KANSAS STATE COLLEGIAN. TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 2009 PAGE7 ·Doctoral studentturns passion for politi~a Iinvolv.ementi nto book By Ashley Denney KANSAS STAIB COLLEGIAN. those isSUes from them!' Ibbetson also .criticized the idea of aSsoclating i,:onservativisnt ;. Graduate-slude-ntPaul Ibbet- ·with poljtical Pilrlies, slating. that son recently published his second ~'there ai'e conservative3 In -~hi!> politically. charged boo)(:, ."Feed- nemocra'Uc _Party and liberals _In Ing ·Lions:' S)laring. the Conaer- ~e-:Repu_bllcan Pa~:· -,'. '.5 vatlve.Phllosophy in a·Politically ·:c. ,,!!f{edlng Lions includes at\:. Hostile \Vorld:' appei14ix-- which .shoWcasc.s th_e\mpeeding: Lions'. was writ· wsltiv.e 8.nd negative feedback lb-'.ten to_ eddresslhe dlfferences bi" .bet.son hijs received.- _ >·--· '' twe4n_-·c_o_nservatives and liberals -· 0 L'never delete.· (ommcht3,-o ln ihe modem world;'. said Ibbet- good or ~ad; 1 Ibbetson said• , ·- ·; son, who b currently pursuing his - -ThS'.moSt common critlcfom-doclorate In sociology, •'MOst pea· Ibbetson said he- hears- are ar._-. pie don't share their oplnlons on guments'_statlng his view of thepolltl.cs. becaus_e they don't _want world ls_ ~oo slrnpllstlc1Jnstcad.ofto_~ause d!_vjsl_o[ls:i.,_-. : · _-·; _-_ -~ -·- terlng vleW lbhetion described ; · · Ibbetson, said he b_eHtl_Ves · as. ~'moral telatlvlsnt!\_·.-. . .i the maJoritY,.pJU~e.qmn!ryJetlPs -- ·-. J:fe.-iald.-pi;l_rha1>i9:_Qne ol the~ cente_r~rlght_--;.W.Jues _;but . :Jhlnks ~~t :pte.ce,; of P_os\Uve feedback_ most people are not pollllcaltytn- - he ··_has recelVcd. \v(I! a'· congrat- yol_yed bccau.se they have a fear o.t. -- ulalory_ Jett.er wrl. t.t.Cn,, b.y. form_er. -~pe~klng up. As_ a.~esµll,_hO'sa.1.d President Oeorgg_.JV, :Ilusli upon.· U1e:~0Wllr;' Is l~_lngUS_U~dltlon-; the ~blkaHoil o!:Jbb.~lson's ~n(­ al conseivatlvC valuet;".>.: <- . . ,.- bQok/.11Llvtng uniter; the Patrl9t, Ufhls -ls .a cehter-ilght na. Act:. Educating a S~l~ty~..whl£~-- _. Uo'n:'-·Jbbetson said. '·''Conserva~ '·was_publhhed In 2{107. ·... - _·- · >: lives have the _majorlty,. ..,'.f1lqma~ :.· ;)3,eyq.itd bls.~b-OoJ:ra,-lbbetson Jorlty of the nat_lon can't sit back .also writes polUlcal commenta.ry::, and p_Qt,gel :Jnvolved. -.-;people: :fQt-l.? dit.f\lrim_~p_oUtlcal Web 3\t~.s l_ia'l_'.e P<nye~. by~ge1tb-1g lijv~!Ved:' -,: : lJ).clu'cling-J\rnerl~anQ.ally, .capllof:· · He_ sa,ld he. ho.pes his book 'HUl Coffee House~·nenew;Anl.e_r~.- will ·.cause ):nore people .to get In- lea and 1ll6 Post Chronlc_lei l:le !~/ valved Jn the Political process. finishing his compoSition :exatiu' ' -lflblsboOkls'dedlCatedto·ev- and working on hl_s disserta_li9n, .. ecyday·people ,_cp_eopl_e:who are wJdcl~ wiH e~a111l_ne tQe waY$·:1e·F·J' often told they can't really have" rOtj_sm:.