1,064.32 1,057.17 1,054.63 1,054.35 1,085.53 1,073.42 1,072.27 1,069.24 1,066.78 1,066.56 1,064.07 1,048.84 1,049.09 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,035.20 1,035.39 1,039.40 1,040.77 1,046.80 1,048.02 1,049.50 1,050.43 1,050.50 1,052.10 1,058.79 1,054.75 1,064.84 1,061.00 1,065.20 1,065.74 1,062.00 1,064.40 1,065.74 1,082.00 1,066.17 1,068.81 1,065.43 1,054.70 1,052.34 1,050.31 1,047.63 1,033.00 1,074.73 1,065.01 1,057.79 1,054.53 1,051.41 1,049.80 1,047.80 1,044.10 1,042.42 Depth (Structure) (ft) 12.3 13.78 10.65 9.5 7.04 7.22 12.94 16.36 16.38 10.02 6 11.02 8.17 11.55 8.16 8.24 12.32 21.45 21.53 3.46 21.85 6.69 9.36 13.15 11.98 6.86 7 21.35 10.8 8.41 14.48 14.71 15.37 16.76 16.27 4.74 6.67 Page 13 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) 0.11 1.71 1.17 1.93 1.29 0.65 0.61 0.43 0.36 0.37 0.2 0.16 0.11 0.57 0.34 0.46 3.63 5.71 6.91 0 7.85 0.34 0.25 0.4 0.4 0.06 0.37 0.14 10.8 0.21 0.48 0.71 0.37 1.17 0.43 0.31 0.36 Surcharge % 1% 12% 11% 20% 18% 9% 5% 3% 2% 4% 3% 1% 1% 5% 4% 6% 29% 27% 32% 0% 36% 5% 3% 3% 3% 1% 5% 1% 100% 2% 3% 5% 2% 7% 3% 7% 5% Label 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 97 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,041.54 1,039.71 1,042.94 1,036.14 1,033.63 1,034.31 1,034.69 1,033.81 1,033.89 1,033.68 1,032.59 1,032.23 1,032.11 1,031.43 1,030.43 1,029.87 1,035.09 1,034.40 1,037.59 1,037.34 1,039.22 1,043.54 1,042.54 1,043.83 1,045.52 1,044.81 1,046.46 1,051.00 1,046.22 1,046.79 1,046.94 1,049.17 1,049.75 1,049.35 1,042.77 1,045.16 1,047.14 1,044.60 1,051.03 1,056.82 1,066.24 1,068.86 1,045.32 1,044.80 1,042.69 1,045.66 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,035.39 1,034.79 1,038.02 1,031.30 1,027.73 1,025.99 1,026.00 1,025.51 1,025.80 1,025.22 1,024.80 1,026.70 1,025.38 1,023.20 1,022.03 1,021.50 1,029.00 1,026.19 1,031.70 1,033.43 1,034.34 1,036.40 1,036.59 1,037.30 1,038.65 1,037.89 1,038.46 1,038.65 1,039.02 1,037.39 1,039.44 1,040.67 1,042.65 1,040.61 1,033.79 1,036.40 1,038.32 1,037.20 1,043.54 1,049.84 1,055.55 1,056.21 1,033.46 1,036.11 1,034.70 1,031.84 Depth (Structure) (ft) 6.15 4.92 4.92 4.84 5.9 8.32 8.69 8.3 8.09 8.46 7.79 5.53 6.73 8.23 8.4 8.37 6.09 8.21 5.89 3.91 4.88 7.14 5.95 6.53 6.87 6.92 8 12.35 7.2 9.4 7.5 8.5 7.1 8.74 8.98 8.76 8.82 7.4 7.49 6.98 10.69 12.65 11.86 8.69 7.99 13.82 Page 14 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) 0.67 0.51 0.31 0.49 0.99 2.13 0.01 0.25 0.21 0.01 0.01 0.67 0.63 0.01 0.02 0.56 0.27 2.83 0.44 0.43 0.74 0.55 0.51 0.19 0.2 0.42 0.33 0.44 0.41 9.4 7.5 0.44 7.1 8.74 8.98 8.76 6.28 7.4 2.65 0.32 0.41 0.11 11.86 8.69 7.99 13.82 Surcharge % 11% 10% 6% 10% 17% 26% 0% 3% 3% 0% 0% 12% 9% 0% 0% 7% 4% 34% 7% 11% 15% 8% 9% 3% 3% 6% 4% 4% 6% 100% 100% 5% 100% 100% 100% 100% 71% 100% 35% 5% 4% 1% 100% 100% 100% 100% Label 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,042.38 1,044.91 1,041.58 1,040.26 1,038.04 1,037.57 1,037.23 1,037.37 1,038.73 1,040.30 1,039.31 1,057.63 1,065.85 1,070.18 1,066.29 1,067.02 1,069.81 1,066.54 1,068.52 1,067.95 1,065.60 1,063.12 1,061.01 1,052.05 1,052.10 1,053.09 1,055.49 1,053.76 1,060.55 1,061.46 1,059.28 1,055.96 