Sponsored Awards Summary Report The Sponsored Awards Summary Report displays Research Administration System (RAS) billing and payment information as well as Budget Balance and Net Position Balance. What can I learn from the Sponsored Awards Summary Report? • Displays RAS billing and payments • Displays the Budget Balance and Net Position Balance • Displays totals by Award-Project-Activity Period and can be run by Activity Through Date (from inception through the date selected) • Can only be run for Sponsored Awards • You can search for Awards by Award/Parent ID, Project, Dept ID, and/or PI/Manager Report Date FIlter Choose an Activity Through Date from the drop down menu. Your report will include information from Sponsored Award(s) inception through the date chosen. 3. Choose Display Options (optional). Default is to display both Budget Balance and Net Position Balance. a. Uncheck Show Budget Balance b. Uncheck Show Net Position Balance 4. Use the search boxes to populate the Award-Activity Periods a. Enter search terms in any of the available search field boxes (Award/Parent ID, Project, Dept ID, or PI/Manager). When you begin entering the search term, valid matches display using typeahead functionality. Select a value from the list by clicking it then proceed to Step 5. 5. Add the results of the selected search term a. Click the Add button to enter all results based on the search term into the Award-Activity Periods box (e.g. if you enter a PI and click the Add button, all Award-Activity Periods related to that PI which match the criteria set in Report Specific Filters 1 and 2 are entered in the filter box). Report Specific Filters 1. Choose to Include Inactive AwardActivity Period (optional). Default is to exclude Inactive Award-Activity Periods. 2. Choose additional options for Project-Activity Period (optional). Default is to exclude Pending Project-Activity Periods. a. Check the box to Include Inactive Project-Activity Periods *Note: Active/inactive is based on the current status of the Project-Activity Period, not on the Report Dates selected b. Check the box to Include Pending Project-Activity Periods c. Check both boxes to include both Inactive and Pending Rev. 5/29/2015 b. Since all results based on the added filter are automatically entered into the Award-Activity Period box, you may need to remove any unwanted projects to complete your report grouping. To do this, select by clicking the item(s) (CTRL + Click to select multiple) and then clicking the Remove button. Repeat this step as necessary to remove all unwanted Award-Activity Periods prior to running the report. • Repeat steps 4 and 5a to add results from multiple searches. When complete, use step 5b to remove unwanted results from the list and build the required report group of Awards on which to run your report. MyReports Job Aid Page 1 of 2 Sponsored Awards Summary Report Report Output Selection Tips & Tricks 1. Make your desired Report Output Selection a. Default is On Screen HTML which displays in new window/tab • Active/Inactive Project-Activity Period is based on the current status of the Project-Activity Period, not on the Report Date Filter values entered. For example, if you run a report today for an Activity Through Date of one year ago, the Project-Activity Periods included will be based on their status today not on their status one year ago. b. You can also choose PDF or Excel download from the report view 2. Click the Run Report button • Click an underlined blue link to see additional detail in the Transaction Detail Report (TDR) in a new tab/window • Within MyReports, positive and negative signs have been “normalized.” Figures within brackets, e.g. (6,888) are considered unfavorable results (subtract from balance) and those not in brackets are considered favorable results (add to balance). • UPlan (Hyperion) data is not available in Faculty Portfolio reports Working in the Report View • You can change your report display to include/exclude Budget Balance, Net Position Balance, or both by checking/unchecking the desired checkbox(es) and then clicking the Update button. • Sponsored Awards with a zero balance as of June 30, 2013 were not converted to the new Chart of Accounts and are not available in Faculty Portfolio Reports. Use WebLinks if you need financial information on these awards. • For easier navigation, close your browser tabs/windows (usually the result of drilling through to another report) when you have completed reviewing and/or exporting the information Additional Information & Assistance Rev. 5/29/2015 • Additional information about MyReports including how to request access, training and contact information can be found on the Controller’s Office Website (http://controller.ucsf.edu/fin_reports/) • If you require help with a technical problem, or have a question about a specific report, please contact the Controller’s Office Solution Center at COSolutioncenter@ucsf.edu or 415.476.2126 • To stay informed about MyReports news, be sure to join the MyReports ListServ by following the directions on the MyReports Contacts page of the Controller’s Office Website (http://controller.ucsf.edu/fin_reports/contact.asp) MyReports Job Aid Page 2 of 2