Gift & Endowment Income Report – Job Aid MYR-203e

Gift & Endowment Income Report – Job Aid
What is the Gift and Endowment Income Report?
The report allows you to view Restricted Gifts, Unrestricted Gifts, and Endowment
income across Business Units. The report displays transfer activity between the
Foundation and the Regents by leveraging Pair logic. Pair Logic identifies when the
same Project is used in recording activity across all Business Units (BU).
 The Account and Fund fields are not available for selection in the Chartstring
Filter page to ensure all applicable rows of data are retrieved in the report.
What can I learn from the Gift and Endowment Income Report?
 The report allows you to view the beginning and ending net position by Project
and clearly identifies transactions related to transfers between the Foundation
and the Regents Business Units.. (Refer to the Net Position Report job aid MYR203c for more detailed information on the calculation of net position).
 Select from MyFavorites and Save as MyFavorite are available.
 Transfer amounts are displayed under the Transfer from Foundation Revenue or
Expense column headings.
Report Specific Filters
Transfer from the Foundation BU is recorded as Expense
Transfer received by Regents BUs is recorded as Revenue
 The report can only be run for Restricted and Unrestricted Gifts and Endowment
Income which are identified by the following Funds:
7000 - Private Restricted Gifts
7100 - Private unrestricted Gifts
7700 - Endowment Income, Foundation
7710 - Endowment income, Regents
 The Fund Selection defaults to specific Funds for Gifts and Endowments to include
in the report. Fund codes can be deselected individually as needed.
 The Show All selection is defaulted to display both positive and deficit net
position in the report. The report can also be run to display Positive Project net
position or deficit Project net position only.
Report Filters
 The Report Date Range for this report can be changed – either by Month and
Year, or by Quarter. If you select Quarter, the Report Date Range will be
automatically updated to reflect the quarter, or quarters, selected.
 All BUs (Business Units) are selected by default. You may unselect a BU that you
do not wish to include in the report; however this will limit visibility of projects
shared by a BU not selected.
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Tips & Tricks
 Provides drill-through capability on Transfer from Foundation, Revenues,
Expenses and Other Changes to display transaction detail for further analysis.
 Transfers not related to Gifts and Endowments are totaled under the Other
Changes column of the report i.e. transfers within the Campus.
 Uses Pair Logic (Same Project on both sides of the transaction) to view transfer
activity between the Foundation SFFDN and Regent BUs.
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Gift & Endowment Income Report – Job Aid
 Transfers between the Foundation SFFDN and Regents BUs are shown as an
Expense to the Foundation and Revenue to the Regents. The amounts shown in
the Foundation Transfer columns can be clicked on to drill-through to view the
transaction detail behind the amount.
 Run the report by Parent/Award ID and select the Award sort option to see any
roll-up relationships between the parent project and sub-projects.
 Run the report by Project Manager/PI and select the Project Manager sort option
to see any roll-up relationships between the Project Manager and Projects
 Sort options are available to further modify the report view. Use of the Sort 1
option to group by Project Award or Project Manager. The data is then sorted
and subtotaled by Project.
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Gift & Endowment Income Report – Job Aid
 By selecting the “Show Liens” checkbox, and then clicking the Update
button, additional columns are added to the report: the Liens column
and the Projected Total with Liens column.
 The Liens column displays any outstanding lien amounts for the
chartstring. The Projected Total with Liens column subtracts the lien
amount from the Net Position End of Period amount to calculate a new
projected total. You can click on the Lien amount to drill through to the
transaction detail.
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