1,052.13 1,053.10 1,051.23 1,054.62 1,056.41 1,059.68 1,063.95 1,059.56 1,067.94 1,068.33 1,067.34 1,067.76 1,069.89 1,069.31 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,033.70 1,030.33 1,029.40 1,032.00 1,030.30 1,027.34 1,027.71 1,030.30 1,033.71 1,035.10 1,030.93 1,047.41 1,050.40 1,052.20 1,054.30 1,061.02 1,059.41 1,057.56 1,063.92 1,055.04 1,059.05 1,056.00 1,050.80 1,039.19 1,039.67 1,048.61 1,041.95 1,042.36 1,049.93 1,049.11 1,048.13 1,047.21 1,046.85 1,046.50 1,044.91 1,045.98 1,047.60 1,048.50 1,049.18 1,050.27 1,051.14 1,054.71 1,063.35 1,061.36 1,060.73 1,060.59 Depth (Structure) (ft) 8.68 14.58 12.18 8.26 7.74 10.23 9.52 7.07 5.02 5.2 8.38 10.22 15.45 17.98 11.99 6 10.4 8.98 4.6 12.91 6.55 7.12 10.21 12.86 12.43 4.48 13.54 11.4 10.62 12.35 11.15 8.75 5.28 6.6 6.32 8.64 8.81 11.18 14.77 9.29 16.8 13.62 3.99 6.4 9.16 8.72 Page 15 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) 7.06 14.43 9.65 4.16 1.34 4.13 4.54 1.97 0.13 0.11 1.38 0.23 0.42 0.45 0.37 0.23 5.28 6.05 0.14 5.27 4.19 7.12 2.71 12.12 12.43 4.48 11.41 11.4 0.23 0.95 1.9 2.77 5.28 6.6 6.32 8.64 8.81 9.82 11.04 9.29 8.49 4.92 0.15 0.45 0.81 0.5 Surcharge % 81% 99% 79% 50% 17% 40% 48% 28% 3% 2% 16% 2% 3% 3% 3% 4% 51% 67% 3% 41% 64% 100% 27% 94% 100% 100% 84% 100% 2% 8% 17% 32% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 88% 75% 100% 51% 36% 4% 7% 9% 6% Label 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 206 208 209 210 211 212 213 1613 1634 1650 1689 4859 MH‐A Elevation (Rim) (ft) 1,068.49 1,071.10 1,070.95 1,065.95 1,065.39 1,065.04 1,065.28 1,058.33 1,058.35 1,056.86 1,073.66 1,082.93 1,081.99 1,083.10 1,084.42 1,079.17 1,102.94 1,104.47 1,106.18 1,108.83 1,107.32 1,109.79 1,109.42 1,106.34 1,099.12 1,096.05 1,094.70 1,094.72 1,087.42 1,029.74 1,029.22 1,029.54 1,029.71 1,043.54 1,053.47 1,067.37 1,073.75 1,077.63 1,081.60 1,081.42 1,074.04 1,076.04 1,084.21 1,102.87 1,061.24 1,045.52 Elevation (Invert) (ft) 1,060.23 1,060.18 1,059.88 1,059.44 1,059.14 1,058.42 1,057.58 1,049.82 1,048.58 1,048.29 1,064.89 1,070.06 1,073.96 1,070.93 1,073.70 1,073.92 1,095.96 1,095.82 1,094.98 1,100.50 1,100.85 1,094.74 1,094.46 1,092.95 1,086.24 1,084.95 1,081.84 1,076.27 1,074.07 1,021.08 1,020.21 1,019.61 1,019.65 1,032.89 1,049.22 1,055.15 1,065.40 1,070.77 1,073.82 1,076.66 1,068.04 1,070.04 1,078.21 1,099.00 1,048.30 1,038.41 Depth (Structure) (ft) 8.26 10.92 11.07 6.51 6.25 6.62 7.7 8.51 9.77 8.57 8.77 12.87 8.03 12.17 10.72 5.25 6.98 8.65 11.2 8.33 6.47 15.05 14.96 13.39 12.88 11.1 12.86 18.45 13.35 8.66 9.01 9.93 10.06 10.65 4.25 12.22 8.35 6.86 7.78 4.76 6 6 6 3.87 12.94 7.11 Page 16 of 16 Depth (Maximum) (ft) 0.86 0.43 0.59 0.5 0.63 0.43 0.5 2.91 3.87 4.11 0.25 0.2 0.14 0.3 0.22 0.09 0.36 0.06 0.25 0.08 0.18 0.2 0.17 0.13 0.17 0.14 0.14 0.18 0.28 0.02 0.59 1.19 0.09 0.01 4.25 12.22 8.35 6.86 7.78 4.76 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.03 2 0.38 Surcharge % 10% 4% 5% 8% 10% 6% 6% 34% 40% 48% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 5% 1% 2% 1% 3% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 0% 7% 12% 1% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 1% 1% 1% 15% 5%