&.n\i riailori8Jc'sccudty_~ af:} any effect on politics:• he said, - foct Jaw enforc:ement. -- -..__, "-l._ bcli_eve__ t!iose _.peopl~ '.~e: ·-<· Jl>_h?ts~,n_'~J11.~e-~e§tJn.law:~m!f _t,he.heart .!ind ,liOul of thls'coill,1_-" Jo.~<;~fri~!_i.l_s_p~irlgsltj~-art~rpni,l!_l!i\ a ey:~-;-__._~,:_ _.:_/:~>.~ >: '·_'.f:·-:-{.-'~{'.i'._:: >.~>:· ~?t:Pe~_ie:rtC1:i ~s .t;h~·fQl11\!0!~.cl_ilc{:9f:;, The ·desire to·.connect'with' ;police in CherryV~le,·J(an;-Hiihlf°-·' eve:iyd,ay-'peopl~:-is.:}Vh_a_t: !~~ ~JJ:>.• _;Jer~~ :Jeq_ ·h_ln:r to.:.e:ru;o :_N$ ·_ba,c~~•.:.: ~tson,-~t9 :.1,1~_e: the· .an,11!6gy·'Q(s_a ,~~.l_ot's_'~lf r\:l_asfeJ.'i;_'degr:~ey In .crini',~, zoo· Uiro_ug~out -.t.h~, PoQ~/.st_art~· >:-.'·-.iver$IJ:Y' .na.tJ. u.st·.···'. ._.'._:.•. · . '.·. . ...t,:. ~.m . ·.·.'. . h.Jt._Jt,-·-;..~ s. ·'.' ·.JJ.: .. ing"y,:ithtfle'ti\le_;.·-·.·wediuif~A01's'.~ _-.:" 81.lQ c6nt1µu1.ng·:rnu(~J1ap_te.rHtl~ :, :.:jJ1]~40h-_. ~f1Jt_i . . h,·~ ;ii)~Y~g~ 1 H.k~ ~ PQlaf.;_fl_~M~'8!!q _fcli Cubes" .:~Ju.~_.Qp\!Q.n~ ppe_n:.p,11c~_ h.e;~,1~_h_~-:; rid··. n. .'·. :.,.· aha.1.<:Z6()).'"9U :Pe1i~v¢?":Ibbe!SQt1 ':J:ra~u_at~ s,clJEJol. µ_s~ t_h~ _i09)i,nB1oSfto _addfe$S_fi_· ·--;:: '."·/'~ fove radio,·,I loye t~lkingb? -,, 1Jlyrl~d., 9f JS§ues·_lfl.ctu~in~ . ~ob_a.1 -._people,:l lov~ _.d.ehMe,~ he sald;< :,.-:! wafrnbJ~• t~e _,Vai'.Qfi"JCriQ_r,·l:io.r-_' · :"'-- -:--tbbetSon--iald:he": }\op~_-:h~':: der;'se_i;:lt!ity1 Jhe_·-~tr_lot _-Act and work,.' spedfkally "l'.eeding ·.Li~;­ po!itlca__rc<nrectness.: -, . ,. __:_ '- ._- · ons,'' ~It _b"ring;m9re;-people_. l.~ ,_:-Thougtrlbb_e~n 9eals with pPIUics. _~''.,:..c,/..), L - :::':: it,-\Yi_~e.·.variety' or·currerit- politi~ /\.::~'..l'.nt_hopiilg-we'll n.wke a big·' C{l,l issu_~,_:he sald·he ii..Jso. t_hlhkS ·n.Olse._wit~ this b99k1~)1!l:s.aid., _~: theSeJopl_Cs are_:dde lssues fianled . -. · .:-'M.or~ _·-inf.o.nnation.' ~-ab9.µt by partlc1,1l_arvalueS, ·>,, _: ·'-'-:: ·Paul_. J\ll.?~4,o_n;;~im:'h,e_:·Ioun.d_;_a!) 1 -_- .'.fhere :·itie :lotS .of :stQ:.e -Is:. WU!UJ,fb.~_et~onusa,cQni. /'Fe_edipj( sti_es, b utrlt_qe~_h aog P-odlho. tuQ~a: ~:J:,ns\.~a!s~ ·:r.elt;(b·lq ·in:Ja.nltln:!ll'Y ·'''"':"'·'.-..o.,.._,.. _.:~--- ·_.:.._._. _: , , _ ,_- . ·~--~ __ _ /ilattBin!etl coq.cGJAN 1 men.ta _.-P n~ p es _o G '_an y,; ':f· 9,an_____ ._avai_ a. e·~t fl_\ISI,,_ ~s ·.:.J. ,.-,.u. _0.'1.llet_$(i_n1 :9rpdllate shident !n soc .. i<?!ogy,_r~.qmtly published his book titled "feedln9 lions,~ whic_h ~ncouiagescot(rltry;'-he said/'.CoiiserVitiv~ -i_n_:~a11hattanor_~qlin~:at~ - j' l eel h f J Thi! lbb dbook. a~ere l1?Jhose'.teflets an.d-_hang -amawn.r;oin. ;;.p;~.~ e~y;i-~co_IJ;l.e_more !nvo v !n t epo !t!ca process. s. s _etson's secon ;,·-,; ' { - / : 0 1 1 f 1 - '; - , " / ' :'.:;.