Volume 12, No. 4
Thursday, Feb. 18:
Last day to drop a class
without a “W”
Scholarship Workshop,
8:30pm, Union 213
Wednesday, Feb. 24:
Scholarship Workshop,
4:30pm, Union 212
March 1-12:
Last two weeks to meet
with your PILOTS
advisor to receive points
toward your lab grade
(go to Holton 101 to
make an appointment)
Monday, March 8:
PILOTS scholarship
applications due
March 15-19:
Spring Break
Monday, March 22:
Last day to drop a class
February 2010
PILOTS Scholarships
Dear students: Welcome to the PILOTS Program and to Kansas State University.
Complete applications are due by 5pm, Monday, March 8.
We hope that you have acclimated to college life and that your courses are going
well. The PILOTS staff is here to assist you and watch you take off and soar in your
Pick up an application from Holton 101 or Bluemont 116.
personal and academic growth. We encourage you to meet our staff, let us get to
know you, and take advantage of our academic support services. Work hard, try your
Read ALL application materials carefully.
best, maintain your personal values, and use the resources available to you in
PILOTS. We hope to see many of you receive recognition awards for your academic
Work on your application:
achievement, leadership, involvement in the community as well as making progress
 Meet with your PILOTS advisor – they can help you!
on your studies. May this be the beginning of a successful year for all of you.
 Attend a scholarship workshop
- Feb. 18, 8:30pm, Union 213
- Feb. 24, 4:30pm, Union 212
 Ask an instructor, PILOTS advisor, or someone who knows you
well to write a letter of reference for you
 Write, re-write, and re-vise your essay(s)
Submit your application to Rebeca Paz in Holton 101 by March 8:
 Application Form
 Essay
 Double-check with the person submitting a letter of reference for
you to make sure s/he has sent it in (or include a copy).
These scholarships are available only to students in the PILOTS
Program. Don’t sell yourself short! Someone will win the scholarship
money…why shouldn’t the winner be you?
Please be courteous to others –
Show up on time to PA appointments or advisor meetings or cancel if necessary!
To cancel, please call:
PILOTS Lab  785-532-6403 Holton 101  785-532-6492
Visit www.universitylifecafe.org - a website by and for K-State students!
 Students, faculty, and experts contribute helpful information so that
you can learn about personal questions in a confidential manner.
 Click on “BOOKSHELF” to find information about test anxiety,
relationships, stress, nutrition, depression, and many other topics.
 Click on “DISCUSSIONS” to read about real experiences K-State
students are having – you can even share or ask for advice!
 Click on “BREW” to see videos, poetry, artwork, and more.
Meritorious Performance Awards
Brian Aumiller
Trenise Boston
Orrin Breckenridge
Sheldon Burton
Paul Cannon
Mary Jackson
Jordon Kosechequetah
Reyna Lay
Sasha Moore
Matt Pettersen
Candace Reyes stands out for her hard work and dedication to her
studies. She is polite, inquisitive, and excels academically while
holding a job. She has a great attitude toward learning, is always
engaged in class, completes her assignments thoroughly, submits
her work in a timely manner, and does well on exams. Candace is a
conscientious student who works hard to really learn the material.
She has a true joy and appreciation for learning and applying it to
her life. She has a great deal of respect for all her classmates, and
she lifts them up to help them feel successful as well.
Emily Twitchel is a student that goes the extra mile. Emily always
brings a positive attitude to class, and it is contagious! Her
classmates have a great deal of respect for her, because she is
always helping others. Emily is always sure to ask questions and
work hard on assignments. She is able to reach out and help her
peers, and always has a smile. Her work is always very thoughtful
and of highest quality. Emily is the kind of student that every class
member and instructor wants in class!
Three questions you should NEVER ask your instructor:
(1) Did I miss anything in class?
Not only will you insult your instructor with this question, but you’ll
also make yourself look bad. Instructors do their best to plan
useful, interesting classes, and this question gives the impression
that you think class is just a waste of time. Always go to class.
If you are seriously ill or cannot attend class for an unavoidable
reason, ask a classmate what you missed. You can also make an
appointment to meet with your instructor (or go in during office
hours) and ask, “What did I miss in class?”
(2) Can I just do extra credit to make up the points?
If you haven’t turned in all of your homework, asking for extra credit
is like asking instructors to create and grade assignments just for
you. Take advantage of the assignments they’ve already created
first, and then ask for additional work if you’re simply trying to
understand the course material better.
(3) Is this for a grade?
As you may have heard before, college is not the 5th year of high
school. Instructors assign work and textbook readings to help you
learn material – not to keep track of everything you do. What you
put into college directly affects what you’ll get out of it.
More PA Subjects:
Did you know that PAs can
help with more than math,
writing, public speaking,
sociology, and psychology?
Check out all of these other
subjects PAs help with!
American Ethnic Studies
Cultural Anthropology (Intro)
CIS 101, 102, 103
English courses
Human Development
Geology – Earth in Action
Geology – Natural Disasters
Human Nutrition
Political Science
Women’s Studies
To sign up for one of these
subjects, go to the PILOTS lab
in Bluemont 116 and look for
the yellow sheet by the PA
sign-up binders. The yellow
sheet will tell you which PA to
sign up for (and in which
Questions? Ask Melissa!
to these PILOTS students for their
recent accomplishments!
Connie Fitzpatrick, artist.
Connie’s displayed a collection of
her paintings in the K-State Union
art gallery early in January.
Reyna Lay, honors student.
Reyna applied for and was
accepted into the K-State Honors
Program this Spring semester.